3000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Influence of Instagram on Eating Disorders: Analytical Essay

Abstract: This extended project aims to explore whether or not Instagram plays a role in the rising cases of eating disorders amongst teenage girls in the UK. It has been shown that the main cause of eating disorders stems from the development of low self-esteem and low self-worth (Spettigue, 2021). Previous research analysed government data to provide evidence of this growing issue. It was found that there was a 46% increase in referrals of under-18s with eating disorders, since 2019...
7 Pages 2997 Words

Importance of Theatre in Society

Theatre as a Mirror of Human Existence and Its Evolution “A drama is considered to be all-inclusive. It embraces all types of topics and represents all kinds of natures, as it is intended for all classes of people”. Thus, it is a mirror of human existence intended to be presented on the stage. But as Victor Hugo says, ‘If the mirror is an ordinary one, it produces a poor, faithful but colorless image; it must therefore be a focusing mirror.’(Ramamurti,...
7 Pages 3037 Words

Importance of Creativity in Education Essay

Introduction The purpose of this essay is to critically analyze the pedagogical perspectives on play and creativity, by exploring the role of the adult in these areas. Initially, I will explore my own pedagogy by discussing now the influences of my personal and professional experiences have impacted this, whilst taking into consideration the values, attitudes, and principles which have shaped my practice. In this essay, I intend to explore the pedagogy of play and creativity and its place within the...
6 Pages 2769 Words

Guernica Analysis Essay

Pablo Picasso and his work on emotions? Pablo Picasso was a Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist and stage designer considered one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century. Picasso is credited, along with Georges Braque, with the creation of Cubism. “Picasso believed Art to the son of Sadness and Suffering… that sadness lent itself to meditation and that suffering was fundamental to life… If we demand sincerity of an artist, we must remember that sincerity is...
6 Pages 2854 Words

Graffiti Is Art: Essay

Graffiti is something that is not taken into account from the positive point of view of society caused by people who could not identify their classification of art and whether it can be categorized as an art form. However, it has the power and value in a form of communication although it is an act that is not fully accepted by public authorities. Graffiti means a form of images painted in the building and often done without permission as a...
6 Pages 2769 Words

Global Issues: Social Media’s Influence on the Rise in Eating Disorders

Currently, the effects of social media on one’s mental health is heavily debated, especially its correlations to the rise in eating disorder cases worldwide. As of 2019, the prevalence of eating disorders has risen from 3.5 percent of the world population to 7.8 percent (“Body Image and Eating Disorders”). The most common age for eating disorder onset is 18-21 (Rehman), however, there has been a 42% rise in women over 35 seeking treatment (Howard), and a 119% rise in children...
6 Pages 2778 Words

Gender Roles of the Trobriand Society to That of East Harlem: Theoretical Approach and Ethnography

Introduction: Throughout history, there has been a clear divide of what is expected of a man versus what is expected of a woman. It is clear to see that in every society and culture, there are gender roles separating men and women. Gender roles in anthropology are defined as “perceived biological differences and the latter as the cultural constructions observed, performed, and understood in any given society, often based on those perceived biological differences.” Gender roles are based on theories...
7 Pages 3225 Words

Essay on the 1916 Easter Rising

There are seven signatures to the Irish proclamation of 1916. The first of these signatures belonged to a Fenian man named Thomas James ‘Tom’ Clarke. Clarke was strong in will and had the endurance to go into insurrection for sixty years of Fenianism. Clarke endured the age-long national struggle against British foreign rule for political, social, and religious servitude that ended in the realization of hope long deferred.[footnoteRef:0] Clarke served two martyrdoms in his lifetime, one in a prison cell...
6 Pages 2771 Words

Essay on Green Architecture

Green and eco-friendly Architecture. 'We are nature – all changes to the habitat have an impact on us.' (Sustainable design, 2007). People who were brought up in the early 30s and studied architecture could not imagine that the technologies would rapidly develop, and many possibilities could be opened in the architectural world by the end of the 20th Century. As the knowledge of humans is developing every year and new technologies with new digital processes are being invented, I think...
7 Pages 3178 Words

Essay on Art History: Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in Alameda Central Park by Diego Rivera

Title of Work: Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in Alameda Central Park Artist: Diego Rivera Medium: fresco mural Date Created/Art Period/Art Movement: Surrealism, 1946-1947 Where Created/Culture: Mexico City, Mexico Funky (Form, Focus of work, Use of Elements and Principles, Artist’s specific style used): This work ‘Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in the Alameda Central Park’ ( known in Spanish as Sueño de una tarde dominical en la Alameda Central ) is a fresco mural made by Diego Rivera from 1946...
6 Pages 2825 Words

Essay on Ancient Greek Architecture

Ancient Greece - The Classical Period The history of ancient Greek society is a classic example in the world history of the collapse of family relations and of the development of particularly robust slave relations, which F. Engels characterizes as a necessary and important stage in the world-historical process. Sources provide enough information for the complexity and duration of this process, which started in the II millennium BC. In the first half of the 5th century BC on the other,...
6 Pages 2867 Words

Edward Said and Theoretical Backgrounds of Orientalism: Analytical Essay

Edward Said is one of the most prominent literary critics of the 20th century. He was born in Jerusalem in 1935 to a Christian family. His family never took a certain place as a permanent resident. They were moving from place to place (between Jerusalem, Lebanon, Cairo and United states), therefore, he was a multicultural person. As a teenager, he was expelled from Victoria College, thus, his family sent him to America to study in Mount Hermon and eventually, he...
6 Pages 2776 Words

Does Technology Limit Creativity: Essay

The topic of how the internet impacts creativity in people is tentative. It can be presumed to be an extensive debate that has existed for quite an extended period. Many embrace the kind of technology in the current world but some are still skeptical. The internet is now not new to many, millions have been born in the world of the internet and they firmly believe the internet is a fundamental element in their existence. A good number especially from...
7 Pages 3005 Words

Criticism of the Law under MCA 1973: Reforms on Family Law and Divorce

Criticism of the law under MCA 1973: There has been strong criticism of the current law over the decades, describing an archaic system based on fault. Despite its appearance as non-fault biased, the evidence to support an irretrievable breakdown of marriage suggests otherwise. In 2019 Rowling notes that there is no evidence that “fault acts as a buffer' to slow the divorce process down[footnoteRef:1]. Whereas Crouse points out that the cooling-off period required serves as a solution to protect the...
7 Pages 2879 Words

Critical Analysis of the Department of Education in the Philippines

Perceptions of Students on the Implementation of the K-12 Basic Education Program I. Introduction Education is the most important thing that everyone should have. Education can make your life successful since education can increase the possibility of a person getting a decent job that the person can spend his or her living and necessities. Educational system helps a country to have an organized education plans for the present and the future. Also, it can help implement programs regarding education-plan to...
6 Pages 2878 Words

Critical Analysis of Symbolism and Mysticism in Pablo Picasso's Works

For my research paper, I decided to look into some of the occult symbology and mysticism found in some of Picasso’s works of the 1930s as well as his involvement in elite circles who practiced these ideas. Contemperaries like Carl Jung who also believed in some of these ideas wrote letters to describe their feelings on the meanings of Picasso’s paintings. There are a series of themes that show up over the series of his work that display his knowledge...
7 Pages 3099 Words

Constitutional Reform and Boundary Harmonization as Best Practices for Decentralizing Liberia: Analytical Essay

I. Introduction The concept of decentralization has been widely considered as a tool for efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of basic services (Kurmanov, 2018). It is a multifaceted phenomenon encompassing many geographic entities, (international, national, sub national, and local), societal actors (government, the private sector and civil society) and social sectors (all development themes - political, social, cultural and environmental). Additionally, it is a mixture of political, fiscal, and administrative functions and relationships that need to be considered in...
6 Pages 2890 Words

Compulsory Voting and Participation in Politics: Opinion Essay

Voting and participation in politics have always been essential in Democracy. In an article called “Democracy in Brief” there is a section that talks about where the word Democracy comes from and best explains what Democracy is, and that specific section of the “Democracy in Brief” article states that “ Democracy, which derives from the Greek word “demos,” or “people,” is defined, basically, as government in which the supreme power is vested in the people. In some forms, democracy can...
7 Pages 2969 Words

Book Review of ‘Body and Emotion: The Aesthetics of Illness and Healing in the Nepal Himalayas': Ethnography of Emotion

The blossoming flowers of summer, if only they could last through winter we friends who have gathered together, if only we could last through life (p. 109) This verse of the Yolmo “songs of pain” echoes in my mind since reading Robert Desjarlais’ Body and Emotion: The Aesthetics of Illness and Healing in the Nepal Himalayas. It recognizes the inevitability in the changing of seasons and finite nature of life. It captures the feeling of never wanting the good things,...
6 Pages 2800 Words

Black History Month Essay

Why should black history be taught extensively in schools? Did you know that police killed more than 1000 black lives in the UK in 2020? Did you know that black people are currently 3x more likely to be killed by the police? Did you know that 99% of killings by police between 2013 to 2020 don't result in criminal charges? Well, as a matter of fact this is coordinated activity developing across the country, and so we have declared an...
6 Pages 2938 Words

Architecture Critique Essay

It is pertinent to address the disparate and malleable ideology that our contemporary society is facing. Neoliberalism is widely employed today, and it allures states and households hidden in the name of “market”. Its governance now became powerful that contributed more to the current condition of inflation and income inequality. Architecture as an agency, a neutral ground. From the readings that will be discussed here, the topics are what is relevant in our profession. The partake of my understanding of...
6 Pages 2862 Words

Analytical Essay on European Union: Critical Evaluation of the Role of Article 7 TEU

1.0 Introduction The European Union is guided by a number of provisions that are based on diverse values that are embraced by this union. These provisions are generally categorized into seven articles. One of the most significant provisions that guide the relationships of the member states of the European Union is associated with Article 2. Article 2 provides that the European Union is founded on the critical values of respect for freedom, democracy and dignity of persons, as well as...
7 Pages 3153 Words

Leader’s Legacy Left by John F. Kennedy: Analytical Essay

John F. Kennedy was one of the many inspiring leaders that were of great importance to our country’s history and to the history of outstanding leaders. JFK grew up as a privileged young man that had opportunity sitting in the palms of his hands through his family’s political and social ties (Selverstone.) Kennedy was Catholic born and raised in Boston, MA and was taught early of great leadership and management by his father Joseph Kennedy Sr. with his investing, business,...
6 Pages 2955 Words

Ways to Set up Digital Marketing and Advertising Strategy

Digital Advertising Strategy How to collect upward a highly effective electronic advertising strategy? When establishing a digital advertising strategy, the very first issue is to think carefully getting into account the specificities of the focuses on, marketplaces, items/solutions offered, etc. Many customers are usually registered in a minimum 1 local community site In 2010, a BSI (Brand name Technology Company) research showed that 81% of Western companies (12 countries) that had launched marketing communications did not have an interpersonal media...
7 Pages 3063 Words

War on Drugs of the Current Administration: Analytical Essay

“I will do just as I did as mayor. You drug pushers, hold-up men and do-nothings, you better go out. Because, I’d kill you.” — this is the statement of Rodrigo Duterte during his campaign period for presidency last 2016. This serves as a threat for those who continue to practice their illegal activities. This is addressed to all regardless of social and political status. After he gained his seat as president, he encouraged the public to participate in the...
7 Pages 3151 Words

Walmart Inc. Case Study

Background and history of Walmart Inc. The American Multinational retail store Walmart was founded by Sam Walton who has prior Joined the military in 1942 at the age of 24. In the year of 1945 after their military service ended, he started operating his own variety store. Sam was inspired by the success of his dime store, he got the courage to keep satisfying his customer’s needs. (Walmart, n.d.) At the age of 44, Sam opened the first Walmart Discount...
6 Pages 2948 Words

Visitors Study at a Museum of Asian Arts: Analytical Essay

1.0 Introduction An art museum or art gallery is a building or space for the exhibition of art, usually visual art. Museums can be public or private, but what distinguishes a museum is the ownership of a collection.1 Museums, galleries and science centers are experiential environments. They provide people with resources to have memorable experiences. These resources include works of art like paintings and sculptures as well as hands-on and computer-based interactives and highly advanced installations. It is largely assumed...
7 Pages 3206 Words

Use of ‘Faerie’ and Magi in Arthurian literature: Analysis of The Lais Marie de France

Consider the use of ‘faerie’ and magic; how important is the supernatural in Arthurian literature? Within Arthurian literature, the use of ‘faerie’, magic, and the supernatural phenomenon plays a pivotal role. When approaching the subject, one should consider what the supernatural entails. It is my understanding that circumstances of the supernatural most commonly involve a person with the ability to carry out mysterious or enchanting deeds. There is uncertainty of the motives of these characters and what they are doing...
6 Pages 2801 Words

Unethical Wal-Mart Business Practices: Case Study

Introduction Wal-Mart, a giant company that keeps many clients, is widely known both at home and abroad for its huge variety of low-price goods and services. It was created by a very creative and innovative businessman, Sam Walton. Wal-Mart has done very well for itself because, in terms of its discounting retailing, it has defeated many other organizations. It is thought to be the United States of America's largest corporation. According to PBS, 'Wal-Mart employs more people outside the federal...
6 Pages 2819 Words

Threat of Female Sexual Expression in ‘The Bloody Chamber and ‘Dracula’

The empowerment of women has been problematic within male-dominated societies throughout history, leaving women oppressed and bound by rigid social expectations. Whilst Stoker fails to challenge this confinement in ‘Dracula’, Carter opts to demonstrate the power of female sexual expression in ‘The Bloody Chamber’. In ‘Dracula’, Stoker presents the ‘New Woman’ as a threat that must be detained and brought back into subjugation. During the Victorian era, the typical ‘New Woman’ rejected the traditional position prescribed for them, opting to...
7 Pages 3128 Words
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