2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Similar Gothic Elements In The Work Of Edgar Allan Poe And Nathaniel Hawthorne

Apart from bringing the world an enviable amount of novels, theatrical plays, puritan and native literary pieces, 19th-century American literature has provided authors such as Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne. These masters of the macabre use similar characters, setting, and narration in their writing in order to build up a sense of impending doom. Even today numerous readers enjoy, study, and discuss the shared gothic elements within their works. The gothic style is concerned with the dark side of...
5 Pages 2300 Words

Sense Of Alienation In Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises

Ernest Hemingway occupies a towering place among the twentieth century post-war writers. The alienation in this century was the direct result of World War I that caused an all-pervasive destruction material, spiritual and moral. The Sun Also Rises exposes powerfully the theme of alienation in a very faithful manner. It is an authentic account of the sense of aimlessness; nihilism, despair and, above all, the sense of alienation. The Sun Also Rises presents the story of young people of what...
6 Pages 2699 Words

Study Of The Stages Of Moral Development According To Kohlberg

Moral decision-making, similarly to other types of decision-making, is a complex process. In order to decide how to act in a particular situation, an individual must first recognise that the situation has a set of moral rules attached to it, retrieve related moral schemas from their memory, encode and interpret features of the situation and generate and assess their moral response options (Garrigan, Adlam & Langdon, 2018). In order to understand how morality develops it is important to define what...
6 Pages 2522 Words

Effectiveness Of Music Therapy As A Form Of Treatment

Music Therapy: A Medical Application of Music Listening to music has become an integral part in society. Whether someone is walking along the street, driving around, or even sitting in a room, chances are that they are listening to music. Music has inexplicable capabilities. It is a gateway, having the ability to transport the listener to different worlds. It has the ability to make a room full of exhausted wedding goers get up and dance. It has the ability to...
6 Pages 2577 Words

A Freudian Reading Of Faulkner's A Rose For Emily

William Faulkner was a well-known American author who wrote a lot of books as well as short stories set in the American south including “A Rose for Emily”. His stories often centered around southern morality and its impact. Which is something he knew a lot about having grown up and lived in Mississippi his entire life. This is no different in “A Rose for Emily”, it is a story about an overprotective and controlling society and father who cause his...
5 Pages 2324 Words

Importance Of Blood Donation

The Critical Need for Blood Donation and Its Life-Saving Impact A lot of people ask the question ‘Why should I give blood?’ and the most appropriate response to that question is … why not? In under one hour, one person can give just a single unit of blood, which can help to save the lives of multiple people. Blood donations are essential for patients in all forms of care such as those in emergency care, for example people who have...
5 Pages 2354 Words

Antiguan Struggle In Jamaica Kincaid's Essay A Small Place

Racism, oppression, abuse of power, exploitation, the privileged, a never-ending cycle of poverty and forgiving but not forgetting. Every single one of those atrocities occurs all over the world, and Antigua is a mere example of it. But the way Jamaica Kincaid brings it out in a worthy jeremiad is breathtaking. Jeremiads are long, mournful complaints or lamentations. A Small Place, written by Jamaica Kincaid is an overwhelmingly truthful but angering jeremiad discussing the problems in Antigua. Published in 1988,...
6 Pages 2733 Words

An Analysis Of Forms And Evolution Of Hindu Marriage

Marriage among the Hindus is a Sacramental Relation. This paper deals with Evolution and History of Hindu Marriage. It shows the ancient perspective of marriage and its customs. The paper elaborates forms of marriage practiced during the ancient era. It explains the changes and progress of marriage from the Vedic period to the current date. The Dharmasastra is the original customary rules for Hindu religion, and this paper shows how much the time has drifted our culture from original form....
6 Pages 2622 Words

Cultural Competence Role In Curing Mexican And Japanese Women

Healthcare facilities provide care for many different diverse cultures whose beliefs may affect the medical treatment in which they need to receive. In today’s time the increased racial and ethnic diversity can bring some new challenges for healthcare providers, there is a need for healthcare organizations to provide culturally competent care this is essential to reduce healthcare disparities among the minority population. Providing culturally competent care to patients of all different cultures is something that nurses and other healthcare providers...
5 Pages 2269 Words

Metaphysical Contributions Of John Donne To The Poetry

John Donne was the leading English poet of the Metaphysical school and is often considered the greatest love poet in the English language and is also known for his religious sermons and poetry. Because almost none of Donne’s poetry was published during his lifetime, it is difficult to date it accurately (Pinka). Metaphysical writers like John Donne utilize perplexing, sensational expressions and an assortment of abstract ideas like expanded conceits and imagery in casual and individual language that challenges thoughts...
6 Pages 2744 Words

Special Education: Effective Teaching And Learning

Effective instructional practices for students with special needs are models that teachers are required to understand and implement throughout their teaching careers. In order for all students to attain successful learning experiences within the classroom, it is vital that teachers understand who their students are as well as their capabilities for learning (Education Services Australia, 2011, p. 8). Upon reflecting on a range of instructional practices for students with special education needs within a regular school setting, strategies such as...
5 Pages 2277 Words

Me Too Movement As The Solution Way Of Physical And Sexual Abuse: For And Against

Children living through abuse and violence can suffer from the effects of the trauma for the rest of their lives. In 2006, a woman named Tarana Burke who is a civil rights activist coined the phrase of “#MeToo” which is creating solidarity among victims of sexual and domestic violence. It had become widespread and transformational and was in hope that the movement could be expanded to put focus on the attention of sexual violence of both boys and girls who...
5 Pages 2341 Words

Carl Jung's Theory Of Personality

Many have developed theories of personality, and one of the most notable was created by psychiatrist, Carl Jung. Bruce Neubeaur describes Jung’s theory of personality as “a topology derived from innate preferences regarding how humans receive and process information.” (2001, p. 297) Jung’s theory of personality is well known and inspired the notable Meyers-Briggs personality type indicator. This essay will aim to give an educational summary of Jung’s personality theory. To understand the reasoning behind Jung’s theory it is crucial...
5 Pages 2296 Words

African Culture In The African-American Community

Abstract In this paper I will discuss the African customs that are investigated in the opinion towards Spiritual Leaders, the way families are for the most part headed on the maternal side, and the social standards the two societies share. The importance of Spiritual Leaders in both African and African-American culture is that it can make or break a movement, in regard to the Civil Rights Movement or help bring health initiatives to the community. It also talks about the...
5 Pages 2443 Words

Forms, Causes And Effects Of Child Physical Abuse In India

Introduction Child abuse is doing something or failing to do something that results in harm to the child or puts the child at the risk of doing harm. Child abuse can be physical, sexual or emotional. Neglect or not making provision for the needs of the child is also a form of abuse. In India and in other countries of the world, there has not been any type of understanding of the magnitude or trends of the problem. The increasing...
5 Pages 2471 Words

The Influence Of Leonardo Da Vinci's Inventions On Art And Science

Leonardo da Vinci was one of the most genius people to walk this earth. Most people believe that he only worked in the art category but that’s simply not true. His creations and discoveries changed not only the art world, but the engineering world too. Leonardo da Vinci was born April 15, 1452. He sadly passed away May 2, 1519. He is most known for his skills as a painter, sculptor , engineer , architect and craftsman. Some of his...
5 Pages 2476 Words

Social Media And Digital Journalism

The definition of Journalism has always been debated by various scholars throughout the development of journalism. Thus, we will first discuss two elements of journalism definitions that should be proposed by scholars. The following definition is proposed by Zelizer which defines journalism as “the organized and public collection, processing and distribution of news and current affairs material” and elsewhere defines news as “new information about an event or issue that is shared with others in a systematic and public way”...
6 Pages 2674 Words

Defiance And Quest For Identity In The Book Black Boy

His Black identity comes to the fore when he goes on to say that this story ‘gave form and meaning to confuse defensive feelings that had long been shaping in me’. Hostility towards the whites develops further in Richard. As he writes, “Tension would set in at the mere mention of whites and a vast complex of emotions involving the whole of my personality, would be aroused” ( BB 84). However, Richard confesses that he has never been abused by...
5 Pages 2319 Words

Why College Is An Important Part Of Life

College is an important path that adults need to consider taking in their life. Considering one’s culture, beliefs, and environment, people will see college as a need or a want. Transitioning into college without any prior knowledge is stressful which can cause the person to not go to college. This paper will be covering a student’s perspective on her experience of transitioning into college. The positive and negative factors that she had to overcome will show how she developed as...
6 Pages 2750 Words

Battling The Norms Of Society Towards The Dreams In The Book To The Lighthouse

Have you ever wanted something so hard in life that you chased after it to the ends of the earth? Or did you idly sit by wishing and dreaming? “Yes, she thought, laying down her brush in extreme fatigue, I have had my vision”. To The Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf is a story about people trying to achieve what they want most in life while battling the norms of their society - all set by the unremitting sea. Virginia Woolf,...
5 Pages 2471 Words

The Patriot Act As The Tool To Prevent Terrorism Attacks In The USA

The Patriot Act was passed in 2001 to improve the abilities of the U.S. law enforcement to detect and deter terrorism. The act’s official title was Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism, or USA-PATRIOT. The Patriot Act was modified in 2015 to help ensure the Constitutional rights of ordinary Americans some distributions of the law remain controversial. President George W. Bush signed on October 26, 2001, into law by, just weeks after...
5 Pages 2321 Words

Mythology Of Ancient Greek And Roman Civilization

Over the course of many centuries, Mythology has passionate many generations with their rich diversity of characters and adventurous lives that may have existed in ancient times, and fed the imaginations of many people. Countless places are lost but their stories sill remain in our heads, Since that from a very young age we start to investigate, research and read stories about myths of ancient civilization that mostly deal with various aspects of life like traditions, cultural value, human origin,...
6 Pages 2743 Words

Prejudice, Stereotypes And Discrimination As The Forms Of Sexism In The Workplace

Sexism in the workplace has been the cause of many fallen careers. Is being prejudice, stereotyping or discriminating typically against women based on their gender. Sexism language is an offensive reminder of the way the country and cultures view women and their ability achieve or do many jobs a man can do. The way women are looked at and treated follows them from their cradles to the workplace throughout their lifetime. Sexism opinions have a lasting impact on how much...
5 Pages 2414 Words

Social Differences Across Borders: The Anglo Saxon

Introduction “... social … developments over the last two decades have combined to create a unified world marketplace…” (Organising). Every country has different methods of conducting business across borders. Some countries are similar while others are different. Everyday different businesses are continuously attempting to expand and reach consumers. The countries we are focusing on are the countries labelled Anglo-Saxon which are: the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and Ireland. We will focus on how each country...
5 Pages 2511 Words

The Peculiarities Of Science Fiction Films

The film industry saw dynamic changes after the Second World War, which made Hollywood change its content and style. The Hollywood film industry experienced booming years between 1939 and 1946 with the industry significantly. As a result, their attendance and box receipts declined to almost half of the 1946 levels within seven years. The changes were triggered by many factors, most of which were external to the industry. In 1950, the movies were challenged and surpassed by television as the...
5 Pages 2461 Words

Bookends Of Enlightenment: John Locke And Olaudah Equiano

In the seventeenth century, The Scientific Revolution brought light to people challenging previous ideas and thinking freely on the ideas of science. This was a new concept, as previously, the world ran on tradition, and authority was never to be questioned. However, this new idea of thinking freely inspired men everywhere to think for themselves and share new ideas. Soon, there was an eruption of a philosophical, social, and intellectual movement, during which, thinkers began to question old system of...
5 Pages 2359 Words

Is Your Mood Affected By Weather?

Introduction Weather is an uncontrollable atmospheric action and often inconsistent. Can the same be said about our moods? Some people’s moods are like the weather, hot, cold and very inconsistent. Studies have been done to see if one is dependent of the other. Weather has for some time been believed to impact a person’s mood but it is very difficult to capture in a study. This could be due to how people describe their mood on self-reporting surveys or weather...
5 Pages 2451 Words

Social Learning Theory and Bobo Doll Experiment

Canadian born American psychologist Albert Bandura theorized the social learning theory in 1977. Bandura agreed with most behaviorist learning theories of classical conditioning and operant conditioning, but wanted to include the importance of behavior being and how it is learned by imitating others through observational learning. Bandura’s research on observational learning, aggression, and how we imitate others is quite relevant till this day as violence is shown everywhere especially through media. The social learning theory has been used to understand...
5 Pages 2446 Words

The Struggles Of Growing Up In The USA In The Books The Brief Wondrous Life Of Oscar Wao And American Born Chinese

From the perspectives of many people living anywhere else in the world, growing up in the United States may seem like the ultimate dream. The United States is known as a place of freedom -- place in which people can do what they want, say what they want, and act how they want (within limits, of course) without being judged or looked upon strangely. In other words, the United States is a global symbol of safety or refuge. As a...
6 Pages 2733 Words

The Key Factors Of Juvenile Delinquency Recidivism

Abstract In this research, Juvenile and recidivism are analyzed to show how social bonds play a key factor in the recidivism of juveniles. We will cross-tabulate Juvenile delinquency and recidivism, in hopes of it revealing delinquency, community, family and a host of other underlying elements as being reasons why juveniles are more prone to recommitting crimes after detention and from being or lack of being rehabilitated. Juveniles and recidivism should closely resemble a high rate of recidivism regarding race, class,...
6 Pages 2559 Words
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