2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Analytical Essay on Locke's Natural Law Theory

to suggest that Locke gets half the story right on the issue of tolerance. The arguments for and against tolerance are based on the beliefs and opinions of the citizens who are supposed to live within these regulations. In the case of toleration however, not only did Locke himself reject divisive scriptural interpretations but, because of their fair discord, he argued that they had no place in public debates. In the event of intolerance, he calls for the broadest and...
5 Pages 2301 Words

Analysis of the Concept of Strategy in the Contemporary World: Essay on The Art of War

Prologue Strategy is generally used to describe the use of available resources to gain any objective. In this article, the researcher shall use it in the traditional sense only that is, as meaning the art of the strategon, or military commander. ‘The strategic approach is thus one which takes account of the part which is played by force, or the threat of force, in the international system. If globalization is defined as the intersection of international politics, culture, markets, and...
5 Pages 2459 Words

Importance of Diversity Management in Organizations: Analytical Essay

Diversity management has a pivotal role in growth in today’s fiercely competitive global market and workplace issue due to the rapidly change in globalization. To encourage managing diversity, bringing talented workers, including foreign nationals and women is considered as the key role in global enterprises, as diverse workforce is interpreted essential for sustaining and strengthening the creativity and competitiveness of economies. However, Japanese enterprises are known as culturally homogeneous and non-diversified and the chronic problem of gender inequality at work...
6 Pages 2481 Words

Analytical Essay on Hepatitis C: Consequences, Transmission, Manifestation and Avoidance

Hepatitis C: HCV is a viral contamination causing aggravation of the liver. It is transmitted from individual to individual through unscreened blood transfusions just as debased needles and instruments utilized for inking and body penetrating. Sharing sullied individual consideration things, for example, razors and having unprotected sex are less normal methods of getting the infection. Hepatitis C infection causes both intense and constant contamination. New HCV contaminations are typically asymptomatic. A few people get intense hepatitis which doesn't prompt a...
6 Pages 2646 Words

Critical Analysis of Pros and Cons of the Dark Net Silk Road for Society

Topic- “The original concept behind the Dark Net was to provide a secure form of communication to those who need it. Compare the pros and cons that the Dark Net provide and evaluate their value to society.” According to (Reiff, 2020), “The 'dark net,' also known as the 'dark web,' is part of the greater 'deep web,' a network of secret websites that exist on an encrypted network.” Again, The Dark Net is an overlay system to the internet that...
5 Pages 2354 Words

Dysphagia Screening for Multiple Sclerosis: Adapting and Validating Oropharyngeal Screening

Introduction Multiple Sclerosis: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) defined as a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (Faezah, 2020)(Printza, 2019). A possibility to be an autoimmune neurological disease (Aghaz, 2018). M.S could involved motor, sensory, cognitive limitations in addition to swallowing and problems in communication (Barrera, 2019)(El-Wahsh, 2019). a long-lasting progressive disease (Solaro, 2019). MS could be classified as, Relapsing Remitting MS (RRMS), Secondary Progressive MS (SPMS), Primary Progressive MS (PPMS) and Progressive Relapsing MS (PRMS) (Alali, 2018). Moreover, losing the...
5 Pages 2261 Words

Impacts and Benefits of Cultural Diversity in the Workplace: Analytical Essay

Diversity in the Workplace: Workplace diversity refers to the segmentation of the workforce into unique variable classes that have a comprehend commonality within a particular cultural or national status and that influence potentially harmful or useful employment outcomes such as job opportunities, treatment in the workplace and upgrading chance, irrespective of job related proficiencies and qualifications (Stockdale and Crosby, 2004). Different organisations and cultures can define diversity in different ways. The human resource literatures, business and organisation viewed three types...
6 Pages 2745 Words

Depiction of Salem Witch Trials in The Crucible by Arthur Miller: Analytical Essay

The world is just as unscrupulous as its people. Looking back, they are made aware of the haunting payoff of deceit that accompanies an attempt to try to “better” the world. The Crucible is one well-written play that develops the concept of flawed humans. In this play, Arthur Miller depicts the Salem Witch Trials and how they were wrongfully conducted under the purported “law.” The characters manipulated the whole society of the village into believing the drastic idea of witchcraft....
5 Pages 2250 Words

A Study on Perception Towards Branded Apparels Amongst Youth in Tricity: Research Design

Introduction Apparels and accessories retailing is the largest segment of organized retailing in India. To remain competitive and profitable in present marketplace, the apparel industry must continue to expand its capability to fulfil the needs and wants of customers, its overall retail picture has shown long-term growth with the increase of income, and increased exposure to foreign brands. In last few years, apparel market has seen changes with respect to dressing design, style, usage of branded items and choice of...
5 Pages 2302 Words

Impact of Assimilation on Potatoes in Various Concentrations of Sucrose Preparations: Osmosis in Plant Cells and Animal Cells

Research question: The potato chores are submerged in different sucrose-concentrated solutions. Will their size decrease/increase the higher the sucrose concentration gets? Aim/Hypothesis The size, as well as the mass of a potato, will decrease if submerged in a high sucrose concentrated solution as the water molecules inside of the potato chore will move out of the cell in order to create an equilibrium on both sides. However, if a potato is submerged into a distilled water beaker or a low...
5 Pages 2515 Words

Analysis of Diversity Strategies in Companies: Case Study of H&M, Papa John’s, and Starbucks

Diversity in H&M In January 2018, H&M photographed a young black boy by the name of Liam Mango wearing a green sweatshirt with the words “coolest money in the jungle” written across the front in their ad. When this ad was published to their website to be sold, many individuals were outraged and took to social media for the picture to be removed as it was viewed as racist. When this controversial ad hit the internet, some people could not...
6 Pages 2673 Words

A Professional Perspective on Sustainability in the Construction Industry: Analytical Essay

1. Background The construction industry is the pinnacle of human development. Construction defines the process of reshaping the physical environment to establish human settlements. Construction however alters the physical landscape including soils and the natural drainage system. It is therefore irrefutable that the construction industry negates the natural environment, disrupt ecosystem services, and perpetuate climatic variability (Janak, 2009). Human induced climate change is probably one of the greatest tragedies of this century and beyond. Climate change is largely a result...
5 Pages 2429 Words

Descriptive Essay on the Personality of Al Capone

Scarface was the nickname gifted to Al Capone due to the noticeable slash across his right cheek. The story of his famous scar was caused by a physical altercation between him and a man by the name of Frank Gallucio. It began with both men enjoying a night out when Al Capone began to hit on a Frank Gallucio’s sister, Lena. Neither Frank Gallucio nor Lena were fond of Capone. Gallucio and Capone got into a heated argument that quickly...
5 Pages 2274 Words

New Recruitment Process for Teachers in Public Primary Schools and Its Implication to Quality Teachers in Tanzania

Background to the problem General introduction Human resource is one of the most significant developments in the field of organizations which has been given increasing importance. People are vital to organizations as they offer perspectives, values and attributes to organizational life; and when managed effectively, these human traits can be of considerable benefits to the organization (Ekwoaba et al, 2015). This is so because the development of people, their competencies, and the process development of the total organization are the...
5 Pages 2461 Words

Mathematical Reasoning That Undergird the Concept of Variation, Rate of Change, and Derivative: Analytical Essay

Chapter one: Introduction Calculus is the study of variation, and it is also the central subject in mathematics (Boyer, 1959; Goldstine, 2012; Tall, 1990). The concept of calculus is applied in statistics, science, economics, and engineering to study the concepts of gravity, speed, velocity, variations, growth or decay function, and maximum or minimum of profit and cost function (Boyer, 1959, Goldstine, 2012; Tall, 1992). Many of scientific and technological growth since 1900s to the current time are linked with the...
6 Pages 2423 Words

A Clarion Call for Inclusive Responsive Leadership Accountability: Analytical Essay

A Clarion Call for Inclusive Responsive Leadership Accountability For centuries, leaders have been lauded for their excellence. Whether decision-making, driving execution, or pursuing results, their collective expertise has helped the world successfully navigate industrial and technical revolutions, world wars, economic recoveries, and a multi-generational workforce (among other notable achievements). However, as globalization expands, many of those acclaimed leaders have failed to cultivate inclusive work environments; inspire and empower talent; and foster employee congruence, engagement, and belonging. This behavioral contrast reveals...
5 Pages 2463 Words

Ownership in Financial Sector: Analytical Essay

Backbone of the country’s economy is the financial sector. It plays the part of facilitator to attain constant and continues development of economy through providing actual monetary intermediation. A robust economic system through a competitive atmosphere encourages investment via financing productive business opportunities, mobilizing economies, efficiently distributing resources, and enabling trade in goods and services. Banking system is the chief component of financial system, playing a very noteworthy role in the countries’ economies. The wellbeing of the economy is meticulously...
6 Pages 2590 Words

Morality of Animal to Human Organ Transplant: Argumentative Essay

Morality is rarely clear-cut without objections or questions. The morality of animal to human organ transplant is no exception. With innumerable factors created by beneficial techniques and harmful tactics, the dispute is far from irrelevant, especially with its crucial influence on life and death. Animal organs being transplanted into humans is lifesaving; however, it is also life taking and therefore can be argued to be either moral or not. Xenotransplantation is the “process of grafting or transplanting organs or tissues...
5 Pages 2497 Words

Benefits of Diversity in Organization to Lead the Success: Analytical essay

Diversity in organizations represent to the equality in employees and also opportunities are given without any kind of gender bias, culture, age, language, regional bias. In organizations diversity is really essential because while working with different kinds of people at one place it helps to improve the company's name and fame by their various sort of modern and improvised thinking procedure. In every organization diversity is a most important factor for their success criteria. It has enormous benefits for every...
5 Pages 2524 Words

Potential of Umbilical Cord Stem Cells to Repair Damaged Cardiac Tissue in Vascular Disease Patients: Analytical Essay

Research report Claim: Stems cells have the potential to improve life. Research question: Does umbilical cord stem cells or 3D printed mini heart have the most potential to repair or replace damaged cardiac tissue in vascular disease patients? Rationale Cristy Lytal from the Keck School of Medicine of USC claimed that ‘if you lose a limb, it’s lost for life. If you damage a kidney, you won’t grow a new one. And if you have a heart attack, the scars...
5 Pages 2279 Words

Comparative Analysis of CSR of Woodside and Evolution

A global initiative to thrive corporate sustainability has congregated pace in recent years. The skills, knowledge and sophistication associated with leading corporate sustainability initiatives have developed to enhance sustainability moves from the edges to the mainstream of corporate activity. (Klettner, 2014). Woodside is a gas producer company whereas Evolution is a gold mining company. Woodside is the largest natural gas producer of the Australia, and the pioneer of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) industry. It is recognized as an integrated...
5 Pages 2498 Words

Critical Analysis of The Novel “The Story of Tom Brennan” by J. C. Burke

J. C. Burke is an Australian author, currently living in Sydney. Jane Burke was born in 1965 in Sydney, where she was the fourth of five sisters. As writers for parents, she grew up in a world full of noise, drama and books. Burke did not start publishing stories until 1999. Burke trained as a nurse and worked for several years in London and Sydney. In 1999, while recovering from glandular fever, she did a creative writing course. Another writing...
5 Pages 2499 Words

Research Report on Hospital-acquired Infections and the Dominance of Hand Hygiene in This Sector

Introduction Hospitals are the trusted entities for people when they are affected by serious disease conditions. However, it is an irony that hospital itself creates several complications and puts the needy in a greater dilemma. Hospital-acquired infections are one of the most common complications affecting hospital patients, in which most of them make raises the morbidity and mortality rate among patients. They include surgical site infections, urinary tract infections, pneumonia, Bloodstream infections, central line, and peripheral line-related bloodstream infections, multi-resistant...
6 Pages 2622 Words

Analysis of the Historical, Cultural, Structural and Critical Factors of Anxiety and Depression Using Sociological Imagination

This essay will examine and analyse the historical, cultural, structural and critical factors that may have contributed to anxiety and depression, through utilising the sociological imagination framework. Firstly, the definition and prevalence of anxiety and depression will be delved into on a national and global scale, which will highlight the important nature of the issue. The historical perspective of anxiety and depression will then be explored by assessing how events such as colonisation have been key contributors to this health...
6 Pages 2710 Words

Identity of Jack the Ripper: Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography The identity of the Whitechapel murderer is a contestable topic based on eyewitness accounts and police reports. Over time, key arguments have emerged in published literature that suggest that Jack the Ripper was a sociopath and was more than likely a surgeon based on the injuries of his victims. However, these arguments have been highly contested throughout history, especially as more evidence has appeared and analysed through the use of modern technology. Source 1 Citation: Begg, P. (2005)....
5 Pages 2487 Words

The Cold War, the Watergate Scandal, PATCO Strikes: Analytical Historical Essay

The 1970s-2012 was an era of war, international conflict, and significant political change in which the US exercised the three different types of power in order to establish an assertive front to their international relations. There are three types of power, soft, hard, and smart power. Soft power is a pragmatic way to achieve results that would be favorable to both parties and uses propaganda, education, attraction, and other means whilst, hard power uses weapons and coercion in order to...
5 Pages 2293 Words

Genome Editing as a Clinical Treatment for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Inquiry Question: Should funding be allocated towards further research into genome editing as a clinical treatment for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy? Introduction: Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is a form of inherited neuromuscular disease found in children, causing progressive degeneration of muscle stability. It is as a result of a mutation in the DMD gene coding for the protein called dystrophin. A mutation is defined as the change in the base sequence of an organism. This mutation is inherited as it is passed...
5 Pages 2385 Words

IMC Trend Report on Video Content Marketing for the New Decade

Introduction Content marketing is a relatively new form of marketing that has been constantly evolving over approximately the last decade. It involves the use of shared media online, including videos, articles, photos and social media posts. Content marketing is constantly changing and growing with the expansion of the Internet and social media. As marketers, it is important to stay up to date on trends and practices in content marketing in order to stay relevant and achieve the best results. Although...
5 Pages 2451 Words

Analytical Essay on Ancient Egypt: Political System, Social Life, Culture and Architecture

What is an ancient civilisation?. An historic civilisation is any complex human society strongly associated with agricultural development and urban organization and have certain characteristics of cultural and technological development. The word civilization comes from the Latin civilis, meaning civil, related to the Latin civis, meaning citizen, and civitas, meaning city or city-state. Civilizations are usually also characterized by an intricate social hierarchy, commonly structured according to specific skills such as farming, trading, or defending their settlements and ultimately the...
5 Pages 2507 Words

Case Study: Arrangement of Healthy Foods for Atta

Introduction- Wellbeing is alluded to the condition of being healthy, though prosperity is considered as a comprehensive methodology that impacts individuals to have positive mental and physical experience both prosperity and wellbeing are significant for every person as it gives the chance of beating troubles by keeping up great wellbeing condition. These likewise impact individuals to accomplish their own and expert life objectives with proficiency. The given case study is included with the discussion about a four years old boy...
6 Pages 2533 Words
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