700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

My Qualities and Skills as a Leader

I am currently a gastroenterology and general medical registrar in the final 6 months of training. Working in these areas of medicine requires highly effective leadership skills, as the registrar is required to lead effective and cohesive teams, particularly in an on-call capacity. Through completion of the medical leadership module at Edge Hill University, I have gained a much greater understanding of my own leadership and personality traits. This in turn has highlighted just how they impact directly upon my...
2 Pages 707 Words

Key Social Issues Highlighted in ‘The Help’ and ‘Rabbit Proof Fence’

Films can have a great impact on an individual’s way of thinking by helping to inspire and expand our basic knowledge of the world around us. The effects that films have on society are numerous and two-fold. Some even may have the power to completely change already established stereotypes, mindsets and prejudices. Both ‘The Help’ and ‘Rabbit Proof Fence’ explore struggles in relation to people of color, and their struggle for rights, freedoms and justice through various different techniques, methods...
1 Page 676 Words

Essay on Inspirational Oprah Gail Winfrey

With a net worth of $2.8 billion (according to Forbes), Oprah is one of the richest African Americans in the United States and the country’s first African American multibillionaire. Oprah Gail Winfrey is considered a role model to many because of her unfortunately tough childhood, remarkable charity work, her long-running syndicated television show, and the true relationships she has built with her fans. Oprah stands out among many people in her field because of her ability to help those people...
2 Pages 725 Words

Fighting Injustice through Nonviolence Civil Disobedience: The Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Sit-In Movement

“One has not only a legal, but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws” - Martin Luther King Jr. Background information strategy used during the 1950-1965, strategy used in North Carolina, and Alabama. Strategy used to get more rights that the black people should have. Strategy used by Rosa Parks, Greensboro four, and Martin Luther King Jr. Nonviolence civil disobedience has proved to be the best strategy used during the...
1 Page 680 Words

Definition of a Leader

What is a leader and who is the leader? A leader is a person who is willing to lead a group in a different situation. Being a leader is not only for a person who is good at talking or communicating and have many skills, but this position can be for all of us. A leader is a person who always willing to help his group to achieve their goals. He is the one who has the compassion to help...
2 Pages 714 Words

Cultural Critique of the Documentary 'Generation Like'

The documentary chosen for this critique was ‘Generation Like’, which focuses on a generation which is completely engrossed in social media. The documentary follows how social media is used by everyone, how it’s used by marketing companies to make money, and how companies use is to get their products and content out into the hands and mind of the people. Everything revolves around the ‘likes’, ‘views’, ‘subscribers’, and etc. The overwhelming themes that the documentary touched on were the themes...
1 Page 689 Words

Community Group Theory for Children Eating Fruits and Vegetables

Getting children to eat fruits and vegetables is a challenge. Not only is it an obstacle in the United States, but it is challenging globally as well. A sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables are in fact essential for a child’s health. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that children eat 1-2 cups of fruit and 1-3 cups of vegetables daily depending on their age, gender, and level of activity. In New Zealand, “the proportion of children meeting...
2 Pages 709 Words

Critical Analysis of ‘Toy Story 4’

‘Toy Story 4’ is a computer-animated comedy film that was released on 21st June 2019 by Walt Disney Pictures. The film has a universal rating meaning that the film is suitable for all audiences aged four and over. Perhaps Disney did this to increase their target audience which in turn would increase their revenue. This was a successful idea as the film earned a total box office of £472,006,982.54 by 18th June 2021. Led by the director Josh Cooley, a...
2 Pages 704 Words

Aldus Manutius in the History of Typography

Aldus Manutius creator of Aldine Press had many beautiful works. The book I am taking a page from to write about is ‘Hypnerotomachia Poliphili’. A book set in 1467 is categorized in the romance genre. This book has many groundbreaking and new for the time techniques that make it stand out from publications before the creation of the press machine and even after. The story has two characters that go by the name Poliphilo and Polia. The book starts a...
2 Pages 692 Words

Essay on Coming of Age in 'Smoke Signals'

The movie ‘Smoke Signals’ tells the story of relationships between two main characters Victor Joseph and his friend Thomas. Thomas has a special relationship with victor’s father, Arnold, who accidently killed his parents, but saved him from burning house. And this was the main reason why Thomas saw Arnold as father and idealized him. However, Victor's father drank and Victor did not like it and this was the main reason why Arnold left the family and lived in another city....
2 Pages 700 Words

Essay on 'Rabbit Proof Fence’: Scene Analysis

In this paper I’, going to analyze a scene from ‘Rabbit Proof Fence’. And the scene I’m doing is ‘the fair one’, which indicates the white superiority in the mission. The scene starts with a long shot of children singing Mr. Neville’s favorite Christian song, while Mr. Neville was sitting on the chair, and in contrast, the children was sitting on the ground. The children had a bad pitch and rhythm, showing their lack of enthusiasm as they were forced...
1 Page 704 Words

Movement towards Freedom and Free-Thinking in the Works of Jackson Pollock, Beatrice Hinkle and F. Scott Fitzgerald

The embodiment of modernity through literature as well as artwork was extremely prevalent during this modern era. It represents the foundations of the way we live our lives today and shows the rapid shift in capitalism, innovation and overall ways of thinking. Modernity forged the nation forward for the better and reordered the way Americans lived their day to day lives. Moreover, artwork such as ‘Convergence’ by Jackson Pollock exemplifies an overall movement towards freedom and free-thinking which can be...
2 Pages 710 Words

What Religions Spread on the Indian Ocean Trade Routes: Essay

In Ancient Ages, civilizations used trade routes as a means to trade goods but actually, they traded more than goods. They also traded ideas, beliefs, and technology. One of the most essential trade routes through which these exchanges happened was Indian Ocean Trade. In the Indian Ocean Trade route, they traded goods such as Indian spices, Arabian aromatics, Chinese silk, and all other goods from different regions. They also exchanged nautical knowledge which led to the development of ships that...
1 Page 686 Words

What Is the Song ‘Hurricane’ by Bob Dylan about: Song Analysis

Human rights are an ongoing universal issue. They are the so-called rights inherent to all human beings regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more. Throughout time, when Human rights have been withheld from individuals, powerful men and women have sought justice. For example, America’s racial tensions were...
2 Pages 709 Words

What Is Nursing: Essay

When I think of nursing as a career, I cannot help but think that the laws, practices, and procedures all started with someone’s theories and thoughts. Obviously, people such as Florence Nightingale come to mind, however, there is one more person in particular that really stood out to me, Isabel Hampton Robb, an American nurse theorist, advocate for higher nursing education, and the founder of several nursing associations. Through her standards of teachings and writings, she paved the path for...
2 Pages 724 Words

What Inspired You to Become a Nurse: Essay

Nurses perform a vital role in medicine. Although their role does not carry the status of a doctor or consultant, nurses are at the center of clinics, and surgeries and are an important part of the team that runs wards and hospitals. To be a nurse requires commitment and dedication, qualities that I believe I have and that I am willing to improve during my training and beyond. There was one recent occasion in my life when I spent hours...
1 Page 693 Words

What Does Character Mean to You: Opinion Essay

The character infers mental and social character that an individual gains by the inherited natural blessing which gives him the premise for the advancement and social development of the climate inside which he springs forward. Character is the result of social association in a bunch of life. In the public eye, each individual has various characteristics like skin, shading, tallness, and weight. They have various sorts of characters since people are not the same. It alludes to the propensities, and...
1 Page 692 Words

What Caused the Salem Witch Trial Hysteria of 1692: Analytical Essay

In 1692, mass hysteria broke out in Salem Massachusetts, it was referred to as the Salem Witch Trials. Witches were described as humans being related to the devil with special powers used to inflict punishment on others. This type of hysteria was seen before in different parts of the world; the earliest sign of Witchcraft and Witches was in Europe, during the 14 century. In the 1690’s the witch hunt began in Salem Village, and it progressed to Danvers, Topsfield,...
2 Pages 711 Words

What Can I Do about Youth Violence: Essay

I believe this undergraduate degree will be challenging but also very interesting and rewarding. It will be a new way of learning for me about subjects that I am very passionate about. It will also be rewarding as I am certain this new way of learning will help me in my future career in helping the youth. My interest in youth crime started when watching an episode of Police Interceptors and wondering why a person so young is involved. This...
2 Pages 702 Words

The Shining’ and ‘South Park’: Comparative Analysis

The Shining is originally a book written by Stephen King in 1977 after experiencing a horrible nightmare in the Shining hotel in Colorado about killing his family. It was later adapted into a movie in 1980, directed by Stanley Kubrick, and was later condemned by Stephen King. South Park Nightmare on Facetime Season 16 Ep 12 was produced in 2012 as the Halloween special for the series which is a parody of the movie The Shining but the Title is...
2 Pages 725 Words

The Seventh Man’: Argumentative Essay

“The Seventh Man’s” Guilt How should the seventh man respond to losing somebody he was very close to? People respond to situations in many different ways. The choices you make determine whether or not you should feel guilty for your actions. There are two different types of guilt, subjective, and objective guilt. The seventh man is forced to deal with the guilt of losing his best friend K. When they were young boys they experienced a deadly typhoon. This situation...
2 Pages 720 Words

The Raven: Argumentative Essay

Edgar Allan Poe is known as a major figure in literature and gothic poems and stories. He is one of the most consequential writers with a dark and miserable life. He was born on January 19, 1809, and most of his writing was reflected in his own reality of life. He was one of the first writers to try to make a professional living as an author. Edgar Allan Poe’s past life mirrors themes such as Loneliness and Grief, which...
2 Pages 698 Words

The Pedestrian’: Critical Analysis Essay

The Pedestrian (Plot) In his tale, we find Leonard Mead, a citizen of a television-dominated globe in 2052. Roads in the town have decayed and individuals only leave their homes during the day, staying at home at night to watch television. It is disclosed that during the night Mead loves wandering through the town, which nobody else is doing. He meets a robotic police car on one of his usual walks. As every individual in the city of 3 million...
2 Pages 715 Words

The Lottery’ Theme: Critical Analysis Essay

“Winning a lottery may prove to be bad luck,” once said the famous James Cook. The notorious, Shirley Jackson certainly places Cook's words into action in her short story, 'The Lottery'. Composed following World War II, it investigates thoughts, such as communal violence, individual vulnerability, and the perils of indiscriminately following tradition. Set in an anecdotal town in mid-20th-century New England, the story starts as a straightforward tale about a community's annual lottery. By the end, it develops into a...
2 Pages 691 Words

The Landlady’: Critical Analysis Essay

A couple of years ago, during an intense battle of Girls vs Boys during my time at primary school, the Boys lost badly and many people. (myself included) were surprised about the results. The reason for the results of this outcome is that we believed that boys were better than girls. A progressive depiction of women recorded as a hard copy is the activity of the lady in a difficult situation Respond to this declaration by suggesting the character of...
2 Pages 723 Words

Essay on Critical Analysis of ‘The Cask of Amontillado’

The terror of “The Cask of Amontillado,” as in many of Poe’s tales, resides in the lack of evidence that accompanies Montresor’s claims of Fortunato’s “thousand injuries” and “insult.” The story features revenge and secret murder as a way to avoid using legal channels for retribution. Law is nowhere on Montresor’s—or Poe’s—radar screen, and the enduring horror of the story is the fact of a punishment without proof. Montresor uses his subjective experience of Fortunato’s insult to name himself judge,...
1 Page 693 Words

Critical Analysis of Symbolism in ‘Through the Tunnel’

“A painting being painted, one or a few strokes at a time,” meaning that one can learn and progress quickly or slowly. In some cases, some can learn through a tougher challenge, while others have it easier. Either way, it is part of the process of transformation and maturation. The author uses symbolism to show how Jerry wants to be independent and not rely on his mother. She also uses imagery to describe the setting, create suspense, and create the...
2 Pages 724 Words

Essay about Study Habits

One of the biggest changes a person undergoes is the transition from high school to college. Not only do academics get more difficult, but the whole atmosphere shifts into a brand-new world. With more organizations to be a part of, more free time, and living on one’s own for the first time, altering how one approaches their workload needs drastic adjustment. The days of trying to cram information the night before a test are over, and studying for days is...
2 Pages 724 Words

Student Leadership Essay

Throughout our studies with the Student Leadership Center’s DISC program, we have learned many dynamics about how to deal with conflict within a team setting. Although our team has had little to no problems, we did learn a few ways to work through potential problems we could have with future teammates. Our team now possesses the knowledge of how to successfully resolve a conflict with all four personality types used in DISC. After extensive research with the DISC program and...
2 Pages 720 Words

Stereotypes in Animated Sitcoms: Essay on the Show South Park

Within the last ten to fifteen years, shows like South Park, Family Guy, Futurama, and American Dad have been creating huge crowds of followers. These shows are unique in that they are animated, and animation allows for greater freedom of expression and more watering down[footnoteRef:10] of what may seem offensive when real actors are used – things like violence, bodily functions, and even stereotypes are depicted with less grit[footnoteRef:11] than would be in real life. [10: Watering down: to make...
1 Page 691 Words
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