3500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Sex Offender Treatment Program: Reflective Essay on Personal Experience

Abstract Sex crimes continue to be prevalent within the US population, so much so that they dedicated a whole spinoff of Law and Order to it. There is fascination with these crimes; “how could someone do that?” but also a firm desire to punish these offenders. Counseling within this population is specialized and continues to become more divided due to circumstances (different venues for treatment; prison programs, private practice, mental institutions). This population presents a challenge as well since most...
8 Pages 3624 Words

Benefits and Challenges of Gamification in Education: Argumentative Essay

1. Introduction Games have become popular and prominent in everyday life. The reason for this is because games contain elements and mechanics that create engagement, collaboration, best learning experience and this hence motivates people to continue to play games more (Al-Azawi, Al-Faliti and Al-Blushi, 2019). (stats for playing games). Being praised for providing the best learning experience, it is now becoming popular in education. Educational games have the sole purpose of teaching students about content and skills. They have been...
7 Pages 3285 Words

Analytical Essay on Product Placement in YouTube and TV Arrangement

Executive Summary Product Placement is a method of publicizing utilized by organizations to advance their items unpretentiously fundamentally through appearances in different motion pictures, TV, and YouTube web arrangement, and so forth item positions are normally started by an understanding between the media organization and the item maker. Purchaser estimations fill in as a device to know 'how advertising is getting along' according to the clients. This kind of instrument would allow persistent checking of the fundamental open view of...
7 Pages 3443 Words

Importance of Managing Working Capital and Its Impact on the Profitability of Automobile Industry of India

Abstract Working Capital (wc) is the flow of ready funds necessary for the working of a concern. It comprises funds invested in Current Assets , which in the ordinary course of business can be turned into cash within a short period without undergoing diminishing in value and without disruption of the organization. Current Liabilities are those which are intended to be paid in the ordinary course of business within a short time.This paper highlights the importance of managing working capital...
8 Pages 3618 Words

A Study on Implementation of Total Quality Management in San Beda University Snack Bar

Introduction Food stalls in university been a trend nowadays, university not just put up a school canteen but also provide a variety of food to choose from which is the Food stalls or Food Court. All university in the Philippines you can see food court inside the campus. Students. Students enjoy to eat what they want and eat depends on their taste. They can choose from among the fifteen stalls in the food court. Students aren't given many alternatives when...
8 Pages 3610 Words

Web-based Knowledge Management System for Camarines Norte State College: Analytical Essay

Abstract— One of the issues of the academic institution is knowledge management. How the academe disseminates information over the academic community on real-time and the availability of knowledge anytime and anywhere is a challenging task in every institution. The objective of this study is to bridge the gap between present and prior contexts of knowledge creation, sharing, or application by developing Knowledge Management System for Camarines Norte State College. The proposed system is designed specifically to cater the requirements of...
8 Pages 3407 Words

Ways to Improve Customer Experience Quality and Business Performance: Case Study by Mystery Shopper Practices

1. Paper Title: How Improving Customer Experience Quality and Business Performance? A Case Study by Mystery Shopper Practices Authors: Yung-Lung Lai & Shih-Chieh Chang. International Journal of Marketing Studies; Vol. 5, No. 6; 2013 1.1 General description of the research method: Case Study Case study method was first defined by Benbasat et al. (1987, p. 370) as “examining a phenomenon in its natural setting, employing multiple methods of data collection to gather information from one or few entities (people, groups...
7 Pages 3319 Words

Governance Structure and Company Culture: Case Study of Google

Google is one of the largest, most successful, and well-known media companies in the world, with more than 60.000 employees in more than 50 countries, owning and providing services like Gmail, Google Maps, Google Chrome, Android, of course, the Google Search and many more. The history of Google “The Google story begins in 1995 at Stanford University. Larry Page was considering Stanford for grad school and Sergey Brin, a student there, was assigned to show him around.” as it is...
8 Pages 3467 Words

Integrated Marketing Communication: Red Bull Case Study

Executive Summary Red Bull is an adjustment of a Tai drink, presented and marketed in different nations by Dietrich Mateschitz, an Austrian business visionary. This item fundamentally settled the caffeinated drink market fragment in numerous nations and capacities to battle mental pressure and physical exhaustion. This item has been fruitful around the globe due to principally buzz marketing methodologies and verbal. The organization's way to deal with fabricate the brand has for the most part depended on 'hostile to mark'...
7 Pages 3373 Words

Analysis of Advancement in Computer Processor: Case Study of Intel

Q. Advancement in computer processors. A central processing unit (CPU), likewise called a central processor or main processor, is the electronic hardware inside a PC that does the instructions of a PC program by doing the fundamental arithmetic, logic, controlling, and input/output (I/O) tasks indicated by the instructions. So the advancement of CPU is very essential for better performance with great power efficiency. So let’s begin from the first to latest processor’s evolution in terms of core, clock speed, cache,...
9 Pages 3605 Words

Assessing the Corporate Venture Capital Landscape in Germany: Analytical Essay

Abstract This paper presents an overview of the German Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) market. As such, it can be considered as an industry report of the CVC-industry in Germany including vehicles of DAX companies and major players from Munich and the Ruhr area. The goal is, to give an overview of the CVC-market in 2019 and to describe characteristics of different vehicles. Based on a dataset and a qualitative analysis of ten interviews, the focus lays on how established corporations...
8 Pages 3646 Words

Analysis of the Effects of Working Capital Management on the Efficiency of Zimbabwean and Turkish Commercial Banks

Abstract Management of working capital entails the management of the components of current assets and current liabilities. Prior evidence has also endeavored to established the relationship that exists between working capital and the efficiency of companies. Therefore, this research study examined the effects of working capital management on commercial banks’ efficiency for two different countries. For this study, Zimbabwean and Turkish commercial banks were selected. The research study was carried out by utilizing audited financial statements of a sample of...
8 Pages 3430 Words

Organizational Performance Management and Measurement Subjects of Volkswagen Company: Analytical Essay

1.0 Introduction In this essay, it is going to mentioned the organizational performance management and measurement subjects of Volkswagen company by using several approaches such as marketing, human resources, financial and organisational structure and some measurement techniques to analyse companys’ todays placement and comparing over ten years period in the automotive industry. In this sector is going to change in near future due to the electric cars or self-driving vehicles, so researching of Volkswagen is interesting and valuable. In order...
7 Pages 3283 Words

Effect of Volkswagen Scandal: Critical Analysis

Abstract Volkswagen is one of the biggest vehicle makers on the planet. For quite a long time the organization has concentrated on delivering alluring and naturally well-disposed vehicles, and late activities have incorporated a task to diminish CO2 generation, alongside promotions asserting lower emanation of ozone harming substances. The world was stunned to hear that Volkswagen had been creating diesel motors for its vehicles that had the capacity to trap emanations testing hardware. The motors were creating commonly the EPA...
7 Pages 3334 Words

Case Study of AT&T: Supply Chain SWOT Analysis

AT&T Inc. is the largest supplier of fixed telephony in the United States, and furthermore gives broadband and membership TV administrations. “AT&T is the second largest supplier of mobile telephony service in the United States, with over 92.8 million wireless customers, just behind Verizon Wireless' 93.2 million, and more than 210 million total customers. AT&T has approximately 290,000 employees AT&T has more than 90 million wireless customers. AT&T has more than 16 million high speed internet subscribers. AT&T has more...
8 Pages 3725 Words

Analytical Essay on Adidas As a Multinational, Decentralized Company: The Key Points of Human Resources Practices

1.0 Introduction A multinational company is a company that operates simultaneously in many different countries. In other words, it is an enterprise that operates in more than one country. There are four categories of multinational corporations which are: A multinational, decentralized company with a strong presence in the home country A global, centralized company with a cost advantage through centralized production wherever cheaper resources are available An international company building on the technology or R&D of the parent company A...
8 Pages 3584 Words

Case Study of Gucci: Analysis of Luxury Brand Management

Luxury Market in India Overview Luxury adds to pleasure and comfort which is more than just necessity. Luxury provides satisfaction at two levels i.e. product and experiential. The products satisfy the functional aspects like craftsmanship, design, exceptional product capabilities, technology, etc while, experiential brings a reward of possessing a coveted item, association with hierarchical brand and status. Currently, the luxury market in India is valued at $18.5 billion which is expected to grow to $100 billion in next the 7-8...
7 Pages 3266 Words

Mutual Fund Flow-performance Relationship, Managerial Structure and Manager Turnover: Literature Review

1. Mutual fund flow-performance relationship There has been extensive analysis regarding the flow-performance relationships across a broad range of funds since the 1990s. Ipolito (1992) examine the relationship between investor fund allocation decisions and past performance of mutual funds. Using a large span of data from 1965 to 1984, the author discovers that investors react to new information regarding product quality (prior performance) and respond accordingly. Rational investors exploit this information by allocating investable monies away from lowest ranked funds...
8 Pages 3580 Words

Critical Evaluation of the Role of Internal Control Mechanisms in Corporate Governance and Firm Performance

Introduction Over recent years, corporate governance has become a mandatory center in practice and academic literature (Kim, Nofsinger and Mohr, 2009). The essential pillars of good corporate governance are: discipline, transparency, independence of board members and committees, fairness, accountability and social responsibility (King Report, 2002). Moreover, the most simplified definition of corporate governance is a system through which companies are directed and controlled (Cadbury Report, 2002). Corporate governance is made up of several mechanisms which include: Non-executive directors, executive incentives,...
8 Pages 3663 Words

Importance of Cost Accounting in Management: Argumentative Essay

Background of the Study Financial management is one of the most critical aspects in a business operation. The difference between what accounting principle are followed varies on the nature of the business itself. Thus, one of the most common principle used in the practice is cost accounting. The importance of this cost accounting in management is that it records the company's cost which influences the value of the company in the profit-driven operation (Drury, 2013). By doing so, up-to-date financial...
7 Pages 3369 Words

Analytical Essay on Victimology: Victims of Child Sexual Abuse

Introduction to victim group Crime can imply many physical, material and psychological harms for a victim (Woods, 2006). A child’s experience of crime is distinguished from that of an adult’s “due to their maturity levels and vulnerability” (Victim Support, 2017). Child grooming is when the perpetrator fosters a relationship with a child to sexually abuse them (NSPCC, 2019). The focus of this policy file will be victims of child sexual abuse (CSA) (under the age of 18 years), in particular,...
8 Pages 3558 Words

Essay on Victims and Victimology: Analysis of Theoretical Background

The label of 'victim' is a social construction, therefore it’s society that decides who is most worthy of it. Walklate (2018) argues that there’s a distinction between those who offend, and those who are victimised. The theoretical research into what we know about victimization is both contingent and contested in many ways depending on the type of discourse used, whether that’s derived from academic literature, political agenda, legislature or the media. Nile Christe (1986 as cited by Dignan, 2004) proposed...
8 Pages 3412 Words

Thucydides and the Peloponnesian War

From past to present, there were unending wars that has happened with all cost. Most of the time, these costs were loss of life, land and money. Many weapons were used in wars stones, swords, rifles and so on. And What were these wars for? Was the reason for these wars to survive or to lead a better life? Besides all these, people have had experienced to pass their life in different forms of societies. Empires, City states and Nation...
7 Pages 3391 Words

The Way How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Helps in Usual Life

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition, social anxiety disorder is classified through overarching features of excessive fear, anxiety and behavioral manifestations. It is the most common type of anxiety disorder, also referred to as social phobia. Social anxiety is developed and maintained by complex physiological, cognitive, and behavioral mechanisms. Today, behavioral treatment including cognitive behavioral therapy, composed mainly of short-term treatments, are among the most widely used approaches for managing psychological and behavioral problems,...
8 Pages 3612 Words

Assessment of The Ecological Problem Arising from Air Pollutants

Clean air is the foremost requirement to sustain healthy lives of humankind and those supporting ecosystems which in return affect the human being. The air is composed of 99.9% of nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor and inert gases. Humans are dependent to air. We breathe about 35 lbs. of air per day as compared with the consumption of 3 to 5 lbs. of water and 1 ½ lbs. of dry food. One of the problems we are facing today is air...
7 Pages 3270 Words

Feminism in Christina Rossetti’s “Goblin Market”

One of the more interesting results from the relationship between writers and their readers lies in the transcendental nature of the work they produce. The work writers leave behind will always be left open to interpretation by future generations of their readers. What I find fascinating is the writer, however, can never fully grasp the historical and cultural implications their writing may have across time, political and socio-economic movements and international borders. When Victorian era poet Christina Rossetti wrote her...
7 Pages 3293 Words

A Critical Analysis on the Writing Style of William Golding

William Golding was born on 19 September 1911. His birthplace is St. Columb Minor Cornwall that is located in England. Golding got his birth in 47, Mount Wise, Newquay Cornwall which was the house of his maternal grandmother. The name of this house was Karenza. It is a word from the Cornish language which means love. His mother’s name was Mildred. She was basically Cornish. She was a suffragette. She actively took part in women’s rights campaigns. She worked hard...
8 Pages 3593 Words

The Pragmatic Theory of Truth

Introduction to Pragmatic Theories of Truth Pragmatic theories of truth are usually associated either with C.S. Peirce’s proposal that true beliefs will be accepted “at the end of inquiry” or with William James’ proposal that truth be defined in terms of utility. More broadly, however, pragmatic theories of truth focus on the connection between truth and epistemic practices, notably practices of inquiry and assertion. Depending on the particular pragmatic theory, true statements might be those that are useful to believe,...
7 Pages 3373 Words

Geoffrey Chaucer: Short Biography

Geoffrey Chaucer the outstanding English poet before Shakespeare and “the first finder of our language.” His The Canterbury Tales ranks as one of the greatest poetic works in English. He also contributed importantly in the second half of the 14th century to the management of public affairs as courtier, diplomat, and civil servant. In that career he was trusted and aided by three successive kings—Edward III, Richard II, and Henry IV. But it is his avocation—the writing of poetry—for which...
7 Pages 3425 Words

Forest Biodiversity and Climate Effects on Ecosystem Carbon Flux

One of the most important issues at the border involving existence and ecological sciences is how ecological unit will react to worldwide alteration in the face of ongoing decrease of biodiversity. Owing to their possibility to stock up huge amount of carbon in biomass and to avoid soil decomposition, forests are of particular significance but not easy to control experimentally. Global warming has caused an increase in concern over how carbon moves though specific natural ecosystems. In this study I...
8 Pages 3523 Words
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