2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Effect of Conflict on Access to Education

Education has been an integral factor contributing to the development of humankind since the outset. For ages, the drive to learn more about the surroundings and our curiosity has prodded us to seek education. Today, schooling has become an intrinsic part of a man’s life and education is being known as a basic right in numerous countries around the globe. However, in many of the world’s poorest countries, armed conflict persists to wreck basic school infrastructure, hopes, and ambitions of...
5 Pages 2392 Words

Racial Profiling And Use Of Force During Traffic Stops

Thousands of racial minority drivers, across the United States, have experienced traffic stops caused by racial profiling (Briggs & Keiming, 2017, p. 262; Carroll & Gonzalez, 2014, p. 566; Engel & Calnon, 2004, p. 62; Fridell & Lim, 2016, p. 41; Higgins, Vito, Grossi, & Vito, 2012, p. 171; Rojek, Rosenfeld, & Decker, 2012, p. 100; Weitzer & Tuch, 2002, p. 439). In addition to the stops, the police inflict more force upon the racial minority drivers (Engel & Calnon,...
6 Pages 2656 Words

Effects Of Domestic Violence On Children

Domestic violence is a very controversial topic that affects almost every American in some way, shape or form. Domestic violence victims have not always been treated as most would like to see. Coming from that are many different foundations, that are supporting the victims by creating support systems, shelters, hotlines, and many more implementations have been put in place to make domestic violence victims lives easier after the incident has taken place. Domestic violence has also been called Intimate partner...
5 Pages 2252 Words

Prejudice And Discrimination In Health Care

In order to understand what is meant by prejudice and discrimination in health care due to obesity, one must understand the basic concepts of the statement. First let us start with the what is meant by obesity. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2018) Obesity is measured by an individual’s body mass index (BMI) of being 30.0 or higher. Obesity can be a result of behavioral, educational, environmental and genetic factors. According to Hales, Carroll, Fryar, &...
6 Pages 2651 Words

Role of Emotional Intelligence in Performance of a Salesperson

Abstract In the mid-1990s, the traditional buyer-seller sales style began shifting to a consultative relationship based model withan emphasis is on “satisfying the customers’ needs”and “not trading goods for money’. Understanding the perspective of the potential buyer and creating a potential need to buy the product started gaining importance.This in turn made good sales “being educating, consulting, solving problems, providing answers and helping”, the pre-requisites of a successful sales person. Emotional Intelligence which is based on these competencies, plays a...
5 Pages 2490 Words

Racial Profiling In Law Enforcement

For the longest time, law enforcement officials have use profiling as a part of their tactic to apprehending criminals. However, in recent times profiling has become a major concern because law enforcement officials are unable to separate their tactic of criminal profiling from racial profiling. According to Perry (2016), racial profiling is “when the members of a particular or racial or ethnic group become subject to greater criminal justice or institutional surveillance than others” (pg. 420). In addition to this,...
5 Pages 2310 Words

Restorative Justice: Effective Punishment Addressing The Implications Of Punitive Punishment

As contentious as the idea of punishment may be, it is one of the most important factors in any society. In order to understand what punishment, it, it is important to understand why we punish individuals. Many scholars have various reasons to why and how we should punish. Some argue that punishment is used as a deterrence method which deters individuals in society from committing crime. Others argue that punishment is used for rehabilitating the offender by changing their attitudes...
5 Pages 2404 Words

Utopias and Dystopias: Meaning and Function

ORIGIN OF THE TERMS The first of the two to appear was the term utopia. Utopia derives from the Greek prefix “ou-“, meaning “not”, and topos (τόπος), “place”, so a no-place, or place that does still not exist. The initial “u” can also be interpreted as the Greek prefix “ευ”, Ancient Greek for “good”, so the translation of utopia can also be the “good place”, but it’s only by combining both meanings that we truly get a wrap of what...
5 Pages 2451 Words

How Modern Culture is Changing Childhood

Abstract As the generations evolve the culture of people change as well. Many people believe that the people of today should learn to be intellectual and that this is necessary to be taught from the young ages for a child to able to adapt to the changing environments. Often this consumes a child preventing them from exploring their true qualities and attributes. Instead of playing outside, verbally and physically communicating with friends, relaxing, pursuing their hobbies and being creative they...
6 Pages 2503 Words

Madame Bovary and Swann in Love: the Effects of Acting on a Desire

Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert and ‘Swann in Love’ by Marcel Proust provide examples of the way desire affects romantic relationships. Both novels depict their female characters as desired and having desires; however, the desire they possess and manifest in others is what contributes to desire’s death. In Madame Bovary, Emma’s lack of desire for her husband and uncontrollable desire for unattainable romantic scenarios stirs up her adulterous desire for Léon and Rodolphe. Emma’s fervid desires are briefly satisfied by...
5 Pages 2409 Words

Marketing Communication Tool Of Advertising

Introduction This report provides information about the integrated marketing plan to Sheffield City Council to improve tourism and help the local economy. First of all, it is important to understand the concept “Integrated Marketing Communications”. What is Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)? It could be explained as the mixture of all the promotional tools. Semenik explains that it is “using all communications tools in a unified way to create synergy” (Semenik, 2002). Whereas, Egan describes that “IMC is a strategic business...
5 Pages 2260 Words

Women Trafficking: Mail Order Bride Abuses

Abstract Trafficking of women and children is on a rise globally. The primary reason why most of the jurisdictions around the world including the most developed ones are unable to contain women trafficking is the ingenious ways devised by traffickers. One of the recent trends identified in cases of women trafficking stems from the mushrooming of International Marriage Brokering Organizations or the Mail Order Bride Industry. The International Marriage Brokering Organization or the Mail Order Bride Industry are marriage agencies...
6 Pages 2618 Words

The Possible Consequences of Marijuana Legalization

Legalization of Marijuana Throughout the years, marijuana is more common among high school students. In 1999, only twelve percent of high schoolers were found to use ow, over fifty percent are found to use marijuana daily. Even, one in every six students who start using marijuana are more likely to become addicted. Since the rate of use among teens has increase over the years, the rate of crime in teens has become an issue as well. As the rate of...
5 Pages 2455 Words

Social And Political Activism In Relation To Experimental And Radical Design

In her writing, Plant considers the role of Situationalist International “vanguard movement” and theory as an ethnographic catalyst and artefact for revolutionary change in a postmodern world. The group was a revolutionary alliance of European avant garde artists and writers that developed a critique of capitalism based on Marxism and surrealism (Plant 2). Forming from the Lettrist international and the international Union for Pictorial Bauhaus, the group has its origins deeply rooted in radical art and design. According to Plant,...
6 Pages 2526 Words

The Effectiveness of Exercise Interventions to Improve Vascular Function in Childhood Obesity (Including Overweight)

According to the World Health Organization (2018), overweight and obese individuals are those with “excessive fat accumulation that may impair health,' and this occurs as a result of a positive energy balance i.e. energy intake is greater than energy expenditure. An individual is classed as overweight if they have a BMI (body mass index) of 25-29.9 kg/m2, and obese if they have a BMI of 30 kg/m2 or more. However, these values differ for children due to the rapid growth...
5 Pages 2404 Words

The Representation of Social Class and Feminism In Jane Eyre

Introduction The focus of the investigation is how social class and feminism is presented in both Charlotte Bronte’s novel and the magazine article titled ‘Feminism and Class Consolidation’. Jane Eyre was set in the 1800’s where society was changing slowly and steadily. The setting is a key part of the novel as it is used to express and symbolise what Jane experiences at each stage in her life. The protagonist of the novel is Jane Eyre and the antagonists are...
6 Pages 2609 Words

The Impact Of Employment Discrimination Faced By Skilled Immigrants

There are many reasons that people from all around the globe decide to leave their home land and migrate to distance foreign places. Whether for reasons of social justice, political freedom, economic or, in the search for a better quality of life, individuals have emigrated from their home country. Indeed, the survey shows that around 191 million people all around the world are living in countries that is different from their homeland and among Western and developed countries, Canada is...
5 Pages 2382 Words

LGBTQ Rights In North America: Discrimination

Around the world, very many people are under attack for who they are, how they dress and ultimately who they fall in love with. In very many countries today, being lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual or queer (questioning), means living in daily discrimination and prejudice. This discrimination is based on: gender identity (how you identify yourself despite your biological sex), sexual orientation (who you are attracted to), gender expression (clothing and make up) or sex characteristics (your genitals, chromosomes, hormonal levels...
5 Pages 2269 Words

The Association of Physical Activity and Diet on the Treatment of Obesity

Introduction Obesity is defined as excess fat on the human body. Obesity is measured using Body Mass Index (BMI) which is calculated by dividing weight (kg) by height squared (m^2). It is classified as between the rage of 25 and 30kg/m^2 on the BMI scale. Dyslipidemia, diabetes, hyperglycemia and cardiovascular diseases are all associated with high body fat levels. Globally, 1.3 billion people are classified as being either overweight or obese, which is an excessively high number and it needs...
5 Pages 2301 Words

HIV/AIDS and STI Prevention and Control Project in Bhutan

Executive Summary The HIV incidence in Bhutan has seen increasing over last decade ever since the first detection of HIV case in the year 1993. Since then, HIV was given the due attention with the establishment of the National STI and HIV/AIDS Control Programme in 1988, even before the first case of HIV was detected. This rise has been attributable to increasing prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Infections, strengthened HIV detection services with improved infrastructures and nevertheless the improved public awareness...
6 Pages 2678 Words

Using Restorative Justice In The Criminal Justice System

Summary The study A Model of School Violence Prevention article by Martha Frias-Armenta et al explores the alternative approaches to punishment in Mexican schools for bullying. The evidence was provided that that 43.2% of staff members that worked within Mexico’s educational reported their involvement in different types of school bullying within their institution. 1.3 million Middle school and high school adolescences reported in a poll that they had been subjected to some form of abuse or harassment from there other...
5 Pages 2409 Words

Samsung: The Aspects Of Consumer Behaviour

INTRODUCTION Samsung is a South Korean conglomerate headquartered in Samsung Town, Seoul. It comprises of numerous businesses under the umbrella brand of Samsung. It was initially started as a trading company but has diversified into other sectors through the years. Samsung has been consistently successful in satisfying customer needs through its varied range of products and services. The company generates revenues through three major business units: information technology and mobile communications (IM), consumer electronics (CE) and device solutions (DS). The...
6 Pages 2723 Words

Sexuality And Gender In Modern Gothic Literature

Introduction The contemporary gothic form deals with the feminist perspective on sexuality and gender, as well as gender roles in the sense of them being socially and culturally conditioned. Violence and the sublime are translated into the fear of consequences of the choices imposed on the female protagonists by the society and the dominating male-villains. The modern twist on the fear of the consuming male figures is transformed into fear of villain-husbands with a horrid secret threatening to destroy the...
5 Pages 2415 Words

Strategic Management Of Apple Incorporation

Executive Summary The following study tends to discuss a strategic plan of management for Apple, Co. A prominent smartphone company. The discussion initiates with a transitory introduction of the company followed by the external drivers which influence the state of the company. Afterwards, the competitive environment of the company is discussed which is further justified by Michael Porter's five forces. Afterwards, the internal analysis is conducted followed by VRIO analysis. Finally, on the basis of thorough discussion is done on...
6 Pages 2737 Words

The Skin We’re In: Racial Profiling And Discrimination

Crime has always been a contentious topic in the study of development and functioning of human society, also known as sociology, branched unto its own sector; criminology. The relationship between race and crime, in Canada has been a topic of public controversy and literary debate for decades. Since the 1980s, the debate has pivoted around the causes of and contributing factors to the disproportional representation of racial minorities. In our society today, racial discrimination and inequality continues to be a...
5 Pages 2263 Words

Racial Profiling: Will It Ever End?

Racial discrimination and inequality continue to be an issue. Despite the advances we make in our society in terms of race, racial prejudice is something that cannot be abolished. Conflict with discrimination is evident when we look at the issue of racial profiling. Racial profiling in the United States has corrupted the justice system, causing various misinterpretations and placing innocent persons in jail. Racial Profiling is just what it is. Targeting individuals for suspicion of a violation determined by the...
5 Pages 2406 Words

The Moral Argument of Requested Euthanasia

Abstract The ongoing discussion of euthanasia has its supporters and foes. It is already somewhat legal in few places in the world, but still strictly monitored and followed where it is available. Advocates fight for the cause stating that assisted-suicide provides an peaceful end to lives hindered by old age, terminal illness, and empty meaning of life. Those against euthanasia suggest that it is unethical to assist in any type of suicide and that human life should be lived to...
5 Pages 2391 Words

When Women Are Domestic Killers

Abstract The following essay will cover some aspects on traits and motives which drive women to commit acts of crime in domestic setting. Some reasoning on the question will also be provided. The work is intended to break down most common stereotypical ways of thinking about female murderers and provide grounds for well-argued personal opinion. Introduction The topic for this essay was chosen based on the fact that there is a relatively little number of female murderers compared to male...
6 Pages 2689 Words

Legal, Ethical and Moral Responsibilities of Companies

Abstract No matter what an individual does in life, from the time they are born there are certain standards that become instilled in them. From the toddler years where parents are teaching them right from wrong, proceeding to the school years and on to adult life where they are become introduced to new rules, regulations and standards in which they are expected to be upheld to. This is something that is happening from the time a child is not able...
6 Pages 2570 Words

Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) and the Negative Processing of Positive Facial Expressions

Summary The fundamental skill of being able to process facial expressions is crucial in being able to socialise within everyday life. One clinical disorder which is often linked with atypical facial processing is social anxiety disorder (SAD). The majority of previous research investigates a link between SAD and a hypersensitivity to negative expressions. However, there is a lack of research exclusively looking at the way individuals with SAD process positive expressions. It could be hypothesised that individuals with SAD process...
5 Pages 2401 Words
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