3000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Concept of Tolerance in Islam

These days, our world is in urgent need of effective tolerance and positive coexistence among people more than ever before, since the convergence of cultures and interaction among civilizations is increasing day by day thanks to the information and communications revolution and the technological revolution that removed temporal and spatial barriers between nations and peoples. Term of Tolerance In language, it is known as tolerance, dreaming and pardon. And religious tolerance, which is called respect for the beliefs of others,...
7 Pages 3018 Words

Software Engineering in Data Analysis

The keyword in data analysis is analysis, not the data. The mere volume of data does not make it significant. But the value we can extract and the questions that we can answer from the data is what makes the data significant. Suppose we have 300 MB of data but the answer we require can be answered from just few KBs. The trending field of Big Data would have flamed out if data analysis was only about data and not...
7 Pages 3067 Words

Marxist Criticism in the Novels ‘Scythe’ by Neal Shusterman and ‘1984’ by George Orwell

“It is a wise man who said that there is no greater inequality than the equal treatment of unequals” (Frankfurter). Inequality happens anywhere and everywhere in different times and places throughout the world. It is oppressive by nature and seeks to condemn those who are seen as lesser or unworthy of equal and fair treatment. Prominently, the novels ‘Scythe’ by Neal Shusterman and ‘1984’ by George Orwell, depicts two stories of different individuals, which takes place in the future dominated...
6 Pages 2836 Words

Big Data and Its Analysis Methods

Nowadays, in every movement, data is increasing in a high manner. The data is exponentially growing in the market. The data is not only growing but it has been generated, stored, analyzed and acquired also. The reason behind huge data is the use of the Internet. The Internet is not only used on the web, but it is exponentially growing in the web, IoT, and many more electronic devices. It is also used in medical and other industries as well....
6 Pages 2922 Words

What Were the Differences between the North and South before the Civil War: Compare and Contrast Essay

My name is Elizabeth Wood and I am a white middle-class woman living in America. I am 50 years old and married with 3 children. I live in a small house in Washington D.C. surrounded by never-ending politics and historical reminders. Over the years I have watched America develop and change before my eyes. My family has experienced many effects of the Civil War which my older brother William fought in. He was 18 years old when he first enlisted...
6 Pages 2856 Words

What Is about the Wrong Way to Think about California Water: Informative Essay

The availability of water proved to be of critical concern as the American Western frontier began to become settled and its natural resources became developed. While California was under Spanish and Mexican rule, and later when the first Americans started heading westward, the initial newcomers circumvented this problem by setting up homesteads and settlements near the sparsely located rivers and freshwater springs that dotted the landscape. This style of sporadic settlement by ranchers and farmers was able to maintain for...
7 Pages 2956 Words

Trust as One of the Most Important Factors That Affects Collaborative Relationships: Critical Essay

In an increasingly networked world, the concept of collaboration has taken on increased precedence. However, over the years this topic has been studied widely inter-organizationally but few empirical studies have focused on this concept as it relates to collaboration among employees within an organization (Whitford, Lee, Yun, & Su Jung, 2010; Campbell, 2016). In examining collaborative relationships among people in general, the literature has showed that trust is one of the most important factors that affects collaborative relationships (Pallot, Bergman,...
7 Pages 3083 Words

Taste of Freedom for Women in World War II: Informative Essay

At a time when sexism was pervasive, when the role of a woman was clearly defined, society, specifically American 1930s culture, needed a push for progression. This prayer was answered in arguably the only way it could have been -- a catalytic war. The bombing of Pearl Harbor occurred on December 7th, 1941, leading the U.S. into WWII, and would change the course of history; specifically equality in the workplace, and the shift of women’s roles from primarily domestic to...
6 Pages 2985 Words

Research Paper on Abraham Lincoln

On the eve of the Civil War, a nation once created on the idea that “all men are created equal” was completely divided on this same founding principle. Following the election of President Abraham Lincoln in 1860, the once loyal and united nation of America began to crumble. Many states began to secede from the Union of the United States after Lincoln’s election beginning with South Carolina. Soon after, North Carolina seceded on May 20, 1861. The secession of these...
6 Pages 2898 Words

Object Recognition with Description Using Convolutional Neural Network: Informative Essay

Abstract - Object recognition is a sub-field of computer vision and it is based on machine learning. In the past several year Machine learning has been dominated by neural network and which provides implements in computing power and data availability. Sub-type of Neural Networks is called Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and is suited for image-related tasks. This convolutional Neural Network is trained to look for different features such as spatial, appearance, structure, edges, and corners across the image and to...
6 Pages 2935 Words

Narrative Essay on the Service of Life

In the text ‘On the Advantages and Disadvantages of History for Life’, found in Untimely Meditations, Nietzsche discusses why history should serve life. However, to understand what he means by this and for the purpose of this essay, history, and life would need to be defined. According to Nietzsche, history is “the passions and loves of former centuries”, and it is where our psychological nature stems from. While Nietzsche does not give a clear definition of what life is, however...
6 Pages 2953 Words

Informative Essay on the Meaning of the North's Victory in the Civil War

The American Civil War stands as a momentous event in the History of the United States of America. It remains the Nation`s most bloody war of all time, spanning the course of 4 years and claiming the lives of an estimated 620,000 Americans. Whilst the War stands as one of the most infamous ‘Brothers VS Brothers’ bouts in history, the actual cause of the Civil War remains a major source of dispute amongst historians due to the plethora of other...
7 Pages 3110 Words

Informative Essay about the Water Cycle

Introduction Among the different definitions of ecosystem services that emerged, the most widely used version is that of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA). It defined the term as “the benefits people obtain from ecosystems” (MEA, 2003a, p.53). This definition recognized the interdependence of humans and other species with nature (Costanza et al., 2017). It also identified four types of ecosystem services based on functionality: provisioning, regulating, cultural, and supporting services (MEA, 2003a). Supporting services are defined as “services necessary for...
7 Pages 3224 Words

Impact of Socio-Cultural Factors on Developmental Trajectories and Outcomes in Early Adulthood: Critical Essay

Emerging adulthood: a universal experience? The essay should review and critique the impact of sociocultural factors on developmental trajectories and outcomes in early adulthood. Reviewing the available literature, consider the degree to which one’s cultural context and social supports impact the transition to adulthood. The question focused on within this essay is whether the transition into adulthood is a universal experience with reference to one’s cultural context and social supports impact the transition. It appears that transitioning to adulthood is...
7 Pages 2976 Words

Human Growth and Development across the Adulthood and the Factors That Affect It: Critical Essay

Introduction For component 1 of this assessment, I am going to be writing about a celebrity of my choice and their development over 3 life stages. I will write about the impact that different factors have had on their growth and development. I have based my assessment on Caitlyn Jenner, better known as Bruce Jenner. She is currently 68 years old, therefore placing her in the ‘Later Adulthood’ life stage. I will be writing about the following three life stages:...
7 Pages 3071 Words

How Is Athenian Democracy Different from Modern American Democracy: Compare and Contrast Essay

Once taking the time to think, one realizes that the ancient Greeks, especially the city-state of Athens, have affected nearly every facet of life. Athenian innovation continues to impact everyday American life. The Athenians are the basis of the American education system. They pioneered mathematics, philosophy, science, and the practice of medicine. Maybe the greatest single idea America learned from the ancient Athenians was the concept of democracy. America has embodied democratic principles since its inception in 1776. A constant...
7 Pages 3113 Words

How Did William Shakespeare Impact the Renaissance: Informative Essay

William Shakespeare as a Renaissance man I. Introduction In a convention of writing striking for its demanding and splendid accomplishments, the Elizabethan and early Stuart periods have been said to speak to the most splendid century of all. These years delivered an exhibition of writers of virtuoso, some of whom have never been outperformed, and gave on scores of lesser gifts the lucky capacity to compose with familiarity, creative energy, and vitality. From one point of view, this abrupt renaissance...
7 Pages 3138 Words

Critical Analysis Essay on 'Lost in Translation'

“Cultural differences should not separate us from each other, rather cultural diversity brings a collective strength that can benefit all of humanity” (Arthur, n.d.). The film Lost in Translation follows the lives of an isolated, waning movie star named Bob Harris and an emotionally confused, newly married woman named Charlotte as they visit a new country. The two strangers meet in Tokyo, Japan as Bob is there to shoot a commercial and Charlotte is there with her husband for business....
6 Pages 2942 Words

Work Life Balance: Critical Essay

The essence of work-life balance The global pandemic that hit the whole world has affected individuals around the globe in various ways and still continue to face the complex and syndicated challenges as a community which are usually initiated through social, economic, environmental as well as political aspects. Although it has shown a significant rise in worsening the physical as well as mental health of individuals. According to WHO, over 60% of countries reported disruptions to mental health services for...
6 Pages 2836 Words

Why Does Chemistry Affect All Aspects of Life: Critical Essay

Introduction Attention Grabber: Have you ever wondered why we feel happy or sad in certain situations and the effects it has on our bodies? Introductory Remark: Since everything around is made up of atoms and molecules we know that chemistry has a role in that as it is a branch of science. Reveal Topic: Today, we are going to talk about the topic of chemistry in everyday life. Preview: Firstly, we are going to talk about the chemistry behind love...
6 Pages 2818 Words

Life Review Narrative Paper

Abstract The importance of my work is how to write and talk about a story of an older adult. The purpose of my work was to learn about the life of an older adult and what is necessary to reach a happy retirement. The problem I was able to perceive is that when you reach retirement age because of the fact that you cannot contribute monetarily, you feel that you are no longer useful. The methods that were used on...
6 Pages 2901 Words

Holidays Essay

Holidays are honored and valued across civilizations, producing a tapestry of rich diversity that links mankind. The kaleidoscope of celebrations that fill the year, each with a special meaning and endearing traditions, will be examined in these pieces. From the joy of Christmas to the spiritual meditation of Ramadan, the joy of Diwali, and the thanks of Thanksgiving, these articles urge you to immerse yourself in the core of what makes each event so wonderful. Furthermore, holiday essays go beyond...
7 Pages 3227 Words

Technology Essay

In the modern era, technology has emerged as a formidable force that pervades every aspect of our lives. From the way we communicate and access information to how we navigate the complexities of daily existence, technology has revolutionized the world and continues to shape our future. As a result, understanding the impact, implications, and potential of technology has become a critical subject of exploration, giving rise to a vast array of technology essays that delve into this ever-evolving field. Technology...
7 Pages 3172 Words

Environment Essay

Introduction (200 words) As we find ourselves entrenched deeper into the Anthropocene era, the state of our environment and its impact on the planet has emerged as compelling subjects of discussion and study. The term 'environment' encapsulates our immediate surroundings and the natural world - a complex web of ecosystems supporting many life forms, including humans. This essay delves into the intricacies of the environment and scrutinizes the tangible and intangible effects it harbors on our planet. Our existence is...
7 Pages 3061 Words

Earthquake Essay

Introduction (around 200 words) The "Earthquake Essay" is a captivating piece of writing that is not merely academic in its scope but transcends into the realm of experiential learning and public awareness. This form of essay holds significant importance in our understanding of one of nature's most unpredictable and devastating phenomena, earthquakes. Earthquakes have the power to alter landscapes, destroy infrastructures, and reshape human lives in the span of mere moments.  The primary purpose of an earthquake essay is to...
7 Pages 3036 Words

Anorexia Essay

Introduction In the dimly lit corridors of the human mind, a haunting dance ensues between body and soul. This clandestine performance, known as anorexia nervosa, casts its intricate shadow over countless lives, defying the boundaries of age, gender, and culture. As we embark on a journey to unearth the enigmatic depths of this eating disorder, we find ourselves grappling with a paradoxical force that wields the power to both destroy and preserve. Anorexia, not merely a physical ailment but a...
6 Pages 2892 Words

Critical Essay on Employment Law Chart

Employment Law regulates relationships between employers and employees. It is subject to frequent legislative and case law developments as employers are at the forefront of social change. It affords different rights and obligations depending on the employment status an individual holds. Therefore, it is vital to determine the different types of employment status in Wales and appreciate why the differences are significant. This report will examine the significance of determining whether an individual is a worker and analyze the extent...
6 Pages 2959 Words

Concepts of Falling in Love in 'Romeo and Juliet' and Greek Mythology: Critical Essay

The Beatles were one of the most famous boy bands in the ’90s. Each member had a contribution to the band. Ringo Starr played drums, George Harrison played lead guitar, John Lennon played rhythm guitar and Paul Mccartney played bass. With the different instruments each of them plays, they still connected together to create a boy band no one will forget. Just like the Beatles, William Shakespeare does a wonderful job of incorporating all sorts all literary devices in his...
6 Pages 2981 Words

Cause and Effect Essay about the Civil War

Governmental Issues Arun ( 2018 ) highlights many different factors that would have played a part at the beginning of the Civil War in America, as mentioned earlier on. These causes can be split into several different categories, though the main one, other than slavery, issues in the Government played an important role. For example, State Rights was a cause of the Civil War. There had been many different political debates over what power belonged to the Federal government, which...
6 Pages 2898 Words

Analysis of Fundamental Movements of Major Body Segments: Informative Essay

Structure and function of the muscular system Muscle types In our body, there are multiple different types of muscles and they can be put into groups these groups Smooth, Cardiac, and Skeletal. Smooth muscles are the building blocks of hollow organs such as the intestine. The heart, the sole domain of cardiac muscles, is the exception here. Unlike the other types of muscles, smooth muscles typically exist at a cellular level. That means that everyone's body has just about countless...
7 Pages 3049 Words
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