2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

How Sleep Impacts College Students

Although college students face many challenges throughout their time in school, one of the crucial obstacle one that they face is lack of sleep. Many of them believe that 6 hours or even less hours of sleep for the night will make them very product but in reality, it has negative impact on them. Such of the impacts that inadequate of sleep has towards the students are; waking up fatigue, having mood issue, trouble focusing in morning classes, drinking alcohol...
5 Pages 2393 Words

Temperature Regulation And Bulimia

Models of human thermoregulatory responses can predict how the body will react in nature. Comment by kristina nair: Way too broad – talk about it Humans react to extreme heat through homeostasis Function well 20+ Thermoregulation The claim ‘Human thermoregulatory responses can predict how the body will react in nature’ is ambiguous and non-specific. The research on human thermoregulation is still fairly new and therefore the amount of research is limited on the topic. Although there have been numerous trails...
5 Pages 2362 Words

Underlying Eurocentrism In Alice Walker’s Works With Particular Reference To The Colour Purple

Alice Work’s works contain a “Latent Eurocentricism” perpetuating the colonist vision of the African subcontinent as primitive. Examine with particular reference to the portrayal of the Olinka community in The Color Purple The Color Purple is novel by the Afro-American author Alice walker. It is in epistolary form of narration where Celie, the protagonist writes letters to God reciting her sufferings as an Afro –American woman, living in the Southern part of the United States during the 1930s. The latter...
5 Pages 2458 Words

Rehab Observation From The Nurse Perspective

Rehab Observation This paper describes the experiences and learning objectives at a recent rehabilitation observation experience. The student nurse observed the roles of the physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy. The roles were explained as the processes went on, and the integration of the whole care team was observed and explained. An RN interview was conducted to better explain the occupational workload of RN compared to an acute patient setting. The focus on the system of care as a...
5 Pages 2335 Words

William Blake: Romantic Poetry With An Angelic Message Of The Liberation Of Man From The Manacles Of Reason And Teachings

The Age of Enlightenment brought about the Industrial Revolution and societal changes which greatly influenced the discourses of the time. With the Age of Reason, otherwise known as the Enlightenment, there was a change into a focus on reason and progress led to the movement of people into built up cities, with common discourse ultimately favouring those within the capitalist and theological institutions of the time. Poets such as William Blake greatly despised this change, and are notably great writers...
5 Pages 2535 Words

Reasons Behind Parental Refusal Of Vaccines

Disease and illness have plagued the human race for as long as we have walked the earth. Similarly, to disease, the spread of misinformation also has dreadful effects. The anti-vaccination movement has become a health crisis and is fueled by the distortion of facts that have been passed down through the internet. You can think of the internet as a game of telephone, the more the information is circulated the more incorrect it becomes. As more parents buy into the...
6 Pages 2640 Words

Bias: Reasons, Types And Effects

Identifying Bias Andrew Banasiewicz had written in his 2019 published book, Evidence-based Decision-making, it is well known that the human brain has essentially the same basic structure as other mammalian brains; yet, somehow, it gives rise to capabilities that enable humans to do so much more. In addition, although manifestations of those capabilities span the spectrum ranging from tragic to triumphant, the intellectual prowess that emanates from the roughly three pounds of squidgy matter that is the human brain seem...
5 Pages 2417 Words

The Influence Of The Odyssey By Homer

Homer’s The Odyssey is an interactive poem that has influenced literature since it was written in the 8th century BCE. In addition to establishing many conventions for future Western epic poetry, the story interacts with the audience on multiple levels, transforming it from a simple adventure story to an emphasis on cultural values. The use of storytelling, repetition, and structure create a revolutionary piece that still influences literature today. The poem interacts with its audience through genre, and this interactive...
5 Pages 2335 Words

Nanotechnology And Its Advancements In Stroke Cases

Introduction Stroke, a cardiovascular disease, occurs when there is an interruption of the blood supply to the brain (Stroke Foundation - Australia, 2019). In Australia, stroke is one of the biggest killers. In 2017, there were 56 000 new or recurrent stroke attacks (Stroke Foundation - Australia, 2019). Furthermore, of all stroke cases, 80% could have been prevented (Stroke Foundation - Australia, 2019). In 2016, 5.2%, or 8 200, of deaths in Australia were a result of stroke (Stroke Foundation...
5 Pages 2335 Words

Domestic Violence Against Women Across Different Cultures

For this personal interest project I have chosen to focus on domestic violence against women across different cultures. I have decided to research a broader understanding on the influences and which cultures are mostly affected by this. I have chosen to focus on women in general as they are shown to be less powerful than men in society. The key concepts used for this topic is society, culture, power, authority, and gender. The reason I have chosen this topic is...
5 Pages 2432 Words

Implementation Of Uniforms In Public Schools Solves Many Problems

Meet Isaiah, he is 8 years old and goes to his local public elementary school where is bullied every day. Isaiah tries to put up with it, but as time goes on, his grades drop, and his motivation to go to school every day diminishes quickly. Even though Isaiah is extremely funny, and is very talented, he isn't even given the chance because he lacks the ability to wear the newest trendiest clothes. Meet Isaiah's mother, she is a single...
5 Pages 2316 Words

Identity Theft: Process, Ways And Effects

“Identity theft” is when thieves steal your private data or information. In order to take over or open new accounts, file, rent or buy properties, or for other criminal things by taking your good name. “Identity theft” is the fastest-growing crime all over the world. The very obvious reason behind it is that most of us have made our most valuable personal data or information -name, address, driver’s license, credit card number and social security number, etc. - available on...
5 Pages 2483 Words

The Main Ideas In The Picture Of Dorian Gray

Introduction to Aesthetic Principles in "The Picture of Dorian Gray" Oscar Wilde was at grips with his novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray. Republished twice, the Victorian novel emphasizes a society full of dandies of the end of the nineteenth century. The main character is Dorian Gray who is obsessed by a painting which captures his beauty fading because of his departure from morality/ art. Influences of John Ruskin and Walter Pater on Wilde's Aestheticism Oscar Wilde put in this...
5 Pages 2334 Words

Political Approaches Of Australia And Japan To Multiculturalism

Modern political approaches in correlation with the historical impact of imperialism and colonialism demonstrates a relevant influence on cultural diversity within countries. That is, the systematic control of an empire over other territories and individuals (Allatson 2019), facilitates a transfer of cultural ideologies, religions and political beliefs that inadvertently shapes a nation’s political approach and acceptance in relation to their ethos, standards and obligations concerning cultural, linguistic and religious diversity (T. Calma 2008, speech, 30 July) within a modern societal...
5 Pages 2251 Words

The Development Of Human Resilience During Life

This essay will summarise the definition of resilience and how it develops as humans progress through life. This essay will argue that a large majority of individuals will positively adapt in the face of adversity with a minority of individuals developing genuine emotional and/or behavioural problems. This essay will argue that protective factors such as high self-esteem, social support networks and coping methods promote resilience within individuals. This essay will also describe the concepts of coping, mindfulness and resilience in...
6 Pages 2581 Words

Aristotle Philosophy of Education

Introduction to Aristotle's Educational Philosophy This essay aims to explain Aristotle’s theory of education before evaluating the contemporary significance of his philosophy of education today. Aristotle is understood to have lived from 384 BC to 322 BC in Ancient Greece which today would span a geographical area that includes Egypt, Turkey, Iraq, Iran and parts of Afghanistan (Malam, 2006). He was a philosopher, scientist and teacher who is still viewed today as one of the most significant thinkers in the...
6 Pages 2704 Words

Significance Of Advocacy Campaign On Miscarriage

The global complexity in health and life of the modern population often enforces the healthcare practitioners in being health advocates for the general population. As per the definition of WHO, it is proved that advocacy can be considered as one of the critical three health promotion strategies, which can be performed by using different types of promotional channels and attributes. Based on the previous campaigning strategies, it can be stated that health advocacy is a combined approach, for gaining policy...
6 Pages 2537 Words

Cultural And Social Prejudice In The American Culture Regarding Racism

The origins of racism in the United States of America was both culturalized and institutionalized all throughout history. The fundamentals racist ideas play a big role in today’s society and the general public. Racism in American history started through slavery which is a system that legally permitted the enslavement of African Americans. The way slave masters would treat their black slaves embedded societal views on blacks and how they should be treated in the early 1900s. Therefore, cultural racism preconditions...
6 Pages 2716 Words

Corruption, Hindrances To Ethical Practice And Quality Control In Forensic Science

CORRUPTION IN FORENSIC SCIENCE ISSUE Corruption or debasement is a type of unworthiness or criminal movement done by an individual or association endowed with a place of power, frequently to procure unlawful advantage and it might incorporate pay off. In view of late overview examines, the accompanying components have been ascribed as reasons for defilement which are voracity of cash, power and extravagance, larger amounts of market and political restraining infrastructure, low dimensions of majority rule government, low press and...
6 Pages 2584 Words

Mark Twain And Jane Austen: Authors Decades Apart

Jane Austen and Mark Twain are two very diverse authors, from two totally different backgrounds. Aside from the fact that they are male and female, they were born in different time periods and countries. The one thing they had in common was their love of writing, but in addition to this, they both used their writing platform to create something new and exciting that had never been written about before. They both struggled with sickness within their families but used...
6 Pages 2616 Words

Wuthering Heights By Emily Bronte, Great Expectations By Charles Dickens And Middlemarch By George Eliot

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, Great Expectations by Charles Dicken’s and Middlemarch by George Eliot simultaneously display the notion that the form is one of the ways it can be understood in relation to the specific historical context from which it emerges. Additionally, they similarly have been shaped by the material conditions of production and reception set in the Victorian Era through social class and conditions. Although Bronte’s Wuthering Heights is a gothic novel, it relates to Great Expectations in...
6 Pages 2722 Words

College Essay on Homelessness

It is a very tragic cause by how many people are becoming homeless, just by becoming a college student. There are very many different reason why, and some of them are costs of books or low income from jobs. 1 in every 10 college students are homeless, and 1 in 4 don't have a meal for the night. To begin with, people don't think that you can afford college, then you should be able to own a house. However, lately...
5 Pages 2413 Words

Perception And Decision Making In Work Organisation

Introduction What is perception? Perception can be characterized as a perplexing procedure by which individuals select, compose, and translate sensory stimulation into an important and sound image of the world (Davison, Berelson & Steiner, 1964). In a similar vein, perception is tied in with getting, choosing, securing, changing and sorting out the data provided by our senses (Goldstein, Barber & Legge, 1978). The other significant idea regarding perception is 'action.' Action alludes to one's activity, for example, moving the body...
5 Pages 2421 Words

Gender Roles in the Crucible

Introduction to Witchcraft and Gender Roles in Salem For my paper, I read The Crucible. I will discuss the trials based on the significance of gender roles and the Puritan culture. I will also discuss the motivations of the producer and the accuracy of the film. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, Witchcraft can be defined as the use of sorcery or magic and communication with the devil. There is a common belief that there is a link between the ability...
5 Pages 2375 Words

The Images Of Storyteller Characters In The Novel Wuthering Heights

Emily Brontë, in full Emily Jane Brontë, false name Bell, (imagined July thirty,in eighteen and eighteen, Thornton, Yorkshire, England—kicked the pail December nineteen, in eighteen and forty-eight, Haworth, Yorkshire), English creator and craftsman who made anyway one novel, Wuthering Heights (eighteen and forty-seven), a particularly inventive work of excitement and detest set on the Yorkshire fields. Emily was possibly the best of the three Brontë sisters, anyway an unbelievable record is to an extraordinary degree little, for she was calm...
5 Pages 2277 Words

The Phenomenon Of Ethics In The Entertainment And Media

Abstract This paper focuses on the topic of ethics in media and entertainment. The aim of this paper is to examine the phenomenon of ethics in the entertainment media. Media ethics includes specific ethical principles and standards of media, including broadcast media, film, theatre, arts, print media, and many others. It invokes promoting and defending values such as a universal respect for life and rule of law and legality. The ethics of journalism is one of the most well-defined branches...
5 Pages 2382 Words

SWOT Analysis Of BMW Company

SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT analysis is a method for identifying organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. SWOT analysis evaluates what an organization can or cannot do in terms of both internal as well as external factors. Conducting a SWOT analysis determines the factors that will assist the firm in achieving its objectives. SWOT also identifies the factors that must be minimized or overcome to attain the desired result. In BMW, we found several of strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. For strength,...
5 Pages 2313 Words

Ted Bundy: Peculiarities Of Criminal Behaviour

Theodore Robert Bundy, also known as Ted Bundy, was born on November 24th, 1946 in Burlington, Vermont. What his family did not know was that he was going to be known as one of the most popular American serial killers. Bundy kidnapped, raped, and murdered numerous young women and girls during the 1970s and earlier years. He confessed 30 victims, but the total is unconfirmed, meaning there could be numerous more that were not found or related to him. Bundy...
5 Pages 2359 Words

The Meaning And Structure Of Bad Bank

ABSTRACT With the success of the Bad bank concept in European and western countries it grabs the attention of global economies and becomes the most preferable solution for the Non-performing loans. Now Due to COVID 19 Pandemic Indian government also thinking of implementing Bad bank concept but is not easy as it seems in paper because there is no standard and uniform structure for bad bank. Different countries followed variety of methods which are suitable to their environment. This paper...
6 Pages 2622 Words

Verbal And Nonverbal Communication And Communication Skills In Medicine And Medical Emergencies

Initially, there are three types of communication skills: content skills, process skills, and perceptual skills. Content skills refer to the knowledge a person or healthcare professional communicates and all the information discussed. How this information is communicated, the verbal and nonverbal skills involved, and the way it's constructed, arranged, and delivered to the receiver refers to the process skills. As for perceptual skills, they describe a person's initial thoughts and perceptions, their intrinsic reasoning, intentions, decision-making skills, and problem-solving skills....
5 Pages 2412 Words
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