3000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on Basketball Culture in America

NBA Betting Strategies Being one of the four major sports in the United States, it is of no surprise that basketball continues to cause ever so many devotees to throng in front of their TV screens. Therefore, it stands to reason that wagering on the NBA is all the rage among a good deal of gambling enthusiasts. The popularity of the sport can be ascribed to the fact that punters find it much easier to make correct predictions. It is...
7 Pages 3230 Words

Essay on 'Night' Book Symbols

Context is a crucial element when reading a memoir. Context is what brings background and circumstantial information to the reader and informs the reader about why a particular event might transpire. In order to truly understand ā€œNightā€ by Elie Weisel, the contextual details specifically about the Holocaust and the Nazis are important to inform some of the events, places, and people described in his memoir. Ms. Metalinā€™s lecture provided a vast amount of context regarding Auschwitz and other concentration camps....
6 Pages 2768 Words

Synthesis Essay on Monuments

Not long ago, a fire broke out at the well-known, visited, and praised Notre Dame Cathedral in France. Thousands of individuals were devastated at the news and thousands of others, including the very wealthy, quickly came to the rescue by giving over one billion dollars in donations to rebuild and repair the attraction. This was found odd, however, as it seems that these individualsā€”the world, did not understand the history of this place. Itā€™s unknown Notre Dame has been one...
6 Pages 3009 Words

Evaluation Essay on Soccer

Who knew that a simple kicking game could be one of the most played sports in America today? It is proven that soccer is the most popular sport in the world but one of the most hated in America. There are approximately thirty percent more children and young adults playing soccer than there were just forty years ago. The sport of soccer started over two thousand years ago and it has evolved in many ways. People can discriminate against the...
6 Pages 2892 Words

Synthesis Essay about Plastic and Its Harmful Effects

Executive Summary This report was commissioned to examine and evaluate a pressing issue known as Plastic Product pollution. This has been administered and accepted by the government of Canada, Organizations such as Walmart, and Markets which are the customers and suppliers. Plastic product pollution is killing the planet and us, slowly but steadily and we are causing our own peril by allowing it to happen, I believe my policy known as the Plastic Product Ban will take down this problem....
6 Pages 2867 Words

Ethical Dilemmas in Social Work: Reflective Essay

Throughout our careers, we all are presented with ethical dilemmas. Regularly reviewing your own professional ethical standards and values is necessary to maintain a balance in practice. As a student in social work, I am faced with the task of continuously challenging my personal values and principles against interactions with persons whom I work with; this is an exhausting responsibility. Reflecting and resolving ethical dilemmas based on our professional values is essential to maintain accountability as social workers so that...
6 Pages 2902 Words

Extended Definition Essay about Love

I. Introduction For years, queries about Love have been a part of man's life and humans have shown great effort to fill in the gaps of knowledge about love. It required the wisdom of the ancient Philosophers and even the minds of the modern ones. As mentioned by Manuel Dy in his Phenomenology of Love, the philosophy of man is incomplete without the philosophy of man as loving. And so various definitions of such word have subsisted from the seven...
6 Pages 2929 Words

Descriptive Essay about My Neighbourhood

Viewing the four recordings on the heaviness of the country truly opened my eyes and caused me to understand that heftiness is a difficult issue in our present reality. In spite of the fact that this issue appears to be greater than us, there are things we can do to help bring down the pace of corpulence. Information about well-being and sustenance is a key factor that should be accentuated so as to support the reason. When individuals recognize what...
7 Pages 3139 Words

Descriptive Essay about Mother

If I have the power to turn back time the one thing that I would like to change was to stop my mother from giving birth to me. I know that giving birth to me was the start of her misfortune in life and because of me my siblings also had to come to this world to bear the same thing. My grandmother used to say that my mother was a smart lady. She even went to an international school....
7 Pages 3233 Words

Cause and Effect Essay on Serial Killers

Are serial killers made? Does abuse make serial killers? One social factor is whether the serial killer has been abused. Many studies have found that there is a link between serial killers and abuse. A study by Mitchell and Aamodt in 2005 wanted to find the rate of abuse in a sample of convicted serial killers compared to a sample in the general population. They found that 36% of serial killers were physically abused, 26% of serial killers were sexually...
6 Pages 2912 Words

Cause and Effect Essay on Divorce

Introduction In Canada, divorce rates are rising, and we fear that they will continue to rise. Since the 1960s and 1080s, a divorce has been easier to obtain. With legalizing divorce, it has also been more socially acceptable overall (Butterfield, 2017). Factors that researchers have seen that impact marriage and lead to a divorce include low incomes, poverty, youthful marriages, and risk factors for divorce. As well as, when people see that divorce is easy to obtain, they have a...
7 Pages 2961 Words

Modern Day Feminism Vs Traditional Feminism Essay

Feminism is an empowering movement that inspires many women of many generations and is still an ongoing cycle that continues to motivate many girls in our generation today. It is a guide for many young women as well as women who have gone through many changes from their youth to adolescence. Empowerment of feminism is what makes this movement a popular and well-made phenomenon with empowerment meaning ā€œthe act or action of empowering someone or something: the granting of the...
6 Pages 2840 Words

Liberal Education and Critical Thinking Essay

For actions of the common good to become prominent in the world a broad and varying set of circumstances must be enacted within society. The common good results from the participation and efforts of individuals and the masses. It is not specifically defined as the common good but as a common good as it is based on the wellness and warfare of a majority. Depending on time, place, and social condition creates what could be considered a common good for...
6 Pages 2827 Words

Essay: Why Is Respect Important in School

Diversity of Educators, Learners, and Their Culture ā€œThere are not more than five musical notes, yet the combinations of these five give rise to more melodies than can ever be heard. There are not more than five primary colors, yet in combination, they produce more hues than can ever be seen. There are not more than five cardinal tastes, yet combinations of them yield more flavors than can ever be tastedā€ (Sun Tzu, The Art of War). Sour, bitter, salty,...
6 Pages 2817 Words

Depression and Anxiety Essay

Introduction Depression is a mood-affective disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness, loneliness, and starting loss of interest in things. A major depressive disorder or clinical depression is that which affects feeling, thinking, and behavior and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. Depression causes feelings of sadness and a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and decrease a personā€™s ability to function at...
6 Pages 2763 Words

Compare and Contrast Essay: "The Yellow Wallpaper" and "The Awakening"

This paper is based on the awakening of patriarchal oppression. mechanism and feminism in The Awakening and The Yellow Wallpaper. Through the comparative analysis of the female struggle and awakening in a patriarchal society. Although both books are about men. However, there is still a difference between the confinement of women in the power society and the awakening of women's consciousness. Where the two ladies were the circumstances and dilemmas are different. The heroine in The Awakening can do what...
7 Pages 3060 Words

Cold War and Decolonization Essay

Why did Africa become a theatre of Cold War conflict in the period between 1957 and 1962? The Cold War, originating in the aftermath of the Second World War, colored political, social, and cultural development during the second half of the twentieth century. The phenomenon of decolonization was no different, with newly independent states in both Africa and Asia finding themselves faced with a choice between aligning with either the capitalist or communist camps. While Asian decolonization seemed a surprisingly...
6 Pages 2833 Words

Black Lives Matter History Essay

To understand the issue of civil rights, we must go back to the root of the problem, or the first time civil rights were broken or not observed. The very first time slavery is believed to have begun according to history is in the beginning is the beginning of the 17th century. In 1619, the first set of Africans were brought from Angola to Virginia to work for the whites in their fields. Not long after that, the news spread,...
7 Pages 3068 Words

Time Management Problem Solution Essay

Abstract This paper talks about the way students respond to university workloads. Programs offered in a university can be very demanding, in terms of classes, assignments and other tasks not scheduled throughout the semester. In response to this heavy schedule, students often depend on unhealthy ways to complete the tasks in time. Students consume caffeine to stay alert while doing their work, but sometimes they use excessive amounts of caffeine in order to meet the deadlines. Even though overconsumption of...
6 Pages 2763 Words

Teacher Self-Reflection Essay

This assignment will focus on a reflection on my development as a teacher so far and the adaptations I have made to my practice from these reflections. There will be a focus on four strands which are: behavior management, inclusive practice, classroom environment, and professionalism. This reflection will look in-depth at the impact of learning of pupils within these four strands and will be a critical evaluation of strategies that could be used and theoretical models of practice. A teacher...
6 Pages 2890 Words

Analytical Essay on Horror

'In general, little attention has been given to the filmic representation of race in film genre criticism.' (Mark A Reid). Making detailed reference to one or two discuss the ways in which a genre of your choice uses discourses of race. This essay will analyze the horror genreā€™s approach to race in a variety of ways. Depictions of race in horror have changed and developed over time, one of the most influential modern interpretations being Jordan Peeleā€™s Get Out (Peele,...
6 Pages 2894 Words

Essay about Community Service Project

Introduction. What is Community Service? From ABCs when we first hear the term ā€˜community serviceā€™ the thought we get is that it must be something regarding giving back to society. Having a look at the proper definition, Community service is when individuals or groups of people come together to volunteer to help improve a community, with no hope of getting any reap from the community. It can also mean helping non-profit organizations or doing positive things that lead to a...
7 Pages 3131 Words

Personal Essay on Community Service

Introduction Background of the organization Compassionate Neighbor's Children's Center is a children's home located in Githurai 44, Nairobi County, Kenya. The homeā€™s distance is approximately 200 meters, off Uncle Sam's stage, the road connecting Githurai 44 and Githurai 45. Compassionate Neighbor's Children Center was started in the year 1982 by Bishop Josiah Moses Mwima Okoth and his dear wife Mrs. Mwima Okoth. Director Josiah finished school in the year 1957 and started looking for a job like any other youth...
6 Pages 2883 Words

Reflective Essay on Religion

Religion Assignment This essay contains various reflections on my personal religious experience here at Marino Institute of Education in my first year of the B. ED course as well as some of my opinions and thoughts on assigned college readings. Through writing this essay, it has allowed me to reflect on my religious education so far in my nineteen years of life and I can now proudly say that I know what sort of religious education teacher that I want...
7 Pages 3106 Words

Essay: the American Dream Is Killing Us

Strain Theory Merton Robert K. Merton (1938) created the original strain theory, referred also as the social structure and anomie theory. Like social disorganization theory, recent strain theories examined social structure as a major factor in crime rates. Mertonā€™s (1938) strain theory focuses on other fundamental factors, such as societal pressures, influencing individuals to achieve a socially accepted goal. Merton (1938) stated that societal pressures pushed individuals into conformity and made individuals believe that that goal would help them gain...
6 Pages 2806 Words

Essay: High School Is a Waste of Time

The K-12 program Is new the basic education after they finish six years in primary school, four years in junior high school then another two years for senior high school in preparation for tertiary education in which they are free to choose a strand that is suitable for the course that they would take after they graduated on the senior high school they will now be ready for tertiary education, K-12 program was implemented way back in 2011 where the...
6 Pages 2873 Words

Essay on Enron White Collar Crime

There is no doubt that financial crime causes harm, but it is often thought that the harm done can only really affect those who are not well off financially and this is insignificant, Unfortunately, these are myths and should not be encouraged. Financial crime causes more than just financial harm, it causes physiological harm, causes the victim to lose trust in the financial systems, and in technology and it also causes a domino effect, because, it first affects the individual...
7 Pages 3157 Words

Essay on Childhood Obesity: Pros and Cons

Thinking of an epidemic, AIDS, Ebola and all kinds of incurable and widespread diseases will usually be the first examples that come to peopleā€™s mind. Yet obesity has become the ā€œnew epidemicā€ that has infected countless numbers of people from different countries, races, and social classes. Currently, the group of people that is in the most danger of obesity is children and adolescents ranging between the ages of 2 and 19. In the past quarter century, the number of overweight...
6 Pages 2877 Words

Life of Pi' Book and Movie: Comparison Essay

Literature is a vast area that incorporates different genres and cultures within itself. Novels, short stories, and biographies portray characters and events through words. When a film is made from a book it is called an adaptation. From the beginning, filmmakers have made films based on novels, short stories, biographies, and plays; of the sources of these adaptations, novels have always been the most popular choice. Adaptations are everywhere today on the television and movie screen, on the musical and...
6 Pages 2793 Words

Rhetorical Analysis Essay about Travel

Abstract In this paper, we try to look at Trump's type of leadership in taking travel ban policies. The travel ban itself is a controversial policy where there is an inconsistency between Trump's campaign and the policies he applies now. In this paper, we also examine the reason Trump chose that decision and took another view regarding the existence of immigrants. Immigrants who are considered a problem for America turned out to have an important role in the American economy....
7 Pages 3160 Words
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