2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Critical Analysis of Animal Farm by George Orwell

Animal Farm is a novel written by way of George Orwell which was the pen title of Eric Blair, a British novelist and an essayist whose pointed reactions of political mistreatment impelled him into unmistakable satisfaction toward the center of the twentieth century. He was once born on June 25th, 1903, and died on January 21st, 1950 at the age of 46 This novel was once published in February 1944. When Orwell was young, he grew to become a communist,...
5 Pages 2491 Words

Causes And Consequences Of Human Trafficking In Ethiopia: Cases From Dodola Woreda

Methodology of the study Description of the Study Area and population. Dodola woreda is one of the 18 woreda's of west Arsi zone, which is, found in the central part of Oromia in Ethiopia. It has a total area of approximately 143246 heckter with altitude ranging from 2370 to 3500 above sea level, which is almost within the range of 95% dega and 5% waina dega climate zone. The annual mean temperature oscillate between 13oc-26oc, while the average annual rainfall...
6 Pages 2513 Words

Applications of Motivation Theory Using English Songs into EFL Learners in Japan

Introduction A large number of researchers have tried to explore the efficacy of utilizing songs to enhance English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’ motivation (Millington, 2011; Limbong, 2012; Nipattamanon, 2018, Paquette & Rieg, 2008). In recent years, there has been a renewal of interest of the relationship between improving learners’ English lexical, grammatical and phonological abilities and implementation of English songs in the classroom (Chen & Chen, 2009). However, how the usage of songs on learning English affects to...
6 Pages 2536 Words

Personal Experiences Of Intercultural Communication: Opinion Essay

Introduction: In this essay, I will demonstrate my understanding of intercultural communication by describing three experiences of intercultural communication. The main viewpoints discussed in the three different communication experiences are the diversity of language and culture, cultural beliefs, and the values formed by collectivism and individualism. These viewpoints not only help me to have new understanding and views on intercultural communication but also help me to strengthen my communication with others. Culture is not a fixed but a dynamic existence....
5 Pages 2447 Words

Transcendentalist Beliefs of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Themes and Styles

Introduction: The Multifaceted Genius of Ralph Waldo Emerson Ralph Waldo Emerson was born on May 25, 1803 and died on April 27, 1882. Emerson was a respected poet and philosopher. He began his studies at Harvard when he was 14 years old and graduated when he was 18. Emerson voiced his opinion on many topics ranging from religion to slavery. He was a complex writer who used different styles to express his visions. He was well known for his transcendentalist...
5 Pages 2312 Words

Importance Of Sun Safety In Australia

Investigation – Analytical exposition Introduction: In Australia, the importance of sun safety should be extremely high as Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. In 2013, more than 2,200 Australians died from this disease because of the lack of understanding of sun safety. (Cancer Council, 2018) In Queensland one in two people will develop cancer before 85 years old. Though, some cancer cases (one third) can be prevented through lifestyle choices, such as wearing...
5 Pages 2367 Words

Intersection Of Racism And Gender In Construction Of Power And Naturalization

The intersection between gender and racism is at the construction of variations of power, disparities in power, and the naturalization of entitlement/difference that is established in individual attitudes and behaviors through the consistent obscurance of power (Pettman 1992, p. 60). Racism and gender intersect in their construction of variations of power through individual attitudes identifying individuals by points of difference in race and gender and through individual behaviors of using differences in race and gender to distinguish other groups of...
5 Pages 2263 Words

Ischemic Stroke: Pathophysiology And Current Treatment Methods

Cardiovascular disease continues to lead as the predominant cause of death worldwide. In particular, cerebrovascular accidents (stroke) account for the second leading cause of death globally (Katan & Luft, 2018). The overall increasing rate of stroke is attributed to an ageing population and lifestyle factors despite the onset of preventative strategies and treatments in place to decrease the global burden (Johnson et al., 2016). Ischemic stroke accounts for the majority of stroke cases and as such resides as a disease...
5 Pages 2334 Words

Family Law in Australia: Society Work and Surrogacy

Part A: Essay questions 1. In what way is the dissenting view of L’Heureux-Dubé J in Re Attorney-General of Canada v Mossop (1993) 100 DLR 4th 658 relevant to the way family law and society work? In Re Attorney-General of Canada V Mossop, Brian Mossop sort a bereavement leave to attend the funeral of his same-sex partner’s fathers and was denied. The majority held that the Canadian Human Rights Act did not accord him a right to claim leave under...
5 Pages 2380 Words

Relevance Of Catcher In The Rye For Modern Teenagers: Writing Portfolio

I ran my hands through my hair brushing it back as I reached to open the door to my dorm. I quickly rushed myself inside and shut the door behind me. “The bloody cold,” I muttered to myself, walking into the room. “Where the hell is everybody? It’s like a goddamn morgue out here.” I glanced over to where Caulfield was arched back in my chair, he didn’t bother to answer or even look. The kid loathed me, I could...
6 Pages 2650 Words

Self-Interested Behaviors Amidst Prejudice Within Anti-Semitic Values In Merchant Of Venice

The human experience is the perception of human emotion, encompassing a wide range of conceptions about life and loss. Our capability to love and hate allows writers such as William Shakespeare to construct a world with binaries that highlights how experiences and motivations affect human behaviour. Shakespeare’s 16th-century play ‘The Merchant of Venice’ a comedic tragedy, discovers self-interested behaviours amidst prejudice within anti-Semitic values shaped by context in Roderigo Lopez and Christopher Marlowe’s ‘Jew of Malta’, featuring extensive racial prejudice...
5 Pages 2251 Words

Economic Impact Of The Food Tax

Introduction According to WHO, the four major non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the world include of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer and chronic respiratory diseases. Poor diet and obesity are most common preventable risk factor for the occurrence of the NCDs. Globally 40 million deaths occur due to it. While in Australia 90% of the deaths occur due to NCDs [1] In 2015, 19.7% of the deaths and 9.5% DALYs occurred due to NCDs caused by poor diet. [2] According to the...
5 Pages 2285 Words

Relationship Between A Decision-Making Theory And A Decision-Making Model

Decision making is a critical part of the smooth functioning, successes and failures of any organisation; however, the process of arriving at a decision must be precise, so that it will yield the best results (Quain & Seidel 2019). According to Kreitner (1966) “Decision making is a process of identifying and choosing an alternative course of action in a manner appropriate to the demand of the situation”. Unfortunately, in the process of decision making it is very difficult for managers...
5 Pages 2500 Words

Management Accounting: Traditional Costing System and Activity Based Costing System

Introduction Accounting is basic of the business and without the accounting; it is not possible to run the business in the effective manner. Accounting determines the rules and regulations that determine the ways to record the financial transaction. In this way, the main aim of this report is to enhance the knowledge and understanding on accounting. This report is also significant in the context of developing an understanding the on the traditional costing system and activity-based costing system. This report...
6 Pages 2267 Words

A Study on the Perception of Consumer Towards Branded Versus Local Product

Abstract The purpose of the study of original research work is to understand and explore the consumer perception of local and branded product in India. The purpose of this research is to enrich our knowledge of the Indian markets and provide insights in to how local vs. branded product usage rate creates an impact on the mind of consumers The main objective of the research is to study the variation in the perception of the consumer. The intention is to...
5 Pages 2390 Words

Types Of Organizational Structure: Advantages And Disadvantages

Executive Summary: In this project we are going to talk about the definition of Organizational Structures, its Importance, we will go deeper to present each type, state why, how and when they are used, their advantages and disadvantages, Features, Purpose, Factors for Designing them, the added value for using the organizational structures and at the end we will state our conclusion and recommendations. Definition of Organizational Structures: Definitive structure chooses how the occupations, drive and obligations are consigned, controlled, and...
5 Pages 2301 Words

Lord of The Flies: Main Themes And Main Characters

Introduction: Lord of the flies was first published in 1954. It has never gone out of print, it has been among the best-selling novels in both Britain and USA, it has been studied in schools and universities all over the world. Lord of the Flies is in part an allegory of the Cold War, as in 1940, it was William Golding’s turning point in his life. He joined the royal navy and his World War II experiences, Golding has said,...
5 Pages 2513 Words

Social Media Fake Information Spread And Truth Discovery

Abstract— Now a days sources of data from online social media may be consist of some data which are noisy and sparse. While handling of big data related social sensing media applications their challenges like misinformation on spread are data sparsity and fake news. The system is going to use of advanced algorithms to discover the dynamic truth information and frequently used information. Addressing misinformation spread in big data (e.g. WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram) is difficult task in the current era....
5 Pages 2348 Words

Critical Analysis of Basic Issues in Social Psychology

Chapter one: Social Representations through stereotypes Social representations are essential for the world. They are a society’s shared beliefs, ideas, values and assumptions and they help bring sense to the world and understanding it (Myers& Twenge, 2018 p.9). However, these representations can be harmful. For example, on the image above, the woman is a Muslim and here in American society their belief towards Muslims is that their all terrorists. It’s a very widely shared belief within America and as a...
5 Pages 2551 Words

Animal Testing or Alternative Methods: Arguments For and Against

Imagine a syringe being forced down your throat to inject a chemical into your stomach, or being restrained and forced to breathe sickening vapors for hours. That’s the cruel reality of animal testing for millions of mice, rabbits, dogs and other animals worldwide, the Human Society International estates. With today’s innovations and with the advancement of technology, other methods besides animal testing should be considered. The harm that is committed to these animals because they are not considered human is...
5 Pages 2270 Words

Gay Marriage: Article Analysis And Opinion Essay

Introduction As someone who grew up in a conservative state but attended a very diverse school, I have made wonderful friends; some who happen to identify as a bisexual, a gay person, or as someone who identified as an LGBTQ member. Listening to their experiences and obstacles regarding their sexuality intrigued me as I realized that this is a group of people that needs support. Despite being in America and in the 21st century, bigotry continues make its mark and...
6 Pages 2668 Words

Importance Of DREAM Act For DACA Recipients

Can you think of a time where you worked hard for something and then suddenly it was ripped away from you. This is what DACA recipients worry about and constantly have on the back of their minds. Just a background, DACA stands for Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals and it is for individuals who came to America at a young age to pursue a better life. For DACA recipients to feel secure is for the DREAM Act to ultimately be...
5 Pages 2390 Words

Price Of The College Obsession: Opinion Essay

The College Obsession: What is the Cost? The journey into adulthood is shrouded in darkness and mystery, yet it is anticipated every year by high school graduates across the nation seeking their first tastes of glorious independence. Guided by none but the elders who preceded them, these hopeful students follow the well-worn road that promises the most for their futures and boasts proud alumni who prove the potential greatness in opting to travel it. This road, though only one of...
5 Pages 2297 Words

HIPAA Research via The Department of Health and Human Services Website

I had no idea that there were so many “levels” of HIPAA and patient rights. All the different rules and regulations for the special topics, the depth of the Patient Safety Rule, the involvement of the OCR. Even though there was an overwhelming amount of information to research through, a lot of it seemed somewhat familiar. This paper discusses some points I found that I actually learned about. What is HIPAA? HIPAA is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act...
6 Pages 2582 Words

Definition of Animal Abuse and Cruelty and Ways to Prevent Them

Introduction While the world may be increasingly interconnected, human rights violations, inequality and poverty still threaten peace and sustainability. Global Citizenship Education (GCED) is UNESCO’s response to these challenges. It works by empowering learners of all ages to understand that these are global, not local issues and to become active promoters of more peaceful, tolerant, inclusive, secure and sustainable societies. GCED is a strategic area of UNESCO's Education Sector program and builds on the work of Peace and Human Rights...
5 Pages 2382 Words

New Cast Alert for Trifles (A Jury of Her Peers) and A Raisin in the Sun

This project is based on two plays, Trifles and A Raisin in the Sun, and how a new set of actors are going to be cast to play each of the characters in the plays. The plays vary tremendously in nature and the world they bring in for the audience and hence, their characters differ too. Trifles, written in 1916, narrates a tale of two women, how they scrutinize the life of another woman and discover harsh realities about the...
5 Pages 2455 Words

Kenyan Provisions On Freedom Of Expression

1) Constitution Of Kenya 2010 The constitution of Kenya 2010 under article 33 provides for the freedom of expression explicitly stating that every person has and shall enjoy this right. The freedom to expression is further illustrated to include the following three;[footnoteRef:2] [2: The Constitution of Kenya, 2010, Article 33.] The ability and freedom to seek any information, to receive and impart ideas and information The right to express themselves through arts. (artistic creativity). The freedom to scientific research and...
5 Pages 2426 Words

Auditor’s Code Of Ethics And Of Conduct

Introduction Ethics is a system of moral norms for individual or any social or professional group. The term 'Medical ethics' is known for a very long time and the role of an auditor could be easily compared with the role of a doctor. Only with a difference that auditor’s beneficial effect is not aimed for an individual but a company (organization). The auditor’s code of ethics sets multiple professional standards for auditors to act upon accordingly. To act ethically not...
6 Pages 2601 Words

Effectiveness Of Differential Equations In Modelling Human Population Growth

The research question for this extended essay is “To what extent are differential equations an accurate representation of human population modelling?” Differential equations can effectively be used to predict things in our everyday lives. They are used in many disciplines including biology and physics. In this extended essay, I will collect data on the Canadian population from the 1900s to the 2000s and compare it to predicted populations given by two models: Malthusian (exponential) and Logistic. I will also analyze...
6 Pages 2731 Words

The Professional Early Childhood Teacher: Opinion Essay

Introduction There are three main reasons why I think this post has added value to the Discussion of topic Reflection. Firstly, I shared an example from my own practice experiences, it will remind my classmates who have read my post to avoid a similar problem occurs in their future practice. Secondly, I did the reflection from the perspective of improving my partnership with my associate teacher who is also one of my colleagues, because effective communication with colleagues plays an...
5 Pages 2314 Words
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