2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Pros And Cons Of Hybrid Engines

Introduction The hybrid engine is, essentially, an engine that combines the principles of combustion and electric engines which allows a more efficient power output, depending on the scenario presented to it. They are used in a wide variety of modern machines, in the present time mostly within cars; ranging from an everyday family car, to a high-performance race car. The hybrid engine has benefits in both these given vehicles, such as faster acceleration and better miles per gallon of fuel...
6 Pages 2745 Words

Generation & Application Of Wave Energy

Abstract This research discusses in details the wave energy which is an interesting non conventional source of energy that helped us a lot through the years to keep up with the challenge of our time. The research starts with introducing a background of that energy as in who, when and how it was first invented and the gradation that happened in the technologies progress in the past. The objectives of the research are then clarified in the sequence of the...
5 Pages 2460 Words

Features Of Electronics And Transistors

Introduction The Electronics revolution, as this is known, accelerated the computer revolution and both these things have transformed many areas of our lives. Electronics is the study of how to control the flow of electrons. It deals with circuits made up of components that control the flow of electricity. Electronics is a part of physics and electrical engineering. Electrical components like transistors and relays can act as switches. This allows us to use electrical circuits to process information and convey...
6 Pages 2716 Words

Behaviour And Welfare Of Captive Tigers

The World Organisation for Animal Health (2020) describe welfare as “ the physical and mental state of an animal in relation to the conditions in which it lives and dies “ and in 1965 the guiding principles of welfare were created called the ‘Five Freedoms’ which are : freedom from hunger, malnutrition and thirst. freedom from fear and distress. freedom from heat stress or physical discomfort. freedom from pain, injury and disease; and freedom to express normal patterns of behaviour....
5 Pages 2368 Words

The Father Of Evolution Charles Darwin, His Life And Contributions

Charles Darwin (1809-1882) was a naturalist who was responsible for one of the most well-known scientific discoveries in human lifetime, the theory of evolution. Evolution is the theory that all species are related through common ancestors and that through certain natural processes in the environment, organism have changed and evolved to what they are now. Through his lifelong work on evolution and the many theories that he is responsible for, he changed how people saw the world, which is still...
5 Pages 2503 Words

The Great Inventor Thomas Edison

Introduction: Thomas Alva Edison, most famous American inventor, scientist and businessman in the 20th century, may be one of the world's greatest inventor of all time. He changed our lives from the moment he started innovating, bringing already invented or discovered devices and gadgets into our world today. Thomas held the world record for inventing by himself or with employees, 1,093 innovations, best known for his domestic light bulbs to go in houses and the phonograph. Also, the electrical power...
5 Pages 2343 Words

Mathematical Models In Numerical Weather Prediction

Abstract The first attempt to predict weather numerically required a larger workforce. With the development of powerful computers and better modelling techniques, numerical weather prediction has returned to models that are quite similar to the earliest model. The simple-basic equations are used as the forecast equations in Numerical Weather Prediction. The weather data at a particular station for a short range over a particular region is considered. The parameters such as minimum temperature, maximum temperature and relative humidity is calculated...
5 Pages 2295 Words

Horse Husbandry: Nutritional Requirements

This essay is going to evaluate nutritional requirements when feeding horses to prevent or manage impaction colic, laminitis and obesity. Horses (Equus caballus) are non-ruminant herbivores that graze throughout the day. As this species has a small stomach there is a limited amount of food that can be eaten before changes occur within organs, leading to many health issues. Obesity, the excessive accumulation of fat, can be noticed easily when examining the body. Muscle and bones being hard to see...
6 Pages 2730 Words

The Structure Of The Atom

Atom consist of protons and neutrons located in the nucleus. Electrons moves in the orbits. Protons are a positive charge, electrons negatively and neutrons are neutral. Atoms are electrically neutral because the number of protons and electrons is equal. However, atoms may gain or lose electrons in order to increase their stability and the resulting charged entity is called an ion. Atoms of different elements have different atomic structure because they consist of different numbers of electrons and protons. Electrons...
5 Pages 2363 Words

Napoleon Bonaparte: Tactician And Military Commander

According to historians and expert tacticians and military commanders as a group say that Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the most successful and influential generals in the history of the world. To begin with, Napoleon was the one who changed the face of war, which set the way for modern-day warfare. The career that Napoleon led as emperor of France and being the commander of the battlefield we can compare him to being such as the famous historic figures such...
5 Pages 2429 Words

Adolf Hitler Character And Its Development

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889, in Braunau am Inn, Austria to parents Alois and Klara Hitler (Binchy 32). Hitler’s childhood and the events that took place during his early adulthood had a big impact on how his character developed. The way he was raised by his parents, his lack of friends, the school he studied in, and his experience in Vienna were all major factors that contributed to Hitler’s rise to power and his intense anti-Semitism. Dr....
6 Pages 2657 Words

Blood Toil Tears And Sweat By Winston Churchill

Introduction to Churchill's Defining Moment With World War Two being one of, if not the most, geopolitically influential events of the past 150 years, we would do well to analyze and break down arguably the most important speech of World War Two. Winton Churchill’s “Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat” speech has been quoted and drawn upon countless times since it was first delivered on May 13th, 1940. Since then we, the public, have been able to delve back into the...
5 Pages 2421 Words

How Alexander The Great Conquered The Persian Empire

Religious Motivations Behind Alexander's Campaign The reasons why Alexander decided to go on a conquest of the Persian Empire. Another motivating factor that could have influenced, and motivated Alexander was that he was motivated for religious reasons. As mentioned previously, when the Persians had managed to force their way into Athens, they had razed the Acropolis of Athens which contained very sacred temples to the Greeks. Many of the Greeks were extremely angered at this and there is an example...
5 Pages 2549 Words

Adolf Hitler: Key Facts About The Nazi Dictator

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889, making his zodiac sign Aries. This makes perfect sense considering that Aries are very relentless towards accomplishing their goals, even if that means bringing others down on their way up. Hitler was born in a small town in Austria called Braunau am Inn. He got a memorial stone placed in front of his house for his 100th anniversary in April 1989. People who live near his home were very confused about what...
5 Pages 2394 Words

Weimar Republic: Political Social And Economic Instability

By 1918, four years into World War 1 it was becoming increasingly evident that Germany would be defeated. Adding to the impending defeat, the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II, the growing resentment of the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, and the establishment of the new Weimar Republic Government were all vital factors that contributed to Germany experiencing political, economic, and social instability between 1918-1923. Germany would have been defeated in 1917 if it had not been for Russia’s surrender...
6 Pages 2611 Words

First Language Acquisition Theory (Interactionism)

Introduction Our group has decided to look into Susumu Kondo’s case study titled “First Language Acquisition: A Case Study of a Japanese-Chinese Bilingual Child” from a publisher; https://kindai.repo.nii.ac.jp.com who published about this case study in 2007. As stated in the titled, Susumu Kondo focused more on a bilingual child’s first language acquisition through interactionism with people around the subject that he chose to look into. His subject was his nephew, Kenta, aged 2.5 years old who’s a Japanese-Chinese bilingual child...
5 Pages 2325 Words

Human Language And Its Relationship To The Natural World

Abstract This paper explores the relationship between the development of human languages around the world and the distinct environmental phenomena the speakers of a particular language are encountered with. By examining six journal articles and one media interview with a prominent researcher in the area of study, I have determined that there is a significant amount of evidence that supports the idea that language is adaptive to the world around it and that this research is only scratching the surface...
5 Pages 2339 Words

Genetic Technologies, DNA & Disease

Introduction The genetic disease explored throughout this report will be 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (DS), including the importance of diagnosis through genetic testing. The analysis of the disease and test should examine and answer the inquiry question: “Should genetic testing for the diagnosis of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome be available without cost for newborn born with congenital heart disease?” DS is currently the second most causes of developmental delay and congenital heart disease. Population screening studies only began in the 1990s. The...
5 Pages 2327 Words

Chemistry Of Forensic Techniques

The chemistry in forensic techniques is very important, and is a necessity in our world today. Forensics techniques are applied in many different ways. Although it is often forgotten, every person leaves behind a small part of their individual self wherever they happen to go without even realizing it. For this reason, forensics are often the key factor in providing evidence to solving crimes whether it is through fingerprinting, blood, or even a single strand of hair. Crime always has...
5 Pages 2546 Words

The Benefits Of Chemistry Research

Scientific research is vital for national development and material well-being of any country especially developing nation. While lack of scientific research is often a critical limitation to economic progress, hence, the importance of chemistry research in a developing nation cannot be over emphasized. In this case, Nigeria. Chemistry research has so many economic benefits, notwithstanding the negative role chemistry research does play globally, such as pollution and drug abuse, the positive roles are also well known. Chemistry is the central...
6 Pages 2709 Words

Chemistry In Chemical Weapons

Abstract Chemical weapons are specialized weapons to inflict death or harm on humans. For example, blister agents will burn a person’s mucous membranes, skin and eyes. Chemical weapons were used during war as it is deadly and stealthy. During world war 1,there was a colorless chemical weapon that makes the soldiers did not noticed that they have received a fatal dose. The chemical weapons have high potential to be used not only in war but in daily life as protection...
6 Pages 2679 Words

Use Of Chemistry To Solve Problems Related To Computer Electronics And Computer Science

Computer hardware consists of physical parts of the computer which includes CPU’s (central processing units), motherboard, graphics card, CPU cooler, hard drive or SSD (solid state drive), RAM (random access memory) as well as, computer peripherals which include: monitors, computer mouse, and the keyboard. The use of chemistry makes it possible to improve computer hardware by the use of chemical metals and non-metals such as lead, mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s) among many others. Computer Monitors The first computer monitors available...
6 Pages 2619 Words

Covid-19 And Biological Approach To Tackle It

BACKGROUND THE latest threat to global health was recently given the name COVID-19 caused by SARS-COV-2(severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2). FIRST case was reported in December 2019, in Wuhan, Hubei province, china and is rapidly spreading from Wuhan to the rest of the world. Many of the initial cases had a common exposure to the wholesale seafood market in china that also trade live animal. This virus belong to beta-corona virus and compared with SARS and MERS, this virus has...
5 Pages 2251 Words

Comparing Novice And Expert Biology Knowledge

In terms of education, the need for students to develop beyond initial knowledgeconstructions and land at a complex, domain-specific knowledge structure is emphasized both in research and in application. Studying children’s naïve biologies adds to our understanding of how teachers should address biology and science content (Inagaki, 1990). From the literature, we can predict the trajectory of a child’s knowledge and inference structure, but the research describing expert’s knowledge in contradictory. The purpose of this literature review is to highlight...
6 Pages 2573 Words

The Evolution Of Biology

This is an analysis summary the will discuss the evolution and analysis of biology, containing summary containing the following themeshemes as-is:Medicine:Families and Medicine;Foundation of Natural Science: Evidence based Medicine, Centers of Study, and the Growing Bodies and Knowledge;Transmission of Species: Studies and Specifies, Containment Procedures, Correcting Data;Drinkable Milk:Start, Procedure,Finish Product;and the Pediatrics Studies: Professional,Pioneers of the Study,Benefit to Women;. Some of the researchers that the author will be using will be Charles Darwin, Jean-Baptise Lamarck, Gregor Johann Mendel, Gottfried Reinhold...
5 Pages 2376 Words

Is Resurrection Biology Both An Ethical And Sustainable Concept?

Due to the rapid rate that animals these days are becoming extinct, many have turned to what they believe to be the answer, resurrection biology. ‘De-extinction, also called resurrection biology, the process of resurrecting species that have died out, or gone extinct.’ (Rogers, 2014) this quote defines what resurrection biology is. There are three ways that de-extinction can occur; Genome editing, selective breeding and cloning, this being the main researched method. Cloning ‘generally applies to a process more technically known...
5 Pages 2328 Words

Similarities And Differences Of World Religions

Introduction to World Religions Religion has been the driving force in many communities and cultures throughout history. It is important to study religions to learn about human nature, overcome ignorance, and to understand who people are and the world around us. Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Confucianism have many similarities and differences when comparing these ancient traditions' teachings and lived experiences. While studying religions, it is important to see their impact on the population. There are over 4,000 known religions being...
5 Pages 2309 Words

The Problem Of Religious Language

The term “religious language” refers to statements or claims made about God or gods. The problem of religious language is that if God is infinite, then words used to describe finite beings, may not sufficiently describe God. For example, is God good in the same sense as Pope Francis is good, or Greta Thunberg is good? This problem makes it challenging to communicate the extent that qualities used for finite beings, are used to also describe God. The vagueness in...
5 Pages 2293 Words

Continuity And Transformation In Art History

Introduction In this paper, the beautiful capitals of Paris, New York, and Rome-Florence-Venice will be analyzed by their centerpieces, documented periods, and explicit scholars. Every one of the three divisions will be tended to as far as specific significances in workmanship history. Paris is imminent given the Impressionists and Post-impressionists. New York applies to the record of its area respects Abstract Expressionism and lastly, The Rome-Florence-Venice triangle with being more significant regarding it is home to the Renaissance scholars. These...
6 Pages 2719 Words

The Relationship Between Theology Of Work And Youth Skills Development: As A Response To The Reoccurring Unemployment Crisis In South Africa

One of the central themes in a Christian life is “Work” this is a theme we cannot avoid within the community of faith. However there has been a clear tension between faith and works. (Robert Dickie 2015) Since the 1500s Major theologian such as Luther and John Calvin have been responding to this tension in their theology of Vocation. Since reformation other important theologians to date have drawn out of the theology of vocation the Theology of Work. This theology...
5 Pages 2273 Words
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