2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Marketing Audit of Bavarian Motor Works (BMW): Analytical Essay

Assessment question: Analyse marketing audit and its usefulness. Using SWOT framework conduct a basic marketing audit of Nando`s (or any other organization of your choice) analysing its environment, current marketing performance and strategy. (LO2-40%) The company selected for this project is Bavarian Motor Works, otherwise known as BMW.In this report includes a swot analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats). BMW is a German multinational company that produces automobiles and motorcycles. The company was founded in 1916 as a manufacturer of...
5 Pages 2478 Words

Strategic Evaluation and SWOT Analysis of General Motors

Introduction 1.1 Introduction to Report The following report is a strategic analysis of the American Company named called General Motor Company. This report contains the strategic analysis company’s profit and risk factors determining internal and external factors. This report is a research of the company’s overall information and the strategy to overcome their challenges and sustain in the market. There are three parts in this report, in the first part, it contains Introduction to strategy, Introduction to General Motors and...
5 Pages 2407 Words

The Role of Cost Accounting in Etihad Airways: Analytical Essay

Introduction The research study seeks to explore the role of cost accounting in the Etihad Airways. The research methodology chapter helps in identifying the adopted tools and techniques by the researcher to gather the essential information and data for a purpose of analyzing the given research topic. The research methodology chapter allows the reader to evaluate the nature of the entire research study (Mackey & Gass, 2015). The main goal of cost accounting is to maintain accurate and up-to-date product...
5 Pages 2439 Words

Functions and Importance of Internal Control for the Regular Activities of any Business: Analytical Essay

Executive Summary The concerned study focuses on the functions and importance of internal control on the regular activities of any business. In this regards, the key difference between internal control on financial records and internal control has been identified. The key beneficiaries of public reporting on internal control have been highlighted in the study along with its key benefits. Moreover, discussion has been made if the process is required for the companies of Australia. In addition to this, the effects...
6 Pages 2555 Words

Crisis of Civilization: Analysis of Environmental Catastrophe, Energy Depletion, Food Shortages, Economic Instability and Terrorism

Introduction What was first initially viewed as an ideal place to live has now come confronted with a noteworthy crisis. This crisis is known as the Crisis of Civilization. This paper will investigate the five crises discussed including environmental catastrophe, energy depletion, food shortages, economic instability and lastly, terrorism as well as what things have changed and has stayed the same. Though some things have been improved overtime, I will agree that neoliberalism is causing a crisis of civilization and...
6 Pages 2623 Words

Employee Relation Laws in India: Case Study of Violence in Workplace

Introduction Workplace violence is violence or the threat of violence against workers. It can occur at or outside the workplace and can range from threats and verbal abuse to physical assaults and homicide, one of the leading causes of job-related deaths. However, it manifests itself, workplace violence is a growing concern for employers and employees nationwide. Workplace violence refers to incidents where workers are abused, threatened or assaulted, either by people from within or outside their workplace. Workplace violence may...
6 Pages 2644 Words

Argumentative Essay: Advocating the Abolition of Sex Work Will Not Stop Prostitutes Being Stigmatized

Prostitution is one of the most acute problems of modern society. Despite formal prohibitions and various measures aimed at combating illegal prostitution, it is quite widespread. The turnover of the commercial sex market is billions of dollars, and it employs millions of people. Sex work is the primary source of income for some adults in most countries of the world in the 21st century. While estimates of the number of adults selling sex services require careful methodological approach, and also...
6 Pages 2746 Words

Activity of Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda: Analytical Essay

Introduction This essay will look into how Al-Qaeda were founded, and how did the founder of this extremist movement get radicalised, what links does this group have? Do Al-Qaeda still pose a threat to the western economy. Thesis When was Al-Qaeda founded, and by whom, also why were they founded and what’s in store for their future? Al Qaeda or the Arabic annunciation is Al-Qa’idah which also translates to (“The Base”) is a militant Islamist group that was founded by...
6 Pages 2701 Words

Critical Analysis of Long-term Effects of the Transatlantic Slave Trade on Africa

The Transatlantic Slave trade, occurring between the sixteenth to the nineteenth century, in Africa produced centuries of exploitation of Africa’s human resources and raw materials in exchange for the growth and prosperity of the West. This exploitative trade system established destructive impacts and has radically impaired the potential and ability for Africa to prosper economically and maintain its social and political stability. The interconnectedness between the slave trade and Africa’s current (under)development can be seen in ongoing factors that impact...
6 Pages 2584 Words

Analytical Essay on Workplace Violence: Crime Prevention Plan

Crime prevention plan Employees at a major hospital face victimisation by patients as well as the general public. Occasionally patients or concerned family and friends become aggressive and hostile toward hospital staff. The hospital needs a crime prevention plan to help protect hospital staff and patients from victimisation. Introduction and Background While workplace violence affects virtually all areas and categories of employees, health workers are more at risk. Ironically, helping people at risk and providing health to others becomes a...
5 Pages 2505 Words

Research Essay on Effectiveness of the Counter-insurgency Strategies Used by the US and NATO to Fight against the Taliban

Research Essay Assess the effectiveness of the counter-insurgency strategies used by the US and NATO in Afghanistan between 2001-2014. What lessons can be drawn to improve counter-insurgency strategy in the future? The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 on the World Trade Centre towers and the Pentagon shook the world from the heart of New York. The unprecedented lethality caused and the coordination of events on that day redefined terrorism. Yet, it also left the United States of America (US)...
5 Pages 2292 Words

Balance between Individual Rights and Public Health: Analytical Essay

Introduction: The Interplay of Individual Rights and Public Health Throughout the years, various epidemics, pandemics and diseases have affected the world and when they occur, citizens demand and expect the government to eradicate the disease, prevent and minimise its spread. This is where public health thrives, it may be defined as the protection of individuals health and well-being through the duties and powers of a state for the greater good of the public. It is, however not, an excuse for...
5 Pages 2282 Words

Quantum Mechanics and Emergence of Quantum Theory: Analytical Essay

Introduction Until the end of the 19th century, physics was able to expalin the mechanic, acoustic and thermal phenomena by Newton’s Laws and electric, magnetic and optics by Maxwell’s Equations at the macroscopic scale. Even though these two great phenomena showed separation between wave-like behavior and corpuscular character of matter, some observations could not be explained by classical physics while some of them, like emission, radiation etc., disproved the separation between particle and field. Physics had to be rebuilt, leading...
5 Pages 2482 Words

Study of Laws of Simple Pendulum Motion to Teach About Simple Harmonic Motion

Abstract Simple harmonic motion is the motion of a body travels back and forth over a fixed path, returning to each position and velocity after a certain interval of time. A simple pendulum definitely can be used to demonstrate simple harmonic motion. The objectives of this assignment are to investigate the relationship between length of the simple pendulum and the period as well as determine the frequency of a simple pendulum and build a pendulum wave. A simple pendulum can...
5 Pages 2438 Words

Physical Therapy Management for Colles Fracture Following Cast Removal with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Complication: A Case Report

Abstract: Background and purpose: Colles' fracture is one of the most common types of forearm fractures that usually result in form falling in an outstretched hand. Females are susceptible more than males for this type of injury due to history of osteoporosis. Stable fractures are usually managed with cast. The purpose of this study is to emphasize on the key role of physiotherapy and describe a comprehensive rehabilitation program for colles fracture following cast removal. Case description: 61 years old...
5 Pages 2410 Words

Infant and Toddler Development and Programming Materials: Analytical Essay

Name of Learning Material(s): Sensory Pillow (Different texture fabrics and materials) Age Group: 12 to 18 Months Description of learning materials and anticipated use: My learning material is a sensory pillow, that is stuffed with three different materials, inside so the child can feel and explore the materials in and on the outside of the pillow. The material that is used in the stuffing is, regular pillow stuffing for the first half, beads for the second half that are sealed...
5 Pages 2398 Words

Portrayal of Women in T. S. Eliot’s Poems with Special Reference to the Themes of Oppression, Satire and Myth: Analysis of The Waste Land

Abstract There is a gap of over ninety years between the advent of T. S. Eliot as a major poet and the literature of our own time. An approach to Eliot at the end of twentieth Century might lead one to believe that Eliot is now out dated, that he belongs to the twenties and that the intellectual, emotional and spiritual tendencies of that period were different from our own. But it would be helpful to remember that relevance of...
5 Pages 2424 Words

Book Report on The Chosen by Chaim Potok

Key Facts about: Full Title: The Chosen Author: Chaim Potok When Written: from 1960 to 1967 in Philadelphia, Israel, and Brooklyn Where Written: The United States of America When Published: in 1967 Genre: a coming-of-age novel Setting, time, and place: June 1944, Williamsburg, a part of Brooklyn. Point of View: The story is told from Reuven Malter's point of view Title (in italics) + explanation in keywords (about 20-30 words). The Chosen: Jews; chosen by God; Danny; is chosen to...
5 Pages 2350 Words

Summaries of Short Stories: Araby, Bellflower, The Bet, The Elephant’s Child, The Gift of Magi

1. Araby. By:- James Joyce (1883-1941) Summary:- The boy lives with his auntie and uncle on a rather quiet or road in Dublin, in a house in which resided a priest (who has died) . The kid is inspired and to some degree perplexed by the mildew-covered books, an authentic sentiment, a devout tract, and a criminologist life account, and different notices of the past occupant. The activity of the story starts with the kids' amusements, played in the paths...
5 Pages 2344 Words

Theme of The Dead by James Joyce and Things Fall Apart by Chinua: Comparative Analysis

The novel, The Dead by James Joyce begins with the character, Gabriel and his wife, Gretta arriving at an annual dinner party. At this party, Gabriel has different encounters with several different people. Throughout The Dead, themes begin to reveal themselves, jealousy and masculinity/male pride, as well as anti-nationalism, death, and women. The second novel I will be looking at is Things Fall Apart, which is a book by Chinua Achebe that is about a man named Okonkwo who is...
5 Pages 2488 Words

Representation of Human Experiences in “The Flowers”: Analytical Essay

Texts and Human Experiences Textual mechanisms are utilised by composers in attempt to mimic the social conformities which not only impede the individual’s strive for happiness but also the quintessential behaviourisms of that person through the manifestation of their own personal experiences, as a reflection of not only their contexts, but the inconsistencies, paradoxes and anomalies of individuals or the collectives they pertain to. The person is stripped of their individuality and thus is merely a representation of the societal...
5 Pages 2442 Words

Impact of Vaccination on Toddlers' Health: Analytical Essay

​When it comes to the health of toddlers, you wish nothing but for a healthy child. One of the biggest controversies in this generation within toddlers is whether we should immunize our children. Immunizations or vaccinations not only protect adults from infectious disease but also children “by introducing a vaccine into the body that triggers an immune response” (Immunize Immunization Canada, 2018). As toddlers are still developing, so are their immune systems. According to Allison Kempe, vaccinations are recognized as...
6 Pages 2670 Words

Critical Analysis of the Passage from the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri

Identify and comment in detailed analytical manner on the content and style of the passage. Your commentary should follow the text sequentially, and you need to indicate in the margin the line number of the verse(s) under discussion. For Dante, the relevance of the extract to the canto to which it belongs should emerge from your analysis, which should also be enriched, where appropriate, by reference to the Purgatorio or the Paradiso as a whole. An essay or a paraphrase...
6 Pages 2588 Words

Why are There Fewer Serial Killers in This Decade Than Others? Essay Example

Most people assume they were born this way, with the instinct to kill; but that's not true, genetics, environment and trauma can all be factors in making a murderer. For example, most serial killers experience some sort of trauma as a child which can cause a huge impact in their adulthood. Different types of trauma can be linked to the 4 types of serial killers visionary, mission-oriented, hedonistic and power. Researcher Abbie Maroon worked with ex-FBI profiler Joe Navarro to...
6 Pages 2588 Words

The Welfare of Animals During Translocation for Conservation

Despite continuous efforts and advancements in recent years, animal conservation translocation remains to have a variable degree of success, in terms of projects that have run without complications and death of the animals. By comparing articles and reports of translocations alongside the five domains model of animal welfare, it can easily be demonstrated that wild animal transport and the release of animals can challenge all five animal welfare needs. The foreign environment can have a significant impact on the physical...
6 Pages 2617 Words

Green Building with Concrete

The construction industry in Tanzania includes transportation infrastructures, real estates, and civil works, including water supply. According to the Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the Construction industry contributed 13.6% to Tanzania’s GDP during 2015, reaching almost USD6b. From 2016 to 2017 the government of Tanzania had budgeted TZS5.47t, which is to 25.4% of the total budget, excluding public debt service, for infrastructure development projects. As seen it is a big industry not only in Tanzania but also all over...
5 Pages 2430 Words

Reflective Student’s Perspective on College Experiences

College is an important path that adults need to consider taking in their life. Considering one’s culture, beliefs, and environment, people will see college as a need or a want. Transitioning into college without any prior knowledge is stressful which can cause the person to not go to college. This essay will be covering a student’s perspective on her college experiences. The positive and negative factors that she had to overcome will show how she developed as a student and...
6 Pages 2596 Words

Geochemistry- Geochemical Water Quality Report

A hypothesis within this report is proven correct concerning a correlation between higher mineral levels in bottled water than in tap water in London. The data is presented in many tables in the attached document, these tables are presenting constituent minerals, water hardness’s in 16 bottled water samples and London tap water, molarities of specific samples and minerals. Measurements of elements in tap water in various locations in London were undertaken via the use of a mass spectrometer. An analysis...
5 Pages 2417 Words

Psychoanalytic and Person-Centred Therapy

This statement 'Every counseling theory's view of human nature, key concepts, therapeutic goals, and intervention strategies are closely connected to one another” reveals how these 4 components are intertwined for the formation of each counseling theories respectively. Human nature – Sigmund Freud has a pessimistic view on humans such that they are void of any potentials (Marković, 2014). This view was mainly influenced by his traumatic childhood during World War 1 and the post-Darwin period (Human Nature-Scientific, 2018). Humans are...
5 Pages 2352 Words

Evolution of Democracy and Its Merits and Demerits

Democracy means people-power or rule by the people. The idea came from the ancient Greeks who combined the words demos (people) and krates (rule) to create the term. The term is typically used in the context of a form of government in which all the citizens have a vote. In a democratic government, the people's views influence the laws and decisions made by the government. The development of democracy can be traced back to ancient times, particularly to ancient Greece....
5 Pages 2259 Words
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