2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Observation Of Medical Equipment Inventory Importance

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A vital part of the health-care technology management system is equipment inventory which needs to be frequently updated to provide an accurate look at the status of durable medical equipment in the hospital or clinic. The topics of importance should include original data collection, updated information on the equipment, or when the hospital receives new equipment or discontinuing the use of the equipment and during yearly inventory inspections. Inventorying of medical supplies also includes inventorying extra properties such...
5 Pages 2320 Words

Effects And Consequences Of Drug Abuse On Adults And Teens

Introduction Drug misuse is defined as the consumption of harmful medical substances in excessive amounts disobeying the medical guidelines. It has a negative impact on health. Some people who misuse drugs have many social and health problems which lead to the consequence of addiction. Thus, drug misuse refers to a state, when a drug becomes important part of a person’s life and he is completely dependent on that drug. Misuse of drug can effect on physiological and physical dependency of...
5 Pages 2293 Words

Structural Basis Of Enveloped Zika Virus Specific Antibody Protection

Abstract ZIKV as an enveloped, positive-sense, single-stranded RNA virus, belonging to the family of flavivirde.(1-3) The rapid geographical expansion and the rampant effect of zika virus (ZIKV) in the recent years have posed serious threat to human life, which lead World Health Organization to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) against this flavivirus in 2016.(4) Binding and fusion of a virus with the host membrane is the first and one of the most crucial steps in the...
6 Pages 2515 Words

Girl By Jamaica Kincaid And A Doll's House By Henrik Ibsen As Vivid Examples Of Social Stereotypes About Women

At birth one is assigned one of two genders, other than a few medical or scientific anomalies, one is either a boy or a girl at birth. As defined in wikipedia.com, “Gender roles are also known as sex roles” and it comprises our unacceptable conceptions of Femininity and Masculinity. These can entail conceptions due to gender expectations. Even in countries where women tend to play a greater role in development, governance and politics, they are still treated and judged disparately...
5 Pages 2281 Words

The Topic Of Relationships In The Tally Stick, Sonny's Blues, And The Piano Lesson

At your current age, how would you describe the sum of your life? Would you include your relationships with friends or family? Humans were created as inherently social beings who are constantly striving to connect, interact, and become familiar with each other. Despite our instinctual desire for harmonious relationships, time has encouraged us to place focus and efforts into other things, rather than the creation of relationships. This leads to miscommunication and additional conflict which is represented within Ramsey’s “The...
6 Pages 2595 Words

Effects Of ISIS Attacks

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, is more commonly known as ISIS. ISIS is an extremist militant group that strictly follows the Salafi writings of Sunni Islam. The group is also commonly known today, as ISIL. ISIL stands for Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. in 2014 ISIS declaired itself as a worldwide caliphate, which has been rejected by the rest of the world. ISIS has a long history of how it came to be the organization it...
5 Pages 2386 Words

Heritage Values Of Red House

Red House should be valued as a piece of heritage because of its historical significance in changing the course of architecture and how domestic homes are designed and built. To determine a piece of heritage, the values of a building are assessed. Red house which was designed and built by William Morris and Phillip Webb has a universal importance to modern architects as it demonstrates the importance of craftsmanship and exploring historical building methods which can be adapted and used...
5 Pages 2309 Words

Pros And Cons Of Gacaca Courts As An Example Of Justice Is Rwanda

INTRODUCTION Post-conflict transitional societies are often faced with the difficult task of transitional justice. This issue is a result of the need to balance the demands for justice and social cohesion. This delicate balance is situated within two notions of justice, retributive and restorative justice. Retributive justice refers 'to the repair of justice through the unilateral imposition of punishment'. This approach to criminal justice is most prevalent in Western societies. Restorative justice, on the other hand, is “a process whereby...
5 Pages 2256 Words

Themes, Messages And Values In My Antonia

The narrator Jim Burden, the narrator of Cather’s novel, is a man, who is described as “legal counsel for one of the great Western railways and is often away from his office for weeks together” (Cather, p.1), giving the indication that our narrator is an educated, well-respected man who though settled with a wife and home of his own, is continually unsettled and finds himself at home with the unceasing forward motion of progress and change. This concept of a...
5 Pages 2465 Words

Minimum Age Of Criminal Responsibility: For And Against

This chapter outlines the reasons for, and against, the minimum age of criminal responsibility. While there is no dispute that children do need to be held accountable for their actions whether it be criminally or just in general, it is important to note that some think a child should not be criminalized regardless of the crime they commit. Children are not held to the same degree of accountability as adults, and that is reflected in their sentencing procedure. Children may...
6 Pages 2701 Words

Differences And Similarities Of Durkheim And Foucault Punishment

In society, punishment is used to set out anything we may view as painful; such as rough treatment or handling (McTaggart, 1896). When it comes to crime, punishment is considered to be important and necessary to deter crime and those to commit it. Punishment has a variety of uses within society, however the most common use is to promote the behaviour that society deems acceptable whilst, simultaneously, discouraging behaviours that are considered inappropriate. Durkheim believed that society can only restore...
5 Pages 2263 Words

Modernism Features In J.R.R. Tolkien Writings

“Change is a good thing.”, a common idea during the 1930’s and the rest of the modernism era. Due to this idea, many modernists of the time were inspired to bring change to their world through their work and art. For literature, this meant taking on a new point of viewing the world. Therefore, many authors’ work and thoughts of that time did not reflect or compare with previous works of literature. The need for change and rebellious attitude of...
5 Pages 2479 Words

The Evolution Of Corporal Punishment In Education

Introduction The evolution of corporal punishment within a school setting dates back to before 500 BC. Corporal punishment in its entirety cannot be traced back to its origin, but examples of corporal punishment in a school setting started to be documented in early Greece, which spans from 800 BC to 500 BC (History.com Editors, 2010). Ever since Greek and Roman antiquity, there has been a debate about whether or not corporal punishment should be used within an educational context. This...
5 Pages 2419 Words

Chinese Culture And Europe: Business Norms

This research paper aims to compare the Chinese culture with Europe. Especially in terms of business, providing some examples of traditional Chinese norms when you are going to negotiate with a Chinese company that is important to take into account. To continue, with the help of Hofstede, it includes five dimensions related to the Chinese culture. Before talking about the comparison between Chinese culture and Europe, it is necessary to define the term culture. It is not something easy to...
5 Pages 2264 Words

From Zero To Hero: Campbell Hero’s Journey Through Tolkien’s The Hobbit

In this essay, we are going to discuss the relation between The Hero’s Journey Model by Joseph Campbell and how his storytelling structure applies to Tolkien’s The Hobbit movie by Peter Jackson. In order to give some context, we need to ask the right questions. What is the Hero’s journey? How can we apply it to The Hobbit? What is the definition of a hero and what kind of hero does Tolkien use in The Hobbit? ‘In a hole in...
6 Pages 2563 Words

Physiotherapy Intervention To Ease Mobility Of People With Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s Disease Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is one of the fastest growing neurodegenerative diseases in the world and the second most prevalent neurodegenerative disease next to Alzheimer’s Disease. What causes it has yet to be discovered, but researchers say that people who are more prone to developing PD are mostly men, aged around 60 or older, and have relatives affected by the disease as well (Brazier, 2018). As the cause of this is unknown, preventive measures have also yet to be...
5 Pages 2323 Words

The Main Points And Themes In The Book Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl

The book Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs is an important piece of writing that sheds light on what life as a slave was really like. The book goes into detail about the terrible things that happened to one slave named Linda. This book also gives examples of how the many slave owners that claimed to be christain disobeyed so many of the rules, but most commonly the 10 Commandments. Many slave owners would use...
5 Pages 2476 Words

The Moral Codes Of Church And Its Views On Human Sexuality

Hostility towards sexuality is a reality that spans in some form or another across all religions. In terms of Christianity, there is a hostility towards women and women’s sexuality and sexual relationships that do not fit into the accepted ideal of the christian church. Because human sexuality is one of the most basic aspects of human biology, it was something that was seen as needing to be controlled and regulated. There are many ways in which religion exercises control over...
6 Pages 2677 Words

The Nature, Reasoning And Implementation Of The Prohibition In Mississippi

Despite the contentious topic of the Prohibition within Mississippi, it was a significant method of oppression in which social and cultural minorities suffered. An individual’s cultural identity proves to be tantamount in evolving historical interpretations regarding the area of debate. The addition of modern contextual values such as equality and access to new evidence has compelled an overwhelming and homogenous perception following the era, that regards it as discriminatory legislation. The Prohibition within the United States, saw the transportation, selling...
5 Pages 2386 Words

Dyslexia Interventions As The Way For Its Treatment

The conception of learning disabilities has been around since the twentieth century, individual learners with these difficulties are often unable to read, write or comprehend mathematical problems smoothly (The British Dyslexia Association 2007). There are several specific learning difficulties which include dyspraxia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dyslexia and other learning difficulties. For the purpose of this essay, the specific learning disability focused on will be dyslexia. Dyslexia was first coined by Rudolf Berlin, using it as a term to help describe reading...
6 Pages 2527 Words

Individualism And Transcendentalism In The Novel The Giver By Lois Lowry

The Giver by Lois Lowry expressed ideas and thoughts of Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson. I will analyze how the main character Jonas goes through a journey of individualism and self-expression as the novel progresses and how it relates to Emerson and Thoreau. Jonas is able to grow throughout the book due to the internal and external conflicts he endures. My interest in this theme of individualism and the realization of it in a small society intrigues me...
5 Pages 2495 Words

The Barriers And Motivators Of Australian Red Cross Blood Service

Introduction Red Cross Blood service is one of the divisions of Australian Red Cross which funded by the whole Australian government in order to collect volunteersblood for saving life. In 1929, the first Australian Blood Transfusion Service as founded in Victoria state. Today, Red Cross Blood Service is the exclusive organization that help people to donate their blood, and then it is operating over 100 blood collection centres were built around the country and supported by over half million people....
5 Pages 2417 Words

Restorative Justice As A Component Of The Criminal Justice System In England And Wales

Introduction The Criminal Justice System (CJS) in England and Wales is the major public service set up with the aim to deliver justice to all those that have been effect by crime, to achieve this effectively the CJS consist of multiple government agencies that have been tasked to “ deliver justice for all by convicting and punishing the guilty and helping them to stop reoffending, while protecting the innocent”, (Gardside,2008), other gaols of the CJS include the rehabilitation of offenders,...
6 Pages 2715 Words

The Struggle For Cultural Assimilation In The Book The Namesake

Cultural assimilation is the process by which a person who immigrates to another country learns to adapt to and accept the culture and customs that are dominant in that country. This process is not easy to undertake, and many immigrants often struggle with assimilation. This struggle is one of the central storylines in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake. In this novel, Bengali couple Ashoke and Ashima Ganguli move from Calcutta to America to make a life for themselves and raise a...
5 Pages 2545 Words

Zika Virus As The Treatment For Oncology

Cancer has been among the leading causes of death throughout the world for decades, devastating many families with its commonly low survival rates and limited treatment options. In particular, Glioblastoma, arguably the most aggressive form of cancer, is fatal with the median survival rate being 10 to 12 months[1] (even when accompanied with treatment) due to how developed the grade IV tumour is. Because of this reason, it is also one of the most researched topics within oncology with promising...
5 Pages 2407 Words

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Online Pharmacy

ABSTRACT The tremendous increase in accessibility to internet in recent years has changed the global scenario of many fields by technological advancements. One of such development in e-pharmacy service is now being replaced the traditional way of prescribing and dispensing of medicines through online ordering and mail delivery via internet on electronic prescription network. In 1997 the WHO called on its member states to tighten controls on the sale of medical products through internet and intact concerned that this may...
5 Pages 2382 Words

The Theme Of Perception In The Novels The Great Gatsby And Atonement

In the novels ‘The Great Gatsby’ by F. Scott Fitzgerald and the ‘Atonement’ by Ian McEwan, the theme of perception is crucial to the unfolding tragedies that occur. The novels are based on the perspectives of Briony and Nick, both of which demonstrate a foolish sense of immaturity at the beginning of their stories. As their stories progress, so do Briony and Nick’s ability to acknowledge hindsight. Hindsight is the understanding of an event, but only after it has happened...
6 Pages 2566 Words

Interpersonal Communication: Rapport, Culture, Language And Conflicts

Introductions Interpersonal communication is an essential practice that allow people of different ages to interact and exchange valuable information with the use of feelings, verbal and non-verbal messages. It is usually a face-to-face communication that involves several components such as the message, noise, receiver, respondent, channel, context, and noise. The interpersonal communication course has been thoroughly engaging and insightful. I have been able to identify the critical skills involved in interpersonal communication that allow people to engage and interact on...
5 Pages 2483 Words

Hypertension Management In Newly Diagnosed Patients

The management of hypertension in patients can improve their overall health and reduce the risk of other comorbidities that can arise from being untreated, especially those newly diagnosed. Orem's theory poses the concept of self-care and the abilities that patients have to improve their self-care. An individual’s ability to perform self-care is defined as the practice of activities that individuals initiate and perform on their own behalf in maintaining life, health, and well-being. This can include the use of self-blood...
6 Pages 2674 Words

Barriers And Challenges Of People With Down Syndrome In Ireland

INTRODUCTION The study aims at taking a holistic view of the issues, problems, effect, and solutions of Down syndrome in Ireland. In plain English language, Down syndrome is a congenital disorder arising from a chromosome defect, causing intellectual impairment and physical abnormalities; including short stature and a broad facial profile in humans. Down syndrome is a type of genetic disorder when a baby is being formed, during conception there is an error in cell division. In every individual, there are...
5 Pages 2427 Words
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