2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Has the Internet Made Society Better Argumentative Essay

Introduction: The Inevitability of Change and the Role of the Internet Going down memory lane, from our past to our present, from the day we were born up till this very moment, from the Stone ages down to our present day, there is one major affiliation associated with all humans, which is change. Change is the only constant thing in life and among all the attributes involved with the word change, knowledge is the most important. The human brain as...
5 Pages 2527 Words

Service Marketing and Customer Care

In this report will be discussing about products and services marketing, first of all will be different between product and services and how Fayeda Travel and Tourism use services marketing practices to reduce the marketing challenges created by the characteristics. Secondly, we will be providing an advice on enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty in Fayeda Travel and Tourism using process, people and physical evidence and lastly will be the conclusion. Product It is basic for organizations to ensure that they...
5 Pages 2446 Words

Early Tombstones in Islamic Period and Their Connection with the 'Prayer Niche' in Islamic Architecture

Tombstones with mihrab designs from early Islamic times that survived the Hijra period had initially appeared in countries like Iran, Syria, and Egypt. These stone, marble, stucco, or faience plaques were looked upon as Mihrabs or simply as tombstones in certain regions. It is, indeed, difficult to distinguish them, unless an inscription clarifies their purpose beyond any doubt. Since tombstones with mihrab designs were frequently used during Hijra, a period indicating Prophet Muhammad’s migration (622 CE) from Mecca to Medina...
6 Pages 2528 Words

Tralfamadorian Life Philosophy as an Earthling Doctrine

Introduction to Tralfamadorian Philosophy Philosophy of life is an informal concept that varies in meaning among differing societies as well as the individuals within them. In Kurt Vonnegut’s ‘Slaughterhouse Five’, fictional World War II soldier Billy Pilgrim is allegedly abducted by aliens and taken to the planet Tralfamadore where he subsequently learns about Tralfamadorian life philosophy while being held captive. This alien concept interests both Billy and Vonnegut greatly, and both men strive to incorporate it into their lives; however,...
6 Pages 2597 Words

Abraham Lincoln's Major Achievements

Society today has been changing over the years, and in this day and age, we can equally stand together as a nation. Although racism and types of discrmination still occur, society has become more developed and socially aware unlike the times of the civil war. The civil war was a pivotal point in history regarding slavery. It was constantly kicked under the rug until tensions increased. One of the most popular and important politicians that played a huge role is...
5 Pages 2445 Words

China's Stock Market and Its Effects

In today’s world financial assets are very valuable. A financial asset can be described as a liquid asset that gets its value from ownership claim. Examples of financial assets, according to James Chen, include: cash, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and bank deposits (Chen). Imagine not having to work as hard but still being able to bring in a hefty annual income. The easiest way one can multiply their assets is to invest in the stock market. Nowadays there are many...
5 Pages 2443 Words

The Hope That Music Gave Millions

For decades, if not centuries, music has been apart of people’s life and culture. It has been a gateway for some to not only define their identity, but to honor it. Music can serve as a pass time that units one another with similar passions and interests, giving them a sense of belonging. It may also be used to pay homage to their land and heritage. Needless to say, music, regardless of it’s use or outlook, is a lifeline to...
5 Pages 2469 Words

Significance of the Suffrage Movement of the 19th and 20th Centuries for Later Generations

The US Constitution, along with the Bill of Rights, are the primary documents that stipulate the rights of American citizens and the protections they are afforded. Adopted in 1789, the Constitution ensures that “no man should be deprived of his unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. Though it is seen as a perfect opportunity for freedom and democracy, the American Constitution deliberately excluded segments of the population from the liberty the Founders wanted to...
5 Pages 2506 Words

The 14th Amendment to the US Constitution and Racial Discrimination

As citizens of the United States, we have the right to be given “fair procedures” without discrimination under the protection of the 14th amendment. Due process insures every citizen’s right to a fair trial, hearing, and any other procedure needed when convicted of a crime. However, for as long as the 14th amendment has been in existence, there have been countless deaths and cases of racial injustice that have not ensured due process. Today, too many Americans, especially minorities seem...
5 Pages 2528 Words

Case Study of the Juvenile Justice System Functioning

Eearly life experiences influence adult behavior. Criminal behavior is nothing more than copying or learning criminal acts from others. This statement relates to my sisters case the most. Once she started to hang around these friends she started to act differently and do things she has never done before. By using the social learning theory it can become apparent that my sister learned these criminal behaviors by watching her friends do it. How to deal with juvenile offenders. The question...
5 Pages 2419 Words

A Critical Analysis of the Causes of the Civil War of 1861

What led us to the Civil War of 1861? Was it all about slavery? To understand this, we need to go back when the United States of America was created. Throughout all of American history, there has been great division in our political parties, which Ironically is the very thing George Washington warned us about in his farwell address. George Washington warned of “the baneful effects of the spirit of party” in his farewell address. Washington feared the unity will...
5 Pages 2383 Words

Federalism in Comparison to the Commerce Clause and the Taxing and Spending Clause

In regard to basic human rights, life, liberty, education, and freedom of expression often come to mind as a few of mankind’s fundamental entitlements. The United States of America, in particular, prides itself in its ability to be one of the few countries that still allows its citizens to practice many of these rights without fear of persecution or discrimination. Even so, these rights are becoming harder to come by and even more difficult to identify, even in the States,...
5 Pages 2438 Words

Review of the Main Theories Explaining the Crime of Graffiti

“The Future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” (O’Leary & Spring, 2008). An expression of the untrained masses, Graffiti is also known, as street art is an expressive art form that is a reflection of people’s sociological issues of the past, present and near future. A hand of self-expression, such an art is usually in scripted on public surfaces, subways, staircases and areas. The Grove’s Dictionary of Art states that “Graffiti” is derived from a...
6 Pages 2559 Words

Intel's Experience in the Fight Against Specter and Meltdown

Intel Corporation is an American multinational corporation and technology company founded by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore on July 18,1968. It is the world's second largest and second highest valued semiconductor chip manufacturer. Intel invented the x86 series of microprocessors, the processors found in most personal computers even today. Intel supplies processors for computer system manufacturers such as Apple, Lenovo, HP, and Dell. Intel also manufactures motherboard chipsets, network interface controllers and integrated circuits, flash memory, graphics chips, embedded processors...
5 Pages 2292 Words

Gender Stereotyping Christmas Adverts

It’s that time of year again, after a long anticipated wait for the release of this year’s John Lewis and Waitrose Christmas advert, ‘Excitable Edgar’, has finally hit our screens. This funny and heartwarming story for tales an adorable dragon Edgar, who just wants to celebrate Christmas. However, Edgar’s over excitement leads him to be excluded from the village (Barr, 2019). Fear not! His best friend who is compassionate, empathetic and caring, oh! And of course a girl, happening to...
5 Pages 2296 Words

The Importance of Ethical Corporate Culture in Management

A macroeconomic factor that could contribute to Japan’s uncertainty avoidance stems from the fact that Japan is constantly at risk by natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, or typhoons. As a result, the Japanese have learned to prepare for this uncertainty. Natural disasters have an adverse affect on Japan’s economy. In the 1980s, “Japan was the world’s second largest economy” (Dutta & Lawson, 2018) and has been growing since World War II. However, challenges continued as the value of the...
6 Pages 2668 Words

Women's Transition into the Workforce During World War II and Its Aftermath

Prior to World War II women were often restrained to domestics, laundresses, secretaries, and dishwashers, or did not work at all. There were very limited opportunities for them to excel in the professional sphere, for at the time, their work was not vital to the success of the United States. It was not until World War II erupted in 1939 that women would be considered for previously male-dominated professions, such as factory and industrial work. The rapidly expanding American economy...
5 Pages 2353 Words

The Epic of Gilgamesh: A Hero’s Journey

Introduction: The Timeless Tale of Gilgamesh ‘The Epic of Gilgamesh’ significantly studied by global scholars since it’s discovery in the ruins of the Library of Ashurbanipal in 1853 (Dalley, 2008). It is the longest written literature in Akkadian cuneiform that regales about the protagonist, Gilgamesh’s adventures. This epic poem from the ancient Mesopotamian civilization, centres around the infamous king of Uruk, who is, at the beginning of the story, unfit to rule his people but through guidance from the heavenly...
5 Pages 2252 Words

Standard English Vs Singlish

Have you heard of the phrase “same-same, but different”? It is usually used to describe people, situations, or things that are similar in one aspect but different in another. The unique thing about this phrase is that it contains words that contradict themselves but perfectly explain our life experiences. For example, if I was comparing myself against my fellow Chinese-Malay classmate, we are the same but different, in that we are both students and from Singapore but I am pure...
6 Pages 2565 Words

The Period of State Building

The most vital part of living and basis of human life is the ability to survive and adapt. This is evident through the years as humans have migrated across the globe spreading to all corners of the world. For centuries upon centuries, these people did not build their capitals or cities in one place. Instead they were migratory for the duration of their lives. They flowed with the seasons and followed resources from place to place instead of staying in...
6 Pages 2589 Words

Respecting Patient’s Dignity in Delivering Quality Palliative Care

Palliative care is a term not unheard of. Bringing exposure to these two words are mainstream media such as television, or more conventional mediums in the form of written language in books and newspapers. Palliative care refers to helping those with chronic illnesses — usually nearing the end of their lifespan — live out their last days with dignity and improving their quality of life. It is when a group of people within the professional field work together to provide...
5 Pages 2288 Words

Customer Relationship Management for Luxury Brands Using Prada as an Example

Intoduction Prada is one of the most leading luxury brands in the world and is an Italian brand known as Fratelli Prada. This luxury Brand Company was started operating in 1913 by founder Mario Prada in Milan, Italy by selling luxury and sophisticated goods such as handbags, shoe, and luxury accessories. Mario believes that women should not have a role in business until his daughter took the helm of Prada as his successor and run the business for 20 years....
5 Pages 2361 Words

The Problem of the Intersection of Race and Gender in the American Prison System

Policing race is something that has been around in the United States since the times of slavery and now exists in the form of the prison system. It’s been put before us by those in power that some people are more human than others, but this fact isn’t something we have to accept, it’s something that needs to be challenged if we want to see anything done about it. This dominant view that black men are less human and therefore...
6 Pages 2575 Words

Cultural Competence to Provide Quality Health Care to Chinese Childbearing Families

Cultural competence involves being aware that there are differences from one’s own cultural and that of others’ culture. To be culturally competent also requires one to respect the differences, obtain knowledge and self-educate on the differences, and anticipate needs based on the differences. Cultural competence and sensitivity are imperative to provide good health care. The goal of this paper is to assist in building cultural competence for providing quality health care in relation to childbearing families. Some of the areas...
5 Pages 2423 Words

Keys Ethical Issues in Organ Transplantation

The global human organ shortage, mainly kidney, has led to illegal and unregulated organ markets. According to World Organization health, about 5 to 10 percent of all kidneys transplanted per year are obtained in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, and South America. Therefore, the world faces double tragedy; first, very many patients who die waiting for an organ transplant due to their shortage. Secondly, violation of human rights in which corrupt mediators and brokers deceive indigent organ donors about the nature...
5 Pages 2502 Words

Joshua Chamberlain's Heroic Participation in the Civil War

Throughout history, there have been many wars and battles that were fought. These battles were fought by an army and were led by people who became significant today. One of many that served in the military was Joshua Chamberlain, who may not be well known but is one of America’s important roles. Chamberlain became a significant figure in American history due to his studiousness, his desperation to serve his country, and heroic participation in the war. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain was...
5 Pages 2438 Words

General Motors' Competitive Advantage

GM is primarily engaged in the design, development, manufacturing, and marketing of automotive products worldwide. We employ 266000 people around the world (not including employee at joint ventures) and manufacture vehicles in 33 countries. In 2007 GM sold 9.4 million vehicles in 149 countries. GM industry continues to experience significant change, increasing complexity, and intense global competition in both mature and emerging markets. The key to winning under these circumstances is to consistently provide cars and trucks that customers will...
5 Pages 2285 Words

The Problem of Dissonance Between Personal and Public Ideologies in William Faulkner's Novels

In society, there exists a perpetual conflict between what individuals desire and what is required for maintaining homogeneity and order within the group. William Faulkner examines this phenomenon in his literary works, focusing on its influence on motherhood. In the novels ‘The Sound and the Fury’, ‘Absalom, Absalom!’, and ‘Light in August’, Faulkner depicts motherhood as a burden due to the often conflicting interests of personal goals and societal expectations. Through his portrayal of ineffectual women, Faulkner asserts that it...
5 Pages 2423 Words

The Significance of Hannah Foster’s 'The Coquette'

What if women had never taken part in history? Would they still be acknowledged as equally important as men? Throughout the centuries, women have always been important for society. For instance, Brooks (2013) points out that during the American Revolution, women would take the role of a spy to take down the British empire or write in an attempt to encourage and empower others. As such, the significance of a woman can both be explicit and implicit depending on people’s...
5 Pages 2317 Words

Polite Speech: Women Vs Men

This essay will conduct a literature review to support the claim that women speak more politely than men. Brown, P. (1980). ‘How and why are women more polite: Some evidence from a Mayan community Women and language in literature and society’. In this article, he discussed the differences in males and females with respect to language. There’s not much difference in the language of both men and women except with the social relationship and social status. The communicative strategy was...
5 Pages 2415 Words
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