3000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on Connections between Culture, Ethnicity, and Health

Introduction Culture Culture refers to the practices, values and beliefs shared by a group. It encompasses group life from daily routines, and daily interactions, to the most important part of group life. It includes everything produced by society and includes all social rules. For example, a family always take their dinner at 8.30 pm every day. After that, culture is also a pattern of ideas, customs, and behaviors shared by a specific group of people or society. These patterns will...
7 Pages 3021 Words

Essay on African-American Literature: Analysis of Toni Morrison’s Novel Song of Solomon

African-American literature was composed by the descents of Africa, who came to America as slaves, later got settled and educated. Their writing mainly speaks about the suffering, depression, and oppression by Americans. Later they adapted the modern way of living as Americans. This literature is dominated by Autobiographical narratives of Africans and reached its peak by slave narratives. According to W E B. Du Bois, the writing in African American literature displays “double consciousness”, they acquire both the trace of...
7 Pages 3181 Words

Efficiency of Hand Washing in Hot and Cold Water

Abstract The purpose of this experiment was to determine which water temperature was most successful in the removal of pathogenic growth from handwashing. The experiment consisted of three participants which include: Taylor Pumo, Rebekah George, and Lexi Vendl. There were two procedures involved in this experiment. The first procedure was washing the left hand with bar soap in warm water. The second procedure was washing the right hand, with the same bar of soap, but with cold water instead. The...
6 Pages 2804 Words

Effects of Deposit Mobilization on Performance of Commercial Banks in Ghana

A bank is a financial institution that accepts deposits and gives out loans. The development of any economy relies upon capital accumulation, which thus relies upon investment and a comparable measure of savings to coordinate with it. Banks collect the savings of the individuals in the economy and lend them out to businesses and borrowers for investment, hence the importance of banks in the economy. Banks play a significant role in developing the economy. In as much as the financial...
6 Pages 2970 Words

Effect of Tuberculosis on Respiratory System

The ongoing spread of tuberculosis is worldwide and still seen present day. Efforts are directed at examining the respiratory system functions of physiology patterns before pathogenic Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection occurs. The respiratory system is responsible for oxygen exchange and ensuring the body excretes carbon dioxide while taking in oxygen. Tuberculosis can affect the normal homeostasis pattern and cause signs and symptoms of respiratory illness. Understanding of the host immune response, with an emphasis of the roles of fights against engendering...
6 Pages 2841 Words

Effect of Outsourcing of Product Distribution on Organizational Image and Performance: Case Study Of Philip Morris International

Introduction With globalization increasing, outsourcing is a strategic tool that has attracted increased attention in recent years. Several international businesses like Phillip Morris International, Boeing, etc select outsourcing as a tool of competitive advantage. Outsourcing could sometimes be a complex method but improper strategy and implementation would produce strong barriers to efficient firm performance. Referencing the core competence theory, this paper will investigate the firm's outsourcing strategy style, operation model, and impact on the company's performance. Outsourcing has been a...
7 Pages 3130 Words

Discursive Essay on Whether Capital Punishment Is a Justified Response to the Most Heinous of Crimes

Capital punishment or the death penalty is the institutionalized practice that seeks to deliberately cause the death of someone known to or accused of the most heinous crimes. The idea of a heinous crime is subjective to what certain people believe, crimes that are often described this way and result in capital punishment are: murder with special circumstances, treason, perjury that results in the execution of an innocent person and assault with a weapon while serving life. Historically there is...
6 Pages 2754 Words

Discursive Essay on Prison Issues

Women prisoners and their problems Everyone who is in prison faces so many obstacles, but when it comes to women prisoners we cannot say it in words as they bear so much pain. For the past 15 years, the number of women prisoners is increasing. Not every prisoner is accused of a crime, some are innocents, some are under trial and for some prisoners, and they don’t even know the charge made against them properly. Most women prisoners in India...
6 Pages 2977 Words

Difference between Male and Female Serial Killers: Analytical Essay

The ‘serial killer’ terms reign deep fear in the hearts of the majority of the population. Traditionally, the acts have been associated with males with women perceived to be conventionally caring and are compassionate to their fellow human beings and thus incapable of serial killing. However, in the recent past, the number of female serial killers is almost leveling that of males. In another instance, serial killing tactics and strategies are distinct as gender characteristics. Various studies have explained the...
7 Pages 2962 Words

Descriptive Essay on the Digestive System in Mammals

The digestive system in Mammals 1. Introduction The digestive system of Mammals is a system concerned with breaking down large food molecules into smaller food molecules by the help of digestive enzymes. This process is carried out by the help of enzymes so that can be absorbed in the bloodstream. A mammal is a group that belongs to class vertebrae in the kingdom Animalia. The mammalian digestive system has unique characteristics than other digestive systems. This digestive system is composed...
6 Pages 2775 Words

Descriptive Essay on Museum of London

Museum of London History ”Created by act of Parliament in 1965, the Museum of London brought together the collections of two well-established museums, the Guildhall Museum and the London Museum. The former, founded by the Corporation of London in 1826, housed many archaeological discoveries of the previous two centuries from Roman and medieval London, the Hanbury Beaufoy collection of tradesmen’s tokens, and material relating to the city guilds and livery companies. The London Museum, which opened in 1912, had been...
6 Pages 3066 Words

Definition and Essence of Obesity: Analytical Essay

Defining Obesity Obesity is defined in terms of a person’s weight and height. It is calculated based on a person’s Body Mass Index (BMI). A person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters provides the BMI on a pre-determined scale provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).1 The BMI provides useful information in determining whether a person is underweight, healthy weight, overweight or obese. The CDC defines obesity as “weight that is higher...
6 Pages 2848 Words

Critical Analysis of The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

Introduction to Pecola's World The Bluest Eye begins with a brief story about Dick and Jane. The story repeated three times to make sure the readers aware that the line of the story will be the heading of every chapter. The Bluest Eye presents Claudia MacTeer is the narrator of the story. She and her sister, Frieda MacTeer, are lived in Lorain, Ohio, after The Great Depression. They lived with their parents, although their parents didn't give them much attention,...
6 Pages 2756 Words

Critical Analysis of Relations between Julius Caesar and Mark Antony

If one knows nothing about the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra, then watching this film will help one understand of her and her life. The film Cleopatra has been noted as one of Hollywood’s best accurate representations of her. Therefore, if someone wanted to know about the life of Cleopatra, they would get a clear and good understanding by watching this film. For instance, before I watched this film, I did not know anything about her or her life. After watching this...
6 Pages 2947 Words

Criminal Law Versus Committed Suicide: Analytical Essay

It is considered a crime to commit suicide in some parts of the world. Ireland has gone through the same-sex marriage referendum and abortion referendum in recent years. I believe Ireland should now concentrate on a referendum specifically focused on assisted suicide. This essay will discuss the Criminal Law (Suicide) Act of 1993 in detail. It will include the Act's point of view through the rights and liberties of the Irish Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights. Assisted...
6 Pages 2761 Words

Consumerism in Fight Club: Analytical Essay

Introduction Semeiotics is the study of symbols and signs a communication system that relies on a visual metaphor to communicate information in the most culturally universal instinctual way. Explored in film first by Peter Wollen in his book “Signs and their Meanings” Peter put forward symbols as integral communication devices to help progress story and meaning. Fight Club was originally a book written by Chuck Palahniuk in 1996 and later adapted into a screenplay by Jim Uhls. It is a...
6 Pages 2879 Words

Connection of Health Promotion and Health Care: Analytical Essay

Health promotion (Ru Shi Scenario 1) Health issues are always surrounding us nowadays. The different age group has their concerns to health. Health promotion is a platform allowing the public to know the health issues in deep. The definition of Health Health is an abstract concept that is hard to explain by absolute term. World Health Organisation defined health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO 1946)....
7 Pages 3176 Words

Comparative Essay on the Novels Mathilda, by Mary Shelley and The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison

In the novels Mathilda, by Mary Shelley and The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison; both writers convey ideas around the effects of traumatic events caused by deep desires. In Mathilda, the majority of trauma faced is based around the incestuous love and desire Mathilda’s father feels for her which ultimately leads to his suicide and Mathilda’s lonely death. However, in The Bluest Eye, Morrison examines trauma faced by black people in America. She focuses on societies impacts on the way...
7 Pages 3162 Words

Comparative Essay on Frankenstein’s Monster and Dracula

“Yet even that enemy of God and man had friends and associates in his desolation; I am alone.” Compare and contrast the presentation of Frankenstein’s monster and Dracula as outcasts in society in light of this statement. In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818) and Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1897), Frankenstein’s creature and Dracula are both presented as outcasts in society. They are both presented as outcasts in very different ways, but also in some similar ways too. Frankenstein’s creature is able to...
6 Pages 2901 Words

Argumentative Essay on Justifying Punishment: Retribution, Consequentialism, or Compromise

Abstract This essay is about how to best justify punishment. I will explain and review a few different theories on punishment and then evaluate them, revealing which I think is the best (or most morally justified). Consequentialist punishments usually issue a great benefit to the majority of people involved, because of its potential to develop society. However consequentialist punishments, such as deterrence, are sometimes too harsh on the offender and is therefore sometimes unfair. Despite the issues with consequentialism, I...
6 Pages 2967 Words

Analytical Essay on Customer Service in Tesco and JD Sports

When a corporation gives assistance and advice to people who purchase or use products or services from the corporate it's called customer service. But customer service is when the customer's complete experience from once they enter the business or maybe once they visit the website to the after-sale service. top quality customer service means keeping customers happy and providing services that they didn't even know that they'd have preferred. Customer service involves intensifying customer has to satisfy or fulfill them....
7 Pages 3106 Words

Analysis of The Nature of Power in The Prince

Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince explores the nature of power and his views of power which are still somewhat in existence today. This essay will discuss and examine the principals of Machiavelli's theory. Machiavelli emphasis power over the people and dictatorial power, and power with people. It is possible to use power to attain greater acceptance in society, as there will always be people who have power over them. In The Prince, Machiavelli discusses, on how to obtain power and keep...
7 Pages 2970 Words

Analysis of Machiavelli’s Ideas in The Prince

Why are Machiavelli’s ideas in The Prince often described as a ‘handbook for tyrants’? Are they compatible with his republican views in the Discourses on Livy? Machiavelli was born in Florence in the year 1469. At this point Italy was not a unified state, Florence was a city state and a republic. Machiavelli was not from a noble rich family, still he worked his way up and by 1498 age 29 he became the Second Chancellor of the Florentine Republic....
6 Pages 2928 Words

African Cultural Identity in Fashion: Analytical Essay

In this essay, I will be discussing the ideas that are central to the critical thinking on dress associated with the African diaspora. Through a series of case studies in the UK, USA, and Africa the terms of style, fashion, dress, and black are considered with regard to the specific use, past or present connections, and contemporary relevance. The key theme of this essay is to expand on how multi-faceted links projected from clothed black bodies are to be expected...
6 Pages 2871 Words

Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?’, ‘Marks’, ‘You Fit into Me’, and ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’: Comparative Analysis

In a general sense, women are supposed to share the same rights as men; however, throughout the centuries, women have suffered under men’s control. Men have been viewing women as their personal property in varying degrees, using their power to create a pattern that shapes women‌’s characters in our society and to create rules for women to follow. Under such a societal structure, there is a dominant power in the male social class that has caused women’s rights to be...
7 Pages 2990 Words

Essay about My House

For the past decade, the technique used in houses has considerably improved in quality. This is seen throughout this report including ways in which the foundation of the house is the most vital component to keeping a well-formed structure. The way in which this is conveyed is by specifically explaining each of the elements, materials, and products of the foundation and the role they play. Through the use of sketches, I have gone from the route into the house and...
6 Pages 2884 Words

Immigration Story: Essay

Introduction to American Citizenship and Immigration Policies There are two ways to become an American citizen: birth within the United States and its territories or naturalization. The naturalization process requires an individual to permanently reside in the United States for at least 5 years, pass the naturalization test on English and US Civics, have qualifying services in the US armed forces, and “meet all other eligibility requirements”. This vague requirement refers to the unspoken and implicit qualification the US Government...
6 Pages 2975 Words

I Love Music: Essay

Music Essay 1 (100 words) Music holds a remarkable ability to transcend boundaries and connect with people on a profound level. Its melodic notes and rhythmic beats have the power to evoke emotions, trigger memories, and inspire creativity. Whether it is the soothing melodies of classical compositions, the energetic beats of pop music, or the soul-stirring lyrics of heartfelt ballads, music has the ability to touch our souls and uplift our spirits. It serves as a universal language that unites...
6 Pages 2766 Words

Excavations in Pompeii as Beginning of Modern Archeology

The ruins of Pompeii couldn’t be found until the architect Domenico Fontana discovered them in the 16th century. Excavations had begun in 1748 and those works were evaluated as the beginning of modern archeology in the mid-18th century. In the light of those excavations, the public buildings are mostly found in three parts of Pompeii: the Forum, the Triangular Forum and the Amphitheatre and Palaestra. The Forum was where the city’s urban life is spent, and the religious and the...
7 Pages 2982 Words

Main Factors Affecting the Quality and Provision of Higher Education Services to Students

Education entails the process that instils skills, knowledge, and production capabilities in the labour force, and it is an important component which influences the pace and character of social, economic development of a nation. UNESCO (2005) stipulated that the educational status of individuals in a country tends to be a key indicator of its level of development. Globally, the provision of education is a basic human right. Additionally, education is globally considered as a form of investment in human capital...
7 Pages 3043 Words
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