650 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Importance of Family in German Media

German supermarket chain, Edeka released a Christmas-themed advertisement back in 2015, starring elderly a father who resorts to a dramatic extent to bring his children together for Christmas. The ad opens on him receiving several voicemails from his kids saying they can’t come home for Christmas, and as the time-lapse edit continues he realizes that he is not the only one that spends it alone. This commercial moved people around the world saying “This is the most heartbreaking commercial ever”....
1 Page 673 Words

The Influence of Naturalism on American Literature

Naturalism was first proposed and formulated by French novelist Emile Zola, and it was introduced to America by American novelist Frank Norris. It is a new and harsher realism. It is a theory in literature emphasizing scientific observation of life without idealism or avoidance of the ugly. American literature naturalists dismissedthe validity of comforting moral truths. They attempted to achieve extreme objectivity and frankness, presenting characters of low social and economic classes who were dominated by their environment and heredity....
1 Page 647 Words

Invasive Species in Alaska – An Essay

Susan Bradford is a Hoonah student passionate about protecting her home in the Tongass through education and action on invasive species. As a 2021 Hoonah Alaskan Youth Stewards (AYS) crew member, Susan was taught how to safely remove invasive Oxeye Daisies from infected areas around town. Later in the season Susan and her fellow crew were invited to Tidelines Institute to teach college students some of the skills AYS learned to keep their community and the Tongass healthy in safe....
1 Page 662 Words

Colonizers and Exploitation of Indigenous Americans

Driven by glory and potential wealth Christopher Columbus was commissioned by the Spanish royalty to convert non-Christians on his voyage west. Through this he launched the age of exploration which would unveil the rest of the world. For European nations, it was a boastful time filled with the adventure of discovering and conquering foreign territories, but it should also be recognized as a time of ignorance and destruction. Christopher Columbus and Bartolome de Las Casa observations and opinions of the...
1 Page 640 Words

Analysis of ‘What Goes in the Ocean, Goes in You’ Advertisement

Have you ever wondered how consequential oceanic pollution and excessive use of plastic is?How would you like it if you were given rubbish for dinner? Good morning, the administration of Brisbane state high school, I am Rachel. Today, I will be presenting the most effective advertisement of all, “what goes in the ocean, goes in you”. ‘What goes in the ocean, goes in you’, is a powerful and vivid ad from the Surfrider foundation. The purpose of this is to...
1 Page 662 Words

Volcanoes Activity in Papua New Guinea

The earth is made up of three main layers namely the crust, the mantle, and the core. The crust is a thick solid rock, the mantle also referred to as magma is a thick molten rock and the core has an eccentric slid surrounded by liquid. Temperatures inside the core are very high (about 50000C), described as a ‘huge fiery ball’. The heat at the core rises and magma is heated to an extent of exploding through the crust. This...
1 Page 650 Words

The Danger of Volcanoes

Volcanoes have lava in them that is really hot and dangerous to be around or touch.There lava builds up and makes a burst that is called an eruption.Volcanoes can be found in many different places but are usually found around the Ring of Fire.They also are found on the borders of places because they have more shifting plates. There are many dangers and risks with being around one. Bright red lava flows in Hawaii can get as hot as 1,165...
2 Pages 675 Words

Rapunzel'. A Bad Role-Model Towards Children

Have you ever wondered why almost in every book there’s a prince that saves the day in a bad random situation that comes out of nowhere? Have you ever wondered if the princess in the movie could save herself without any help? If so than this is your type of blog, this blog will be about Tangled and if Rapunzel the princess from the movie could be saved from the tower and from the evil mother Gothel without the help...
1 Page 643 Words

Mount Merapi Volcano - One of World's Most Active Volcanoes

Mount Merapi is located in Central Java in Indonesia. It’s inside the Ring of Fire it’s on the destructive plate boundary between the Indo-Australian and the Eurasian plate. It’s the second most active volcano in the nation. The volcano is 2 930 m high and 32 km wide. The volcano has been around for 400 000 years. The volcano has been erupting regularly since 1548, one explosion stood out and it was early November 2010. Mount Merapi was named like...
2 Pages 670 Words

Transforming Germany into a Totalitarian State by Hitler

Hitler transformed Germany into a totalitarian state, “a political concept of a mode of government that prohibits opposition parties, restricts individual opposition to the state and its claims, an extremely high degree of control over public and private life. It is regarded as the most extreme and complete form of authoritarianism.” Germany was reinstated as a totalitarian state, through Hitlers’ intentions, with an approach of psychological disillusionment, economic issues, political issues, the Nazi Party and tactics. The principle reason and...
1 Page 640 Words

An Argument in Favor of Imposing Tax on Plastic Bags

As more research comes in, resource sustainability and the effects of our daily carbon footprint have come more and more to the forefront of Americans’ consciousness. Given the terrible environmental consequences of both single-use plastic and paper bags, the most socially responsible action for communities to adopt would be to tax all single use bags, as the tax would serve as a deterrent to consumers, thus saving the environment, the tax revenue can be funneled back into much needed research...
1 Page 670 Words

How are Human Activities Responsible for Climate Change? Essay

“ The Earth will not continue to offer its harvest, except with faithful stewardship. We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to destroy it for use by future generations” – John Paul ll Animal agriculture/food production has made countless impacts and effects on the environment such as deforestation, polluted waters and higher emissions in the atmosphere. We are losing our world faster than ever before with the “help” of our actions. Areas are destroyed for these...
1 Page 670 Words

Say No to Animal Eating

Eating animal meat – it all includes sea and land animals - is bad as it raises concern in three major aspects: the animal welfare, health consideration, and the environmental impact of meat production. “Eating animal is like eating a friend”. For Leo Tolstoy, one of the greatest author of all time, a human can be healthy without killing animals for food. Therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite....
1 Page 670 Words

Uglies': The Issue of Standard of Beauty

“Is it not good to make a society full of beautiful people”. In the public eye most imperfections are often seen as ugly by societal standards. Many people feel the need to alter their bodies because they think it will automatically make them happier and fix all their problems. What people don’t understand is that, they don’t have to be physically flawless to be beautiful. A person’s mind and heart can make them a beautiful person. Society focuses so much...
1 Page 632 Words

Analysis of War and Protest Poetry

Imagine if the person you had followed your whole life was dying. That they never saw the victory they were fighting for finally won. O captain o captain by Walt Whitman was written in the last year of the American civil war; 1865, with the poem being one big metaphor. The repetition of “o captain o captain,” emphasises the melancholy, despaired tone, that their leader has died. The grief and death “you’ve fallen cold and dead” compared to the celebration...
1 Page 635 Words

Waiting for the Rain Essay

Waiting for the Rain was inspired by the unjust policy of apartheid in South Africa. During the unfair treatment a young boy endured, he had to decide if the value of friendship can overcome extreme tensions risen by a unfavorable system. It all began on a farm on the South African veld. Tengo was a black boy who laborer on the farm of Frikkie's uncle. As a child, he was blinded from the unfairness and hardships, and found thorough bliss...
1 Page 656 Words

Implications of Acid Rain on Marine Ecosystems

A marine ecosystem is an ecosystem defined by an aquatic environment with higher salinity compared to freshwater ecosystems. These ecosystems are teeming with flora and fauna, providing one of earth’s major food sources. Covering over 70% of the Earth’s surface, marine ecosystems are divided into several broader types of ecosystem, such as estuaries, salt marshes, mangrove forests, coral reefs and open ocean. Marine ecosystems are characterised by a variety of unique biotic and abiotic factors. Important abiotic (non-living) features consist...
1 Page 663 Words

The Lesson I Learned from The Tornado

When I was a child my mother and father always told me to grateful for the people in my life and the things I have because you never know when it can be taken away from you. I will never forget that humbling experience that taught me the importance of family and how precious life itself truly is. Every day is a new day no matter the situation I learned to never give up on myself. It was such a...
1 Page 639 Words

Methods Used to Reduce Heat Loss

Cavity wall insulation is method used to reduce heat loss through the walls filling the air space with material that inhibits heat transfer. Cavity walls are constructed in houses. It is an outside wall and an inside wall with a space between the two walls which is air. This is known to be an effective way preventing of the wall inside house from becoming damp however the air gap can transfer heat by convection making the house colder. Heat loss...
1 Page 675 Words

Homo Sapiens and Early Human Migration

Homo sapiens is part of a group called hominids, which were the earliest humanlike creatures. Based on archaeological and anthropological evidence, we think that hominids diverged from other primates somewhere between 2.5 and 4 million years ago in eastern and southern Africa. Though there was a degree of diversity among the hominid family, they all shared the trait of bipedalism, or the ability to walk upright on two legs. Scientists have several theories about why early hominids evolved. One, the...
1 Page 661 Words

To an Athlete Dying Young': Poetry Exploitation

“To An Athlete Dying Young” by A.E. Housman is a powerful poem that communicates that an athlete has died a winner and the author displays death in a positive light. The writer A.E. Housman shows a fondness for this athlete. This man doesn’t die a bad death according to the author but he dies a legend by winning a race for his town. The author is trying to show the reader how the athlete dying young may be a good...
1 Page 647 Words

Essay About Sandy Hurricane

Introduction A natural disaster is defined by the UN as: “the consequences of events triggered by natural hazards that overwhelm local response capacity and seriously affect the social and economic development of a region” (Elizabeth F,2006). Natural disasters, for example, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, and windstorms, affect many people in the world yearly. It is essential that the impacts of these natural disasters are assessed and preventive measures taken to reduce their impacts. Natural Disasters Natural disasters, technological catastrophes, and...
1 Page 659 Words

The Leadership Style and Characteristics of George Washington

Leadership is described as being a person who has the ability to have people follow them. There are many characteristics for being a leader or holding a leadership role. In order to be a good leader one must be able to be trusted. They must also be a person who is a visionary and knows when to be & not to be tough. You would need to be organized and be able to organize other people. You also need to...
1 Page 665 Words

The Uncanny'. Review of a Book

I love exploring elements of the uncanny in gothic literature. It is directly linked with the transgressive nature of such writing. This has been epitomised in many novels and short stories of the nineteenth century. The Gothic and uncanny reinforce each other; they stand side by side in the dark shadows of such writing. To show this I’m going to give the example of two of my favourite gothic novels: Dracula and The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr...
1 Page 653 Words

The Biography of Julius Caesar

When he was sixteen, his father died and Caesar became the head of the family. Deciding that being in the priesthood would bring the most benefit to the family, he managed to have himself nominated as the new High Priest of Jupiter. When the Roman ruler, Sulla, declared himself dictator, he began a systematic purge of his enemies and particularly of those who held to the Popular ideology. Caesar was targeted and fled Rome but his sentence was lifted through...
1 Page 635 Words

Analysis of Stages of Vascular Dementia

Vascular dementia іѕ а common form оf dementia, second tо Alzheimer's that іѕ the most common reason fоr dementia affecting the population оf the world. Thіѕ type оf dementia uѕuаllу has bееn observed tо set іn, after а person has suffered frоm а stroke. Genetics and inheritance аlѕо plays а role іn the onset оf this condition. Thе primary reason fоr this condition іѕ а chronic, reduced blood flow tо the brain. Sоmеtіmеѕ уоu mау аlѕо observe that а person...
1 Page 673 Words

An Experimental Analysis of The Reaction Between Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Fire

The purpose of this experiment was to show the properties of hydrogen and oxygen gas reacting with fire. Both H2 and O2 were produced from reactions of other chemicals. H2 gas was produced from a reaction of hydrochloric acid and zinc, and oxygen was generated from the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. After each gas was produced, they were tested for combustibility and flammability, and the observations were recorded in this lab. For the production of oxygen gas, 30 mL of...
1 Page 673 Words

The Self-esteem of Millennials

According to Jean M. Twenge, PhD, author of, Generation, Millennials have been described as a more self-centered, thin-skinned, and lazy generation than any before. Twenge uses data derived from extensive research to give an overall view of Millennials and how they compare to other generations. She found that Millennials, who she defines as those born between 1982 and 1999, are more self-centered than previous generations were at the same age. They grew up during what Twenge refers to as a...
1 Page 663 Words

Legacy of The Hellenistic Age: The Statue of Sleeping Eros

Throughout history art has been essential in understanding and interpreting ancient cultures. Greek art has had many different dynamics throughout history, most notably The Hellenistic Age. The various depictions of the god Eros during the Hellenistic Age, gives a glimpse of new sought values and ideals in Greek culture. Hellenistic art consists of distinctive features and characteristics, which set it apart from other art periods in Greek history. The sleeping statue of Eros is believed to be created during the...
1 Page 649 Words

Gun Control Laws and Their Effectiveness

According to research, gun control laws can be affective if the offender doesn’t have a single intent to kill. A single intent to kill is when the offender’s primary motive is to kill their victim. Frank Z states if the offender has a single intent to kill the offender will find an alternative weapon to kill their victims. Zimring, in his study compared the amount of fatal and nonfatal attacks that were carried out by guns to nonfatal and fatal...
1 Page 641 Words
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