700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Teenage Pregnancy Advocacy Essay

Teenage pregnancy is not something that is new. For centuries it was normalized etc. After some time, labor for high school moms in the mid-1950s crested in the United States with around 100 births for each 1,000 adolescent young ladies. In 2010, the measure of high school childbirths dropped to 34 births for each 1,000, making this the lowest pace of young births since 1946 in the United States. During the 1950s and 1960s, childbearing arrived at high pinnacles, and...
2 Pages 694 Words

Synthesis Essay on Civic Duty

A student's perceptions of civic involvement from both a charity or social justice perspective, have a relationship amongst six dimensions of civic involvement Knowledge, Skill, Efficacy, Value, Responsibility, and Commitment for growing a charity or social justice perspective. Pre- and post-course analysis confirmed that the charitable view of civic involvement was once dominant and the six dimensions had been awesome constructs in describing civic involvement. (Jackson 2005) A broad range of researchers probing complicated learning processes have set up sustained...
2 Pages 724 Words

I Grew Up Here: Essay

I am Sampathawaduge Anthony Mendis. I like to think I realize what you’re thinking right now, but it’s tough. Some individuals love my first name, some think it’s bizarre. Well, you’re not alone, I get tongue-tied trying to utter it myself, but from a cultural aspect, I adore it. My awesome long first name aside, I go by my middle name 'Anthony' nowadays. Aside from that, let me introduce myself appropriately. I was born on the little island of Sri...
2 Pages 707 Words

Synthesis Essay on Eminent Domain

Since the beginning of American history, the conflict has always surfaced over the idea of “eminent domain”. But, before we get into that, First and foremost, what is eminent domain? Eminent domain is the power governments have to acquire property from private owners for public use. This notion has been used around the world for centuries and indicates that the government has more authority over federal land than private property owners. When used in a constructive way, eminent domain can...
2 Pages 680 Words

Synthesis Essay on Cinderella

Cinderella is considered one of the all-time favorites, and one of the most popular stories all over the globe. Nonetheless, while watching the movies of Cinderella members of Uzbek culture may find several differences regarding the European culture. Gender has played an essential role in establishing the different characters in Cinderella. The main characters are mostly in Cinderella are all played by women: Cinderella herself; Cinderella’s dead mother, who is always with her metaphorically instructing her; Cinderella’s step-mother who treats...
1 Page 680 Words

College Essay about Overcoming Anxiety

We all tend to be apprehensive when faced with testing circumstances. Especially during exams. It is natural to be a little nervous before doing an exam. But if it is seriously impairing your performance, then you might be suffering from exam anxiety. In this article, we will learn about the reasons and techniques to overcome exam anxiety. Exam anxiety is a type of performance anxiety. It is a psychological condition in which people experience severe apprehension and distress during assessments....
2 Pages 723 Words

Cause and Effect Essay on Exercising

How exercising can help your mental and physical health In today’s world exercising is a key element to a person’s health. Exercising is used to keep our bodies in shape and healthy. Exercising can also be very difficult for some because they are not used to doing it and for others exercising is very natural for them. At the end of the day everybody is different, exercising can bring one person peace of mind and good health and another can...
1 Page 701 Words

Respect Definition Essay

After researching cognitive and affective empathy, I realized that I need to develop empathy that comprises both. There is a need to balance between getting emotionally involved with a patient and needing to maintain an emotional distance from them (Australian Medical Association, 2013). This is to avoid scenarios where emotions cloud the doctor’s judgment and to avoid scenarios where the doctor is too cold towards their patients. When doctors have a healthy mix of emotional involvement and objectivity, they can...
1 Page 686 Words

Path to Success Essay

My Path to Success Google defines a barrier as “a circumstance or obstacle that keeps people or things apart or prevents communication or progress.” My personal definition of a barrier is something that stops you from reaching your full potential. In this paper, I will address my top three barriers that can potentially prevent me from being successful. For instance, my main concern is my time management. Balancing work and school is very difficult for me. As of right now,...
1 Page 682 Words

Integrity Essay (500 Words)

The purpose of this memorandum is to elaborate on the topic of “Integrity in management and students.” Integrity is a very powerful attribute that one gains not just from experience but mainly from one’s core values and beliefs. People with integrity are the ones who can be trusted with anything and who will ensure every task is carried out with honesty. Despite adversity, integrity remains true to our own beliefs and moral standards of behavior. Individuals with integrity exercise allegiance...
1 Page 700 Words

Feminism Vs Misandry Essay

As our decade draws to a close, a reflection on the significant virtues throughout its duration could be used as an obituary of sorts. If it were to be written about the previous decade, it would be riddled with perseverance through strides in innovation, and the strong wills of the American people to overcome adversity brought about by foreign agents of chaos. This, however, is in stark contrast to what a modern interpretation of the piece would be, being filled...
2 Pages 722 Words

Essay on Why I Wrote 'The Yellow Wallpaper'

'The Yellow Wallpaper' first appeared in the January 1892 issue of New Magazine. Written by Charlotte Perkins Stetson, later to be known primarily as Charlotte Perkins Gilman, the story was first received as a tale of horror, but Gilman later made it clear that she definitely had a more distinct purpose for the story. As she pointed out to William Dean Howells when he asked her permission to include it in a collection of fiction: 'I was more than willing,...
2 Pages 707 Words

Communism Vs Democracy during Cold War: Essay

The media is the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses. -Malcolm X This quote by Malcolm X details that propaganda is promoted by the media and it is used to control people and groups and make them look bad even if it is inaccurate information people would still believe it. During the Cold War propaganda...
1 Page 695 Words

Clara Barton Biography Essay

“Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless.” as Sherry Anderson once said. Clara Barton lead the way to the new field of volunteer service. The social issues and personal experiences during Clara Barton’s life guided her to the formation of the American Red Cross and the National First Aid Association of America. Both of her organizations have significantly influenced nursing today. Clara Barton was born on December 25, 1821, in Oxford, Massachusetts. The youngest of...
2 Pages 682 Words

Black Lives Matter: Thesis Statement

“Where is your humanity?” can be read on a large sign poking from the vast crowds of the police brutality protests in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Humanity seemingly has been hiding closely behind a colorblind criminal justice system. A criminal justice system is set in place to create and maintain racial inequality in nearly every way Americans move through society. As a result, the Black Lives Matter organization has been the epicenter of roaring public opinion about racial inequality, police brutality, and...
1 Page 681 Words

Beach Pollution Essay

Beach pollution is a worldwide issue that generates negative effects for the species that inhabit the area, montañita is one of the Ecuadorian beaches that have high levels of contamination by human activity, this place has pollution by solid waste and also by the contaminated waters generated by the hotel and tourist activity, so it is necessary to generate a type of regeneration plan. Introduction Montañita is an area of fishermen from the high mangrove parish located on the coast...
1 Page 681 Words

Exemplification Essay on Religion in School

If Thomas Jefferson was alive today he would not agree with what the Trump administration stated or realized about education priorities and religious freedom. Trump is all for the idea of everyone having equal education as for Jefferson is not so much. Thomas Jefferson’s point on education is that he did not want to go out and have a state-wide tax paid for schools across the state of Virginia. Jefferson looked at what education was like growing up what it...
2 Pages 718 Words

Personal Narrative Essay about Maps

Introduction: In this project, I utilized the geospatial tools of image interpretation to research the succession of vegetation in the Binghamton University Nature Preserve between 1944 and 2011. Literature Review: According to the readings ecological succession involves the development of ecosystems. An ecosystem is all of the organisms in a specific area interacting with the physical environment in order to form a cycle within. Ecological succession can be defined in three ways. First, it is a reasonably predictable process that...
2 Pages 695 Words

Summary Response Essay on Organic Foods

Food has a great impact on the human body, which can both positively and negatively affect the body. It all depends on what kind of foods we consume. Organic foods differ from conventional foods because organic farmers exclude the use of synthetic pesticides and they keep the soil fresh and healthy. Organic foods are also full of nutrients and cost more. Conventional farming is a method in which farmers use synthetic pesticides to increase growth, so their foods have poorer...
2 Pages 697 Words

Exemplification Essay on Legalization of Drugs

The process that perhaps should begin by obliteration of the term ‘evil’ from drugs, as such term may be very ‘evaluative-destructive’; hence allowing very little room, if any, for deviation, thus stamping ‘Evil’ forever as ‘Evil; which consequently has blinded those endeavoring to destroy drugs influence, by ignoring many benefits that such industry could possibly bring to society, had it been properly controlled by serious institutions under government supervision. On that account, it could possibly contribute to stimulating social development...
2 Pages 707 Words

Essay on Archetype in 'Beowulf'

Epic poems, long and narrative, include adventures and brave heroes. Epic poems can trace their roots back to almost 2500 BCE. Beowulf defines a strong and well-developed epic. Beowulf includes plot characteristics, values, and archetypes throughout the poem. In epics, they show what really mattered at the time and what people cared about in a fictional way. The plot in Beowulf demonstrates a strong epic because a brave hero goes on a journey to save people. Most importantly, he willingly...
2 Pages 715 Words

Why I Want to Be a Mortician Essay

Introduction The profession of a mortician is unique and often shrouded in misunderstanding. As a mortician, one embarks on a path that combines elements of science, art, and human compassion in a way few other professions do. My motivation for pursuing this career stems from a deep respect for the profound rites of passage that mark the end of life. This essay explores my journey towards embracing this vital role in society, highlighting the personal and professional significance of becoming...
2 Pages 707 Words

Why I Want to Be an Immigration Officer Essay

Introduction My desire to work in immigration services comes from both personal and professional situations. I'm interested in the important role immigration officers play in shaping a country's future and following its laws because I have seen how complicated immigration can be personally. This job path interests me because it combines the need to be good at managing things with the need to help people. The thought of being a part of a system that protects national borders while making...
2 Pages 724 Words

Essay Why I Want to Be a Linguist

Introduction Linguistics, the scientific study of language, delves into the complexities and intricacies of human communication. It's a field that spans the sounds of speech, the structure of sentences, and the nuances of meaning, offering a window into the human mind and social interaction. My personal motivation to become a linguist stems from a deep fascination with how language shapes our perception of the world. The allure of decoding linguistic mysteries, understanding diverse cultures through their languages, and contributing to...
2 Pages 711 Words

Why I Want to Be a Mechanical Engineer Essay

Introduction From the first time I dismantled a toy car to understand its workings, my fascination with mechanics was ignited. This early curiosity evolved into a profound interest in mechanical engineering, a field where innovation meets practical application. Pursuing a career in mechanical engineering is not just a professional choice for me; it's a passion driven by my love for physics, mathematics, and creative problem-solving. My goal is to contribute to advancements in technology and make meaningful innovations in engineering....
1 Page 703 Words

Why Do I Want to Be Cheer Captain Essay

From the energetic chants on the sidelines to the intricate stunts and routines, cheerleading has always been more than just a sport to me — it's a passion that ignites my spirit and a community that I cherish deeply. As I envision myself taking on the role of a cheer captain, it's not just the thrill of leading the cheers that excites me, but the opportunity to elevate our team's spirit, unity, and performance to new heights. In this essay,...
2 Pages 695 Words

Why Do You Want to Be a Tutor Essay

As far as education goes, a tutor's job goes beyond just teaching. It carries the incredible duty of shaping minds and guiding students to reach their full potential. This essay goes into extensive detail about the various reasons why people choose to become tutors as a job. Besides discussing the personal and professional benefits of this honorable job, it also looks at how tutors affect education in a wider sense. Being a teacher has a lot of great benefits, ranging...
2 Pages 722 Words

Reflective Essay on Growing Up

Social Work is not just a career it is a lifestyle, you have to be very passionate about this profession. Social Workers are the only professionals who insist on dedicating their entire career towards helping others especially those who are marginalized by society. My dream to become a social worker began a few years ago. Reflecting on twelve years ago, growing up I knew I always had it in me to help others. I was raised by my grandparents who...
2 Pages 700 Words

How Has the American Dream Changed: Essay

The American Dream is, at worst, an abstract concept that is designed to convince people to live beyond their means and, at best, it is a strong ethos that has infiltrated American life at every level and allows people to dream and achieve their potential and beyond all in the name of patriotism and achievement. The idea, which was one closely associated with the vast swarms of immigrants who permeated and carved out their own piece of American culture during...
2 Pages 718 Words

Essay on How Did MTV Affect American Culture in the 1980s

MTV was 1st launched on a weekday, August 1, 1981, with the phrase, “Ladies and gentlemen, rock and roll”, and therefore The 1st music video vie on MTV was “Video Killed and since terribly starting, MTV was designed as a platform for music videos. Before MTV, what the radio stations were taking part in nearly utterly settled that music was well-liked. MTV is additionally attributable with serving to create the Second British Invasion by including music videos from British artists...
2 Pages 686 Words
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