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Social Issues

Expository Essay Meaning of Loyalty

Before starting the discussions on the application of ethical leadership, let us ponder this quote by Linda Fisher Thornton, “There is no check-box for ethical leaders. It is an ongoing individual and organizational journey. We will never know everything that there is to know”. A leader when he takes the responsibility cannot simply choose to be ethical at the start of his voyage in the organization; it takes a step farther to know that there is still knowledge to learn...
7 Pages 3237 Words

Thesis Statement of the Reconstruction Essay

Herman Melville wrote about all different types of themes ranging from topics about the Civil War to what a woman’s role should be. Melville was not afraid to express his opinions to anyone, especially his readers. Melville was from New York and he supported the abolition of slavery. He believed that the slave owners were exploiting the slaves only for their free labor. He was not opposed to a short-lived Civil War that had the primary purpose of reuniting the...
7 Pages 3110 Words

Reconstruction Era DBQ Essay

From 1909 – 2009 many different groups and people fought for the same cause, although these groups had different ideas and methods both these groups' aim was the end the crisis of civil rights and achieve equality between blacks and whites. Nobody did this better than the non – violent campaign, with leaders such as Booker T. Washington, the NAACP, and martin Luther King which inspired the whole nation to take action for the many protests that took place to...
6 Pages 2762 Words

Pop Culture Music 1960's Protest Music Essay

Music has more influence over large groups of people than any other cultural product. With the power to unify, bridge, build, or protest, music can connect large groups of people to transform values, patterns, and habits. With the ability to provide an incredibly comprehensive framework to package and present a viewpoint or an idea, music serves to open up conversations and spur reflection and action relating to the issues of the day. In times of social and political conflict, a...
6 Pages 2913 Words

Unemployment and Homelessness Essay

Introduction Ruggiero (2008) defines thinking as a mental activity that we have some influence or control over. This is apparent when looking at the situation in which a driver is only driving while he keeps the steering wheel in his hands and monitors vehicle motions. Therefore the practice is only formulated if directed in the minds of individuals. This does not mean, though, that thought should always be done in a positive mood. Evidence demonstrates that subconscious and involuntary thought...
7 Pages 3058 Words

Margaret Garner and 'Beloved' Essay

Genre is a set of conventional constraints on the production and interpretation of meaning; providing a set of characteristics and conventions for authors to use as guidelines when writing their texts. Toni Morrison’s novel, Beloved written in 1987 can be seen as a form of magical realism in terms of genre because it can be seen as being a distortion effect that points out the realistic view of the modern world while interconnecting the fantasy realm into it; which is...
6 Pages 2816 Words

Effect of Self-Esteem in Child Development Essay

Introduction One of the most exciting yet fragile stages of life is the preschool age. It is the make-or-break point of the child as he begins to wander, explore, and learn about his environment and self. The preschool stage is considered to be the person’s formative years where foundations that contribute to the child’s behavior in the future are built. Heath (2013) stated that a well-developed foundation during the preschool age will contribute to its functionality as the child slowly...
6 Pages 2945 Words

Gender and Sexuality: Literature Review Essay

Literature Review Active Passive: How does the Conan the Barbarian (1982) being a fantasy work, depict and challenge gender roles? Abstract This literature review aims to examine the various works around the gender roles in John Milius’s Conan the Barbarian (1982), yet because of the gender roles within the reel world as within the universe. The review conjointly makes a shot to focus on the hassle of the movie to place a “female” in the equally powerful role if not...
6 Pages 2910 Words

Affordable Care Act Essay: Literature Review

Introduction Employers face the challenge of balancing cost in their organization. One of the most considerable costs of running a business is the compensation of their employees. On average, benefits cost adds around 30% to an employer’s total compensation (Vogenberg & Santilli, 2018). The impact of rising healthcare costs and the national healthcare issue have been at the forefront since the Affordable Health Care Act was established in 2010 (HHS, 2019). Americans spent a substantial amount of cash in their...
7 Pages 3208 Words

Essay on Biblical Allusions in 'Beloved'

In Song of Solomon and Beloved, Morrison alludes to biblical references, which gives her novels a spiritual side. Toni Morrison’s fifth novel Beloved is a heart-rending story, inspired by a real-life incident in the life of an ex-slave, Margaret Garner, who killed her two children with a shovel in an attempt to run away from the bondage of her slave master. The story is not of a black woman or other black characters but centers on the astounding courage of...
6 Pages 2929 Words

Edgar Allan Poe Romanticism Essay

Edgar Allan Poe occupies a unique position in American Literature. He delves headfirst into the nature of the subconscious in his short stories and leads readers by the hand into the heart of the human psyche and unfurls it to them. Poe deals with paranoia in his supernatural fiction – a paranoia deeply founded in human psychology. Feverish dreams and the unseen are his sources of horrific inspiration. The early notions of Gothic are synonymous with “explained supernatural” which means...
7 Pages 3163 Words

Peer Pressure College Drinking Essay

Abstract Due to the increased ease of access to alcohol, an increasing number of students especially in colleges and universities are involving themselves in alcohol. The purpose of the study is to study the effects of alcohol consumption on students’ academic performance. Two research questions are raised: 1) Why do students drink at an early age? 2) What are the effects of alcohol consumption on academic performance? Data from a questionnaire with 30 respondents from Sunway College and University was...
7 Pages 2939 Words

Clinical Reasoning and Decision Making in Nursing Essay

Introduction I have chosen to discuss case study 2 in this assignment as it appealed to me most. It is based on a woman who has been diagnosed with a condition and has many responsibilities. This case will enable me to explore different aspects of the service user’s life and how they all impact her well-being. I have an interest in healthy lifestyles and well-being. Part A of this assignment will include a detailed overview of the case, and information...
6 Pages 2947 Words

Critical Incident Reflection Essay

Introduction An essential quality for a teacher is to be able to reflect on their practice. This skill is important as it increases and improves the learner’s performance. It is an ability that enables a practitioner to reflect on action to encourage the process of continuous learning. A reflective practitioner needs to ensure that the surrounding environments of the classroom are nurturing, therefore, it must coincide with the school’s curriculum and pedagogies. The first part of this assignment will define...
6 Pages 2905 Words

Critical Reflection Essay on Communication

Introduction Communication has been suggested to be a factor in establishing effective relationships between clinicians and patients (Pizzari et al., 2002). Additionally, poor clinician-patient communication may contribute to poor treatment adherence, which in turn can lead to adverse patient health outcomes (Safran et al. 1998; Wilson et al. 2007). Previously in physiotherapy studies, patients who had a positive relationship with their physiotherapists felt more inclined to attend their clinic appointments and complete their rehabilitation activities during these sessions (Pizzari et...
7 Pages 3093 Words

Essay on Hypnopaedia in 'Brave New World'

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, published in 1932, presents a world that is completely superficial and wholly controlled by the World State right from the point of human conception. Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, published in 1949, portrays a society whereby the people are also entirely controlled by the government. However, in Orwell’s alternative reality, the government controls the population through indoctrination, force, and the altering of history, rather than through it being inherently learned and therefore easily accepted....
6 Pages 2966 Words

Essay on Romanesque Architecture Vs Gothic

In this essay, I will be talking about Architecture and power and how it has altered and transformed over centuries. I will compare and contrast my examples, evaluate how there are differences in architecture, and look at its artistic approach. I will be exploring the development of different examples throughout the Romanesque Architecture and the Early Italian Renaissance. I will reflect upon the motives and values of past cultures in creating their art using historical context. Romanesque architecture was the...
6 Pages 2928 Words

The Hunger Games' Breaking Gender Stereotypes Essay

Gender norms and stereotypes are common and unavoidable within many societies today. Gender influences how individuals act with one another and emphasize how one ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t’ act (Wood 31). Gender stereotypes and norms are constructed by society and enforce a ‘code’ through social manipulation. Gender stereotypes and expectations are found throughout the world and across cultures. Unfortunately, gender norms often cause individuals to act in ways that are not true to themselves. Although what is expected of individuals regarding...
7 Pages 2982 Words

Essay on Why Is Gun Violence a Social Justice Issue

In recent years, gun violence has become an extremely prominent issue at the forefront of many policy discussions. The United States Congress and the American public are divided on the debate between gun control and gun rights (Wu). 36,252 persons in the U.S. died as a result of firearms in 2012. This number represents nearly 17% of injury-related deaths documented that year. Additionally, a recent study showed that U.S. gun homicide rates were 25 times higher than peer nations (Galambos)....
6 Pages 2921 Words

Essay on Haitian Declaration of Independence

‘Liberté, égalité and fraternité’ are the influential words pinned to the French Revolution of 1789-1799. This rhetoric encapsulated ideas of reason promoted by Enlightenment thinkers such as Immanuel Kant, and later Abbe Sieyes in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen and Maximilien Robespierre in 1790. France’s ‘global dimension’ meant ideas, especially liberty, spread, which is how the Revolution was influential due to the physical revolution of print and press, but the psychological communications revolution serves as why,...
6 Pages 2896 Words

The Giver' Argumentative Essay

President Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of the United States of America, once said, “Freedom is a fragile thing and it's never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. And those in world history who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.” President Reagan would have been miserable...
6 Pages 2882 Words

Civil Disobedience and Resistance to Civil Government Essay

What are the conditions, if any, that would justify the use of violence to oppose an unjust legal system? Introduction Political resistance continues to manifest in different forms and to varying degrees throughout the modern age. Despite its critics, civil disobedience has generally come to be considered a permissible mode of resistance. The philosophical debate that I seek to engage centers on the distinctly more controversial question of whether the use of violence for political purposes, objectively considered an extremity...
6 Pages 2962 Words

Personal Narrative Essay about Parenting Struggles

Actress Bette Davis once said, “If you have never been hated by your child, you have never been a parent” (Forbes). Davis recognized that as a parent there are situations where you must enforce the rules and Cathy Gulli acknowledges this in the essay “The Collapse of Parenting”. She describes how authoritative parenting has declined over recent years and the consequences of this deterioration. The essay was published in Maclean’s magazine, a slightly left-leaning publication that is known to use...
6 Pages 2752 Words

Social Media Censorship Essay

It is no exaggeration to say that social media has taken over the 21st century. There are nearly 3.5 billion active social media users in the world and the average person has seven different social media accounts (Smith). Each social media site has its terms of the agreement, which formally addresses its content and media posting policies. Overall, these policies are established to provide a safe and entertaining environment for its users. However, over the years, the policies have been...
6 Pages 2943 Words

Gender Equality in Military Essay

Introduction It all began in the spring of 2014 when Russian-backed separatist groups caused the division of the Donbas region into Ukraine. Between war, nationalism, and reconciliation with the West, Ukrainian women have achieved a significant overall change in Ukrainian society from the Crimea conflict. The roles played by women in Ukraine in addition to cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children and the elderly; women fought voluntarily alongside the Ukrainian men in the military, in various ways, on...
6 Pages 2880 Words

Research Essay on Music

Abstract The number of people listening to music has increased over time which brings about the purpose of this study. The aim is to find out the relationship between background music and its effect on the student’s academic performance. Two research questions were constructed to help in carrying out this research: 1) Does background music affect academic performance? and; 2) How does background music affect academic performance? 40 respondents from Sunway College took part in the research and they were...
7 Pages 3187 Words

Essay on Basketball Culture in America

NBA Betting Strategies Being one of the four major sports in the United States, it is of no surprise that basketball continues to cause ever so many devotees to throng in front of their TV screens. Therefore, it stands to reason that wagering on the NBA is all the rage among a good deal of gambling enthusiasts. The popularity of the sport can be ascribed to the fact that punters find it much easier to make correct predictions. It is...
7 Pages 3230 Words

Essay on 'Night' Book Symbols

Context is a crucial element when reading a memoir. Context is what brings background and circumstantial information to the reader and informs the reader about why a particular event might transpire. In order to truly understand “Night” by Elie Weisel, the contextual details specifically about the Holocaust and the Nazis are important to inform some of the events, places, and people described in his memoir. Ms. Metalin’s lecture provided a vast amount of context regarding Auschwitz and other concentration camps....
6 Pages 2768 Words

Synthesis Essay on Monuments

Not long ago, a fire broke out at the well-known, visited, and praised Notre Dame Cathedral in France. Thousands of individuals were devastated at the news and thousands of others, including the very wealthy, quickly came to the rescue by giving over one billion dollars in donations to rebuild and repair the attraction. This was found odd, however, as it seems that these individuals—the world, did not understand the history of this place. It’s unknown Notre Dame has been one...
6 Pages 3009 Words

Ethical Dilemmas in Social Work: Reflective Essay

Throughout our careers, we all are presented with ethical dilemmas. Regularly reviewing your own professional ethical standards and values is necessary to maintain a balance in practice. As a student in social work, I am faced with the task of continuously challenging my personal values and principles against interactions with persons whom I work with; this is an exhausting responsibility. Reflecting and resolving ethical dilemmas based on our professional values is essential to maintain accountability as social workers so that...
6 Pages 2902 Words
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