2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Why To Treat Domestic Violence As If It’s Happening To You

Picture this, you’re 16 and in an extremely abusive relationship. It was mentally, physically, verbally, and sexually abusive. You finally manage to get out but it doesn’t end. You’re stalked and threatened constantly so you go and do something about it. You show the police everything and give them proof but they do nothing. He gets a stern “talking to” and that’s it. He got “talked to” by one of his best friends who was a police officer in his...
5 Pages 2339 Words

The Negative Effect Of Racial Profiling On Black American

American Novelist, James Baldwin was born in 1924 and raised in a predominantly black neighborhood in Harlem, New York. Shortly after James was born, the city was struck by the great depression that devastated the economy. Thousands of jobs were lost, many became homeless, and destitute, resulting in a significant increase in crime and violence. James and his family had a hard life during that period. They were confronted with various difficulties including destitution, rejection and racism. Nonetheless, he learned...
6 Pages 2727 Words

Dating Violence Among Adolescents

Description of Psychosocial Issue What is dating violence? Dating Violence is controlling, abusive, and aggressive behavior in a romantic relationship (Banyard,2008). It includes verbal, nonverbal, emotional, physical, sexual abuse and or a combination. Every relationship is different but what unhealthy and abusive relationships have in common is power and control. Violent words and actions are tools an abusive partner uses to gain and maintain power and control over their partner. Dating Violence is very common. Any young person can experience...
6 Pages 2621 Words

The Moral and Political Falling of Society in The Giver

The Giver by Lois Lowry depicts a society in which everything is regulated, including marriage and careers. The society has no freedom and choice resulting in a dystopian world where epidemics like hunger and poverty are eliminated, and freedom of expression is restrained. The people of this society mostly believe in this dystopian ideology and accept their livelihood. However, from a political science standpoint, this society has moral and political failings. The novel’s community does not care for anyone else...
5 Pages 2284 Words

Why Video Games And Video Game Culture Is Vital For The Survival Of Modern Cinema?

Mediums of entertainment have only been able to withstand the test of time by experimenting in new forms and creating sub-genres that makes the medium more accessible to a wider range of consumers. In comparison to other forms of entertainment, the cinema is a new form of entertainment only being around for a few hundred years and only being classified as an art form for a few decades, compared to that of literature or art which has been around for...
6 Pages 2563 Words

Sex Trafficking: Inside The Business Of Modern Slavery

In the book 'Sex Trafficking Inside the Business of Modern Slavery' there are a lot of breakdowns and concepts explaining what sex trafficking and other trafficking are and what comes along with posing some ethical issues and problems dealing with trafficking. In the opening of the book, there is a nineteen-year-old girl by the name of Maya Gaunt who was a sex slave four years in two main red-light districts, Kamathipura and Falkland Road. Maya was born in the Sindhupalchok...
6 Pages 2555 Words

How Violent Video Games Cause Violence

Abstract My theory is that violent video games by itself don't cause violent tendencies, which means that if a person is not in a violent environment, to begin with, the video games most likely won't cause ideas for the person to act upon, but if the person is in a violent environment, for example, there is a lot of fighting around the neighborhood, this can affect the person when they do play violent video games, which the games will give...
5 Pages 2303 Words

Social, Emotional, And Behavior Risk Screening

Abstract The purpose of this study is to evaluate students' social, emotional, and behavioral risk by using a universal screening tool within a multitiered system of supports. Identifying students who are at risk has become of vital importance. Still, although, it is critical, many schools have not implemented universal screening procedures, instead rely on more responsive methods of student identification. A common concern of universal screening includes the potential for the over-identification of at-risk students and the exhaustion of already...
6 Pages 2667 Words

How And Why Does Child Trafficking Affect The US?

Abstract How and why does Child Trafficking affects the US? Child Trafficking is defined as the transportation, transfer and harboring, of a child for the purpose of slavery and forced labor and also for the purpose of adoption. In this paper I am going to explain why Child Trafficking is a really big issue in the US, how it affects the population of the country and in detail by states, how this trafficking is executed, statistics, where are the “hot...
6 Pages 2477 Words

What is the Difference Between Natural Liberty and Moral Liberty?

Introduction to Concepts of Liberty: Natural and Moral Liberty is a multi-faceted concept, which has many definitions offered by lots of philosophers, each of them adopting a unique approach and thus providing a peculiar interpretation of liberty. The Genevan philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who left a significant legacy, influencing the minds of future generations and providing his own answers to the enmeshed questions of all times, also discussed the types of liberties in his treatises, describing natural liberty and moral liberty....
6 Pages 2597 Words

Crimes Against Humanity In Kenya

In the international crime spectrum the “Crimes Against Humanity” is a consolidation of many brutal and morally unjust crimes. This offense was ratified in the Nürnberg Charter and integrated to the Roman Statute of the ICC. The ICC (International Criminal Court) defines this violation of the law as “Crimes against humanity consist of various acts—murder, extermination, enslavement, torture, forcible transfers of populations, imprisonment, rape, persecution, enforced disappearance, and apartheid, among others—when, according to the ICC , those are “committed as...
5 Pages 2490 Words

African American Discrimination In The Workplace

The workplace, as seen in the African American community is a very hostile and unfriendly environment (Whitaker, 2019). Discrimination will occur at any given moment in time, but African Americans see the culmination of this discrimination in waves. This said, discrimination not only has effects in the workplace, but also getting into the workplace, as job mobility and hiring of African Americans takes a hit. Blacks are experiencing new forms of the same prejudices. Instead of just seeing race, sex,...
6 Pages 2654 Words

Business Ethics: How Politics is Affecting the Business World?

Technology and innovation nows day become a major role of our life, it's taught the competitor sector with the biggest companies in the world creating and innovating every year by giving the quality and the innovation on every product they produce. But when politics come affect this interesting field, it becomes more complicated to determine who controls the market .in this assignment, I will discuss one the major economic crisis between the 2 Global economic power and why is it...
6 Pages 2692 Words

The Effects of Human Psychology on Crime Commitment

There is much that can be said eyewitness testimonies and their place in the use of solving crimes, and the psychology behind them. While they are often used to solve crimes, the truth is that the human memory is a very malleable, unreliable thing and that many psychological factors should be considered when considering the reliability of eyewitness testimonies. To examine this, first I will look at a case study where an unreliable eyewitness testimony led to the wrongful conviction...
5 Pages 2457 Words

Is Thyestes by Seneca: a Revenge Play or a Morality Play

Thyestes is considered Seneca's masterpiece and has been described as one amongst the most impactful plays. Thyestes is focused upon a plot encompassed by revenge, indeed mobilizes a fashion the standard connection between tragedy and viciousness, authority and sacrifice. Seneca was renowned as a stoic philosopher, praised for his philosophical works, and for his tragic plays. His writings established one of the most vital constituents of primary material for early Stoicism. His writings were the focal point from the Renaissance...
6 Pages 2691 Words

Gender Discrimination In Corporate America

Abstract In the early nineteenth century in the United States of America, the workforce was mainly male dominated. Women were portrayed as having duties of staying home and raising families. This all took a turn when the United States beginning in the year of 1939. This is when we entered the second world war and as some of the effects a war has on a country is that it needs a great number of supplies to be successful. With most...
5 Pages 2518 Words

Strategic Management Of Ecosystems

Introduction Ecosystem, a term highly used in biology for describing the various relationships among all the living and non-living elements in the environment, is widely used in the business world in somewhat similar context. This era of digitization has made a huge impact in every aspect of life including the understanding of the business and economic environment. The dynamic nature of the industries or enterprises (Teece, 2007), which has become increasingly developed, largely influences the study of ecosystems. It helps...
5 Pages 2413 Words

Impact of Emotional Intelligence Dimensions on Employee Performance

The study aims to do an extensive study on Emotional Intelligence (EI) and the impact of EI and its overall dimension on the Employee in Resin Manufacturing industry at Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Pune region. The study focus on overall dimension of EI of Employee in Resin Manufacturing industry. A sample size of 100 has been selected from Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Pune industrial region in order to carry out a Pilot study. Convenient sampling technique was used to collect...
5 Pages 2344 Words

The Psychology Of Serial Killer And His Actions

Serial killing is possibly the most sensationalized criminal phenomenon of our time due to its horrific nature and its rarity. The worldwide view of a serial killer is a Caucasian male, a wicked monster with a strange look, has dysfunctional associations, engages in torturing animals, or has been abused physically or sexually in childhood, thus kills to derive the missed satisfaction (Hodgkinson, Prins, and Stuart-Bennett 2). However, these notions of a serial killer are not validated since every serial killer...
5 Pages 2462 Words

Understanding YouTube through the Power, Pleasure & Patterns Narratives

Introduction The three narratives that Joshua Meyrowitz illustrates each answer the question “What do media do to us or for us?” (Meyrowitz 2008 p644). Each answer is generally true, but each is still lacking information found in the other two narratives. To gain a full understanding of YouTube one must look at a number of different viewpoints. The three narratives have remained separate in media studies. Along with Meyrowitz, only a few other theorists have linked the narratives together, such...
6 Pages 2611 Words

Computerization of Civil Lawyer Dairy

INTRODUCTION Design a system for automating the judicial services in India. Using this system, plaintiff can easily give complaints to the concerned authority and they can view status of their cases etc. This system will reduce the time and risk to the users compare with manual system. The project performs intended function with required precision. The registered user’s files can be stored in centralized database which can be maintained by the system. Authentication is provided for this application only registered...
5 Pages 2397 Words

Robert Frost’s Mending Wall as the Balance Between Tradition and Progress

The poem “Mending Wall” written by Robert Frost in 1914 is the first piece of work in his second book of poetry “North of Boston,” which was published in 1915. The piece presents a modernist challenge to existing social structures through a depiction of the life of two neighbors who meet every spring to walk along the wall that separates their properties and fix it where needed. The neighbors differ from one another, mainly one is the “old-fashioned” stubborn traditionalist,...
5 Pages 2403 Words

Environmental Philosophy and Ethics

Our only home is falling apart. The world we live in is rapidly becoming another landfill for all our wastes and the human population is not doing anything as a whole to prevent these problems from becoming too extreme to the point of no return. Only recently, have we begun to focus on our environment and attempting to clean our mess for our own survival and those of future generations. It is too late to prevent climate change from taking...
6 Pages 2580 Words

Social Stigma Silences Male Domestic Abuse Victims

Society often places certain stereotypes on individuals based on how they are expected to behave. When an individual perceives themselves in a situation that causes them to stray from the conventional gender roles, this can cause humiliation and embarrassment leading to low self esteem. Therefore, in order to avoid rejection and shame, men remain silent, causing cases of domestic violence where men are victims to remain largely under-reported. In his article “Women's violence toward men is a serious social problem”,...
6 Pages 2664 Words

Where The Ethical Line Is In The Media Industry For Human Against Human Violence

The ethical line that determines what violence can be shown in films and mass media is greatly impacted by the fiction or nonfiction theme of the film, a rating from the Motion Picture Association of America, and the sexual violence in the film. Film ratings are essential in determining the ethical boundaries of what can be shown on screen and what cannot. Every major film is rated by the Motion Picture Association of America. The association began rating films in...
5 Pages 2282 Words

The Psychological and Social Effects of Generalized Anxiety on Students

In 2012, symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder were recorded by 2.4 million Canadians (Statistic Canada, 2015). Stress is present in most individuals’ daily lives, and it can have negative effects on one’s life if ignored. This paper focuses on Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) in college students and its effects on behaviour. Generalized Anxiety Disorder is defined as “a clinical anxiety disorder that is centrally characterized by excessive, pervasive, and chronic worry” (Treanor and Roemer, 2010, p.1). To be diagnosed with...
5 Pages 2337 Words

Hamlet as a True Character Revealed

One of Shakespeare’s most popular characters from one of his most timeless works of literature, Hamlet, is the center of some controversial discussion of whether the main character deserves to be remembered as a tragic hero or not. It can be concluded from further character analysis that Hamlet deserves to be viewed as more of a villain than a tragic hero today because of the role he played in almost every character’s death in William Shakespeare’s timeless play. From the...
6 Pages 2693 Words

The Representation Of Women In Pride And Prejudice By Jane Austen

Introduction to Jane Austen's Portrayal of Women I am going to argue that the representation of women in Pride and Prejudice. I used 2 academic materials to help me explore my idea. One is Jane Austen's ideal man in Pride and Prejudice and another one is Feminine consciousness in Jane Austen's novels, which I already cited in the work cited part. Pride and Prejudice is a novel by British female novelist Jane Austen. The novel describes Bennet’s five daughters, and...
5 Pages 2516 Words

The Features Of Zodiac Serial Killer

A serial killer is somebody who could be a best friend, a coworker, and often times a parent. How can somebody go out and kill people? Many serial killers can go out and know who they want to kill. In many instances nobody knows a person is a serial killer, until they start committing murderous crimes. The Zodiac killer is a criminal who is targeting people and it seems to always be with a gun and not another weapon. In...
6 Pages 2671 Words

The Revealed Human Nature in Hamlet

The human nature, a through an interweaving of good and evil, a mingling of kind and cruel, a bundle of two very dissimilar ways of thinking and acting, it has it all. The sophistication of the human mind, the way how of its working system, the questions of morality mutating with its very nature, never ceases to amaze indeed. And that is what we all witnessed in the Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark, a play by William Shakespeare, which...
5 Pages 2257 Words
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