3000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Racial Discrimination in the Workplace Essay

Introduction Since the beginning of civilized society, Humans have dealt with built-in prejudice and racism that has been programmed into them by society and the archaic culture of racial supremacy. This has been primarily done because of the fear humans undergo when met or confronted with different views, cultures, opinions, and physical appearances that aren’t their own. This has been seen countless times throughout history from World War II to the discovery and eventual domination of the Americas by the...
6 Pages 2772 Words

Mexican Culture Essay

I have lived in Florida my whole life. I’ve had many interactions with lots of different cultures in my eighteen years of living here. The one culture besides my own that I’ve intermingled with the most is Hispanic/Mexican culture. The 2013-2017 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates found that Mexicans make up 3.4% of the population of Florida, and this doesn’t even account for all of the undocumented Mexicans (DADS). This is why I’ve chosen to study Mexican culture for my...
7 Pages 3089 Words

Essay on Propaganda and Rumors: Analysis of Their Impacts on Society

Abstract The main problem here that we face in our everyday lives is the false information and the false news we hear everyday and leads to rumor spreading and many other problems that sometimes affect our beliefs and attitudes. Why is Propaganda dangerous? Propaganda is a promotion material that uses content filled with causes, emotions and relies heavily on manipulating the public opinion and their action in order to support the main aim of the source. It uses mass media...
6 Pages 2796 Words

Essay on Foundations of Biotechnology: Cloning Dolly and the Future of Human Cloning

Introduction In the advanced world, consistently there has been a remarkable social tool for comprehending and assessing scientific, ethical, moral, and social consequences of new innovations. Cloning is one such new technology which is a major development in the field of Genetics, such as Human Genome Project for making identical copies of an organism. Cloning is the term broadly meaning natural or artificial development of two or more genetically identical cells or organisms. Scientists use the term cloning with variable...
6 Pages 2845 Words

Narrative Essay about Overcoming a Challenge Example

Introduction Through my critical research journal, I will be going through my research, processes, the three challenges, the team, and my previous experience against my current team. I will also be covering the potential outcome that the team is currently looking at approaching. For my journal, I intend to use the Gibbs reflective cycle methodology to critically evaluate my work, team, and also my own development from my previous experience up till now. Originally I began my experience in the...
7 Pages 3130 Words

Domain-specific Theories of Aggression and General Aggression Mode: Analytical Essay

Abstract Abstract Research on human aggression has advanced to a time when a binding framework structure is required. Major domain-constrained hypotheses of aggression incorporate cognitive neo-association, social learning, social connection, script, and excitation exchange theories. Utilizing the general aggression model (GAM), this audit places cognizance, influence, and excitement to intercede the impacts of situational and phonological factors on aggression. The review likewise arranges ongoing theories of the improvement and industriousness of aggression personality. Personality is conceptualized as a lot of...
7 Pages 3138 Words

Essay on Jurisprudence: Arguments For Natural Law Theory

In this essay I will be discussing why and to what extent I agree with the position of the Natural Law Theory (NLT) that there are rationally identifiable moral principles which are embedded in the very fabric of human nature and which can and should universally be utilised to guide and evaluate the correctness of human conduct as well as the institutions of human society such as the legal system, its processes and its rules in contrast to the Legal...
6 Pages 2942 Words

Conflicts and Incongruencies in the Ideal State: Critical Analysis of the Content in The Republic

1. Introduction Born and raised during a period of constant political turmoil and dramatic societal change, the Athenian philosopher, Plato has had numerous influences during his lifetime. Many different types of rulers and governments existed during his youth and had a lasting impact on his opinion on government and society. The first two of these big events is the seizure of power by the Four Hundred and later the Thirty. These powers were made up of wealthy families to took...
6 Pages 2783 Words

Business Ethics Report on Theory of Utilitarianism: Ideas of Jeremy Bentham

Executive Summary This is qualitative research that possesses the capacity to introduce the standard of Utilitarianism as a standout amongst the most effective and enticing ways to deal with regulating morals. John Stuart Mill is an early established supporter of Bentham, who concocted this philosophical hypothesis. John Stuart Mills by one means or another did share some unique perspectives with respect to some part of this hypothesis in light of the feeling of bliss. In later circumstances, Philosopher Karl Marx...
6 Pages 2790 Words

Analysis of Entrepreneurial Values and Theory of Multiple Intelligences in Technopreneurship

Abstract This study aims to build the Guidance of technopreneurship, especially Information Technology (IT) technopreneurship using an expert system approach based on entrepreneurial values and multiple intelligences. The research consists of several steps: system analysis and design, system development, and test and implementation system. The result is the guidance of technopreneurship using an expert system. The expert system consists of expertise domain, knowledge representation, rules, and input and output data. Data input consists of indicators of entrepreneurial values and multiple...
6 Pages 2821 Words

Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Indigenous People: Argumentative Essay

The Social, Cultural, and Humanitarian Affairs Committee (SOCHUM) is one of the six specialized subcommittees of the United Nations General Assembly and is generally referred to as the Third Committee. It was established after the development of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. Year after year, the General Assembly allocates to its Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Affairs Committee, agenda items relating to a range of social and humanitarian affairs, and human rights issues that affect people all over...
6 Pages 2876 Words

Analyzing Aspects of Mysticism in Rumi's Works: Rumi’s Thoughts on Pacifism

Abstract This paper explores mysticism in Sufism, and the works of one of the greatest Sufi poets, Jalaluddin Rumi. Three poems by Rumi: ‘Masnavi Manavi’, ‘How Very Close’ and ‘The Song of Reed’ are discussed and analyzed, while answering two main questions: How has Jalaluddin Rumi’s past affected his mystical journey and his poems? How is mystical experience represented in ‘Masnavi Manavi’, ‘How Very Close’ and ‘The Song of Reed”? The first question has been answered by looking into Rumi’s...
6 Pages 2869 Words

Zadie Smith's Way of Life and Critical Analysis of White Teeth

Zadie Smith is a British author, essayist and professor of creative writing. She was born in North London in 1975. Her father is a working-class Caucasian English man and her mother is a Jamaican immigrant. Since childhood she got absorbed in every book. In one of the interviews, she said that she “inhales” books and takes them with her in dinner time because she feels that they are a meal in themselves. Zadie attended King’s College in Cambridge where she...
6 Pages 2873 Words

Structural Family Therapy: Analytical Essay

Abstract When approaching the idea of family counseling, one must decide which approach would be best to recommend as well as an implement with clients. The structural model approach is a unique approach to counseling and is all about organization, family rules, and roles. Using this approach is about focusing on the constructs of the family and identifying solutions based on subsystems, boundaries, and organizational metaphors. This approach identifies functional and dysfunctional patterns through how the family responds to its...
6 Pages 2873 Words

Representation of the Inherent Nature of Man in Mere Christianity: Critical Analysis

To what extent do all human beings have the same inner experience of internal consciousness? C.S. Lewis is not a psychologist, but in the context of his novels, he dove deep into what differentiates the human mind and what makes it similar. C.S Lewis was praised for having good grasp of what’s generally true about human nature. Within his works, Mere Christianity, Out of the Silent Planet, The Screwtape Letters, and “The Inner Ring”, Lewis exemplifies his anthropological outlook of...
6 Pages 3014 Words

Essay on History of Political Thought: Analysis of the Character is Euthyphro and Pausanias

1) What kind of a character is Euthyphro? In the dialogue of the Apology, there appear only two characters, Socrates and Euthyphro. Here, Socrates is present on behalf of charges that accuse him for “corrupting the young and of not believing in the gods in whom the city believes, but in other new spiritual things” (Euthyphro 24b8 – c1). Euthyphro, in contrast, is present on behalf of an unusual case: he is prosecuting his aged father for having unintentionally killed...
7 Pages 3086 Words

Concept of Symposium in Ancient Greece: Analytical Essay

In the modern world, Ancient Greece is viewed as the paradigm of artistic and architectural achievement and expression. Along with being popular for its majestic temples and elegant sculptures, it is also well known for its vast and complex mythology and pantheon, with the creatures and deities that many associate with the Classical and Hellenistic periods finding their origins much earlier in the Bronze Age Aegean cultures. One such creature is the satyr. Often associated with the wine god Dionysos,...
7 Pages 3115 Words

Representation of Plato's Philosophy of Education in The Republic: Analytical Essay

In Greece, we discover the roots of a considerable lot of our instructive arrangements and frameworks as it is the beginning wellsprings of Western human advancement. Greek thoughts regarding training and their instructive practices have been extremely compelling to different societies. One of Rome's most noteworthy support of humankind is that it conveyed the Greek convention to all the Western terrains. Greek human advancement was created somewhere in the range of 1200 and 490 B.C. It is in the Age...
7 Pages 3201 Words

Oppression and Inequality in Tsitsi Dangarembga’s Nervous Conditions: Analytical Essay

Published in 1988, Tsitsi Dangarembga’s novel, Nervous Conditions, was the first novel published by a black Zimbabwean woman- not because African women were not writing novels, but because of the difficulties African women faced when attempting to publish works of literature. Due to the issue that African women were not previously given a voice in literature, Dangarembga’s novel unearthed decades of social oppression which hindered black women and kept them buried under colonization and African patriarchal dominance. Dangarembga’s novel focuses...
6 Pages 2919 Words

Psychosocial Development Stages by Erik Erikson: Life History Paper

Life History Interview On September 04, 1955, Mr. Aguayo was born on a ranch in Mexicali, Baja California. He was one of seven children and was the youngest. The siblings were composed of five boys and two sisters. Mr. Aguayo grew up seemingly achieving milestones as a normal child would. He loved to play with his brothers and their dogs in their ranch. I am currently working as a Social Worker for the In-Home Supportive Services for Los Angeles County...
6 Pages 2802 Words

Theory of John B. Watson Versus Lev Vygotsky's Theory: Analytical Essay

The news event is a CNN interview with Brad Pitt (a well-renowned actor) with Christiane Amanpour, a journalist at CNN. The interview focuses on the perspectives of the actor on loneliness, masculinity, and his relationship with alcohol (CNN News, 2019). This interview comes at a time when the actor has faced some life challenges owing to some decisions he has made, which have had a role to play in his marriage breakdown with his ex-wife, Angelina Jolie. The divorce was...
6 Pages 2796 Words

Importance of Legacy of C.S. Lewis: Mere Christianity

C.S. Lewis: Spiritual Director There once was a young boy who admired fine stationary and proper penmanship and wrote in the fly leaf of his new books, “Ireland, the British Isles, Europe, Earth, the Universe”. [footnoteRef:1] He would grow to become a professor, a prolific reader, writer, scholar and friend with a new inscription across his letterheads, “The Kilns, Headington Quarry, Oxford”, signing his letters: C.S. Lewis. Clive Staples Lewis (1898-1963) was well-known for his essays, works of fiction, Theology...
7 Pages 3153 Words

Plato’s Republic and the Idea of Golden Mean and Moderation: Analytical Essay

Knowledge can be depicted in many ways. In Plato’s foundational text on Western philosophy and justice, Republic, true knowledge is represented in terms of permanent and immortal truths that can be represented only by the absolute reality of Forms; whereas in John Milton’s biblical epic poem, Paradise Lost, knowledge is symbolized by an all-knowing God and the Tree of Knowledge. In Thomas More’s socio-politically driven narrative, Utopia, access to knowledge is for everyone and it is complemented by religious faith;...
7 Pages 3052 Words

Analytical Essay on Family Therapy: Case Study of the Solitano Family

Introduction Research has shown that family plays a vital role in a person’s spiritual, emotional, and physical development. However, no family is perfect, and some families will encounter struggles, trauma, and disagreements. The key to having a strong family system is being able to acknowledge the needs of each family member. Family therapy can help families identify needs, changes, and behavior patterns in the family structure. Family therapy is a form of treatment that seeks to reduce discomfort and conflict...
6 Pages 2885 Words

Psychological Explanations of Inter-group Aggression: Discursive Essay

According to studies, there is no rigid definition for aggression nor inter-group aggression and therefore it is defined according to the correspondent's values. The behavior studied may differ from one researcher to another. Bandura (1973) defines aggression as behavior that results in personal injury or the injury of others in society and the destruction of property. On the other hand, Barron (1977) describes aggression as behavior that has the intention of harming or injuring other living beings who do not...
6 Pages 2845 Words

Importance of Communication in Relationships: Analysis of Revolutionary Road and On Chesil Beach

The relationships between the central characters in Revolutionary Road and On Chesil Beach are ravaged by poor communication as a result of personal conflicts. As Mortimer Adler said, “love without communication is impossible” and this rings poignantly true for April and Frank as well as Florence and Edward in their respective texts. For both couples, their fundamental personal conflicts shatter their communication and this is arguably the crux of the downfall of their relationships. Societal oppression, however, also plays a...
7 Pages 3218 Words

Essence and Main Concepts of Attribution Theory: Analytical Essay

1. Understanding the Attribution Theory 1.1 Introduction We, as human beings, do a lot of things in our day-to-day lives and those actions are tried to make sense of in this social world. We are curious to understand people, we need to make sense of WHY they do what they do Attribution theory which is developed by Fritz Heider, the famous Austrian psychologist is based on this attribution. He published the book “The Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships” in 1958 which...
6 Pages 2886 Words

Analysis of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid's Tale Based on Panopticism, Theory of Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema and Interpellation

A best-selling novel widely regarded a modern classic, Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid's Tale, has fascinated readers since its 1985 release. The novel depicts a dystopian society set in the land of Gilead, once known as New England, USA. This society acts as the manifestation of contemporary misogyny, resulting in a patriarchal civilisation in which the rights of humanity¬¬¬ and particularly women, are oppressed. Through the lens of the narrator ¬– Offred, a handmaid whose sole purpose is to act as...
6 Pages 2932 Words

Critical Systemic Intersubjectivity of Contemporary Social Work Practice: Analytical Essay

Paradigms in building a trauma-informed, infant-led, relationally reflective system of care: A contemporary exploration of the intersection of the Australian child protection system, the child protection practitioner, and the care of the infant. Introduction National child protection data gives evidence of a growing proportion of infants entering out-of-home care (AIHW, 2015). Out-of-home care (OOHC) is a system of care that encompasses short to long-term fostering or kinship care arrangements for children who have been removed from their families due to...
7 Pages 3193 Words

Critical Analysis of Message Consequences and Communication Model

Question 1. Give examples of the following types of Biases in a sentence: Gender bias, Racial bias, Age bias, and Disability bias. How can they be avoided? Answer: We communicate most of our ideas to others through verbal messages, i.e., through spoken or written messages. However, verbal messages have some drawbacks like the message might not be properly worded, or the message could also be misunderstood, or interpreted differently from its intended meaning. for instance, even an easy statement like...
6 Pages 3044 Words
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