The most accessible technological devices available to adolescents are smartphones and personal computers. The most common application used by these teens is Snapchat. It is a multimedia messaging app used globally. The product is used to send photos that disappear after being opened or after 24 hours on the user’s ‘story’. The message presented through the advertising of this social media giant is their product. Screenshots used as advertising of the product have a wide range of vivid colors and...
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766 Words
Social media is part of our daily lifestyles in our days, and there are special approaches to defining it. It is a computer-based technological know-how that helps share ideas, thoughts, and formation via viral networks and communities. It is a collective period for websites and functions that center attention on communication, community-based input, interaction, content sharing, etc. According to Blackman (2022), the term ‘social media’ describes interactive computer-mediated applied sciences that facilitated the advent or sharing of information, ideas, career...
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In 1971, President Richard Nixon proclaimed drug abuse ‘public enemy number one’ in the United States. Ever since that time the policy of ‘War on Drugs’ has directed the political mindset of the United States. The basis for Nixon’s argument was that the best way to prevent further drug use would be the eradication of available drugs through strict policing and creating harsh consequences for people who do use or sell drugs. Today we know why the aggressive prosecution and...
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774 Words
From the moment young children attend preschool, everything they do in school is centered on one final destination, college. It has been ingrained and carved into their malleable minds that they need college to be successful. Without it, the American dream is deemed unachievable. However, what schools fail to tell these students is that college doesn’t determine their futures, they do. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and David Geffen, all have something in common besides being wealthy. They never went to...
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772 Words
On December 7th, 1941, Japan launched a surprise attack on the United States known as Pearl Harbor. This attack would be responsible for killing more than 2,000 American sailors, soldiers, and civilians. The attack happened on Pearl Harbor, a military base in Hawaii. It was considered a surprise attack because the US was not in the war and was not expecting the attack. What was the reason behind Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor? Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because Japan wanted...
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732 Words
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There is quite some trouble for someone to attain their dream. In John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, two pals go around California trying to make money, seeking to overcome the hardship and doubt in the world. George and Lennie stay together, hoping to attain their dream and get freedom and the self-respect they deserve. In Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun, the Life of the Youngers is an African American family living on the South Side of Chicago...
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732 Words
World War I, a time of massive killings and destruction, was not the product of a single, immediate event. Rather, multiple long-term causes, including the effects of Nationalism, produced the war. While liberals believed that a peaceful Europe would emerge from using national lines to organize Europe, the opposite happened. There was no cooperation amongst Europe's great powers; instead, there was competition and significant rivalries. Conflict over industrial and commercial interests was significant. With this competition came the formation of...
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769 Words
Texas is one of the most populated states to date. As is written today, the Texas Constitution allows for a plural executive within the state of Texas. A plural executive is, “an executive branch in which power is fragmented between several elected officials because the election of statewide officeholders is independent of the election of the governor” (Champagne, pg. 271). Not just one person holds all the power to make executive rulings. These powers are distributed among 7 members of...
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735 Words
Many factors led up to the start of World War 1 in Europe. A lot of these factors were rooted in the deep history of the old powers of Europe including Russia, Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Hungary, and Great. The real causes of WWI included politics, secret alliances and deals, imperialism, and nationalistic pride. However, there was one single event that started a chain of events leading up to the war. The assassination of Franz Ferdinand. Starting in 1914, the...
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728 Words
From the annual “Earth Day” assemblies in grammar school to the various rallies held around the nation, global warming is something that has been ingrained in us as something to be cautious of. Over the years, the global temperature has been increasing at an alarming rate because of what is called the greenhouse effect. Simply put, the greenhouse effect is when an increased number of gasses are released into the air, and because of that the heat from the sun...
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728 Words
Discrimination must be talked about to be overcome. The documentary, The Bloody Miracle is helpful in giving us insight into the reality of the past and shows us how discrimination is still so prevalent in our society. My reaction to the documentary was utter surprise and sadness. I was unaware of the severity of the pre-election so it left me shocked. I felt sorrowful for everyone who lost their lives or was affected. It is saddening to know that there...
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740 Words
Before Montag meets Clarisse, his sixteen-year-old neighbor, he is minimal in excess of a machine, a book-consuming robot. He reports to work, adapts to his self-destructive spouse, and strolls through his TV-fixated world, however, he scarcely sees what he is doing. Clarisse shakes Montag out of his daze, constrains him to look at his general surroundings, and rouses him to make intense and savage strides. She does the majority of this in a roundabout way, be that as it may....
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753 Words
While reading The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, I fell in love with how the book was centered on Jeannette Walls’s real-life struggles. The one theme that stood out to me the most throughout the story was forgiveness. Even though Jeannette and her siblings were neglected on a daily basis as children, she harbored no hate for her parents and stayed optimistic as she reflected on the events that occurred in her past. The movie also captures this well in...
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770 Words
In today’s world, most information is available to access. People can agree or disagree with what is being said or written. As the population grows and evolves, so does censorship. What was enhancing a tune or on a tv display has now emerged as banning books and aligning news stations to positive political events. Ray Bradbury wrote Fahrenheit 451 in 1953 but created a world that reflects and exaggerates these precise troubles with censorship. His important individual, Guy Montag, is...
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771 Words
William Faulkner in “A Rose for Emily” conveys the message that there is always more than meets the eye. Faulkner assembles a story in which Miss Emily, an aristocratic elderly woman, is isolated from the townspeople around her. By using a first-person point of view of the townspeople, Faulkner establishes a reliable yet external narrator to reveal Emily’s life was not as simple as it seemed. At the beginning of the story, Faulkner reveals the narrator is a member of...
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747 Words
Introduction The Great Depression, a period of severe economic downturn in the 1930s, had a profound impact on various sectors, including the real estate market. In this analytical essay, we will examine the causes and consequences of the Great Depression and its specific effects on the real estate industry. By analyzing the factors that led to the market crash, the subsequent challenges faced by the real estate sector, and the long-term implications, we aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of...
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735 Words
The main aim of this thesis is to encourage policymakers and other key players in the international scene to account for the meaning of victims of trafficking’s lived experiences rather than try to make those experiences meaningful within the dominant colonial narratives or Western ways of understanding. This will open up more facets of understanding and ways of viewing the world which will ultimately influence the findings and the solutions proffered. Liisa Malkki puts it succinctly in her analysis of...
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727 Words
Not long ago when I was in primary school, there was a young Asian boy sitting by himself. He was not annoying or causing harm to anyone, although surrounding him were a crowd of white boys who were stretching the sides of their face to make their eyes thinner as well as making sounds such as “ching chong” in which they were offensively imitating the Asian boy’s language. On the other side of the playground, I saw a young white...
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743 Words
The War on Terror became an international issue when President Bush stated, 'Every nation in every region now has a decision to make,' he said in a national address. 'Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.' The invasion of Iraq became one if not the most controversial international foreign policy decision made by the United States and the United Kingdom in recent history which was accompanied and triggered by The War on Terror. Up to this...
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738 Words
In order to determine if a child is obese or not, their BMI must be measured. BMI is calculated by measuring a person’s height and weight. BMI for age usually corresponds with percentiles. In order for a child to be considered obese, he/she is categorized in the 95th percentile or greater. Children who are obese are above the normal weight for their age and height. Childhood obesity has been something that continues to grow as the years go on. It...
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737 Words
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopment disorder. This is typically characterized by qualitative impairments in social interaction and communication, alongside restricted, repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities (DSM-IV TR; American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Many adults that are diagnosed with autism may be moderately functioning, though those close to the individual may notice that they have difficulties maintaining relationships, socially isolate themselves, or have reoccurring mental health difficulties. Autism is a lifelong condition and it is quite...
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769 Words
In ‘I am not your Negro’ James Baldwin stated: “To be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a rage almost all the time. So that the first problem is how to control that rage so that it won’t destroy you”. From the very beginning of the documentary Baldwin’s views on race do not question what happens to black people but what happens to the country. Baldwin intended to pay his respect to...
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741 Words
Abstract: Over the duration of 30 years, the United States has undergone some major changes regarding foreign policy, ensuring domestic tranquility and, more respectively to this topic, the war on drugs. Over the past 15 years, we have seen dramatic shifts in judgment regarding the idea of marijuana reform. While some citizens are comfortable with the idea of legalization, whether it be for medicinal or recreational use, others are not. This is due to the risks that may prevail at...
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759 Words
Bullying is a world phenomenon that has the achievable of impacting on youth each physically and psychologically. It on occasion reasons teenagers to drop out of school and permanently damages both the psyche and education of the child. Bullying is defined as an intended and continuous misuse of power towards others through verbal, social and physical behavior aiming to cause harm physically, psychologically or socially. It usually takes place when an individual or a group misusing their power towards another...
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762 Words
Poetry is a type of literature that expresses emotions or an idea through poetic devices about a genre. Through powerful devices such as imagery, metaphors and similes, the reader deciphers the poem from the literal meaning to what the poet is actually trying to say. ‘The Loom of Time’, written anonymously, and ‘Package for the Distant Future’, written by Sylvia Kantaris, express emotions about time. ‘The Loom of Time’ explores time as a significant part of each individual’s journey through...
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746 Words
Edward James Olson in the film ‘Selena’ said: “We have to be more Mexican than the Mexican, and more American than the American. It is exhausting! Nobody knows how tough it is to be a Mexican American”. That is very true, it is hard to be a Mexican American. If you do not speak perfect English, Americans think less of you; you also have to speak flawless Spanish or Mexicans will label you a 'pocho'. No matter what we do,...
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765 Words
Modern technology has had a great impact on many aspects of young people’s lives. Pater et al. (2021) conducted a study into technology use among patients in relation to eating disorders. They researched the impact of social media and other technologies on mental health, including eating disorders. They reviewed the results of an interview-based study with 10 clinicians who treat people with eating disorders in order to understand the contexts and relations between eating disorders and use of technology. They...
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756 Words
‘Where are you from?’. This is one of the biggest questions I have heard since I left Burundi in 1999. And most of the time, it was quickly followed up by: ‘Where is Burundi?’. My Burundian folks would understand the struggle that comes with explaining where this tiny little East African country is located. I am not going to lie; it gets annoying at times which makes me wish that certain African people should know better their own geography. Then...
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767 Words
The humanities is a useful subject, especially in any healthcare field, as it promotes an understanding of different cultures and histories, which is useful when caring for people from different backgrounds to ensure the best possible care is provided. Nicholas Kristof in his article ‘Starving for Wisdom’ starts a story of a country that has become so consumed by the Internet that we are losing critical thinking skills in the process, and I couldn’t have said it better myself. He...
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755 Words
“The arts and humanities teach us who we are and what we can be. They lie at the very core of the culture of which we are apart”. This wonderful saying by Ronald Reagan reveals the powerful connection between the study of humanities and the arts. The study of humanities through the understanding of human beings in the world based from their languages, histories, and cultures encourage us to think creatively. Hence, this seeks to awaken the wonders of human...
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745 Words