750 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Augmented and Virtual Reality and their Great Potential for Social Change

Virtual reality and augmented reality have entered an era and set a new environment where physical and virtual objects are coordinated at various levels. Virtual reality is a computer technology that imitates completely vivid experience and transports one into an intuitive computer-generated world. Virtual reality artificially creates sensory experience which incorporates sight, touch and hearing. This technology’s main purpose is to allow people to experience the environment as if it is the real world. Whereas, augmented reality is the blend...
2 Pages 741 Words

John Proctor and His True Integrity

Once everyone has tried to hide up lies in order to not reveal the truth, knowing it would ruin him/her at some point but soon the truth comes out bringing big conflicts. In ‘The Crucible’ John Proctor's lie, unfortunately, came out affecting him for life. One theme in ‘The Crucible’ by Arthur Miller is an honesty to oneself, lies and making tough choices. In the play ‘The Crucible’ by Arthur Miller there are a series of events that truly test...
2 Pages 763 Words

The Role of the African Cinema

Cinema is one of the youngest and at the same time one of the most popular arts. Its history is short compared to the thousand-year history of music, painting or theater. At the same time, millions of viewers fill the cinema halls every day, and even more people watch movies on television. Cinema in our time has become a very powerful information source. Everyone can turn on the TV and watch a movie they like. Like cinema around the world,...
2 Pages 747 Words

Analysis of the Relationship Between Marginal Product and Marginal Cost

As we discuss the difference between ‘marginal product’ and ‘marginal cost’ in this write-up lets quickly look at the definition of these two words. According to “the marginal product of labor refers to the number of products a company can manufacture if it hires more workers or assigns its current workers additional hours. The marginal cost refers to the number of amount it costs a company to produce each additional item”. Let’s check an example for better understanding. Marginal product...
2 Pages 748 Words

Essay on Patriotism and Love for My Country

For as long as I can remember I have been a patriot. When I was very young, my grandfather would tell me stories about Spain, it’s history and accomplishments and I remember how proud I felt to be Spanish. I love my country and would do anything to protect it. But I am also a citizen of the world, I have lived in ten different countries throughout my life and thus been gifted with the ability to look at the...
2 Pages 729 Words

The Concept of Movement and Its Impact on the Modern World

“Life requires movement'”- Aristotle. Movement doesn’t have to be moving from house to house or country to country. Movement can be as simple as changing schools or changing classes. Movement has been something that has been going on since the beginning of time. From the birds migrating to warm areas when it's cold in their current environment to people moving in order to get resources that their area lacks. Changing cultures, spreading ideas, and sharing resources are ways that movement...
2 Pages 731 Words

Parallels Between Arthur Miller's 'the Crucible' and McCarthyism

‘The Crucible’ is a playwright that was written in 1953 by Arthur Miller which is a true story that reflects on the Salem Witch Trials. The Salem Witch Trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions that took place in different towns of Massachusetts between the years of 1692 and 1693. Joe McCarthy was widely involved and responsible for the time in which the Red Scare took place in the United States which was intense during the late 1940s and...
1 Page 730 Words

The Theme of Racial Inequality for African Americans in Dudley Randall's ‘Ballad of Birmingham’ and Langston Hughes's ‘A Dream Deferred’

Dudley Randall and Langston Hughes both lived through racial inequality for African Americans during the Postmodernism era and portrayed it in their poems. Dudley Randall wrote ‘Ballad of Birmingham’ and Langston Hughes wrote ‘A Dream Deferred’. They both use imagery to depict the main message of their poems. Dudley Randall experienced a lot while growing up. His life was filled with a lot of education. According to Michael Loudon, Dudley was born in 1914 and spent his childhood in Washington,...
2 Pages 741 Words

The Parthenon as a Temple for Athena

I personally love Greece and there are numerous reasons why I love this beautiful country. Not only about their history but how the country is so beautiful and how is located at the southeast end of Europa, and geographically. You can see where its located on a map, and surrounded by neighboring countries such as Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania and Turkey. There are numerous reasons and interesting things to do in Greece, those you can discover about this country and you...
2 Pages 731 Words

The Importance and Relevance of Cybersecurity in the Modern World

A lot of development in devices is rapidly growing, enabling us to interact instantly worldwide. Nevertheless, not everyone in the virtual world uses ethics. In real world we have protection to prevent crimes that may occur, but also, we have cybersecurity to mitigate the digital world’s crime. Confidentiality means that only the people who have the right of access who were the one who will be able to view or read sensitive information and systems. Infringements of records are example...
2 Pages 769 Words

Patsy Mink's Route to Title IX’s Victory

After graduating as the class president and valedictorian of her high school, a young Asian-American woman was rejected from every medical school for which she applied. How could someone so intelligent and driven be pushed away from their incredible potential when they exhibited all the ideal traits of a successful individual. The facts concluded that many of the top schools were snubbing women enrollers because they “used quotas to limit female enrollment”. Little did these schools know, the very woman...
2 Pages 751 Words

What Effect Did Pop Art Have on American Culture?

The emergence of American Pop Art thoroughly reconstructed post-war culture by conjoining the relationship between art and mass culture, redefining the advertising industries as mediums of art, becoming one of contemporary art’s most recognizable styles. Based on the abstract expressionism of 1940’s, pop art is a creative arts movement which incorporates imagery and themes of popular culture. It marked a new age of artists who focused on the mundanity of reality, mass society, and capitalistic images. The movement spread from...
2 Pages 752 Words

Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages of Monopoly Through Own Professional Experience

A monopoly is an exclusive possession of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service. After being offered the position of Junior Executive and thinking about the pros and cons of each side, I have concluded to accept the role of Junior Executive at Mega Avocado Corporation. Three main points that support my claim are the data from our 2008 and 2009 production, our general knowledge about what a monopoly is and how it works, and the power...
2 Pages 766 Words

Malala Yousafzai: Motivations for a Big Change

A fifteen years old girl was nearly killed in 2012 since she was one of the brave ones who wanted women to have the education and equal rights that they deserved, her name is Malala Yousafzai. Yousafzai is from Swat Valley, which is located in Pakistan. In Swat Valley women do not have rights or freedom. Inequality is a big problem in her community, women to not get respected, can not go to school, work, and they could not go...
2 Pages 769 Words

Critical Analysis of Juvenile Justice Cases

At least 10,000 juveniles are housed in adult prisons and jails across the country each day. In the United States, there are over 250,000 youths who are tried and sentenced as adults each year. The cases where children get tried as an adult usually involve serious charges or remarkable criminal history. Most juveniles being tried as adults end up being sentenced to life without parole. Life without parole means you would spend your whole life in prison. Some of these...
2 Pages 735 Words

John Proctor as a Tragic Hero

When someone's journey comes to an end, it is a tragedy. Many people want to carry a story with them after they have passed. Most people want to leave something memorable behind, people want to be seen as a good person, perhaps a hero. According to Aristotle, “A man doesn’t become a hero until he can see the root of his own downfall”. In ‘The Crucible’, written by Arthur Miller, John Proctor is seen as a tragic hero. While the...
1 Page 728 Words

Wondering if the Second Amendment Still Exists

Extreme gun control is a mistake in the United States because according to the Second Amendment, people of the United States have the right to bear arms. If people have additional gun restrictions, there will be more safety issues due to the fact that people cannot defend themselves, there will be hunting conflicts gun control is not about guns, it is about control. The foundation of our country was built on the right to own and control firearms. It only...
2 Pages 760 Words

The Maple Leaf Forever: A Symbol of Canadian Patriotism

The most common form of pride seen across the globe is national pride, patriotism for one’s motherland. Patriotism is the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a home and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment. This attachment can be a combination of many different feelings relating to one's home, including ethnic, cultural, political or historical aspects. ‘The Maple Leaf Forever’ made a great reemergence to honor the 150th anniversary of Canada. The song was...
2 Pages 763 Words

Argumentative Essay on Banning Cell Phones in the Workplace

Cell phones have become an integral part of our lives. With the development of technology and the advent of new social networking sites, people have been increasing attached to these tiny gizmos. It’s as if a part of them/ their extension that cannot be neglected and that has to be looked at every now and then. Actually, to say, there’s no fault in cell phones. They are just superbly created, excellently designed and perhaps the most extensively used gadget today....
2 Pages 761 Words

Mental Health Nursing Personal Statement

I first became passionate in pursuing a career in nursing when I was about fifteen years old. This was influenced by the fact that I spent a lot of time in the hospital either because I was admitted there, looking after my mother, or looking after a family member. The care that the nurses gave to people they barely knew was what inspired me. It left a vacuum in my heart that needed to be filled. The last time I...
2 Pages 768 Words

Reflections on Whether Video Games Affect People Badly

First video game which is ‘Tennis for Two’ made in 1958. Humankind invent first video games 62 years ago and still create a new video games. For this time video games become more popular and create a new topic, which is ‘Does video games affect people badly’. Violent With video games industry expansion a lot of game category created, one of them is violent games. There is concern among parents which is children who play violent video games. Children may...
1 Page 753 Words

Review of Orson Scott Card's 'Ender’s Game'

In ‘Ender’s Game’ by Orson Scott Card, we are introduced to a six-year-old genius, Ender Wiggin. For years, Ender has been forced to train at a battle school in space to become the destined savior of the galaxy. However, after going through the torturing years there, he’s come to realize that he has been tricked into becoming his brother; a killer. Training to become a commander and to soon save the world is riddled with mind-destroying manipulation. As the book...
2 Pages 775 Words

Link Between Video Games Violence and Mass Shooting

Last month, on earlier August of the 3 and the 4th there was two-mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio. On August 5th in the press conference, President Donald Trump said “This includes the gruesome and grisly video games that are now commonplace. It is too easy today for troubled youth to surround themselves with a culture that celebrates violence” (Romano). After the press conference, video games became the spotlight in the media. That will make video games...
2 Pages 742 Words

Fulfillment of the Preamble of the United States Constitution

The Articles of Confederation were an adequate beginning to how we create a union, and establishing order within our country. This Confederation style of government helped our nation persevere through the Revolutionary War and give hope to those coming out of the “Mad” King George’s ruling. However, soon after, it would need to be altered as it quickly lost its effectiveness and left our war torn states in the need of a new constitution. But the article that is most...
2 Pages 749 Words

Reflection on Whether Promotion Encourages Materialism

At present, many questions arise, while the promotion of various products makes us become materialistic. Advertisements promote materialism in several ways. The first is by creating new needs and desires among people. Advertisements also encourage people to compete with each other by purchasing more and better objects. Finally, advertisements often encourage consumers to replace their old possessions by purchasing the newest and best model. This fosters a ‘throwaway society’. Your business can oppose this materialism by offering products that are...
2 Pages 733 Words

A Man Loses His Faith

The Holocaust was the mass murder of six million Jews and millions of other people leading up to, and during, World War II. The killings took place in Europe between 1933 and 1945. They were organized by the German Nazi party which was led by Adolf Hitler. In Elie Wiesel’s ‘Night’, Wiesel is a little boy who gets taken from his home and put into a concentration camp. Wiesel meets Moishe the Beadle in Sighet, Romania in 1941. Elie was...
2 Pages 754 Words

The Role of Regulations During the Progressive Era in Boosting Overall Economic Performance

Regulations during the Progressive Era played a key role in helping the general economic performance. The Progressive Movement is associated with the way assessments concerning challenges facing the people were resolved. Government involvement was necessary for the reforms. During the Progressive era (about 1880 to 1930s), the ideology of justice begun taking hold. Members of the Progressive Movement supported the government’s regulations, policies and programs intended to address the problems of the time. An increasing government interference and interventions regulating...
2 Pages 736 Words

Analysis of Fatimah Chik's Islamic Artwork ‘Series Sejadah: Subuh’

The Malaysian contemporary Islamic arts artist that had been choose are Fatimah Chik. Fatinah Chik has earned a reputation, as one of Malaysia’s more significant middle-generation artists. During the late 1960s Fatimah Chik was trained initially as a textile designer at the MARA School of Art and Design in Kuala Lumpur. After she began doing an experiment about symbolic textile traditions of the southeast Asian region, she attempted to transplant the traditions craft-oriented influences onto new art forms, ore suited...
2 Pages 760 Words

Essay on Structural Unemployment and Its Solutions

The article is about the overall falling rate of unemployment in the United States which dropped to 3.9% or 6.3 million people. This means that 3.9% of Americans are actively looking for a job, but are unable to find work. Despite the United States’ unemployment rate falling to the lowest since 2000, the retail sector has not experienced much growth with only 1,800 out of the 164,000 jobs added. This creates socioeconomic costs: the loss of income which leads to...
2 Pages 726 Words

The Influence of Renaissance, Enlightenment and Romanticism on the Human Race from the Past to the Present

Throughout history, there have been significant time periods in which have influenced the human race from past to present. Three historically well know periods that influenced world civilization and history include Renaissance, Enlightenment, and Romanticism. This time periods all portray similar aspects of rule-breaking, and rebelling against past beliefs and traditions, and diminished the previous ways of living and viewing life. Though these movements all relate to rebelling, they all depict different contributions in changing aspects to society and basically...
2 Pages 745 Words
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