2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Nature Play And Playground

Nature Play Children have the most wonderful natural sense of wonder and the most effective way for young children to learn about themselves and the world around them is through play (Wilson, 2018). Children play instinctively with natural elements; they are natural experts and combining nature and play in the lives of young children has many benefits (Lester & Maudsley, 2007). Nature play provides children with a connection to the natural world and the freedom to the purposefully engage and...
6 Pages 2640 Words

How Would Free College Affect the Economy

Conservative: “Free” College Tuition For many years both liberal and conservatives have debated over the controversy about whether or not college tuition should be free. Statistics have shown that the controversy is still taking precedence today. Presidential candidates such as Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have taken the stance that college tuition should be free. However they do not realize the impact that free college tuition would have on the economy of the state it is taking place in. In...
6 Pages 2664 Words

Corporal Punishment In Parent-Child Relationship: For And Against

The famous American pediatrician, Benjamin Spock, once said, 'A child supplies the power, but the parents have to do the steering.' Amy Chua is an eastern parent who wrote about her parenting style, in the article 'Tough Love: Parents and Children,' she explains her rationale for the use of corporal punishment on her child. Chua believes strong discipline is necessary because it prepares children for the future. Also, western parents care too much about their children's self-esteem and let their...
5 Pages 2522 Words

Homework: The Factor Of Academic Process Or The Hassle For Both Students And Teachers?

Nothing compares to the sigh of relief from students when one’s teacher says, “No homework tonight.” The immediate satisfaction from hearing those simple words is just the beginning of a widely controversial topic. Students are given an obtuse amount of homework that sets limitations on their possibilities to be more than just students. The clear burden homework places on children can be seen through the lack of mental and physical health children are partaking. Several arguments have arisen in recent...
5 Pages 2302 Words

Nervous System: Structure, Food And Diseases

NERVOUS SYSTEM This is a collection of nerves and specialized cells called neurons that transmit signals between different parts of the body. This system transmits information by nerve impulses conducted from one area of the body to another. The nervous system transmits signals between the brain and the rest of the body including internal organs therefore controlling the ability to move, breathe, see and think and more. The nervous system is made of two main parts i. Central nervous system...
5 Pages 2402 Words

The History And Development Of English Drama

The story of birth and the early development of English Drama are complicated. It has passed various stages and transitions. There was no drama in English before the Norman Conquest. The bulk of old English writings were overshadowed by the influence of Latin Christianity. The Latin Church had always feared the powerful appeal that drama made to the eye and ear. Drama is an appeal to the senses being a direct challenge to its spiritual authority. The church had done...
6 Pages 2573 Words

One Of The Important Duties In Phlebotomy Is Nursing Record Keeping

According to The State Archives and Records Authority of New South Wales (NSW State Archives and Records 2008), information is the primary organizational asset needed now and in the future, and good record-keeping can help people find the information they need. It can also help to promote information sharing and collaboration. If the information is accessible and trustworthy, it can be used to make more informed decisions and take appropriate action. Since health care is considered professional, caregivers need to...
5 Pages 2474 Words

Nutrition Influence On Vietnamese Health

Introduction It is generally believed that the Vietnamese has always been considered slow developed in physical strength and appearance. The community supposes that the main reason for this problem is genetic factors. However, many scientific researches have proved that it is not true. According to Mueller (1982), people’s height is basically defined by heredity, but if the nutritional and environmental conditions did not satisfy basic requirements, height development would not be adequate to the rate which was defined back then...
6 Pages 2737 Words

The Effects Of Bill C-74 On White Collar Crime

Bill C-74, the omnibus budget implementation bill, contains provisions that propose to amend the Criminal Code to add a new system of remediation that can be triggered prior to a trial for corporations accused of offences such as bribery of public officials, frauds on government, municipal corruption, prohibited insider trading or false prospectus. The bill includes provisions that deal with how white-collar crime that takes place in the jurisdiction of Canadian courts is prosecuted and proposes a system of remediation...
5 Pages 2336 Words

Childhood Trauma Of Dissociative Identity Disorder: Analyzing The Condition Of Kevin Wendell Crumb

Introduction Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is a serious mental disorder which can be diagnosed in a patient with at least two split and distinct personalities within him. The mental disorder has been known as hiddenness disease and its availability frequency is higher than other mental illnesses. Most patients with DID report experiencing physical and sexual abuse, during their childhood. A study have found that a single child who experienced such terrible childhood is more likely to be diagnosed with DID...
6 Pages 2613 Words

Brain Peculiarities Of Bilingual In The Process Of Language Learning

The authors recognized that little attention had been given to the impact of language context for monolinguals. As a result, they did research to present data detailing the effect of ambient linguistic diversity on monolinguals' ability to acquire a different language. The authors aimed at using recent research to challenge the traditional assumptions that language processing is uniformly homogeneous and that differences in the performance of native language always result from cognitive resource constraints. They believe that language processing may...
5 Pages 2362 Words

Natural Remedies In Indian Culture

Abstract India is notorious for their organic alternative medical system consisting of Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Unani, Yoga, Siddha and Homeopathy are a fundamental part of the tradition health care system in India from thousands of years. Due to their determined faith towards their spices, tea leaves and fruits, India was once a country with the lowest rate of cancer and other contemporary diseases. The purpose of this study is to analyze how organic alternative medicine has more of a positive outcome...
5 Pages 2417 Words

The Effects Of Community Policing In Modern Enforcement System

The effectiveness of how constabularies deal with violent crime, particularly knife crime, has become a controversial subject in recent years - public ideas on how such issues should be tackled have evolved over time. Traditional principles of violent crime prevention were to apprehend law-breakers and hold them accountable for the crimes they had committed (Wilson and McLaren, 1977). Methods such as preventative control and rapid response, were useful in this approach, however, as the limits of these methods began to...
6 Pages 2540 Words

Religion Importance In Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre

Introduction to Religion's Role in "Jane Eyre" Religion is an integral part of the plot that is Jane Eyre’s life. In the Victorian Era, Christianity was the primary religion. Many of the Victorian’s believed that, in order to be a good Christian, you had to be willing to self-sacrifice (Blumberg). This idea comes from Ilana Blumberg’s “Victorian Sacrifice”. Blumberg talks mainly about the female self-sacrifice found in Victorian times and how they let it rule their lives. Jane is definitely...
5 Pages 2273 Words

Concept Analysis of Pain

This paper will talk about a very important and complex concept, this concept is pain. Pain is a universal concept and common human experience in most of the disciplines especially, nursing discipline. In nursing life and practice, pain one of the most experienced and expressed phenomena by patients. This paper aims to extend the understanding of the concept of pain, to clarify pain concept from its different aspects and to determine its uses, attributes, antecedents, consequences, and finally introduces a...
5 Pages 2509 Words

Strengths And Weaknesses Of Immigration Policies In Both Canada And The US

Introduction Immigration is certainly one of the most polarizing issues to face global scrutiny in modern international politics, having significant implications for both domestic and international affairs. The United Nations International Migration Report (2017) estimates a total population of 258 million people globally who are living outside of their country of origin. In the current age of rising nationalism and the challenging of sovereign borders with globalization’s interconnectivity, immigration remains an increasingly important issue in modern society. In recent political...
5 Pages 2357 Words

Symbolism And Crucial Themes In The Book A Worn Path

Introduction to Phoenix Jackson's Journey In literature, a walk is never just a walk. In Phoenix Jackson's case, her walk is more than just a walk to town; it is a journey. In the short story, “A Worn Path”, Phoenix Jackson (an elderly African American woman) embarks on a journey to attain medicine for her sick grandson. The story starts on a morning in December, cold outside, frost on the ground and Phoenix Jackson is walking to town. She is...
5 Pages 2254 Words

The Social Determinants Of Hypertension In Ghana

INTRODUCTION The stable West-African country Ghana is a nation on the rise, recently being upgraded from a low- to a lower middle income country (1). However, economy and welfare are not exclusively rising in Ghana: hypertension and consequently cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are on the rise as well (2–4). Hypertension, defined by a blood pressure (BP) >140/90 mmHg, affects 1.13 billion people globally (5). It is the largest single contributor to burden of disease worldwide (6) and one of the most...
6 Pages 2536 Words

The Mass Media Impact On Body Image

Body image is a major concern affecting young women and girls. According to Grabe, Ward and Hyde (2008), body dissatisfaction for females in America accounts for about 50% of the population and this number is currently on the rise. The mass media has been responsible for distributing sexualized images and promoting the thin-ideal which influences young girls and women to be dissatisfied with their bodies as this creates a thinness schema in society. This motivation then leads to the development...
6 Pages 2626 Words

Postpartum Depression In Immigrants And Refugees

Introduction Paying attention to the postpartum period is important for women to fully recover after childbirth. Women who do not receive proper postpartum care have a high risk of developing postpartum depression (PPD). As well as having negative effects for the mother, untreated PPD can contribute to delays in the development of newborn infants. The effects of PPD are not merely physical. Social positions and experience of culture also have an effect on the way PPD is experienced. O’Mahony, Donnelly,...
6 Pages 2597 Words

The Mark Twain's Comedy Works

Referred to as the “Father of Modern Satire” Mark Twain’s comedic works are appreciated universally and timelessly. Twain utilises a unique range of literary techniques to not only critique certain areas of society but also reveal his own sympathies and reflection of the time period he lived. For instance Twain's 'The Mysterious Stranger,' perfectly advocated his agnostic commentary critiquing God and organized religion as well as man’s susceptibility to the church. Moreover “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,' displays racial attitudes of...
5 Pages 2310 Words

Gang Culture Elements In Latin America

Gang culture in Latin America is perceived as responsible for various types of criminal problems not just within the continent but around the entire globe. The term ‘gang’, or ‘pandilla’ in Spanish, is widely stigmatised as a crime group that tends to seek violence and inhumane activities. Due to this stigmatisation, blaming these ‘gangs’ as a cause for violent activities seem to be more common than ever. However, these ‘typical’ gangs that are widely known through media coverage, are mostly...
6 Pages 2528 Words

The Perspectives Of Criminal Justice To Adult Prostitution In Canada

Introduction Basic morality is widely known as the guiding principle for our legal system, explaining why things like murder and assault are criminalized; but what about adult prostitution? Reasonably, the law argues that it is because prostitution often comes alongside dangerous activities such as drug use and violent crime, thus its heavy regulation is in the best interest of personal and public safety. Nevertheless, the nature of the issue still sparks controversy to this day. As a result, I will...
6 Pages 2655 Words

Apple: Supply Chain Management Issues And Approaches To Its Improvement

Introduction As Apple’s presence expands and multiplies more and more every day, so does the question of their responsibility to various stakeholders within its ecosystem. The relationship between Apple and its offshore suppliers has been a key issue for the company, as widespread media coverage is creating awareness of conditions throughout its supply chain. The question of whether Apple should take equal accountability for corporate social responsibility (CSR) as it currently does for its financial performance continues to be heavily...
6 Pages 2740 Words

Henry Ford Operations Management

INTRODUCTION In 1896, Henry Ford created his first vehicle which he named the Quadricycle, this invention run solely on gas power, which was designed at the back of his home. After failed attempts in 1903 to open a car manufacturing firm, he never gave up and became successful after some few months. The Ford company was opened and the first automobile was produced at a plant in Detroit. Ford Motor company just produced small amounts of vehicles at the initial...
6 Pages 2625 Words

Food And Multiculturalism: Culture, Identity And Ethnocentrism

Multiculturalism is a common phenomenon in contemporary society. There is thus a need for people to study different cultures and share ideas to accommodate a variation in the cultural behaviors experiences. The study of foods of different cultures, their preparations, and consumption is an essential step towards progressive multiculturalism. Among other non-verbal communication, food and meals are used as a means of expressing friendship and acceptance of new cultures. The link established by sharing of food among a variety of...
5 Pages 2280 Words

The Implementation Of Safety Process For Operating Plant

Following are some universal strategies for safety in any Functioning Plant. Inform Supervisors of Risky Conditions If you see somewhat that could hypothetically hurt somebody, confiscate the object or clean the zone if you can do so carefully. Then, inform your manager. Since your administrator is officially grateful to keep you and your fellow workforces’ working condition safe, they must take act. Use Apparatus Properly Abusing tools and apparatuses is the most predominant cause of workroom injuries. When using apparatus,...
5 Pages 2309 Words

Human Evolution And Human Origins

Abstract The fossil record supplies research with evidence of human origins, offering a crucial insight into the study of palaeoanthropology. This discipline has critically developed our understanding of human origins; however, the fossil record is sporadic and incomplete, often precluding a full assessment to the potential morphological scope of past populations. Over the past couple of decades, advances in molecular genetics have precipitated a new age for evolutionary studies in human origins. Research on DNA variation in diverse human populations...
6 Pages 2727 Words

The Reasons For China Overpopulation Problem Essay

Introduction Overpopulation is a global problem found in many countries such as China, India, Indonesia and even the United States of America. Officially, Singapore is the world's most overpopulated state calculated by population to area, but the underdevelopment of large regional areas of main land China enhance the negative effects of overpopulation for the country. Overpopulation effects all areas of a countries national and global identity. Problems that arise from overpopulation effect all areas of the country's social, economic, environmental...
5 Pages 2473 Words

African Americans: Between The Cultural Heritage And American Assimilation

In the twentieth century, the United States of America has transitioned into a more diverse nation. Immigrants arriving from around the globe combined with African Americans to challenge the American identity. As a result, prominent figures including Theodore Roosevelt believed every American should indeed be Americanized. Throughout the twentieth century, Americanization, which means to sacrifice an old culture in favor of American culture, remains an issue amongst authors in particular. Authors in the twentieth century expressed their stance on the...
5 Pages 2384 Words
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