3000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Trade Union VS Labor Union

Executive summary The ponder aims at finding out the impacts of t trade unionism on laborers in the world. The fundamental destinations of this ponder were to begin with recognize how the practice s of Trade union impacts on workers. Another point was to decide how union works in offering advantage for its members. In addition, other functions of Trade union that aim towards profiting both organization and employees were highlighted in the study. Theories relating to introduction of trade...
6 Pages 2918 Words

Female Workers In Firefighter Jobs

Introduction This paper examines how systemic discrimination against women results in lower female participation in firefighting jobs. Firefighting jobs are a microcosm of the overall issue of systemic sexism in the workplace. Females have lower workplace participation than men overall. While there has been some improvement in the past half-century, the rate of change is slow and it will maybe decades until we reach full equality. More troublesome, there are reports of harassment, sexual discrimination and other negative treatment of...
6 Pages 2871 Words

Race And Gender In Chess In The United States

Introduction 'Chess is a two-player strategy board game played on a chessboard, and this game is played by millions of people worldwide' (cited from Wikipedia). To begin with, I wish to introduce the biggest and most important chess organization in the world because it plays an essential role in chess. 'The Fédération Internationale des Échecs (FIDE) or World Chess Federation is an international organization that connects the various national chess federations around the world and acts as the governing body...
6 Pages 2827 Words

Psychology And Criminal Justice

Introduction The eye witness is not perfect and challenging to Identify accuracy. Eyewitness could be problematic due to issues which might be addressed during the interview such as delay evens, suggestibility, anxiety, and lack of confidence as a result of false convictions. To aid the police in their investigations, some interview methods have been developed to improve the quality and quantity of information obtained from eyewitnesses Vredeveldt.,2011. The present thesis investigates the effectiveness of a relatively new interview instruction, namely,...
7 Pages 3165 Words

Jackie Robinson, Martin Luther King Jr And Colin Powell As The Fighters Against Racism

The United States of America has been committed to justice throughout its history. There are many people in the United States like George Washington Abraham Lincoln and many white men that are committed to justice. But African American have done a lot for the history of the united states like fighting in the fronts lines of wars and then coming home and being welcome back when being war a hero. I have came up with three power African American men...
7 Pages 3069 Words

Adsorption Of Toxic Metal Pollutants From Aquatic Environment

Abstract Rapid industrialization and urbanization in Chhattisgarh as well as in others states of India are responsible for accumulation of toxic metals in our daily life through waste water. Consumption of polluted drinking water over a long period of time causes many serious health issues in human beings. Adsorption is an environment friendly and economic tool for removal of toxic metals from aquatic environment. This paper will focus on importance of Tinospora Cordifolia as adsorbent for removal of toxic metals...
6 Pages 2833 Words

A Discourse Analysis Of The Developmental Policy In The State Of Punjab, India

Abstract This study is an epistemological enquiry into the definition of ‘development’. The introduction of new technologies by the state perpetuates the dominant discourse of the times. Green Revolution is one such technology that changed the paradigm of farming in the state of Punjab, India. The developmental ideology of those times paved the way for technological interventions and made the Punjab farmers the stipendiaries of the new system. But this newly- acquired technology has had many negative effects on agriculture...
6 Pages 2796 Words

Sign Language Translator Glove As A Bridge In Communication Gap Between People

Abstract This paper highlights the use of a sign language translator glove using development board like Arduino-MEGA. The main purpose of this project is to highlight the uses of a sign language translator glove This document proposes the application and development of a sign language translator glove using relevant technologies. Sign language is useful tool of communication between the differently-abled people and the general public. It is unreasonable to assume that everyone can communicate in sign language. This project aspires...
6 Pages 2807 Words

Do Each Of The Different Skating Disciplines Cause Unique Injuries?

As more individuals are becoming involved in the four disciplines of the sport of figure skating, singles, pairs, synchronized skating, and ice dance, there has been increased media exposure and popularity in the entire sport. Throughout the United States, there have been better training techniques to create stronger athletes in order to improve the ranking of the U.S. athletes compared to other nations that have dominated the sport. By becoming more of a presence on the world stage, U.S. Figure...
7 Pages 3086 Words

Language And Sexism In Sport

There is an undeniable difference between genders, their physiognomy is different, biologically men are more muscular than women as they start to develop muscles during puberty . However, the world of sport is responsible for enhancing further disparity between the sexes. These differences have separated the two genders for decades and is now used to entertain, demean or marginalize them. From these disparities, expectations and oppressions have grown and started to affect today’s youth uncontrollably. As a result of society’s...
7 Pages 3228 Words

Charlie Gard Case Ethics

Introduction Charlie Gard was diagnosed with infantile-onset encephalomyopathic mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome (MDDS), an uncommon hereditary illness leading to gradual muscle weakness and brain damage. Charlie also suffered from congenital hearing loss and severe epilepsy. There was a hypothetical prospect that a novel nucleoside therapy might improve Charlie’s prognosis. Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) contemplated making a referral (1) but decided against it when scans showed that Charlie’s brain had been acutely damaged by his illness (2), presumably having progressed...
6 Pages 2940 Words

Gratitude And Politeness From Cross-cultural Pragmatic Perspectives

There are many definitions for the word gratitude but combining them we can say that gratitude is the feeling of appreciation towards people for something they have done. Historically, gratitude has been a matter of thought for philosophers as well as it has had a special role in religions. For example, there is a “Gratitude to God” in the Bible and in Koran and in Buddhism gratitude is expressed by the concept of independence. (https://bit.ly/2IusO32). The ways of expressing gratitude...
6 Pages 2831 Words

Correlates Of Grit In Young Adults

Abstract Grit refers to the zeal that an individual has to pursue his long-term goals even in the face of obstacles. Persistence towards achievement of the goal is the key to grit. The study is an attempt to develop better understanding of the nature of grit and its correlates in young adults by elaborating on the experiencing of various everyday behaviors shown by young adults. Factors such as optimism, self-efficacy and resilience are expected to correlate positively to grit whereas...
7 Pages 3086 Words

The Environment And The Trump Administration

Environmental policy has been the topic of major debate for the greater part of a century. The United States faces both short-term and long-term issues, including air pollution, climate change, and the ensuing threat of global warming. The Obama Administration set policy priorities towards environmental protection, enacting and enforcing many regulations by the Environmental Protection Agency, the federal agency of the government of the United States dedicated to environment health, to decrease pollutants and climate change (Knickmeyer). Stressing the importance...
7 Pages 3137 Words

Sleep Deprivation Essay

Introduction Lack of sleep affects your work ethic in school. Most people don’t realize now that without the proper rest your brain can’t function to its maximum point and your body responds in the same way. Unfortunately the issue of sleep deprived students is too often overlooked and must be addressed more often. Students have trouble regulating their sleep time enduring their performance in school. Some may have after school program or may just typically with social media that they...
6 Pages 2868 Words

The Laws For Sex Workers: Application Of The Nordic Model Of Prostitution In India

Introduction The regulation of sex markets has long been controversial, and the debate was recently re-ignited in 2015 when Amnesty International’s took a stand to support worldwide decriminalization of all aspects of sex trade including supplying, demanding, and mediating i.e pimping transactions. On one hand, critics worry that decriminalization facilitates and boosts sex trafficking. On the other hand, voluntary sex workers argue that decriminalization helps all suppliers – voluntary as well as coerced – in that bringing the sex market...
6 Pages 2875 Words

Gender Roles In Mrs Dalloway And Buddha Of Suburbia

In both novels, the author’s present the way in which society’s expectations of men and women can be detrimental to a person if these expectations are not defied. Both Kureishi and Woolf explore how women are oppressed by society, and how opposing this oppression is crucial in order to progress as a society. Both novels are also concerned with the suffering caused by stereotypical views of masculinity and how men should behave. Furthermore, both novels present the way in which...
6 Pages 2973 Words

The British Slave Trade, Slavery, And The British Empire In The West Indies

In 1562, the Rev. Richard Hakluyt transported his cargo of “300 Negros … unto the Island of Hispaniola” . His voyage was one of the earliest examples of English slave trading. He neither expressed moral ambivalence nor was he proud of his transaction. During the Tudor reign, England was far from being an imperial power and its contacts with the islands of the West Indies in general consisted of plundering Spanish settlements. The lucrative trade in African slaves in Spanish...
6 Pages 2805 Words

The Impact Of Work-life Balance On Wellbeing Of Employees

Introduction Problem Statement The task of satisfying key employees is intense. High level of satisfaction and minimum level of conflicts at workplace and home has been shown to be momentous to the development of an organization in terms of gaining competitive advantage as well as wellness of society. Now a day, Level of frustration among people due to socio-economic issues is rising in Pakistan; Organizations are in continuous competition which is putting pressure on employees. Moreover, In traditional family setting...
6 Pages 2921 Words

How Does Long Term Foster Care Affect Foster Children

“Instead of growing in my belly, you have grown in my heart” by an anonymous person. What this quote tells me is even though she might not have the same DNA, be related that she is still a mother that can still have a natural maternal heart for “her child” and that she loves it like it was her own. Children are placed in foster care for all different type of reason, physical abuse, neglect, runaways, etc. They have a...
7 Pages 3200 Words

Will The English Language Ever Wipe Out Every Other Language Of The British Isles?

In this section of my Extended Project Qualification, I will be discussing the potential viewpoints surrounding my question; namely whether or not the English language will ever become the only native language of the British Isles to still be in use. For clarity’s sake, I will be considering native languages to include English, and the Insular Celtic languages- except Breton.I will not, however, be including immigrant languages like Urdu, Polish, or Hindi, or Norman languages in the Channel Islands, simply...
6 Pages 2761 Words

Child Adoption vs. Abortion

This overall question gives many people hope of what can be, while others consider it a nightmare. Both are a choice that affects the child and the mother. Child adoption is better than abortion because it is safer, less stressful, and sometimes easier on the mindset of the parent, or parents, of the soon to be child, while also saving the future of the youth to come. While on the other hand abortion is a “shortcut” many mothers take as...
7 Pages 3163 Words

Changing Opportunities For Unqualified Crowd Workers

Introduction The current situation of the US economy shows that already more and more people are preferring to work in the gig economy, meaning that they do not have an official working place for a certain organization. The majority of the population prefers working as independent workers rather than being hired (Petriglieri, Ashford & Wresniewski, 2018). The predictions are that the next five years, almost half of all organizations in the US will expand the use of temporary employees. This...
7 Pages 3243 Words

The Discourse, Lexis And Grammatical Features Of The Spoken English Language

Even though numerous grammatical characteristics of day to day, spontaneous discourse are judged wrong by the principles followed by written discourse, these characteristics of spoken grammar should not be viewed as off base deviations from the written or standard English. In contrast to written discourse, spoken discourse is typically unconstrained and spontaneous and created progressively with no open door for amending (CULLEN and KUO, 2007). This suddenness delivers some unique characteristics, as speakers manage and adjust to the weights of...
6 Pages 2854 Words

Introduction To Second Language Acquisition

PART ONE The child is seen to have some progress over the four data collection periods. He is seen to be using more number of questions by the third collection and the patterns are seen to be more clear by then. He seems to make a number of mistakes due to L1 transfer in his interlanguage. For example, ‘like you me not, Reidun?’, where he does subject-verb inversion as it is a yes or no question and he does the...
6 Pages 2823 Words

The Peculiarities Of English Language Teaching

Introduction “Language is the most overwhelmingly dominant perceived problem that international students face in their attempt of studying and living in an English-speaking country” (Robertson et al, 2010), particularly Unaided States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. In the UK context, the majority of the international learners come to England having already decent knowledge of Standard English (minimum IELTS 5.5). “The minimum IELTS score in UK universities for different course types is 5.5-6.5. Some universities may also run a...
6 Pages 2954 Words

Negative Frequency-Dependent Natural Selection

An Overview Selection is frequency dependent when the fitness of a phenotype, genotype, or gene (or species) varies with its relative abundance in the population (or community) and hence can be detected only when measured at two or more frequencies. In “negative frequency-dependent selection,” fitness decreases with frequency and thus rare genotypes or species could be maintained at a stable equilibrium. As a form of balancing selection, this mechanism could be one explanation for the persistence of higher than expected...
7 Pages 3015 Words

Community Relations Strategies For Rural Development

ABSTRACT Organizations do not operate in a vacuum, their surrounding environment is their host community and every organization has corporate social responsibilities to such host communities. These support programmes carried out by small/large scale businesses go a long way to prevent crime, cause employment, clean-up, beautification, recycling, and restoration of the community’s environment etc. These support programs are strategic towards the development of these communities. Hence this paper explores strategies of community relations towards a rural development. INTRODUCTION Community relations...
6 Pages 2880 Words

Traces Of Hinduism In The Legend Of Korra

Imagine a fantasy-world divided into nations, but different cultures are not divided in continents and countries but nations which correspond to the four elements in our world: fire, air, water and earth. Every nation, as our lands, has its own culture and can be distinguished from the other nations. One of these distinctive features is the ability to bend a particular element. This is to say that some people in this fictitious world can manipulate an element at will. These...
7 Pages 3033 Words

The Correlation Between Lack Of Sleep And Cognitive Function In Children

According to (Leahy and Gradisar 2010), 40% of children aged between four and eleven have struggled with some form of sleep issue, even if this is for a short amount of time. Sleep is essential for humans at all ages; without adequate sleep, we would be unable to survive. According to Meijer et al. (2008), in European countries the average time for a child aged 11- 12 to sleep is 9 – 10 hours. However, there are many studies that...
6 Pages 2868 Words
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