750 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The 2018 Lower Puna Eruption

This devastating event happened on Hawaii’s Big Island and sent lava flowing through a very populated area called Leilani Estates, a residential area located near the Kilauea volcano. Hawaii is a part of the United States of America, but it is located in the Pacific Ocean. The lava spread thirty-six thousand square meters, forcing approximately two thousand people living near Kilauea to evacuate their homes. What Caused It to Happen? Kilauea is one of the most active volcanoes in the...
2 Pages 727 Words

Representing the Key Intentions of the Directors in 'Pan's Labyrinth' and 'City of God'

In this essay I will try to reveal some of the intentions I think the directors Fernando Meirelles and Guillermo del Toro had, and I will write about what I, as a spectator, think they tried to convey in their films. Del Toro uses mise-en-scene in ‘Pans’ Labyrinth’ (2006) in the scene of the Pale Man’s lair and we see it through the appearance of the character. Del Toro presents the Pale Man as a scary and dangerous character. His...
2 Pages 727 Words

Reflections on the Movie 'Pay It Forward'

When someone does you a favor, what do you do? When you do a favor for someone, how do you feel? Well, Trevor McKinney will touch your heart and inspire you to pay it forward instead of giving back the favor. Mimi Leder directed the drama film ‘Pay It Forward’ in 2000. It tells the story of Trevor McKinney, an 11-year-old who started the 'pay it forward' movement. Trevor is played by Haley Joel Osment, while Arlene McKinney, Trevor's alcoholic...
2 Pages 757 Words

Realism in Esteban Murillo's 'The Young Beggar': Critical Analysis

Art is subjective. It can have an infinite number of interpretations influenced by the viewers’ feelings and experiences. Undeniably, the painting by Esteban Murillo, ‘The Young Beggar’, is one of his most recognized artworks because of the great emotional impact it has on the viewer. The painting can emit loneliness, sadness, poverty, but it can also issue other feelings depending on the viewer. ‘The Young Beggar’ is a criticism to the European society. The responses are shaped by the art...
2 Pages 774 Words

Power Used to Exploit the Weak: 'Blade Runner' and 'The Handmaid's Tale'

‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ by Margaret Atwood and ‘Blade Runner’ directed by Ridley Scott both take place in dystopian societies that demonstrate power over their citizens. In both texts, those lower in power are controlled by their representative state and taken advantage of. In ‘Blade Runner’, power runs over humankind and freedom, while ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ demonstrates a similar plot, including the control of women. Replicants are created in ‘Blade Runner’ to live as controlled individual slaves who cannot live past...
2 Pages 727 Words

Our Choice of Clothing Reflect Our Personality

“You are what you wear and your dress code determines how others perceive you”, said Julie Pace. Clothing can deliver a lot of information about a person, and wearing a suggestive clothing or specific color can make misperception and sexual intent. The salience of facial features is well documented; some factors will play a role in impression formation such as clothing. So, do clothing and color affect our perception of others? What is the influence of clothing on first impressions?...
2 Pages 749 Words

Oprah Winfrey and Her Journey Towards Success

“Opportunities don't happen, you create them” (Chris Grosser). Oprah Gail Winfrey was born to Vinita Lee and Vernon Winfrey on an isolated farm in Kosciusko, Mississippi, United State on January 29, 1954. Her name was supposed to be Orpah, from the Bible, but because of the difficulty of spelling and pronunciation, she was known as Oprah almost from birth. She was black. She was very determined woman, she lived her most of time under the poverty. She lived with her...
2 Pages 767 Words

Historical Background of Realism

Realism is the 19th century development that created in France with the most objective to speak to reality through the delineation of real-life occasions and subjects in a naturalistic way. From that point, caused somewhat by the tremendous social changes activated by the Industrial Revolution, there was a more noteworthy center on authenticity of subject - that’s, subject matter exterior the tall craftsmanship convention. The term ‘realism’ was advanced by the French writer Champfleury amid the 1840s, although it started...
2 Pages 737 Words

Essentialism in the Film 'The Matrix'

Essentialism is a philosophy that believes all things have a set of attributes in order for it to be recognized and to know its function. Moreover, it believes that before anything could exist, there should be a purpose unto why it is made. This philosophy has been very evident in ‘The Matrix’. The trilogy is an American sci-fi movie that tells a story on how artificial intelligence has conquered humanity and trapped them in a simulated world called ‘Matrix’ to...
2 Pages 757 Words

Analysis of the Film '12 Years a Slave'

‘12 Years a Slave’, directed by Steve McQueen, is a film about a free black man, Solomon, being kidnapped in to slavery, separated from his family, dehumanized, but eventually, finding his way into freedom again. The depravity of slavery stripped away his humanity and identity, stretching his hope further away as each portion of his life becomes harder to overcome, eventually leading to his desire for freedom. The editing in the film illustrated the development of the characters as the...
2 Pages 738 Words

Essay on 'The Patriot': Critical Review

After imposing ‘Stargate’, ‘Independence Day’, and ‘Godzilla’ on us, the dynamic duo of Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin has made and lost a fair bit of cash, but they have seemingly come to the realization that the only thing in Hollywood that lasts is Oscar gold. However, just following the recipe does not guarantee that the result will be good, let alone palatable. Thus, witness their ‘Hail Mary’, ‘The Patriot’. The movie stars Mel Gibson as a reluctant farmer, whose...
2 Pages 735 Words

Why Cheating Is Wrong: Argumentative Essay

Since entering the corporate world four years ago, unethical behavior and cheating have come up as frequent topics at work. In fact, there is so much cheating in every single organization experienced, I have become interested in becoming an auditor or investigating financial crimes. These situations literally make an organization collapse from the inside out. Student cheating, like cheating in any other business setting, undermines legitimate, hard-working students from reaching attainable goals. Eventually, all cheating will be exposed as humans...
2 Pages 731 Words

What Does Family Mean to You: Opinion Essay

Family is the representation and foundation of self. This unity of acceptance of each other respect unconditional sacrifices, love, and support is built through past, current, and future generations. The family goes beyond bloodlines and last names. We share similar beliefs and customs. Building strong family customs and traditions allows generations to use self-preservation of identity. Family means something different to each of us. We often adapt to family members which our family extends. Second, you should explain how your...
2 Pages 761 Words

What Do You Value Most in Life: Opinion Essay

Over the years growing up, I knew the importance of maintaining good relationships; between parents, friends, colleagues, and supervisors. The connections we make with others define our lives. I always strive to build stronger relationships. The relationship I value most in life is with my parents; it roots in my childhood and continues to impact my adulthood life. My parents are my emotional support because I could always count on them to have my back. Me, I don't have regular...
2 Pages 726 Words

What Are Your Expectations for This Course: Essay

The main objective that I had to look forward to with this term course related to Managerial Economics is to understand the economy related to the management of the client for whom I am working. My current job roles include and are not limited to identifying the requirements budget allotment to the business and designing and documenting the qualification of their product and equipment. Over this week’s course, we were asked to learn several economic-related articles and various cost concepts...
2 Pages 735 Words

Warriors Don't Cry: Essay

According to Martin Luther King, “The ultimate measure of a person is not where one stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where one stands in times of challenge and controversy.” This concept constantly applies to real-world situations and conveys that only when one undergoes severe conflict can one get the best measurement of one’s character. Melba Patillo Beals was an ordinary teenager who chose to be a part of the Little Rock Nine. Together, the African American high...
2 Pages 763 Words

Valley Forge: DBQ Essay

How much do you truly know about Winter At Valley Forge? The war started in 1775. It had started cause the shot was heard around the world. The Americans had gotten into a war against the British. They were really there at Valley Forge cause he wanted to spy on the British and they would be easy to attack them. Winter At Valley Forge was one of the toughest times in American history and bought out new leaders. The Rebel...
2 Pages 754 Words

Analysis of the Valley of Ashes Symbolism

There is something quite interesting when people talk about the American Dream. Gatsby spends his whole life trying to work hard to get money and the girl. Daisy on the other hand has everything handed to her and didn’t want someone with no money. F. Scott Fitzgerald uses symbols such as the valley of ashes, the green light, and the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg to indicate how greed, materialism, and the loss of moral values in society contributed to...
2 Pages 761 Words

Essay on 'The Sniper’: Short Story Analysis

The leader of a powerful country is known to many as a very peaceful person when dealing with foreign disputes. Suddenly, an enemy nation strikes out of nowhere and destroys one of the biggest urban cities in the country. Plans of war come to mind. Conflicts like these happen all the time around the world, ranging from what food a family is having for dinner to massive global wars. They can stem from misunderstandings, frustration, and much more. According to...
2 Pages 744 Words

The Help’ Setting: Movie Analysis

The Help is of the most popular Hollywood films about segregation and racial prejudice, released in 2011 by Tate Taylor, and based on Kathryn Stockett's novel, it tells about racial relationships in the United States in the 1960s. The movie presents multiple situations of injustice and violence against the black population, points out relationships between two races, and on unequal opportunities for African Americans and whites in that period of time. Although the film doesn’t focus on many significant moments...
2 Pages 732 Words

Essay about The Fall of Rome

For nearly a thousand years, Rome dominated and offered order and law to most of the known sphere. While the myth that the Roman Empire and the Republic were perfectly conducive to their entire population is incorrect, Rome propagated certain concepts and principles that are essential to current governance and daily life. Rome has contributed to the contemporary development of the world, but all good things must come to an end. The empire`s own collapse was one of Rome`s most...
2 Pages 772 Words

The Birth of Venus: Analysis Essay

Visual analysis of the birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli The famous Italian renaissance artist Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi A. K. A. Sandro Botticelli created one of the most prominent visual arts in the early renaissance era, The Birth of Venus. It is a beautiful artwork executed using tempera on a canvas and it portrays a distinct Greek-Roman mythological event, the arrival of the goddess of beauty and love, Venus. The painting was made between c. 1484 and...
2 Pages 763 Words

Talent Essay

Description of Experience This is a general reflection of my work during my college days and office time. Coaching juniors on how to Monitor the whole workflow both inside and outfield company. Engaging them to learn new Methods that even I do not have knowledge about it. I worked in the field of fire safety equipment company so the people must know how everything works and maintain. I was the wood-golf national champion in India (2017) after that my coach...
2 Pages 734 Words

Critical Analysis of Symbolism in ‘The Help’

Everyone is exposed to discrimination. Whether it be at a young or old age, this exposure causes people to lose their innocence and realize that you should not mistreat someone because of their appearance. The film The Help (2011) produced by Tate Taylor; set in the 1960s, is a text that uses aesthetic features including symbolism, repetition, metaphor, and characterization. These aesthetic features are used to depict the concept of loss of innocence, particularly the realization of how it is...
2 Pages 740 Words

Critical Analysis of Symbolism in “The Last Supper” by Leonardo da Vinci

During the fourteenth century, more than half of the European population was killed off by the Black Death. The plague had social, economic, and religious effects on European history. After this incident, people began to transform; and gradually, new attitudes, ideas, and many different works of art were created. Leonardo da Vinci was one of the key figures in the Renaissance Period. Painted by Leonardo da Vinci, “The Last Supper” is a precious piece of art with hidden meaning that...
2 Pages 727 Words

Surgical Tech: Admission Essay

“Failure instructs better than success. A single death shapes the surgeon’s psyche in a way that fifty “saves” cannot.” I remember this quote every time I look back to commemorate my beloved grandfather who suffered a stroke during my early teens. At his bedside, I watched nurses come and go, checking his vitals and checking the monitors. But it was the neurosurgeons who fascinated me. When they explained what they could do surgically to help, I thought I wanted to...
2 Pages 751 Words

Should Video Games Be Considered a Sport: Argumentative Essay

Video games: E-sports Do people believe that sitting in front of a display screen, computer, or mobile, and playing video games is considered to be a sport? Video games are starting to take over the world industry over time. William Higinbotham, a physicist, invented the world’s first video game which was a very simple Tennis game. There are many arguments concerning the fact that e-sports are real sports. ‘E-sports’ is shortened term for ‘Electronic Sports’ which describes competitive and organized...
2 Pages 768 Words

Essay on 'Shawshank Redemption’:

A large majority of the population would not have any knowledge of what prisons are like if it was not for the movies and television shows. The population understands the prison system through movies, documentaries, drama, and action series involving actual prisons around the world as made available through these media. The movie The Shawshank Redemption is an excellent model of this. The director, Frank Darabont did not want to engage in the race card and allowed Andy Dufresne and...
2 Pages 744 Words

Restaurant Review Essay

I had serious doubts as I stood in front of the restaurant was located between a Marshalls and an ammo store. My family had gone out to celebrate my parent’s anniversary, and my mom had chosen this new Indian place, Aga’s, which she’d heard about from her friends. Any doubt I held as I walked into the restaurant was cleared soon. However, the Indian cuisine surpassed my expectations in the quality of service and food. Throughout the years, I have...
2 Pages 735 Words

Essay about Public Administration

Public management is often mistakenly believed to be the same as public administration. While there is some overlap, the two disciplines actually make use of different sets of professional duties. Public administration focuses on producing public policies and coordinating public programs. Public management is a sub-discipline of public administration that involves conducting managerial activities in public organizations. What Is Public Administration? Public administration is a field of political science that plans organize, directs, coordinates, and controls operations at government, public...
2 Pages 732 Words
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