3000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Issue of Campus Sexual Assault and Title IX's Role in Fixing it

When I made my commitment to Baylor I was overwhelmed by the amount of mocking and warning I received for committing to what my peers called ‘rape university’. These comments towards Baylor were in response to the Baylor football team rape scandal that took place in 2016. It was the first time I was ever made aware of sexual assault or rape on campuses and the role of Title IX and what actions were made in cases like that. I...
7 Pages 3235 Words

Cyber Security and Malware Protection

Cyber security is the act of protecting digital information and information systems. It focuses on protection of valuable information stored on those systems from adversaries who would want to obtain, corrupt, damage, destroy or prohibit access to it. Hence, it is a crucial part of the IT field. Malicious software, or malware, is a cyber security threat that affects the user's computer system by exploiting the system's vulnerabilities. It is one of the major threats to the security of information...
6 Pages 3090 Words

Abductive Reasoning as the Key to Build Trusted Artificial Intelligence

Modern AI Systems have seen some major advancements and breakthroughs in recent years. However, almost all of them use a bottom-down approach where machines are heavily trained in as many situations as possible to increase accuracy and minimize their margin or error. This is a rather inefficient and at times untrustworthy way to teach machines. This approach requires large amounts of ‘good data’ and even with that, it is always uncertain that AI can be trusted in abstract situations. Abductive...
7 Pages 3147 Words

Careful Study of Sony Corporation

Sony corporation was founded in 1946 by Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita. Its first invention was rice cooker which had failed and led to G-TYPE recorder in 1950, it also introduced pocket transistor radio in 1957. A cathode-ray tube was launched on October 15, 1967 which helped them in video innovation. Its headquarters are located in Japan where large parts of production, distribution and manufacture takes place. Sony Music Entertainment was created by forming a joint venture between Sony corporation...
7 Pages 3035 Words

The Internet of Things and Its Significance

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the ever-growing network of physical objects that feature an IP address for Internet connectivity, and the communication that occurs between these objects and other Internet-enabled devices and systems. In simple words, IoT is an ecosystem of connected physical objects that are accessible through the Internet. It is also referred to as Machine-to-Machine (M2M), Skynet or the Internet of Everything. The Internet of Things is a term that has been stimulated for quite a...
7 Pages 3003 Words

Live to Work or Work to Live

Dr. Tetsunojyo Uehara first used the term of ‘過労死 (karoshi)’, and it is defined as 'death from overwork and stress'. Since the latter half of the 1980s, karojisatsu has also become a social issue in Japan. The occurrence of overwork death is closely related to a country's unique economic and social conditions, and even the value orientation of the entire society. In the 20th century, the rapid development of Japan's economy coupled with the general appreciation of the values of...
7 Pages 3143 Words

Federalism as a Model for Explaining the European Union

The European Union (EU) is a remarkable and world widely unique case of regional integration (Hix, 2017, p. 580). After the two world wars in the first half of the 20th century, some of the European countries decided to voluntarily yield part of their sovereignty to supranational institutions to ensure a long-lasting peace through regional integration and to enjoy the greater advantages of collective cooperation. The EU, at that time called European Community, was first formed at the beginning of...
6 Pages 2874 Words

The European Union Benefit from the Chinese One Belt One Road Initiative

The One Belt One Road initiative is a project started by China in 2013 and that focuses on improving the connectivity and cooperation between China and several other countries in Asia, Africa and Europe to improve the trade relations worldwide. The focus of the initiative is energy, improve the infrastructure and improve transportation (Ma, 2018). However, experts see it also as a strategy to push for worldwide Chinese dominance. Two major trade routes from and to China will be built....
6 Pages 2914 Words

Hermit Crab Tank Setup

Hermit crabs make interesting pets when cared for properly. These little crabs are active and when given everything they need, they can have long lives as well. Unfortunately, most pet stores sell them as easy to care for, shelf pets. While they are easy pets in some ways, they do have very specific needs that must be met to ensure their survival. In this article, I will talk about the tank setup for the Hermit crabs. So that we could...
7 Pages 3148 Words

Transcendence in Contemporary Abstract Art Practice

Transcendence is the process that often occurs when viewing artworks that escorts our mind to another place. Transcendence originated from Latin and means climb beyond. The term means to explore beyond ourselves and is experienced quite often-involving art. Often used to describe the hidden world and beliefs of the artists who made them or majority of the time, the artworks aim is to provoke an emotion or past memory to export the viewer. Artists use many different forms and mediums...
6 Pages 2754 Words

The Detailed Overview of Huntington's Disease

There are many diseases out in the world that are affecting people’s lives in different ways. They can either be an infectious or a non-infectious disease. A non- infectious disease would be Huntington’s disease which is inherited. It causes a severe breakdown of nerve cells of the brain. The parts of the brain that get damage are the basal ganglia, cerebral cortex the frontal and temporal lobes, ventricles, and caudate nuclei. This disease is most frequently found in people with...
7 Pages 3137 Words

The Supreme Court of the United States and Its Impact on Same-Sex Marriage Rights

The U.S. Supreme Court was created by the Constitution of the United States and was established in 1789 and recognised under the Judiciary Act of 1789 (Smentkowski 2019). When the Founding Fathers were drafting the Constitution, they were against having a central government. As a result, when writing the Constitution, they decided that it was important to have an institution that had certain checks and balances on the legislative and executive branches of government. This, therefore, resulted in the Founding...
7 Pages 3012 Words

Social Status of Housewives During the 1950s

Introduction to the Social Status of 1950s Housewives In this essay, I will be exploring what factors affected the social status for the ‘ideal housewives’ in the 1950s. I will be considering the working woman, housing situations, comparing the US to the UK housewife, education and also the evolution of academic thought on the status and importance of housewives and women in society. These factors will enable me to make a clear judgement on the social status of housewives and...
7 Pages 3009 Words

The Effects of Unemployment in Kenya

This paper tries to reviews the effects of unemployment in Kenya. How the effects are leading to home breakage, Kenyans are falling into depression. This has made the young people still in school downhearted and wonders if they will fall victim to unemployment. Unemployment cuts across the country in that, in every five people you meet on street one of them, is unemployed despite all the qualifications they possess. Kenyan has failed to reduce the level of unemployment since it...
6 Pages 2896 Words

Intellectual Property and Its Protection

Intellectual property (IP) is intangible and it was protected by law, such as patents, copyright, trademarks and trade secret law. It is used to ensure any work that is creative such as invention of people can legally protected under the law. As an example of Siva Vaidhyanathan. He is best known for her writing in cultural criticism. He is concern about relationship among information control, property rights, technologies and social norms. Thus, she established some books like ‘The Rise of...
6 Pages 2801 Words

Tesla Strengths and Weaknesses

“Tesla Motors is unique because it is not merely selling cars but also selling new technologies” (enter source). One of the greatest strengths that Tesla has to offer is that they deal with two of the largest markets: premium luxury cars and eco-friendly electric cars. Tesla stands above their luxury car competitors due to their advantage of being more cost effective in usage because they do not run on gasoline. The price of gasoline continuously increases each and every single...
7 Pages 3064 Words

Negative Effects of Labeling on Women

An individual identity may sometimes be defined or influenced by terms that are used to define the individual. The world we live in is ever changing and is characterized by gender labels. This is referred to as labeling and it is premised on the labeling theory. Labeling entails that the identity assigned to an individual is in some respect altered to his discredit. Certain qualities connected with the behavior are attributed to him. The behavior which becomes the object of...
6 Pages 2941 Words

The Impact of Identity Cards on Student Life in Higher Education

There is plenty of research undertaken on the subject of public surveillance and that within the British education system. Lyon’s theory of the ‘card cartel’ focuses on the fundamental changes it creates for the definitions of ‘citizen’ and ‘state’ as well as the relationship between these two concepts. He uses Marxist theory to argue that identification gives the bourgeoisie, the middle- and upper-classes, power over the proletariat, the working class (2009). Using the example of a passport, he argues identification...
6 Pages 2773 Words

Jane Austen's and Mary Wollstonecraft's Proto-feminist Beliefs

To what extent might we use the term ‘Feminist’ to describe women’s writing of the 18th Century? How might we define the term ‘feminist’? It is an idea that is constantly developing, even today. The Oxford English Dictionary defines feminism as the “Advocacy for equality of the sexes and the establishment of the political, social and economic rights of the female sex”. Seeing as the term was not cited until 1897 by The Daily News, is it appropriate to call...
7 Pages 3056 Words

Exploring the Work of Chuck Close as One of the Main Figures in Contemporary Art

American artist Chuck Close has been a main figure in contemporary art since the mid-1970s. He is best known for his photorealist works through his substantial scale pictures of himself, family, companions and different specialists. He works from photos as precisely as he can, gridding both the photo and canvas, reproducing the photo onto the canvas square by square. In 1967, Close brought a specific enthusiasm into hyperrealism, investing his energy making eight huge, high contrast pictures. From 1970, his...
6 Pages 2768 Words

Essay on Plastic Money in India: Opportunities and Challenges

Technology is an inevitable tool in today’s competitive world. Banks today operate in a highly globalized, liberalized, privatized and competitive environment. To survive in this environment, banks have to use Information Technology to provide traditional and other banking services in a digital platform. Plastic money is a term that is used to denote the hard plastic cards which the bank customers use every day in the place of actual banknotes. With increasing economic and financial liberalization, banks feel it desirable...
6 Pages 2823 Words

Netflix as the Main Original Content Creator

While Netflix has not yet fundamentally altered the face of television, it has certainly expanded the definition by offering creators a new playground in which to experiment and by pushing the boundaries of what is considered commonplace. Since its inception, Netflix has been changing the ways that viewers access, control, and watch television. Founded in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph, Netflix began as a mail-order DVD service. Instead of going to a local store like Blockbuster, Netflix delivered...
7 Pages 2988 Words

How Modern Japanese Architecture Influences from Historic Style

Japan has a lot to offer to those with an interest in architecture. Architectural styles in Japan have developed throughout the hundreds of years, intensely impacted by topography, atmosphere, the crude materials accessible, and even the course of natural disasters. Japanese architecture, in the long run, came to consolidate components from neighboring Asian societies just as Western impacts. Historically, the Meiji Restoration (1868-1912) marked an inflection point when the archipelago was confronted with an alternate idea of ‘building’, one which...
7 Pages 3125 Words

Analysis of Toyota's Business Strategy

Toyota Motor Company was founded in 1937, in 1950 Toyota Motor Sales was created and finally they merged into Toyota Motor Corporation in 1982. The headquarters of the company are located in Toyota City, Nagoya of Aichi Prefecture and Tokyo, Japan. Later on, in 1984 General Motors (NUMMI—the New United Motor Manufacturing Inc.) made a joint venture with Toyota, which was the first step for production of vehicles in the USA as well as the creation of new brand “Lexus”...
7 Pages 2974 Words

Johnson & Johnson Tylenol Crisis as a Superb Crisis Management Example

Introduction to Crisis Management and Johnson & Johnson's Reputation Crisis is an event that might result in unexpected and unstable situation such as traffic mishaps and earthquake. It often occurs unpredictable even without wrongdoing, and leads to business failure. It reported that almost all crisis lead to a great reputation damage (Dilenschneider, 2000). However, crisis could also be the seed of success when crisis management in position. According to the definition of Wikipedia, crisis management ‘is the process by which...
6 Pages 2848 Words

Climbing Everest: the Transformation of Mountaineering from Personal Exploration to a Commercial Guided-Tour Industry

On the evening of May 9, 1996, large groups of climbers stationed at Camp IV, situated 8,000 meters on the South Col route of Mount Everest, were preparing summit the peak of the world’s highest mountain. Throughout the day a series of dangerously high winds had persisted, and the windows of opportunity for summiting were narrowing drastically. When the winds began to calm down in the evening, the climbers advanced on the opportunity and embarked on the 18 to 24...
7 Pages 3090 Words

Comparative Analysis of Two Works of Byzantine Art - ‘Fragment of Chancel Barrier’ and ‘Hagiosoritissa’

Art history can be defined in various ways depending on the person and their perspective. A brief definition of the term is the studying, identifying, interpreting, and understanding of artworks (i.e. paintings, sculptures, architecture) from different cultures with the consideration of the time period in which they were made. A lot can be learned through the artwork of cultures such as how humanity lived, what they valued, and what they believed in. With some research, the meaning and importance of...
6 Pages 2839 Words

The Changing View of Tobacco Use in American History

Currently, smoking is considered an epidemic that infiltrates societies around the world. It is looked down on by first world countries, and it is known to be a practice that is harmful to the body, causing many fatal diseases, such as lung cancer. However, this negative view of tobacco was not always held in the past. For much of American history, tobacco and the cigarette industry held an essential role in the American economy, starting from the colonial times. However,...
6 Pages 2960 Words

The Freedom of the European Central Bank

The solicitation from Germany's protected court to suspend acquisition of German bonds by the Bundesbank will prompt a very long time of legitimate and political battle that will genuinely debilitate the exertion by Europe to battle the coronavirus emergency. It likewise opens up another time of analysis of acts by the European Central Bank that is probably going to change the manner in which the ECB works and will release unpleasant arguments about its autonomy from government officials. On Tuesday,...
6 Pages 2757 Words

An Evaluation of Leadership Practice of Franklin D. Roosevelt

Introduction to Franklin D. Roosevelt's Leadership “A Leader is summoned to the fore by the needs of the time” - Doris Jean Kearns, FDR. We stand today at a time of change and challenge, in an age of technological advancement and destructive ignorance. At a time when humanity faces its greatest and most complex challenges, we are unfortunate to have a dearth of leadership. Competence has become a rare commodity among the world’s most prominent leaders, with value being placed...
7 Pages 3059 Words
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