Pros and Cons of Wildlife Conservation

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Conservation scientists receive far less recognition than they deserve. From studying natural disasters to managing the land quality of national parks, forests, and other natural resources, they play a very important role in balancing human relations with nature. They work with national and state governments to propose solutions to many problems like pollution, climate change, and countering natural disasters.

The education required for this field is typically a bachelor’s degree in forestry, environmental science, or agricultural science. One can also become a conservation scientist by obtaining a bachelor’s degree in rangeland management. The scientists much know a lot about biology, ecology, and computer modeling. They must have certain skills, including critical thinking, management skills, decision-making skills, and clear speaking abilities. Some states require a licensing credential to practice, but it is not federally required to be licensed. This will allow these scientists to work in certain settings that might be hazardous to common folk who are uneducated on toxins in nature.

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The main goal for conservation scientists is to improve natural resources and solve problems in nature. On a day-to-day basis, conservation scientists will supervise activities of foresters or other scientists to make sure they are meeting government standards. They communicate with the government to tackle problems in nature and identify if they are caused by humans or occurring naturally. They also work with non-public owners of land, agricultural workers, and state/federal governments and agree to “work to improve land for forestry purposes and to protect the environment” (What Conservation Scientists and Foresters Do). They design contracts and manage local parks or forests to ensure a clean, safe environment for humans, animals, and plants.

Conservation scientists have made many knowledge advances in their fields. They have designed many plans to combat climate change and tested them to see how wildlife adapts to solutions humans offer. A few decades ago, we did not know how harmful plastic would eventually be to our ecosystem; we only desired the quick and inexpensive product material. With the help of environmental and conservation scientists, we know that humans must make a change before climate change brings world disorder. We have learned that humans cause many forms of climate change and that in order for us and other wildlife to flourish, we must change our ways. Creating biodegradable models for common one-use items is a big change that scientists have offered for us to make.

I decided to research this occupation because I am passionate about climate change and how to combat it. I read that this is a main focus of this field, which interested me. This profession is not necessarily my personal life calling, but I am very supportive of it. Climate change is a very big issue and they work to solve it or slow the rate of global warming. They offer solutions and ways to help those in natural disasters, which is very meaningful. Personally, I would not go to school for this degree and/or career, but I understand its importance. It is not my career choice, but there are people who fancy nature more than I do and spots will be filled. All I can do is continue to learn and then educate my friends and family on the importance of conservation science and how it affects us directly so they can make a change.

In the United States of America, the median annual salary was around $60,000 in 2018. I think that is a fair wage for a bachelor’s degree. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the field is projected to grow around three percent for the next ten years, which is below average for most careers. Those numbers are a bit disappointing because conservation scientists are crucial to our survival; we need more people in this field readily available to attack climate change matters. Many conservation scientists continue up the ladder to management positions, which increase the yearly wages by thousands.

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Pros and Cons of Wildlife Conservation. (2022, September 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 10, 2024, from
“Pros and Cons of Wildlife Conservation.” Edubirdie, 15 Sept. 2022,
Pros and Cons of Wildlife Conservation. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 10 Sept. 2024].
Pros and Cons of Wildlife Conservation [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 15 [cited 2024 Sept 10]. Available from:

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