2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Film Analysis Paper: 'Crazy Rich Asians'

The film ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ is very interesting and mainly focuses on the cultural aspect of sociology. The film is about a lady named Rachel Chu and a man named Nick Young who are in a relationship. They have a fairly normal and very intimate relationship. Rachel Chu has the occupation of an economics professor at New York University and Nick Young is a businessman. They come from different backgrounds but have commonality. Then one day Nick Young asks Rachel...
5 Pages 2273 Words

The Idea of Irrigation in Achieving Food Surplus in Ancient Civilization

In the beginning man used to be a hunter and forager. But slowly as time passed, the cultivation of food became a more preferred method of obtaining food and these hunters began to settle down. These settlements occurred around large rivers which had fertile land and abundant food resources. Man began to cultivate these lands, developing farmlands followed by the growth of agriculture began. As these small settlements grew in number, they formed cities which further grew to form civilizations....
5 Pages 2487 Words

Reflections on Whether Jury Trials Should Be Abolished

A jury is defined as a body of persons convened by the process of law to represent the public at a trial and to “discharge upon oath or affirmation defined public duties”. The main act that governs the jury system is the Jury Act 1974, which were largely amended by the Criminal Justice Act 2003. The notion of including a jury dates to 1215 and the notions that had been derived from Magna Carta have only been reformed a few...
5 Pages 2288 Words

Cyber Security Essay

Introduction There are some processes and technologies that are formed for the security of computers, software, data, computer hardware and networks that are known as cybersecurity and all of these concerns things are protected by access and vulnerable supply via the Internet by cybercriminals, hackers and terrorist groups. The Internet and network that is based on information from unauthorized access or digital equipment are protected from cybersecurity (Klonoff & David, 2015). This is era of technology and the Internet is...
6 Pages 2749 Words

The Contribution of J.Piaget and S.Freud to the Development of Psychology

The purpose of this assignment is to discuss the work completed by Jean Piaget (1896-1980). Piaget has been credited for the theory of cognitive development. The theory of cognitive development states how children develop intellectually during childhood (Comer, 2013). Piaget's work will be evaluated, and how his theory has impacted on modern-day psychology. The second psychologist that will be discussed is Sigmund Freud (1985-1939). Freud is also known as 'the father of psychoanalysis'. Freud has been credited with developing a...
5 Pages 2289 Words

Patisserie Valerie Scandal

Patisserie Valerie, founded in 1926, is a food processing company which owned and operated a chain of cafes specializing in handmade cakes. The company’s headquarters are situated in Birmingham UK, and as of March 2019 had a revenue of $86.8M and 2,500 employees. Patisserie Valerie is owned by Luke Oliver and Steve Francis was the CEO after Paul May stepped down. The Collapse of Patisserie Valerie According to the Guardian, Patisserie Valerie has fallen into administration when the company was...
6 Pages 2623 Words

Tesla's Strategic Management Review

In this age of development and globalization, organisations require proper analysis and formulation of abilities so that they could provide the employees with framework and strategies to improve the growth and development of the organisation (Lyyra and Koskinen 2016, p. 61). Through the implementation of strategic management, the organisations are able to develop abilities to meet their goals (Almuzel et al. 2018, p.191). However, in such conditions, it should be mentioned that prior to implementing the strategic management associated interventions,...
6 Pages 2627 Words

The Concept of Domesticity and Marriage in Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice' and 'Persuasion'

Watson argues that “the house embodies the wealth and way of life the woman is marrying” (Watson, Book 3, p. 173). This essay will discuss the importance of houses in relation to the marriage plots in Jane Austen’s ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and ‘Persuasion’. It will argue that in ‘Pride and Prejudice’, a novel which can be perceived to centre on women depending on marriage to secure their finances, a house embodying the wealth and way of life that a woman...
6 Pages 2496 Words

Reflection on How Architects Have Become More Visually Aesthetic in the Past 100 Years

In this essay I will be looking into the aesthetic of architects and their architectural buildings over the past 100 years. The reason why I am looking at the aesthetic of architecture is because it is an amazing example of how we as a species document aesthetic and ‘modernism’. I will be looking at architectural illustrations and sketches of buildings that have been created to see how they differ in style and ideas. I will also be looking into different...
6 Pages 2671 Words

Reflections on Whether America Should Repeal the Second Amendment

Few topics provide more polarising opinions and heated debates than the topic of gun control in the USA. Established in December 1791, the Second Amendment states: 'A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed'. For most of the republics relatively brief history (1791 onwards), US citizens have had the right and ability to purchase guns freely, compared to most other first...
6 Pages 2750 Words

Social Media and Freedom of Speech

With the emerging trends and the significant changes in the chain of thoughts, the present world scenario is in such a place, where we see that the voices of the common masses are not kept in the dark, rather they are show-cased in the best possible. Way out in the light where the overwhelming ‘reactions’ by fellow ‘netizens’ are something that takes people by storm and moves their sentiments and outlook on certain aspects in a manner where their main...
6 Pages 2605 Words

Education as a Transformative Process

The study demonstrated how discourse-analytic approaches reveal the significance‘ of verbal and non-verbal data in research, In using a qualitative research approach the researchers were able to place themselves within a critical stance of the data using a micro-analytical approach, This allowed the researchers to consider how broader social processes work through language. The study explored ‘Education as a Transformative Process’. The study aligns itself with previous studies and supports the works of Jack Mezirow (1978), ‘Transformative Learning Theory’, and...
6 Pages 2739 Words

Project Management Plan for IBM - UniPay

Operations management is “the management of systems or processes that create goods and/or provide services” (Stevenson, 2017, p. 4). It is the administration of business practices to create the highest level of efficiency possible within an organization. Quite simply, it is the process or set of processes used by an organization, to convert materials and labor into goods and services with the goal of maximizing profit. As one author stated in a 2015 Harvard Business Review article “operations is and...
5 Pages 2388 Words

Bernie Madoff and the Biggest National Investment Fraud

One man about escaped from one of the biggest bank schemes in the world totaling a cash amount of $13.375 billion dollars (SIPA). The name, Bernie Madoff, was one of the most talked about person during 2008 to 2009. He was arrested in late 2008 just on, “a criminal complaint alleging one count of securities fraud” (The United States Department of Justice). Although this at first seemed like it would be tax evasion or stealing a sum of money from...
6 Pages 2607 Words

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Diagnostic Criteria, Impact on Person's Life and Treatment

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or otherwise popularly known as OCD is one of the most widely spread disorders across the country today. As individuals, we each have small habits that make us feel better, but we can also live without them. For example, we can think of something as “lucky” or have a regular routine that feels comforting. But for people who experience obsessive-compulsive disorder, these behaviors are much more severe and disruptive and are driven by unwanted and recurring thoughts that...
5 Pages 2376 Words

A Literature Review on the Limitations of Standardized Testing in the Indian Educational System

One of the most mind-boggling questions facing every education policy maker is, how can we structure our education system in a way that makes it inclusive of the unique abilities of every student? As much as that question sounds ideal, it comes with its fair share of complexities where educators will have to weigh out the pros and cons of inclusivity before fully endorsing it. This research question aims at exploring to what extent do standardized tests help in identifying...
5 Pages 2394 Words

A Critical Inquiry into the School Curriculum and Philosophy

The term ‘curriculum’ is typically used to define the content being taught in a learning environment ('The Glossary of Education Reform', 2020). Though this is the general definition, there is no one way to establish a curriculum for schools, as it has been evolving over the years to suit different classrooms and students (Brady & Kennedy, 2014). To further investigate the educational philosophy that revolves around developing a curriculum, one will specifically look at Narre Warren South P-12 College and...
6 Pages 2589 Words

O.J. Simpson Murder Case Review

Orenthal James (OJ) Simpson, also known as the juice was a former american football running back, actor broadcaster and now a convicted felon. The juice has won numerous awards and has many achievements such as: First NFL player to rush more than 2000 yards in one season, winning the fleishman trophy and being put in the hall of fame for college and professional. Born and raised in San Francisco, California, Simpson is a son of Eunice (née Durden), a hospital...
5 Pages 2481 Words

Expanding an Australian Business to Singapore: Opportunities and Limitations

Singapore is an island with a 5.6 million multicultural population and located at the southern tip of Malaysia. Singapore imports 90% on food consumption. This is because Singapore owns limited land available for agriculture and the people mostly depend on the external sources for agriculture products. Also, the export of agriculture products to Singapore helps for good opportunities for international products. Thus, Australian dairy company would like to expand their business in Singapore. Moreover, Singapore is the highest importer of...
5 Pages 2353 Words

The Overview of Dengue Fever

Dengue Fever is a viral disease induced by Dengue virus (of the genus Flavivirus) that is pandemic-prone and is quickly emerging in many parts of the world, most notably in tropical and sub-tropical climates. The disease is created by a mosquito carried viral infection that causes intense flu-like symptoms and can sometimes progress to a potentially fatal stage known as severe dengue. Currently it is estimated that up to 50-100 million infections are estimated annually, spread over more than 100...
6 Pages 2523 Words

Prevention of Transmission of Hepatitis in Dental Practice

The oral cavity is increasingly becoming recognised as a window to general health. Hepatitis is a heterogeneous inflammatory liver disease which manifests in the oral cavity and has important implications in the dental setting. Dentists and oral health workers must be aware of the full spectrum of signs and symptoms, as well as how the disease is transmitted, in order to provide safe and effective dental care. Hepatitis A, B and C (HVA, HBV and HCV, respectively) are separate entities...
6 Pages 2558 Words

Marketing and Management Analysis of Honda Motors

This report gives a concise marketing and the management analysis of Honda Motors that internationally positions sixth in car industry. The essential of this task is to think about and basically investigate the distinctive key system identifying with Honda Motors. Through the various aspects of market division, we have made an endeavor to perceive the objective clients. Stakeholders comprehended as the elements, additionally assume a key job in the organization's decision-making procedure and exercises. Key spotlight is laid on Marketing...
5 Pages 2441 Words

Rich Dad, Poor Dad' and Robert Kiyosaki's Lessons Leading to Wealth

Author Biblography Robert Kiyosaki who wrote using Sharon L. Lechter 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' was born on 8 April 1947 in Hilo, who was in the area of Hawaii at the time. He is the oldest son of Ralp H.Kiyosaki and Marjorie O. Kiyosaki. His father was an academic opfeeder while his mother was a nurse. Robert has 2 sisters and one brother namely Emi, Beth and John.Robert not only reached an even sudden success. He attended Hoërskool Hilo and...
6 Pages 2710 Words

Aristotle and Aesthetic Judgement

Aristotle was a philosopher who wrote many works about ethics, politics, metaphysics, and aesthetics. His conception of beauty was classical, indeed he saw beauty as “an arrangement of integral parts into a coherent whole, according to proportion, harmony, symmetry (
)” (Sartwell, 2016). The main idea of his concept is that beauty is a sort of middle between excess and deficiency; indeed, beauty is not the concept of sublime neither is the concept of ugliness, it is in the arrangement between...
6 Pages 2596 Words

Critical Analysis of Major Education Reforms

Throughout time, there has been a decrease in students' grades and test scores. Unsure why, a range of school reforms were studied and tested. This report will cover a few of the many reforms that were done and thought to be done, ranging from broad reforms like changing school standards, all the way to particular reforms such as School Choice. Some of these reforms have worked while others have not, but no matter how these reforms played out, more studies...
5 Pages 2439 Words

Living in the Digital Age

Since the beginning of television, research has been accumulating on its relationship to violence intake and tolerance. In an environment full of violence, it is beyond question that it impacts our behaviors. Living in the digital age has its perks, of course, but those hardly make a dent in the minds of our society. Media violence has been known to have long and short term effects on the youth of America as well as adults. It is a necessary precaution...
5 Pages 2280 Words

Founders of Atomic Theory

Democritus Democritus was born in Abdera, around 460 BCE, some say in the range of 490. His dad was from an honorable family and of extraordinary riches, and contributed to a great extent towards the diversion of the military of Xerxes on his arrival to Asia. After the death of his dad, he went looking for wisdom, and gave his legacy to this reason, adding up to one hundred gifts. He is said to have visited Egypt, Ethiopia, Persia, and...
5 Pages 2374 Words

Australian Federalism and Its Role in Adoption and Family Support

‘Adoption’ means the act or method of adopting a ‘child adoption’ person implies the legal act or idea of making the child of another person member of your family, such that he or she is one of your own children. Family members want their children to get the best, to support their development and growth. Family support for families with children allows families navigate a wide variety of resources and programs, including structured assistance (such as paid respite care) and...
5 Pages 2269 Words

The Overview of World History in the 13th Century and Its Major Events

The 13th century was one of the most important centuries for the growth and stabilization of modern civilization that was facilitated through various major political, economic, and social events. This century was defined by the growth of religions like Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism throughout Asia and Christianity in Europe which would give rise to some of the most powerful Empires like the Delhi Sultanate and the Byzantine Empire. The expansion of trade and the creation of new trade routes would...
5 Pages 2392 Words

Have the Democratic and Republican Parties Switched Platforms?

Introduction: The Stereotypes and Misconceptions of Party Switching For the past half-century, two parties: the Republican and Democratic parties have dominated American politics. The common stereotype is that the Democratic party looks out for the minorities while the Republicans are against them. Although examples like Abraham Lincoln go against this notion, many believe the two parties switched and support different stances. The argument of the ‘Southern Strategy’ is popular in the academic field as a reasoning for the prevailing parties....
5 Pages 2536 Words
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