3500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Known World': Main Problems Discussed in a Book

The Known World, a historical fiction novel by Edward P. Jones, opens with a master’s death. He owns over 30 slaves and 50 acres of land in Manchester County, Virginia. His slaves probably do not know that he originally intended on being a different kind of master, “the kind of shepherd master God had intended” (180). However, he inevitably fails to become someone who provided “good food for his slaves, no hippings, short and happy days in the fields” (180)....
7 Pages 3315 Words

Post-Colonialism in 'Waiting for the Barbarians'

Waiting for the Barbarians is a novel written by JM Coetzee which has strong themes of Post-Colonialism. To begin, an understanding over what post-colonialism is specifically in literature needs to be elaborated. A simple definition most would define post-colonialism as an issue happening after colonialism in a country and its ramifications. Interestingly, the definition has also expanded; ‘some writers have tried to redefine the postcolonial anachronistically to mean resistance to the colonial at any time- literally in the case of...
7 Pages 3318 Words

The Cherokee Nation: The History of Their Survival

In the first half of the 1800s, the United States was experiencing enormous growth. Thomas Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase, the acquisition of the Texas, California and Oregon areas all helped to expand the U.S. into a nation that spanned the continent from “sea to shining sea.” This massive expansion did not occur peaceably however. Of particular difficulty were the five civilized Native American tribes of the south east. The most civilized of these tribes, known as the Cherokee, had become westernized...
7 Pages 3376 Words

George Washington Failures

Experience had taught George Washington a great many things. His father had passed away at a young age, denying him the chance for the college education in England that he had been promised. Instead of lecture halls and libraries, his factories of learning were to be the wildernesses of the Virginia frontier, the battlefields of the War for Independence, and the unforgiving campgrounds of Valley Forge. As Joseph J. Ellis succinctly puts it, “Instead of going to college, Washington went...
7 Pages 3314 Words

Iron Fertilization: Solving Global Warming

Global warming is an undisputed international problem. The discourse surrounding this issue has attracted disparate opinions from lawmakers, investors, and the public among others. One of the ideas and approaches that have been adopted is iron fertilization. Iron fertilization is a form of geoengineering, which involves the intentional introduction of the micronutrient iron into certain areas of the ocean with the aim of increasing plankton productivity, which in turn transfers the atmospheric Carbon (IV) oxide to the ocean. This mitigation...
8 Pages 3634 Words

The World of Hannah Arendt

To enter the world of Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) is to encounter the political and moral catastrophes of the 20th century. Her life spanned the convulsions of two world wars, revolutions and civil wars, and events worse than war in which human lives were uprooted and destroyed on a scale never seen before. She lived through what she called 'dark times,' whose history reads like a tale of horrors in which everything taken for granted turns into its opposite. The sudden...
8 Pages 3611 Words

William James and the Philosophy of Pragmatism

On a late September morning in 1891, William James walked reluctantly to his class in Harvard College’s Sever Hall. Characteristically dressed in a colorful shirt and a Norfolk jacket with a boutonniere, he must have seemed slightly bohemian. His lectures were spontaneous and rambling, unlike those of his more logical, organized colleagues. James claimed he did not like teaching, particularly to listless Harvard undergraduates. Yet he was good at it, even exceptional. Conversation with James, Walter Lippmann recalled, was “the...
7 Pages 3324 Words

Essay on America's Transformation from a Constitutional Republic to an Oligarchy

Imagine a world where people, who do not frequently monitor the news, think they should be the ones deciding its future broadcasts. Where the ones who can only recall the president’s name, when asked what they know about politics, think they are entitled to choose the next one who follows. Where millions of voices are solicited and encouraged to be heard, yet less than half of them open their mouths and speak up. Welcome to the United States of America,...
7 Pages 3290 Words

Which Humanist Ideals Are Most Expressed in the Sculpture David?

Michelangelo’s defiant statue of David has enraptured the world for centuries. Thought to be one of history’s major art masterpieces, the marble figure portrays both the artists skill and the focus of art that embodies and defines the aesthetic of the renaissance at its peak. It showcases technical virtuosity of Greek sculpture and reintroduced ideals of humanism. Since its debut in the early 16th century, artists and art aficionados alike have admired the piece, championing it as a symbol of...
7 Pages 3440 Words

Business Analysis of ZARA's Company

Zara is a clothing and accessories retailer based in Spain. The company designs, manufactures, distributes and markets clothing and accessories for both men and women. Its product portfolio includes coat, jeans, knitwear, shirts, t-shirts, shoes, handbags, lower garments, upper garments, coats, jackets, dresses, skirts, trousers, cosmetics and complements. The company markets its products through its brand, Zara. The purpose of this report is to undertake a business analysis of Zara, based on the current position within the company. Zara’s story...
7 Pages 3409 Words

The History of Computers: An Essay

Introduction: The Dawn of Computing The evolution of the computer has been an ongoing struggle with technology. The first computer created was in the third century. The Abacus was developed for counting and since this time man has been pushing the limits to create machines that can perform tasks faster and more efficient than human possibility. The Mechanical Beginnings: From Abacus to Analytical Engine The pre-computer age was a time in which mathematic engineers battled with the creating somewhat of...
8 Pages 3741 Words

Seamus Heaney and His Attitude to Politics

This paper deals with Seamus Heaney's attitude to politics in his poetry, focusing on 'North' collection (1975). It aims at showing how Heaney developed from a nature poet to a political poet and how the surrounding events affected his poetry and his attitude. Besides, he is not really considered as a political poet but he had to respond to the events around him in his homeland, Ireland. North is considered a reflection to the conflict inside the poet who is...
8 Pages 3604 Words

Thorough Business Analysis of General Motors Corporation

In the 20th and early 21st centuries, General motors' company, formerly knew as General Motors Corporation was a big auto maker of the world and historically had been the largest and successful. It built some of the famous and classic vehicle during his days of glory, vehicle which portrayed modesty and displayed class consumers who range from working class to superstars. General motors' was founded on September16, 1908, in which the company's largest national market was United State. It manufactures...
8 Pages 3563 Words

Comparative Analysis of Different Styles of Management in Indian and Chinese Organizations

Even after the emergence of cross-border business world, the advent of ‘culture-free’ business practices has yet to be transpired that brings with itself the complexities are associated with distinct values and beliefs in spite of the growing interdependence among countries. Both India and China are the countries with great diversity with substantial regional, cultural and religious variations across the country. The existence of a standard management practice that can be applied in any culture is still unsettled. The paper aimed...
7 Pages 3298 Words

Bitcoin as the Gold of the 21st Century

You have probably heard of Bitcoin. It has been one of the most commonly searched words on google for the past 3 years, yet most people still don't understand what it is or how it works, and when people don't understand how something works, we tend to stay away from it. Bitcoin has been called the virtual gold, or alternate currency. Due to this and its huge international presence it has a tendency to shift stock markets, and upset foreign...
7 Pages 3364 Words

Hughes’ and Cullen’s Significant Roles During the Harlem Renaissance

Both Hughes and Cullen were significant writers during the Harlem Renaissance, establishing their sole topic of race and equality. According to Theresa L. Stowell, the author of ‘The 1930s in America’, the Harlem Renaissance began as African-Americans came to realize that they were not offered the same programs for those in poverty as white people. This unfair realization initiated a new era where African-American artists, philosophers, and authors became acknowledged. This era later became known as the Black Literary Renaissance...
7 Pages 3308 Words

Mind Analysis of the Most Notorious Serial Killers

The mind of a serial killer is something that has fascinated psychologists and medical professionals alike for many decades. The mystery behind what causes these individuals to carry out the crimes is what psychologists seek to discover because if there was a way to predict early on if a child would go on to attempt to murder, we could potentially find a method of psychological therapy or medications to push that child away from that path. Through the process of...
8 Pages 3747 Words

Overview of Mental Health and Stigma in Saudi Arabia: Issues of Disgrace and Social Distancing

Introduction The topic looks to find and understand the overall perception of communities towards individuals suffering from mental health disorders. This topic is of paramount importance in regard to literature to mental health in a conservative and developing middle-eastern country. This study aims to examine stigma behavior of Saudis and their attitudes towards members of the community suffering of mental illness. Furthermore, community demographics, culture, religion, ethnicity all play a decisive role in the full and positive integration of individuals...
7 Pages 3328 Words

General Overview of Netflix: Business Analysis

Netflix Inc., a leading internet entertainment company, was founded by CEO Reed Hastings and software executive Marc Randolph. Their vision to become “the amazon.com of something” began with the sale and distribution of rental DVDs by mail and transformed into an internet based streaming system of computer television. In 1997, Netflix was established as a way for customers to enjoy movies without historically sitting in a theatre, driving to the local rental store, or creating a dent in your wallet....
8 Pages 3478 Words

Final Case Analysis of India's Environment for Netflix: Overview and Performance, International Strategy, Business-Level Strategy

Netflix’s Overview and Performance Netflix has become a worldwide phenomenon in which people are given the ability to stream the most popular movies, television shows, and even have DVDs delivered to their homes for a low monthly fee. “The company has a subscriber base of more than 117 million members across 190 countries globally” (Harrington, 2019, p. 5). They offer a different variety of packages you can get depending on the number of screens you are looking to stream their...
8 Pages 3596 Words

Philosophy of Education: A Critical View of a Researcher

Introduction Philosophy is a search for a general understanding of values and reality of chiefly speculative rather than observational means. It signifies a natural and necessary urge in human beings to know themselves and the world in which they live and move and have their being. Western philosophy remained more or less true to the etymological meaning of philosophy in being essentially an intellectual quest for truth. Hindu philosophy is intensity spiritual and has always emphasized the need for practical...
7 Pages 3284 Words

Essay on the Issues of Hosting: Analysis of A Restaurant Discourse Community

Introduction An activity where you are using some sort of text or communication is called a literate activity. A discourse community is a group of people who share a set of discourses, such as basic values or assumptions, and they have specific forms of communication for them to achieve a common goal. Every single person is a part of some sort of discourse community and some people belong to several communities. Your literate activity is usually different depending on the...
7 Pages 3361 Words

Role of Competitive Strategy for Business Success: Analytical Essay

1. Introduction Based on the first assignment report, various frameworks were being used to evaluate on RMIT Business College’s internal and external environment in the private higher education industry in Singapore. Through the analysis, we were able to recognize that the combination of both factors has resulted in a management challenge, which thereafter was redefined as a problem statement. However, the frameworks used in Assignment One did not fully address the problem statement as it only briefly identifies the weaknesses...
7 Pages 3274 Words

Human Resource (HR) Recruitment and Challenges in the Industry 4.0 Framework

Abstract: ‘Industry 4.0’, known also as the fourth industrial revolution is likely to impact the professional field of Human resources (HR). The new emerging reality of Automation and digitization is expected to bring about changes in all aspects of business management. Already, the corporate world is abuzz with concepts such as: Redefining sourcing and recruitment, Virtual Reality (VR) in Onboarding, removing redundancies in HR operations, Redefining learning for making it more relevant, Employee engagement apps etc. Corporates of today would...
7 Pages 3304 Words

Reflection on My Approach to Community-Based Adult Learning: Analysis of The Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Freire

‘education at its best- this profound human transaction called teaching and learning- is not just about getting information or getting a job. Education is about healing and wholeness. It is about empowerment, liberation, transcendence, about renewing the vitality of life. It is about finding and claiming our place in the world’ (Parker, qtd in hooks, 2013:43) My approach to adult learning is shaped by the discourse of critical pedagogy and the conviction that adult education should contribute to empowerment and...
8 Pages 3464 Words

Decision Making Styles and Attitudes Towards Self in Young Adults: Essence of Birth Order Psychology

Abstract Many important factors are taken into consideration while trying to understand an individual’s choices and attitudes. This is a study conducted to understand how attitude affects the decision-making styles of an individual and if there are any differences among first born and middle born students. The study has 2 main objectives: 1) to understand the role played by the attitudes one has towards himself in his decision-making process 2) to analyse if being a first born or middle born...
8 Pages 3481 Words

Case Study of The New York Times and The Guardian Concerning Using Bias to Influence Its Readers

To what extent do The New York Times and The Guardian use bias to influence its readers on The Trump Administration Family Separation Policy? Introduction Nowadays, News is increasingly and ironically omitting the actual news. Since the publishers have relatively easy means of control, they dictate, and disseminate news to promote certain events. In this regard, it is essential for us to determine what is biased and what is not in the information we receive. I believe reading only one...
8 Pages 3536 Words

Effectiveness of Teaching Methods on Knowledge and Practice of Food Hygiene among Almajirai in Nigeria

Abstract The study assessed the effectiveness of demonstration, discussion and recitation teaching methods on knowledge and practice of food hygiene among almajirai in tsangaya in Kano Municipal, Nigeria. A quasi-experimental design was adopted for the study. A sample of 147 participants was drawn using a multi-stage sampling procedure. Participants were assigned to three groups and lesson on food hygiene was taught to them for seven weeks using demonstration, discussion and recitation methods respectively. Paired sample t-test and Analysis of Variance...
8 Pages 3634 Words

The Concept of Car-sharing: Analysis of Research Design

1: Research Proposal · Introduction A global trend is increased urbanization, and most countries in the world are becoming increasingly urbanized. Today, 55% of the world’s population lives in urban areas, and this percentage is expected to increase to 68% by 2050. (UN, 2018) This fact, in combination with the projection of overall growth of the world’s population, this could add an estimated 2.5 billion people to urban areas by 2050. A large part of this increase is forecasted to...
8 Pages 3527 Words

Understanding the Context of Mental Health Care Delivery: Descriptive Essay on the Essence of Nursing Theory

Introduction The aim of this essay is to explore key concepts impacting on mental health issues and their support. It will start by giving a brief history of the evolution of mental health and its definition. It will explore the definition of theory as well as nursing theory. Once these have been explained two theories will be looked at one Grand Theory, Orem’s Self Care Deficit Nursing Theory (SCDNT), and, Buchanan-Baker and Baker’s Tidal Model, which is considered a mid-range...
8 Pages 3483 Words
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