700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

We Need to Stop School Shooting: Persuasive Speech

The Santa Clarita school shooting is one of the many school shootings that has devastatingly impacted lives in the United States this year alone. The Santa Clarita school shooting is another nightmare that became a reality. A student attending a California high school named Nathaniel Berhaw killed and injured some of his classmates. Gracie Muehlberger who was fifteen years old and fourteen- year old Dominic Blackwell were murdered by Nathaniel Berhaw. Three other students were transported to the hospital due...
1 Page 682 Words

Effects of Social Media on Children: Thesis Statement

Nowadays, In modern life, social media is expanding quickly. It is utilized by numerous individuals all over the world. Social media is mainly very well known among the teenagers of this generation. Nevertheless, still, in this case, numerous teenage individuals cannot control themselves and are dependent on social media. The compulsion to social media has numerous severe impacts which include a lack of study habits, excluding their lives from the world, and health conditions. To begin with, addiction to social...
1 Page 683 Words

Cyber Bullying Accountability: Persuasive Essay

The topic for our debate is ‘that no one should post online comments anonymously.’ We, the affirmative team, believe that this statement is true. Now I will explain to you what the effects of online anonymity can have on the young. First of all, the only reason anyone would be posting anonymously is that they don't want to be associated with what they’re saying and you can make the assumption then that what is being said is unethical, illegal, controversial,...
2 Pages 695 Words

Analysis of Section 24 of Walt Whitman’s Poem ‘Song of Myself’ and the Literary Devices Used in It

In section 24 of Walt Whitman’s poem ‘Song of Myself’, Whitman announces himself as the speaker of the poem. This is the first time that he announces himself as the author and speaker in the poem and it is 24 sections in. Whitman calls himself a ‘kosmos’, meaning that he is very knowledgeable, especially about things that most people are not. He makes it seem as if he is capable of knowing everything and represents everyone in the world. He...
2 Pages 681 Words

Health Risks of a Sedentary Lifestyle and How to Prevent Them: Essay

A sedentary lifestyle is a type of lifestyle where a regular amount of physical activity is not undertaken by an individual. According to the Sedentary Behaviour Research Network (SBRN) (2017), sedentary behaviour is any activity involving sitting, reclining, or lying down that has a very low energy expenditure. Leading a sedentary lifestyle is becoming a significant health issue. Indulging in high levels of sedentary behaviour is negatively impacting our health, including body weight, diet, and physical activity. The WHO estimates...
2 Pages 709 Words

Why Do You Want to Pursue a Career in Healthcare: Personal Narrative Essay

Growing up in a community where most of my relatives had occupations in the medical field played a tremendous role in my decision to pursue a career in healthcare. My mother is a registered nurse (RN) and periodically going with her to work as a child gave me the chance to get a glimpse of what being an RN entailed. As I got older, I was still a bit uncertain about what career in medicine I wanted to pursue. Like...
2 Pages 713 Words

Why I Am More of a Democrat: Personal Narrative Essay

Every country has a goal. Some want to be strong, some want to be the richest, however, all the countries have an end goal. With the end goal for the nation to develop, or to stay aware of the advanced world and the organizations, it must have certain norms, and one of the most significant is democracies. In the cutting-edge world, where practically the majority of the nations except certain administrations that are as yet not that big, come a...
1 Page 693 Words

My 5-Year Career Plan: Narrative Essay

Growing up, my mom worked two jobs to make ends meet. Although I’m grateful for my mom, that’s not where I want to be in my future. I don’t want to struggle with bills and not know where I’m going to find the money to pay. I don’t want to struggle with saving my money and then finally having money only for it to be gone towards bills again. I want a sense of comfort and security that no matter...
2 Pages 719 Words

My Adoption Story: Personal Narrative Essay

I was born on Feb 22, 2003. I came into the world at Kaweah Delta Hospital. Before I was even born, my biological mother knew she could not take care of me. She decided to give me up for adoption. She already had to support one child and couldn't help me. My welfare was more important than her selfish ambitions to maintain the appearance of a good mother. In order not to become attached, she had predetermined to not bond...
2 Pages 696 Words

Essay on Accountability, Responsibility and Delegation in Nursing

The aim of this essay is to explore and define accountability and responsibility and how this will be applied using the perspective of a newly qualified nurse. There will also be a discussion surrounding delegation with the addition of an action plan which will provide strategies that can be implemented to enable me to become an accountable and successful delegator. Accountability and responsibility within nursing are considered to be critical issues and are included in the Code of Professional Conduct...
2 Pages 712 Words

Literary Analysis of 'The Story of an Hour': Critical Essay

How has irony been used as a figure of speech in Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”? In the story of An Hour, Kate Chopin used irony in three different ways they are dramatical irony, Verbal irony, and situational irony. Dramatical irony is used to make readers feel in a way that the characters are unaware of the story. On the other hand by verbal irony, she meant exactly the opposite of not she said. Moreover, by situational irony...
2 Pages 697 Words

Harlem Renaissance DBQ Essay

In “Harlem Renaissance,” Paul Tough discusses the importance of educating families in Harlem and he suggests that teaching better parenting techniques will stop the cycle of poverty for the children who live there. Tough discusses a program called “Baby College.” The three main points discussed are language introduction, the importance of a child staying in school, and punishment and discipline. First, Tough describes how reading to a child every night and speaking to them more often can greatly increase their...
2 Pages 686 Words

Google Company Analysis Essay

Google was founded in 1998 by the Russian student Sergey Brin and his fellow student, the American Larry Page, and is a subsidiary company of Alphabet Incorporate. Today, Google is more than just an online search firm as they offer more than fifty services and products in their portfolio. This makes Google one of the four most influential companies in the tech area, alongside Microsoft, Apple, and IBM (Hosch, William, and Hall, Mark, 2019).  Larry Page and Sergey Brin first...
2 Pages 715 Words

Essay on United States Cyber Security History

Cyber security companies or IT security consulting firms manage IT security services such as firewalls, intrusion prevention, security threat analysis, proactive security vulnerability and penetration testing, and incident preparation and response, which includes IT forensics. According to recent research findings published by Ponemon Institute, within the year 2015, the costs associated with cybercrime had risen to 19 percent, higher than it was in 2014. Globally, a hack in 2014 cost companies $7.7 million on average. This has led to 20...
2 Pages 695 Words

Essay on Technology in Math

We see different natural phenomena in our entire existence as well as nature’s explicit gifts. Some of those are constellations that somehow control people’s destinies, time and its hands revolving, the tiger’s stripes, the human bodies, buildings, and their splendid architecture, the shell of a sea creature, and the galaxies. All parts of Mathematics. Sounds amazing, isn’t it? But, with regard to those things, Mathematics is much deeper and more than that. It is more than what meets the eye....
2 Pages 723 Words

Essay on Technology and Communication

Communication performs a major function in the team spirit and of course, as what we have tackled before, in the direction of globalization. It is a time-honored device that led us to an organized life where anybody could basically relate to one's perceptions and vice versa. Everywhere and almost the whole thing is connected to verbal exchange as tons as how technological know-how has also certainly led us to a top life. Scientists resulted in this thought where they see...
2 Pages 700 Words

Climate Change Persuasive Speech

The issue of climate change is a somewhat contentious topic, with varying opinions, even among experts, as to the degree to which climate change is a man-made problem. However, the prevailing consensus is there is at least some level of anthropogenic climate change. This essay will explore the concept of employing litigation to tackle climate change and shall prove why it can be effective but is underwhelming. Individuals or groups may see litigation as an attractive means by which to...
2 Pages 725 Words

Booker T Washington Vs Web Dubois: Compare and Contrast Essay

Booker T. Washington was born into slavery in Virginia in the year 1856. Washington’s early life and education did much to influence his later innovations. Mr. Washington also worked in a salt mine and as a domestic for a white family and eventually attended the Hampton Institute, one of the first all-black schools in America. Once his education level was completed, he began teaching and eventually was selected to take charge of the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute in Alabama....
1 Page 680 Words

Speech on Technology

Technology… hmm… Though the question can be easily asked, its answer is not that straightforward. The word Technology can be seen in many different contexts and can be defined or explained accordingly. Still, the simplest form to answer “What is Technology?” is “Putting the knowledge into action to meet the needs.” Let’s explore It is to be taken into account that Science and Technology, though related, have entirely different goals. The goal of Science is to know the world around...
1 Page 706 Words

Sexual Harassment as an Important Social Issue: Critical Essay

The sociocultural theory is largely feminist in orientation and thus, examines the wider social and political context within which sexual harassment is created and occurs. The theory attributes sexual harassment as a logical consequence of the gender inequality and sexism that already exists in society (Gutek, 1985; Thomas & Kitzinger, 1997). Thus, drawing on the feminist perspective, the theorists argue that, sexual harassment, regardless of its form, is linked to the sexist male ideology of male dominance and male superiority...
2 Pages 702 Words

Puritan Gender Roles Essay

Puritan beliefs were rigid and extremist. They believed that man exists to carry out God's will. There was great debate within the Puritan movement on whether to adopt Presbyterianism into their religion or keep the bishops' hierarchy. The Puritans believed that demons were among us and proactively possessed the morally weak people of the colonies. Pastors performed exorcisms and sentenced alleged witches to death or other strong-willed women like Anne Hutchison and Mary Dyer strong-willed women who were either banished...
2 Pages 723 Words

Poverty Is the Parent of Revolution and Crime: Critical Essay

This essay explores the possible relationship between poverty and crime outlining the way in which social class may impact a person’s predetermined future in a life of crime. It is long believed that people of a low social class were more likely to partake in a life of crime due to their uneducated and unruly childhood. The higher class believes that the working class’ lack of education nurtures them into following the assumption that they will one way or another...
2 Pages 709 Words

Policy Analysis on Minimum Wage: Thesis Statement

The minimum wage is the least amount of payment an employer is required to pay his or her employee. It is paid after completing a number of tasks the employer gives his or her employee. It can be hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly as per the contract agreement between the two parties. Minimum wage refers to the binding nature of minimum wages, despite the strategy of fixing them. Minimum wages may be set by statute, call of a competent authority,...
1 Page 688 Words

Persuasive Speech on Cyber Security

The internet is a no man's land. The whole world has melted into a global village as the internet permeates offices, homes, and mobiles. Cyber security is the practice of protecting networks technological systems, and programs from data breaching, digital attacks, data infringement, and unauthorized access. These attacks mainly focus on accessing, changing, or in other words perishing important information, and extorting money from users and organizations. To understand why cyber security is needed and crucial, an understanding of cybercrime...
2 Pages 721 Words

Essay on the Human Urinary System

The urinary system has some important roles, including cleaning the body by getting rid of the wastes; and it regulates the pit levels, which is a function that is shared with the lungs and the buffers in the blood. Moreover, it regulates the blood pressure in collaboration with the heart and blood vessels. A function of the urinary system that I found interesting is that the kidney determines 85% of the erythropoietin to stimulate red blood cell production. Based on...
2 Pages 705 Words

A Rose Has Thorns: Literary Analysis Essay on William Shakespeare's ‘Romeo and Juliet’

The best way to describe a play like ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is ‘a rose has thorns’. The being, in this case, the rose is love and the thorns are violence. Throughout this play, Shakespeare uses love and violence the juxtapose one another the contrast introduces to the audience the concept that love can be violent, and amid violence, there can be love. Shakespeare uses the juxtaposition of these elements the convey the hatred between the two houses, the Capulets and...
2 Pages 701 Words

Essay about the Slave Celia and Her Tragic Story

The 1800s were a tremulous time in our history. From this time period comes the bitter and tragic story of Celia. The story of Celia began in the summer of 1850. Robert Newsom was a plantation owner from Callaway County, Missouri. He owned an expansive farm with multiple slaves. After the death of his wife, Newsom purchased Celia. At the time, Celia was only fourteen years old. Shortly after Celia’s purchase, Newsom began to rape her. He would go to...
1 Page 691 Words

Modern Heroes and What They Are: Informative Essay

If you were to be asked to describe a hero, would you say your mum, a surgeon that performed a miracle surgery? Or would you say a strong, brave male who lurks (ventures) the streets looking for citizens to help? The depiction of a hero has changed throughout history. However, their characteristics, personality, and physical capabilities greatly differ from epic heroes to heroes of the modern day. Most people in the 21st century would refer to epic heroes as ‘braggarts’...
2 Pages 708 Words

My Critical View of America and Its Perfection: Critical Essay

America is under the false impression that it is the best nation on Earth, which is funny because America is the only one that thinks so. Around the globe, countries strive to gain the respect and admiration of other populations, and in doing so, America is losing some of its might in the international community. From my point of view, the U.S. is not the best country in the world because it repeatedly fails to care for the health, education,...
2 Pages 690 Words

Essay on the Importance of Reading

“There’s nothing like a good book”, said every English teacher ever. But for a stressed, sleep-deprived HSC student, some things come pretty close. Like the incredible feeling of finishing the last exam on your timetable, getting a decent sleep, or passing a math exam can feel like the best thing in the world. With a new wave of tweeting, snapping, and status-updating teenagers, learning about the importance of reading may sound like an overplayed Taylor Swift song on the car...
2 Pages 719 Words
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