2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Overview of the 5G Network

From the very first generation of wireless communication networks, the unprecedented evolution from 1G onwards has immensely impacted our daily lives. This exponential development in the wireless spectrum has transcended our insights (Gul et al., 2016). According to Ott, Himayat and Shipla (2016), Intel’s mission for this decade was “to create and extend computing technology to connect and enrich the lives of every person on earth”. Experts claim that the breakthrough of 4G from 3G emerged earlier than anticipated- prompted...
5 Pages 2459 Words

Review of the Third Chapter of ‘Genesis'

‘Genesis’ is the first book of the Hebrew and Christian canon, and as it sets the scene for the rest of Scripture, its theological importance cannot be overstated. Every Biblical book that follows is to be read through the theological and historical lens offered in its foundational narrative. The subject of this exegetical tract is the third chapter of ‘Genesis'; with significant focus on verse 3:6. Within this text the Biblical author is telling of the temptation of the Woman...
5 Pages 2265 Words

Analysis the Current Scenario of Amazon Through the Information System

Every enterprise and every business exist to attain its goal, both social and business goals. Information system is crucial for the continued existence of any business. Amazon is one of the major E- commerce worldwide with the large number of its customers. Amazon uses information systems in its business processes to gain more advantage through their customer's personal information. Therefore, this report is about how organizations like Amazon use information system as a gadget to obtain its ambitions. The role...
5 Pages 2339 Words

Mystery Shopper as a Particular Form of Observational Research

Observation is a proposed tracking, recording, review and evaluation of attitudes, acts, or events of people. Observational studies provide substantial insights that other methods of data collection do not. Observational approaches shed light on the actions of consumers and workers and can help address questions such as How do customers walk through supermarkets? How do they ingest goods and dispose of them? And how do workers spend their days at work? In order to explain what people are doing rather...
5 Pages 2438 Words

Big Data as the Future of Technology

Big data is the large volumes of data that is used by various companies for their everyday activities and they are predominantly dependent on it for performing their operations smoothly. It would be very difficult for the companies, otherwise impossible, to process any of the functional activities through traditional methods. The term is considered as an art of accessing as well as storing large amount of data that can be helpful in the future for analysis, study, research, decision making...
6 Pages 2578 Words

Depression as a Major Mood Disorder

A mental health disorder characterised by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life. Possible causes include a combination of biological, psychological and social sources of distress. Increasingly, research suggests that these factors may cause changes in brain function, including altered activity of certain neural circuits in the brain. The persistent feeling of sadness or loss of interest that characterises major depression can lead to a range of behavioural and physical symptoms. It...
5 Pages 2436 Words

The Need for a Uniform Civil Code in India

Law is a system of rules that are created and enforced through the social or governmental institution to regulate behaviour. Law is symbolized by goddess Mart a lady justice who has weighed fold in hand indicating that justice should be impartial without and regardless of money, wealth, power and identity. This is a basic principle in Indian Law. India maintains a hybrid legal system including criminal law, civil law, common law and statutory law within legal Framework inherited from the...
6 Pages 2521 Words

Prospects for the Development of South Africa

“Great lines of patient people snaking through the dirt roads of towns and cities, old women who had waited half a century to cast their vote, saying they had felt like human beings for the first time in their lives, White men and women saying they were proud to live in a free country at last..., it was as though we were a nation reborn” - Nelson Mandela, ‘Long Walk to Freedom’. The inauguration of South Africa’s democracy, 25 years...
5 Pages 2293 Words

Analysis of Albert Camus' Idea of the Absurd in the Context of Physicians' Professional Activity

Viktor Frankyl, a holocaust survivor recounts his time in Aushwitz in his book, ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’. He found that while himself and others suffered through one of the greatest tribulations in history, they were still able to find meaning among the suffering and thus were building resilience against ungodly misery. Frankyl believed that by changing one’s attitude of suffering, meaning could be found - “everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human...
5 Pages 2401 Words

Brexit, Donald Trump and the Rise of Populism

Brexit. A word that rolls of the tongue with ease is in fact a heavy, oft-sour topic. The political turmoil caused by a vote passed in 2016 is not going away anytime soon. The media framing of Brexit is polarizing. Citizen discord permeates through social media sites, news outlets, and the streets of cities. The only united front is the frustration at an ongoing struggle with no end in sight. Questions sprout from the foundation of Brexit as quickly as...
5 Pages 2403 Words

Essay on Health Care and Funding for American Veterans

“VA insurance is refusing to pay his surgical bill since the surgery was not performed at a VA hospital and Jason is currently appealing that decision” (Khan, 1). This is a problem majority of veterans may face when needing assistance with bills or money. Veterans’ benefits system has been around ever since the 17th century when pilgrims passed a law to protect citizens who joined the army to protect against Pequot Native Americans. These laws protected any soldier injured or...
6 Pages 2665 Words

Should the Internet Be Regulated? Essay

What would life be without the Internet? Imagine if we could no longer watch recaps of our favorite shows, if we can no longer connect with people on social media, or we can no longer have an online platform to express ourselves. It seems unimaginable, we can say that one who has experience on the Internet may never imagine life without it. Now in contrast, imagine if the Internet is free, if porn sites are as accessible as social media...
5 Pages 2293 Words

Atherosclerosis as a Stress-Induced Disease

In 'Stress: Portrait of a Killer' a documentary by National Geographic goes in depth about how dangerous stress can be. For humans stress is always present. There is always a worry about work, finances, relationships, and other situations that poses a challenge. In most mammals stress is a few minutes of terror in a in a habitat full of predators. Biologist want to understand why humans, apes, and monkeys get more stress related diseases. They have concluded that humans and...
6 Pages 2591 Words

Data Protection and Prevention of Cyber Crime

Cybercrimes are liable for the interruption of ordinary pc features and has been acknowledged to cause the downfall of many organizations and private entities. This research paper ambitions to talk about following aspects of cybercrimes: the definition, why they arise, legal guidelines governing them, strategies of committing cybercrimes, who they affect, and cybercrime prevention tactics. More in particular, this paper will delve into one foremost instance of cybercrime ‘hacking’. The record will show the usage and development of generation has...
5 Pages 2326 Words

Key Triggers of The Birmingham Prison Riot of 2016

The Birmingham prison riot of 2016 has been commonly described as “the worst prison riot seen since the Strangeways riot” (Yorkshirepost.co.uk., 2016) that irrupted in 1990. After the disorder there was a rough estimate of 500 inmates involved as four wings out of a total eleven wings filled into a full-scale riot. It lasted from 12 to 15 hours until negotiations started and the prison was safely under control by authorities. During the over 12 hours of disorder inmates destroyed...
6 Pages 2576 Words

Analyzing the Organizational Behaviors Model of Intel (M) Corporation

According to CEO Brian Krzanich, Intel is known for its corporate culture of meritocracy, which considers employee ability and output. This culture differentiates Intel from competitors, maintains a high-end brand, and influences customers and suppliers to adopt technological efficiency in their mindsets. The following are the main characteristics of Intel’s organizational culture: customer orientation, risk taking, discipline, great place to work, quality, results orientation. Intel is a multinational technology company with its Malaysia main headquarter located in Penang. Intel is...
6 Pages 2744 Words

Role of Cost-Benefit and Cost-Effectiveness in Health Sector

Economics is an age-old social science discipline, which basically deals with production, distribution and consumption of goods, services and service delivery and how society can optimally use its limited resources to achieve its goals. The application of economics to health- related issues started around 30 to 40 years ago. Various health problems like increased cigarette smoking habits in young, limited availability of Retro viral drugs, higher prevalence of obesity and diabetes coupled with very high costs for seeking health care...
6 Pages 2600 Words

eBay and the Big Data Tools

Business organizations across the world today are keen to leverage maximum technological advantages and benefits due to the increasing use and applications of modern internet based technologies and devices by consumers globally. Exponential rise in the applications of technology across all industries and societies has revolutionized the way people communicate and think consequently generating a lasting impact on their life styles. Consumers today are keen to explore millions of products on the internet that they intent to purchase. IT revolution...
5 Pages 2251 Words

Analysis of the Relevance of the Federal System to the Philippines

Since the mobilization of civil society forces to undermine the authoritarian regime under former dictator Ferdinand Marcos, several administrations have proposed amendments to the 1987 Freedom Constitution of the Philippines. It is only justified that there has been a constant rise in public skepticism due to the fact that most interests regarding institutional changes typically serve personal agendas, as observed in the historical dynamics of previous administrations in the country. This is best exemplified in the 1973 Marcos Constitution, which...
5 Pages 2362 Words

Personal Development of Huckleberry Finn in Mark Twain's 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn'

Society has always played a huge role in society and that can be see in the story of ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ written by author Mark Twain. Throughout Huck Finn the main character Huck, undergoes drastic character develop and experiences how much power society holds. He is able to overcome the power that society holds over his morality and develops ideas that fit into moral code. This trend of moral change continues throughout real American history up to the...
6 Pages 2525 Words

LEGO: Road to Success

The strategy and performance of LEGO® has seen many changes over the years it has been operating. This initially family-run business has gone through major fundamental changes which has allowed it to become one of the largest global toy manufacturers with high quality products and strong customer loyalty. Some key changes over time include changes of focus in strategic management, changes of top leadership figures, investments in LEGO® theme parks, advancement from physical products into digital gaming and movie franchises...
6 Pages 2600 Words

Functional MRI to Serve as a Lie Detector: Hit or Miss

In the article written by Patrick Keefe, ‘Can a Brain Scan Tell if You’re Lying?’, Keefe writes about experts that side with fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) and their ability to be used as a lie detector test. The lie detector test would be used in court cases to determine if the offender is guilty or innocent in the crime that was committed. With fMRI still being a work in progress with many more studies needed to be done to...
5 Pages 2255 Words

Social and Economic Inequality in India and South Africa

For the beginning, I would like to define the notion of economic and social inequality, before we move to the main idea of this research. Economic inequality has two meanings: it can either refer to income distribution or wealth distribution among countries. Income distribution and wealth distribution refer to the national income divided among citizens of a country. According to McCarthy (2018), 'social inequality is traditionally defined as the existence of unequal opportunities for different social positions or statuses for...
5 Pages 2262 Words

Tobacco Use Induced Pleasure

Every task we perform in our life has some curiosity hidden inside it, curiosity to experience something new. Unaware of its pros and cons we want to experience it. Once we get a spark of pleasure from that experience it becomes our habit and then slowly that habit becomes our addiction. Everything has developed in its own way in each and every corner of this world may it be science, business or diseases. Yes even diseases have shown development, now...
5 Pages 2429 Words

Main Risks and Benefits of Video Games

Have you ever been so into a video game that you were playing you were literally spaced out of reality? Have you ever played a video game so long that you lost track of time? I know I have on more than one occasion. Have you ever wondered why you get so into a game and almost have to be forced to put a controller down? Doctors have finally figured out of some of the affects that video games have...
6 Pages 2561 Words

Sexual Revolution in the 20th Century

Not for long can the question of sexuality or its morality can be ignored. However one tried to compress but individuals are driven and lead their actions with somewhere or the other a desire for sex. Focus should be exerted on the morality of sexuality and now the changing scenarios In this arena. And not only the various investments but also how are they factored and structure keeping in mind different questions of science, administration, law and economics. The main...
5 Pages 2342 Words

Overview of the Brazilian Economy

Brazil is an upper centre salary country located in South America with a populace of 195 million individuals The Net National Income (NNI) per capita in (2010) was $9,390 – this was well over the upper centre salary normal of $5,884 – can Brazil (one of the BRIC nations) get away from the centre pay trap? Brazil has perhaps the most astounding pace of urbanization on the planet with 87% of the all-out populace living in urban territories compared with...
6 Pages 2521 Words

The Importance of Internal Controls for Company Survival

Internal controls are often overlooked in company planning, and are usually underemployed in businesses. Despite this, internal controls are very important in order for a company to be afloat, and it helps the company to be more efficient and run smoothly. The AICPA defines internal control as the process affected by plan management and other personnel, and those charged with governance and designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the reliability of financial reporting (AICPA, 2014,...
6 Pages 2561 Words

Nursing Home Understaffing in the US: Causes, Consequences, and Coping

Understaffing in nursing homes has increasingly become an issue in the United States with over 90% of nursing homes reporting shortages in staff. This is an issue that effects the patients, families, staff, and the nursing homes as a whole. This creates further health concerns for those involved. Labor costs are often attributed to this issue despite research showing it costs more to understaff. Through research and experimentation, it can be seen there are many solutions to this growing problem....
5 Pages 2311 Words

Impact of Colonialism on Contemporary African Art

“If you don’t know history, then you don’t know anything. You are a leaf that doesn’t know it is part of a tree”, – Michael Crichton. Studying history provides insight and explanations for what is present in today’s society. Colonization is not the only piece of Africa’s history, but it is a major contributor. Studying the history of Africa, pre and post colonialism, provides explanations for how Africa arrived at its present and where it is headed in the future....
6 Pages 2570 Words
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