3000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Role of Mass Media in Creating Awareness of Cervical Cancer: Analytical Essay

1. Chapter 1 1.1. Background of the study Cancer has emerged to be the 3rd leading killer disease in Kenya after infectious and cardiovascular diseases. Cervical cancer ranks amongst the most frequent cancer among Kenyan women. According to (HPV (Human Papillomavirus) Information Centre, 2018), each year more than 5000 Kenyan women are diagnosed with cervical cancer while more than 3000 die from the disease. Women between the age of 15 to 44 years often become at a risk of contracting...
7 Pages 3024 Words

Impact of Negative Mindset of an Athlete on His/Her Performance: Analysis of Placebo Effect

The question I asked myself before doing my research: Would having an Athlete in a specific mindset affect his/her overall performance. What Iā€™m trying to test: Iā€™m trying to see if having an athlete in a specific mindset will affect their performance either positively or negatively. I plan to do this by making my 12 athletes run 200 meters, I will then split them in half randomly, and give one group the positive feedback and the other group the negative...
7 Pages 3177 Words

Personal Motivation to Become an Exchange Student: Opinion Essay

From February 2017 to June 2017 I stayed in Vancouver, Canada, as an exchange student. During my stay, I had the opportunity to explore an outlandish culture, get to know countless people, and try out new and unfamiliar activities. My openness to experience led me to my participation in a program called Best Buddies International, in which I participated from March 2017 to June 2017. Looking back today, my participation in the program can be described as one of the...
7 Pages 3103 Words

Study of Cognitive Reactivity and Meta-cognition in Patients with First Episode Major Depressive Disorder and Recurrent Major Depressive Disorder

Background and review of literature Major depression, characterized as a ā€œcommon coldā€ of psychiatry severely limits psychosocial functioning and diminishes quality of life. It is predicted that the burden of Major depressive disorder (MDD) on the modern society will be the largest of all diseases by 2030 (World Health Organization, 2008). The recent National Mental Health Survey (2015-2016) revealed that the lifetime prevalence of depression in India was 5.25% among individuals aged 18 Years and above and the current prevalence...
6 Pages 2916 Words

Analytical Essay on the Hospital Readmissions in Case of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

An NLP (Natural Language Processing) Framework to perform risk identification using featured engineering from unstructured data Abstract The hospital readmissions in case of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease) increases medical expenses and also require intensive care for patients. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the art and science which helps us extract information from text and use it in our computations and algorithms. We aim to develop a Natural Language Processing framework to analyze clinical notes, physician entries, x-ray reports, and...
6 Pages 2915 Words

Impact of Online Courses in Business Education in Higher Education System: A Qualitative Case Study Approach

Abstract The purpose of the present study is to explore how people gain chance in online business education, who has an administrative role in their profession and differ on levels of skills social skills, motivation, and satisfaction. This study probe how soft skills elements result online business education, favorable outcome in teaching environment. The Data has been collected from variety of different sources through video-recorded interviews and written comments found interviews using a social network. Samples include students, teacher, and...
7 Pages 3111 Words

Models of Intervention: Case Study of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Section I: Intake and Social History Alexis is a 19-year-old Hispanic American who was referred to A Greater Grace Counseling service by her mother, Amy who believes that her daughter has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. She has gotten progressively worse with the need for cleanliness. She yelled at her mother for leaving footprints on her freshly vacuumed carpet. Alexis states that dirt and germs make her nervous and anxious. Amy came with her to the counseling center because she worries that...
6 Pages 2837 Words

Marketing Report on Introduction of New Online Courses

Eli Gladstone and Eric Silverberg are the two co-founders of Speaker Labs. They are aiming to reach $1 million in sales and a 9.6 satisfaction rating from their customers in fiscal year 2019. To reach their goals, they must decide on a new promotion strategy and decide whether or not to introduce a new service such as different workshop topics or online courses to their customers. To reach their goals, Speaker Labs should introduce a new online course containing the...
6 Pages 2833 Words

The Effects of Disrespect and Abuse of Women during Pregnancy and Childbirth: Analytical Essay

In a post-child-birth exit survey of 641 women, Abuya, et al. (2015a) found that D&A is perpetuated by health workers and other facility staff. Further, a systematic review of fourteen studies conducted in Nigeria by Ishola, Owolabi, and Filippi (2017) corroborates this and suggests that D&A was mostly reported as perpetrated by facility staff in their systematic review of fourteen studies conducted in Nigeria. Sadler et al. (2016) also report that D&A can occur when women interact with the providers...
6 Pages 2805 Words

Health Psychology: Analysis of Theories of Placebo Effects

Task 1 The Health Belief Model (HBM) -The health behaviour model is classified as a psychological model which has been developed in order to provide a prediction and an explanation of the various behaviours which are health-related. In the year 1966, both Stanislav Kasl and Sidney Cobb specified that there are three main types when it comes to health-related behaviours. Firstly, that health behaviour meant a behaviour which seeks to prevent diseases - for example, maintaining a healthy diet in...
7 Pages 3223 Words

Effect of Exercise on North American Middle-aged Women with Major Depressive Disorder

The focus of this paper is to explore the effect exercise has on North American middle-aged women with major depressive disorder. This topic was chosen because I know many people who suffer from depression and I would like to help find ways to cope with the symptoms and aftermath of this heart-wrenching disease. Finding new ways to help cope with depression may decrease the number of suicides. Depression is a huge driving force for people who commit suicide. This issue...
7 Pages 2976 Words

Essay on Learning Disability Nurse: Case Study of Carlos, Identified Framework of Moulster and Griffiths

Learning disability is defined as a significant lifelong difficulty in learning and understanding, practising the skills needed to cope with everyday life, and that there is evidence that these difficulties started before 18 years of age (Gates et al, 2015). This essay will discuss critically, recent theories and methods applied in order to prioritise and safely meet the health and care needs of Carlos who has fragile X syndrome and atypical autism. Using appropriate models with vast evidence-based practice to...
7 Pages 2925 Words

Analytical Essay on the Way of Placebo Effect Essence

Research: Many ailments have specific treatments. Headaches have aspirin, nausea has Zofran, and anxiety has Xanax. These drugs work effectively to cure their various illnesses, which is not surprising, seeing as they have medical properties that help heal patients. What is surprising is the fact that a sugar pill can often produce the same results as these treatments. Thatā€™s right. A drug with no medical properties can sometimes heal a patient just as well as actual medicine. The reason for...
6 Pages 3044 Words

Influence of Intercultural Contrasts: Analytical Essay on Exchange Students

Integration and diversity This planet, socially and culturally speaking is becoming smaller, our borders are being erased a point considered a threat by many right-winged parties, it is easier for people and goods to travel further and cheaper which is great news for the service sector companies, we are able to share our knowledge and opinions more freely to the point some experts are arguing about a common moral compass. I believe in a shared citizenship and common responsibility so...
6 Pages 2934 Words

Care Plan Case Study: Reducing Readmission Rates in Case of Systolic Heart Failure Myocardial Infarction

Care Plan Case Study: Systolic heart failure myocardial infarction Heart failure is costly for our healthcare systems and one of the leading causes for hospitalization. Many patients are not able to manage their heart failure after discharge and are readmitted back to the hospital within 30 days of being discharged. Another issue among these heart failure patients is their quality of life. These patients tend to have a poor quality of life if they donā€™t know how to manage their...
7 Pages 3016 Words

Difference between Islam and Christianity Essay

Abstract Religion provides many benefits to humans, and also allows human beings to make sense of our existence. Religions around the world provide answers to the ways in which we were created, and the occurrences of events, and they also provide a moral and ethical code by which we live. Christianity and Islam, are both different religions, yet they stand for the same principles with the aim of making us better people and helping us through our lives. When analyzing...
6 Pages 2846 Words

Should Marijuanas Be Legalized Essay

ā€œWhat goes aroundā€¦ comes all the way back aroundā€ ā€“Justin Timberlake. What a fitting lyric from one of todayā€™s biggest pop stars and one that fits the X Generation perfectly. Already, we have brought ā€œback aroundā€ old styles of fashion and music. Now, as more of our generation begins to enter the political world we are seeing a change in policies that have held firm for almost a century. More specifically, we are seeing a change in the attitude toward...
6 Pages 2765 Words

Organizational Culture Essay

A Critical Approach towards an Integrative Dynamic Framework for Understanding and Managing Organizational Culture Change The concept of an organizational culture virtually started in the 1970s. However, it started to gain momentum and prominence in the 1980s after researchers established the significant role that culture played in the workplace. A lot of authors argued that culture is both the source of problems and the basis for solutions. Therefore, studies on organizational culture centered on how people behave in an organization...
6 Pages 2952 Words

Who Am I Essay Example

Who Am I Essay 1 (200 words) The question "Who am I?" is an eternal inquiry that lies at the heart of human existence. It is a profound quest for self-discovery, where we delve into the intricacies of our thoughts, emotions, and aspirations. This Who Am I Essay essay delves into the introspective exploration of personal identity and the factors that shape our understanding of ourselves. Self-identity is a complex amalgamation of experiences, values, and beliefs. Our cultural background and...
4 Pages 3181 Words

I Am Not Your Perfect American Daughter: Fragmentation of Family in 2nd Generation Mexican-Americans

Second-generation Mexican-Americans are among the fastest-growing populations in the United States representing over 59% of the Latino population and are loosening cultural ties the family dynamic begins to fall apart even with strong maternal figures encouraging youth to accommodate both cultures, (U.S. Bureau of Census, 2001, 2004). ā€œSeveral authors suggest that challenges created by this dual cultural adaptation process represent a substantial risk for Mexican American (and other minority) youths and may lead to negative mental health outcomes, low self-esteem,...
6 Pages 2934 Words

Why Medical Marijuanas Should Be Legal Essay

Executive Summary Our teamā€™s purpose in writing this report is to educate others on the topic of Marijuana; specifically the history, the medical and financial benefits, and laws regarding state and federal jurisdiction of the drug. The information used for our research came from reliable sources such as news articles from U.S. News and CNBC, Harvard Medical School Dr. Peter Grinspoon, and news outlet sources such as business insiders and the morning consult. Starting in the 1930s, and resurging in...
6 Pages 2868 Words

Comparison of Law and Literature: Analysis of Bleak House

Introduction Literature is freedom of literature and expressing your thoughts whereas law is fixed and its boundaries cannot be expanded. Law is set of rules through which society is governed and literature is reflection of human behaviour. Law is neutral but literature is personalized. Law is limited by its own connotations. Law, Literature and Cinema have evolved and are evolving gradually. Variations in law come from society and law provides trouble-free methods to acquire those variations. Law is that science...
7 Pages 3052 Words

Why Euthanasia Should Be Legal Essay

As medical science advances, and our ability to keep people alive improves, we increasingly find people reaching the last stages of their life, or surviving in conditions that would have proved fatal in the past. However, in many of these cases, people are going through physical and emotional suffering that can cause their lives to become very difficult. In an attempt to relieve this suffering, some people seek euthanasia. This can provide people with a controlled way to end their...
6 Pages 2855 Words

Overview of Brain Development and History of Neuroplasticity: Analytical Essay

Introduction How Does our Brain Change? I am submitting this for class Psych 6014 A Biopsychosocial Approach to Counseling. The Program for this presentation will be as follows: I will start with a brief overview of Brain development focusing on the important aspects for Brain Plasticity followed by a description of Brain Plasticity, the history of Neuroplasticity, the fundamentals and why it is so important. I will then give a brief story of neuroplasticity from the work of Dr. Barry...
7 Pages 2965 Words

Cyber Crime and Security in Business: Analytical Essay

Abstract Cybercrime are in charge of the intrusion of ordinary PC works and has been known to cause the defeat of numerous organizations and individual substances. This exploration paper means to examine following parts of Cybercafes: the definition, why they happen, laws overseeing them, strategies for carrying out cybercafes, who they influence, and cybercrime counteractive action systems. All the more particularly, this paper will dig into one fundamental case of cybercrime 'hacking'. The report will demonstrate the use and movement...
7 Pages 3095 Words

Forensic Psychology Investigative Techniques: Analysis of Polygraph

Chapter 1. Introduction In the following study, an effort is made to examine the difference between the electrical activities of the brain to the participatory activities memories and of memories being only the audience or the witness of any event during recall if looked from forensic aspect using Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature (BEOS), developed by Dr. C.R. Mukundan (Mukundan,1998). Our human brain stores different sets of memory for different events. Our understanding of the brain from physiological perspectives would be...
6 Pages 2794 Words

Analytical Essay on Lie-Detector Tests: Study of Polygraph

In any criminal investigation, interrogation of suspects and the accused play an important role. Gathering evidence against the accused is the cornerstone of any criminal investigation. The responsibility of prosecuting an accused lies on the government, as a result, there is always a possibility that the state having enormous muscle power might infringe the rights of the accused by proceeding with the trial in an unjust manner. In order to protect the accused from the possible threat of being convicted...
7 Pages 3084 Words

Assessment of the Integrity of Burglariesā€™/Housebreakingsā€™ Modus Operandi Data-Ecosystem and Criminal Profiling using MOs

1. Research Topic: Assessment of the Integrity of the Burglariesā€™/Housebreakingsā€™ MO (Modus Operandi) Data-Ecosystem and Criminal Profiling using MOs Relevant Features; A Blockchain Technology and Machine Learning Approach. 2. Introduction: Modus Operandi records are very important in criminal profiling. When investigators perform criminal profiling, they are principally finding a way to demonstrate that, the same offender has committed two or more crimes via comparison of the criminalā€™s modes of operation. This task is of importance in the absence of a...
7 Pages 3089 Words

Critical Analysis of the Risks of Robbery

Situational or Case Facts Critical Analysis Almost the whole town had gone to spectate the game ā€“ a once-a-year ā€œgrudge matchā€ in which the best young footballers in Melville were pitched against their adversaries in neighboring Santa Georgia. Santa Georgia almost always wins. Comprehensive risk analysis may have identified this situation, a known event and foreseeable, as one that may increase exposure to the risk of robbery. The situation, in which the bulk of law enforcement in Melville is likely...
6 Pages 2805 Words

Changes in Sex Offender Registry: Reflective Essay

With respect to adults, my stance on SB 384 is in support of the legislation. Sex crimes are a controversial and sensitive topic among most of the population in the United States. The severity of the crime is a crucial factor that determines the fate of the accused, as well as the accuser. Should someone who has been convicted of numerous child rapes face the same consequences as an 18-year-old that slept with a 17-year-old? Itā€™s a difficult concept to...
6 Pages 2808 Words
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