2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Strategic Management In Community Service

Executive summary People—diverse, passionate and committed—make Bahrain strong. Through national service and volunteering, Bahraini from all walks of life contribute to their communities and the nation. Today’s social and economic challenges are complex and require comprehensive, integrated and innovative approaches to shape solutions that work. Engaged citizens are at the center of these solutions. Clean Up Bahrain (CUB) empowers and supports Bahraini to tackle persistent challenges such as helping youth succeed in school, securing safe space in beach for families,...
5 Pages 2448 Words

The Reliance On Telecommunications

Introduction Telecommunication is defined as communication over a distance by cable, telegraph, telephone, or broadcasting. From a single individual to the entire world, the role and business of telecommunications has a very strong reach that has made it an essential for the function of our everyday lives. These functions can be either recreational, social or even business related. The functions can also be applied to the internet which also plays a part in this relationship as being a telecommunication network...
6 Pages 2744 Words

Online Dog Diseases Diagnosis System With Vaccination Reminder

Abstract There are varied common diseases that can infect dogs. It is the main problem that happened to face by dog owners when they are have dogs as their pets. In that case dog owners will try to treat their infected dog on their own. This happen by dog owners who have no time to take the dog to meet veterinary when their dogs is unwell. Because they are always busy with their works. Sometimes this treatment was not suitable...
5 Pages 2397 Words

Using Authentic Materials To Enhance Reading Skills In English Language Learners

Abstract Competence in a language would mean the ability to use it for communicative purposes. The traditional text books used in the language classroom often fail to build this competence in learners. They are designed for language teaching and do not present language as it is used in real-life. On the other hand, authentic materials have a purpose in real-life and when used in the language classroom, they can help learners build competence in the language. They also increase learners’...
6 Pages 2609 Words

How Has technological Developments Have Changed And Continue To Change The English Language

Introduction to the Evolution of English Through Technology English is a global language, which dictates the various aspects of the world such as culture, diplomacy and tourism. It is the official language in 63 countries with 2017 statistics record showing that English is spoken everywhere throughout the world by very nearly 1 Billion individuals, 600 Million of which are non-native speakers, or second language, speakers (Favilla, 2019). Today English functions as a lingua franca employed as a method of correspondence...
6 Pages 2604 Words

The Problem Of Evil In Lord Of The Flies, Othello And 1984

Evil and vicious actions have been demonstrated throughout novels, poems, literature, media and real life. Some actions are regarded as too evil, like murdering someone. Some actions are considered ‘less’ evil, like stealing something from someone. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding, Othello by Shakespeare and 1984 by George Orwell, evil actions are highlighted by the author throughout the stories. Also in everyday life, one is exposed to a lot of evilness, such as student having fights in...
5 Pages 2415 Words

Sports Training: Latest Trends In High Level Sports (Volleyball)

Introduction History Volleyball has been one of the top team sports for both men and women. It has been around since the 1895 when it first started in United states. It was first named “Mintonette” developed as a sport derived from tennis and handball. Mainly it was a new sports shaped as a less rough version of basketball for older people. Because the rules of the game consist of serves, hitting and volleying, the name “volleyball” was given to it...
6 Pages 2489 Words

Life Professional Contributions Of Muhammad Ali

There once was a young man who had many nicknames. All of his nicknames fit his personality like a glove, but there was one nickname that stood out from the rest of them. It’s not “Louisville Lip” which he got from his tremendous trash talking and it’s also not “The Champ”. We have all come to know him as this name no matter who it is or where they are from. That nickname was “The Greatest”. People didn’t give him...
5 Pages 2319 Words

The History And Nowadays Of Soccer

When The Soccer Was Created? Humans has created a lot of ball games, since antiquity . It is known that this sport existed both in the culture of the Mediterranean Sea and in America. The oldest and most revealing finding dates back to a relief from Ancient Greece 400 BC, where a man dominates a ball on his thigh. This sport was episkyros that was played with a leather ball painted with bright colors always and two teams of 12...
6 Pages 2537 Words

Public Administration Context And Environment

INTRODUCTION Malaysia is a different and multiracial society, grasping different religious convictions and rehearsing different societies, and setting a government state. It is much in the organization and administration of a nation to impart morals while administrating the nation. It compares to the use of an administration plan and an activity plan that is executed to accomplish the targets to help the general population and the nation. In organization, great organization is enormously refreshing by a public, for example, correspondence,...
5 Pages 2477 Words

Ferdinand De Saussure’s Theory Of Semiotics

INTRODUCTION This essay is based on a semiotics analysis on an American artist Childish Gambino’s music video titled THIS IS AMERICA. With the Aid of the semiotics signs through out the music video, the aim of this essay is to clearly inform what exactly transpires during the music video. Screen-grabs will aid in giving reference to actual meaning of the scenes and what they intel. This essay will provide insight on how America as a country is run, the hardships...
5 Pages 2421 Words

Second Language Acquisition In Adopted Child

In recent years, adopting a child is becoming a widespread situation. However, sometimes couples do not adopt kids from their own country; they adopt kids from other countries. This situation can be confusing for older children since everything changes for them such as culture, society, social environment, and the most important one; language. Children are exposed to a new language, and probably their native language will eventually be forgotten. For instance, a six-year-old Turkish child was adopted by a Canadian...
5 Pages 2418 Words

Helicopter Parenting: Meaning And Effects

“Helicopter parenting,' or “cosseting parenting,' is the term often used in the media to describe a form of hyper-parenting, where parents discourage a child's independence by being too involved and paying extremely close attention to their life. These managing the types of parental behaviors seem to be done out of a strong parental concern for the well-being and success of the child, however, have more negative effects than positive. Even though all parents want to see their children succeed, it’s...
5 Pages 2268 Words

The Causes And Contributing Factors Of Language Learning Anxiety On ESL Learners

Introduction The main goal of educators of English as a second language (ESL) is to enhance the English language proficiency of non-native English speakers. The acquisition of the English language has been a necessity, taking into account that competent users of the language provide advantages, especially in education and employment particularly in the Philippines (Incirci, Turan & ÖztĂŒrk, 2018). English in the country is used extensively in the daily lives of Filipinos, and it has already established new norms that...
6 Pages 2694 Words

Elemental And Radioactivity Concentrations Of Jordan Dead Sea Salt, Himalayan Salt And Table Salt

ABSTRACT Salts are essential for life which primarily composed of sodium chloride (NaCl). It has been widely used in various ways such as food seasoning, food additives and even in beauty line for cosmetic products. However, through industrialization and human activities, the concentration of radioactive materials and toxic elements in salt might exhibit above the legal limit amount, resulting hazardous to the public health for instance carcinogenic risk. As such, there are still insignificant data with regard to the latter...
5 Pages 2354 Words

Islamism And Its Effects On The Muslim World

Introduction The main topic is Current social, moral and political challenges of Muslims and their solutions in the light of Islamic teachings, while the sub topic is Islamism and how the negative image of Islam and Muslim law diminishes the spread of Islam One definition of Islamism is “the [Islamic] ideology that guides society as a whole and that [teaches] law must be in conformity with the Islamic sharia” (1) Islamism is the implementation of Muslim Law in a Muslim...
6 Pages 2717 Words

The Peculiarities Of Semiotics Approach

In this essay, I am writing about semiotics, I will begin by explain what semiotics is and how it works, I will write about the semiotic approach according to Saussure, explain that there are two levels to sign, the denotative and connotative level and finally I will apply my knowledge on the semiotic theory on three selected photographs, the first being my own photograph which has personal meaning to me, the second will be from a newspaper article and the...
6 Pages 2546 Words

Collin Powell Atheism And The Argument Of Evil

Atheism. A word that describes someone as not believing in a god or gods. The standard atheist is someone who uses logic and rational thinking to determine that god does not exist. They have many tools in their arsenal to prove this, but by far their most used one is the proof of evil’s existence. However, these arguments are not always completely valid. As this paper goes on, it will be illustrated how Atheists argue with Theists on evil to...
5 Pages 2323 Words

Political Discourse Analysis Of Imran Kahn’s Victory Speech

Introduction Language is the most primeval of persuasion devices. Through an indirect manipulation of language, proficient speakers have authentically been able to influence the perceptions, thoughts, purposes and agitation of the public, to the extent of causing people to accept false statements as true proclamations or even to support policies contradictory with their interests. Leaders have to plan, organize, lead and control. Leadership is essentially a discourse practice with the power to mount issues and supervise elucidation in federation or...
6 Pages 2590 Words

Grappling With God's Existence In The Context Of The Holocaust

For nearly as long as humans have walked the earth and been conscious of the unique attributes separating us from the animal kingdom, we have reckoned with the question of why we exist. There is no objective purpose for human existence, and this uncertainty creates an uncomfortable void in the agency we seek to apply to our lives. The pursuit of existential meaning is an inherently human trait prompted by the curiosity of our consciousness and has no definitive answer....
5 Pages 2257 Words

Ethics And Corruption Of Police Officers

State police have always been a central part of this country, and their mission has remained the same since there conception in 1751. They’re Given their power by the state for which they serve, and are to uphold the constitution of the United States as well as the laws in place at the federal and state level. Police are public servants in the United States meaning their funding comes from taxes. It would be safe to say they have become...
5 Pages 2508 Words

The Elements Of Mysticism In Judaism

Menorah is the holy candle in the Jewish tradition that has a history of being miraculously lit by god for 8 days. It is a candle with 7 stems. An interpretation of it is that, the 7 stems represented the 7 days of creation. Another interpretation is about the 7 attributes of a godly man given in Kabbalah that it symbolizes. After leaving the tyrannical rule in Egypt, the Israelites started moving towards Jerusalem and god asked them to make...
6 Pages 2671 Words

The Motivations Behind The Holy Wars

The Holy Wars, also known as the Crusades have been long debated amongst historians as to what the pure motivation is to be. The commencement of the Crusades began with Pope Urban II calling the people to arms with his sermon at Clermont. The motives with the speech pointed towards the Holy Land, where many had found refuge over the years. There is a preconceived notion that the Crusades were enacted to obtain the Holy Land and to protect the...
5 Pages 2390 Words

The Characteristics Of DNA Microarray Technology

Introduction Humans have tens of thousands of genes, and the development of DNA microarrays by Patrick O. Brown, Joseph DeRisi, David Botstein, and colleagues in the mid-1990s made it possible to examine the expression of thousands of genes at once. Initial experiments using microarrays focused on determining which genes were expressed differently between normal cells and cancerous cells. Over time, these methods have provided even more detail for physicians. For instance, microarrays are currently a key tool in genetic diagnosis,...
5 Pages 2365 Words

Mental Health in College Athletes Essay

Introduction While college is often one of the best times of a person’s life, it is also often one of the most challenging. College students are under immense pressure to succeed in all of their activities while still doing well in their classes and graduating within four years. This especially holds true for collegiate athletes. Student-athletes are under constant pressure to succeed in both the classroom as well as the athletic field. Balancing these challenges can be overwhelming for collegiate...
6 Pages 2741 Words

Using Induced Hypocrisy To Nudge Consumers To Choose Eco-friendly Products

Abstract Induced hypocrisy is a two-step dissonance paradigm, consisting of normative commitment and mindfulness of past transgressions. The inconsistency between one’s belief and action lead to psychological discomfort, such as guilt, motivating people to adopt attitude or new behavior that better aligns with the belief. This paper explores individual role of normative commitment and mindfulness and the moderating role of norm salience in the context of eco-friendly product consumption. This paper predicts that while mindfulness can induce enough guilt to...
6 Pages 2548 Words

Faith’s Impact On Substance Abuse

According to the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment and the transtheoretical model of change, “for most people with substance abuse problems, recurrence of substance use is the rule not the exception” (Enhancing Motivation for Change, 1999, p. xvii). Relapse can and most likely will occur in recovery, and should be recognized as well as anticipated by substance abuse recovery counselors. The significant challenges to counselors are bringing a client successfully and securely through a relapse and eventually preventing relapse from...
6 Pages 2718 Words

Sacred Spaces And Sacred Places: How The Buddha Of Oakland Is Equal To Sarnath

In the mid-2000s, the city of Oakland built a traffic median at the corner of 11th avenue and 19th street in an attempt to cease people cutting through the neighborhood to avoid traffic on the main roads. Oakland being Oakland, this meant that the median was promptly treated as an unofficial dumping ground for trash and furniture and whatever else flotsam and jetsam people wanted to get rid of. A local named Dan Stevenson and his wife Lu lived across...
6 Pages 2691 Words

Child Labor: Teen Activism And Companies

Introduction Over 250 million kids from ages 1-16 are getting tied into child labor (Maki,2018) Luckily, there are many teen activists looking to help these children. Like Craig Keilberger, he opened “Free the Children”, a non-profit organization devoted to stop child labor, and it has helped millions of kids to this day. Or Iqbal Masih, escaped from being in child labor himself, and got assassinated for telling the world what he had been through. Many of our favorite companies use...
6 Pages 2727 Words

Similarities And Differences Of The Play And Film Romeo And Juliet

Introduction to the Adaptation of 'Romeo and Juliet' ‘Romeo and Juliet’ by William Shakespeare continues to be one of the most influential and widely spread pieces of literature in history, even over 400 years after the play was written. The 16th Century play has had countless adaptations, interpretations, and works that have been inspired by the timeless plot surround young, forbidden love. In 1996, yet another version of the play was released with Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. The film was...
5 Pages 2275 Words
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