2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

National Security: What it is

National security is defined in international law that the concept of national security develops with the emergence of the first state, e.g. through social and economic change from the first human society in the slave society. In theory, the concept was applied to early cultural societies that had ancient (but long-lasting) systems of social justice and military hunting programs. This equipment protected members of the original communities, their territory, property, and food resources. The security measures of the day were...
6 Pages 2522 Words

Harm Reduction Techniques Used in the Management of Drug Dependent Persons

The number of drug dependent persons in Nigeria has continued to be on the increase as observed by the number of clients who visit the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency centers for treatment and rehabilitation. Efforts by the Nigeria police force, offices of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, Civil defence, customs and other law enforcement agencies to curb drug use have proved abortive. Most youths in the universities have subscribed to the use and abuse of drugs to an...
5 Pages 2360 Words

Essay About Climate Change and Business and Government Initiatives

Climate change is known as a major problem that is long term in the world with massive and permanent ramifications. Over the years, the climate has changed drastically due to natural processes, but in the last 100 years, these changes have accelerated more than any such changes the planet has seen in the recorded history of mankind. The primary reason for global warming is the “greenhouse effect”. It is said that human activity is one of the dominant causes of...
5 Pages 2469 Words

Piezoelectric Powered Sidewalk as an Alternative Source of Electricity

The cost of producing and distributing electricity from depletable energy resources continues to grow more and more expensive over the years. In connection to this, the use of renewable energy can greatly contribute to a cleaner environment and a good alternative source of electricity. Collecting energy from vibration or pressure is possible because of the element called piezoelectric. Piezoelectricity is the electric charge that accumulated on the bending of transducers in response to applied mechanical stress. This study aims to...
5 Pages 2490 Words

Genetic Diversity of the Coral Reef System in the Pacific Region

There are few misconceptions about what are corals? Are they plants? Or are they animals? Coral reef are the rain forests of the sea. It is the most biologically diverse marine ecosystem, yet they only cover a small portion of the ocean floor and many of their inhabitants remain a mystery. The number of invertebrate species that live in the coral reefs is estimated to range from 1 to 10 million, many of which are still unknown and not yet...
5 Pages 2394 Words

Argumentative Essay on Gentrification: The Positive and Negative Impacts of Gentrification

Gentrification is the complex social process by which large amounts of money and investment, pour quickly into lower income communities. Thus, leading to the displacement of many longstanding residents and local independent businesses. The effects of this process can be observed across almost every major city in The United States a prime example being, New York City. When New York comes to context, “the capital of the world” comes to mind, New York however is not what it used to...
6 Pages 2649 Words

The Picture of Dorian Gray': The Conflict Between Aestheticism and Morality

Oscar Wilde prefaces his novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, with a reflection on art, the artist, and the utility of both. After careful scrutiny, he concludes: “All art is quite useless”. In this one sentence, Wilde encapsulates the complete principles of the Aesthetic Movement popular in Victorian England. That is to say, real art takes no part in molding the social or moral identities of society, nor should it. Art should be beautiful and pleasure its observer, but to...
6 Pages 2673 Words

The Floodplain Management Services (FPMS) Program

Abstract Management and preparedness of an emergency is essential in mitigation of possible effects of natural disasters. In aquatic regions, hazard reduction depends on assessment of geographic and natural factors. Even though risk prevention and resilience are connected they are not similar since the former is a pre-disaster strategy that helps accomplish the latter. Resilience increases the capability of accommodating changes in a community. Modern emergency management has taken a multidimensional approach in reducing vulnerability to risks, eliminating the effects...
5 Pages 2265 Words

How Occupy Wall Street Changed Us

Ten years ago, on November 15, Occupy Wall Street was pepper-sprayed into the night by a squadron of police officers who helped shovel the tents, books, and placards left by activists into a fleet of sanitation trucks. A messy, motley, and spirited demonstration, Occupy started as a march of some 2,000 people in lower Manhattan that mushroomed to approximately 1,000 similar protests across the country. It seized enough media coverage to appear like a moment in the making, as it...
5 Pages 2260 Words

The Relationship Between Mary Poppins, Socialism and Feminism

In the following essay it will be explored the lengths women had to go through in order to rise their role in the social, political and economical life so that they could obtain or try to reach a similar status as men; the reason why women feel to fight against law will be explained in the upcoming paragraphs. It will be also examined the stereotypical behaviour of men and women through the ages, starting from the Ancient Romans up to...
5 Pages 2319 Words

Impact of Media on Tourism

As opined by Cheng (2016), the tourism industry over the years had emerged as one of the most important industries of the world on the score of the economic contribution that it makes towards the national economies of diverse nations. For example, the net revenue generated by the concerned industry in the year 2016 was more than $7.6 trillion while registering a growth rate of more than 7% which is way higher than the other industries. Schweinsberg, Darcy and Cheng...
5 Pages 2399 Words

Gentrification as a Product of Globalization

Gentrification is a product of Globalization. But, what even is Globalization? According to Richard C. Longworth in Caught in the Middle, us, Hoosiers don’t even know what it is - let alone have a working understanding of the concept. Globalization by definition is the “connection of different parts of the world resulting in the expansion of international cultural, economic, and political activities” (National Geographic, 2012). Globalization is the idea of the exchange of information or resources. Globalization can present itself...
5 Pages 2291 Words

Deconstruction Theory: Its Importance in Law

Commonly known as inversion of hierarchy theory, this theory was put forward by Jacques Derrida which gave rise to a seismic shift in critical thought. Jacques Derrida introduced the concept of ‘deconstruction’ in his book Of Grammatology, published in France in 1967 and translated into English in 1976. ‘Deconstruction’ became a banner for the advance guard in American literary studies in the 1970s and 80s, scandalising departments of English, French, and comparative literature. Deconstruction rejected the project of modern criticism:...
5 Pages 2277 Words

Estrangement and Its Role on Tolstoy’s Mission of Social Reform

There were indeed a great number of things that made Leo Tolstoy such a relevant figure in the literary tradition. He was deeply interested in politics and social issues of 19th-century Russia, including class struggles and issues regarding the rights and freedoms of the serfs. Later in his life, Tolstoy partially renounced his luxurious lifestyle, naming his wife as keeper of the state and thus proclaiming his deep commitment and support for the social reform he so viewed as necessary....
5 Pages 2435 Words

A Study on ‘Religious Tourism’ With Reference to Arba’een in Iraq

This paper analyzes the concept of ‘pilgrim tourism’ with reference to the occasion of Arbaeen and the great walk associated with it, which has continued for the past 1400 years despite all odds. It also looks at the exchange of socio cultural experiences of the tourist who travel form India. This paper also makes an attempt to explore the economic aspects of Arbaeen and how Indian tour operators and SME can benefit from the business opportunities available during the period...
6 Pages 2661 Words

Individual Resurrection from a Collective Death in The Wasteland

In his seminal poem “The Wasteland,” T.S. Eliot vividly externalizes what he perceives to be a very internal death of pandemic proportions. Calling upon a vast catalogue of religion, classical writings, music and art, the work depicts an entire Western culture virtually dead spiritually in the wake of World War I. Some are aware of their death yet many are not, moving about numbly in a world without any true resonance or meaning. The grim diagnosis presented by Eliot is...
6 Pages 2606 Words

The Jungle': Muckraking the Meat-Packing Industry

Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle to expose the appalling working conditions in the meat-packing industry. His description of diseased, rotten, and contaminated meat shocked the public and led to new federal food safety laws. Before the turn of the 20th century, a major reform movement had emerged in the United States. Known as progressives, the reformers were reacting to problems caused by the rapid growth of factories and cities. Progressives at first concentrated on improving the lives of those living...
5 Pages 2509 Words

Use of Risk Management in Civil Engineering

The person who applies science, mathematics, economics, social and practical knowledge to, design, manufacture and maintain buildings, materials, machines, chemicals, electronic devices, software and etc can be called as Engineers. Engineering which is a branch of science; always cares about the applications. So hazards are very common in this engineering field. Each engineering fields has different types of hazards. Many engineering fields only consists small amount of risks whereas some engineering fields consists large amount of risks. Civil engineering, Mechanical...
6 Pages 2562 Words

Death and The King's Horseman': Elesin as an Aristotelian Tragic Hero

As in other plays, reflecting a specific culture, “Death and the King’s Horseman” has kept close to religious and traditional issues, but it has shaped culture into a great tragedy. Aristotle defines tragedy in his book poetics as: A tragedy is the imitation of an action that is serious and also, as having magnitude, complete in itself; in appropriate and pleasurable language embellished with each kind of artistic ornament, the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play;...
5 Pages 2347 Words

Troilus and Cressida': Self-Division and Lack of Self-Knowledge and Measure for Measure

In many ways, Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida and Measure for Measure are examples of his 'problem plays' that are concerned with self-division and lack of self-knowledge. The former play deals with the duality of the characters and it is in the knowledge or lack of knowledge in this duality between the characters which makes it a problem play. Self-division is also implicit in the latter play, where the characters are forced to confront their different natures due to a crisis...
6 Pages 2663 Words

The Causes of the Peloponnesian War

The causes of the Peloponnesian War constitute such a persistent theme in discussions of fifth-century Greek history, in part because of the complexity of the aetiological view of our earliest source, Thucydides. Critics tend to admire Thucydides’ subtle distinction between aitiai es to phaneron legomenai and alethestate prophasis, [but they are generally less comfortable with his formulation of the two sets of causes: one consisting in individual episodes of tension between Athens and Sparta’s allies, particularly Corinth, in the years...
5 Pages 2477 Words

Psychology as an Art and Science of Behavior

Psychology is the art and science of behavior. It is a subject which is not just enclosed in books, but one that lies in the realm of reality, and becomes a part of our everyday life. Human tendency, more often than not is to not look at the flipside of things, but to look at the conventional path endorsed by quintessential beings of the 21st Century which is where the need for positive psychology comes in. Only when people change...
6 Pages 2725 Words

Barbara Kingsolver's Writing Style & Short Biography

The American writer, Barbara Kingsolver is a poet, novelist, and essayist. The political activist was born in Annapolis, Maryland in 1955. Her writings are mainly based on the survival of people in harsh and unreceptive environments. However, she manages to dig out the hidden beauty of life in even such circumstances. Kingsolver dedicates most of her works to environmental concerns and social justice for the people. As she ascribes importance to these subjects, her works often become successful in gaining...
5 Pages 2255 Words

A Lefty Critique of 'The Fountainhead'

What 1950s dystopian novel contained a scene where frustrated factory workers sabotage the machinery to prevent it from falling into the wrong handas? Probably the last book you’d think of is 1957’s Atlas Shrugged by divisive figure Ayn Rand. Trying to classify her novel is hard— it’s a massive, weighty thing, one part sci-fi-mystery-romance, one part shrieking defense of capitalism. While her philosophical ideas never gained serious traction among academics, her novels still sell well— and have been read by...
5 Pages 2287 Words

Depression and Suicidal Ideation in Children: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the Strongest Way to Get Rid of Child Depression

Introduction Title (Cause and Effect Design Map) In sad fact, there are many children who suffer from child depression and suicidal depression which is causing a lot of child deaths each year. As an illustration Webster dictionary defines suicidal as destructive to one’s own interests. Whereas they define ideation as the capacity or the act of forming or entertaining ideas. So with those definitions, suicidal ideation means to have thoughts of suicide. In fact, 2% of preschoolers and school-age children...
5 Pages 2424 Words

Invasive Species: The Impact on the Environment Essay

Exotic organisms cause a great harm to the existing a balanced ecosystem in forests and grasslands. Their devastating effects on ecology have led to long periods of research. However, there has been insufficient research on the impact of invasive plants on ecological associations in native communities (Klopfer, 2009). Their effects on a new environment is that they may perform better in the new conditions and may interfere chemically with the performance of existing native plants (Stinson et al, 2006). When...
5 Pages 2324 Words

Organizational Change Management Practice And Private Business Growth In Nigeria

The study identified change management practice factors and evaluated its influence on the growth of private business in Nigeria. These were with a view to provide information for management policy makers on change management best practice to achieve needed expansion and contribute to the country’s economic growth. The method of data collection was questionnaire to elicit information on change management practice and perceived private business growth in the study area. Data were analysed using appropriate descriptive and inferential statistics. The...
5 Pages 2431 Words

Political Party Vigilantism

Vigilantism means, in the most diffused popular acceptance, to take the law in one’s hands, a sort of do-it-yourself justice when resorting to all other established means fails. Etymologically, to be ‘vigil’ means to be in a constant state of alert, and therefore vigilantism would denote a phenomenon where groups organise in order to detect dangers. The history of political party vigilantism can be traced to the pre and post-independence era and has its roots in the country’s independence movement...
5 Pages 2344 Words

Tom Wolfe’s ‘The Painted Word’ Gets Panned

Tom Wolfe, the prolific journalist and novelist who helped foment the New Journalism movement, died last month at 88. Many of Wolfe’s wide-ranging pieces have become standards in journalism classes for the inventive way he combined in them the style and structure of fiction with meticulous and thorough reporting, whether following Ken Kesey and his band of LSD-tripping Merry Pranksters on their drug-laden travails in The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (1968) or venturing into the subculture of custom cars in...
6 Pages 2637 Words

What does Modernity Mean to You?

Through the course of ‘What is Modernity?’ we have studied several themes that will help us formulate a thought provoking answer to the question, ‘What does Modernity mean to you?’ When we look at the dictionary meaning of the word ‘Modernity’ it can be described as a historical period as well as the ensemble of particular socio-cultural norms, attitudes and practices that arose in the wake of the Renaissance, in the 'Age of Reason' of 17th-century thought, and the 18th-century...
5 Pages 2317 Words
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