750 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Epidemiology Of Skin Cancer In Nambour

Epidemiology is the study of the spread and causes of health-related events such as disease, and the application of this study to the control the disease. It is a tool that public health authorities use to determine the cause of a disease and affected populations. Epidemiology can also assist in developing strategies to improve public health and evaluate the effectiveness of strategies in place to treat the disease. It is practiced through studies in which analysis data is performed allowing...
2 Pages 763 Words

Various Enzyme Preparations and Their Aspects

In the past 20 years, various enzyme preparations have been used in meat processing. The common points of enzyme preparations are: strong professionalism and can be carried out under mild conditions; low cost and energy consumption in processing; significant changes in meat properties and meat quality improvement; high production efficiency; No harmful ingredients remain in the meat. The usage of nine enzyme preparations for meat processing is introduced for reference. Transglutaminase Currently there is more production in Europe and the...
2 Pages 731 Words

It Takes Balls To Play Soccer

There's nothing more satisfying than a perfectly planned shot that swifts its way past the goalkeeper's defence. All of us are pretty much aware of the fact that this game is the most beloved one for over a century now. And nowadays even the digitalized version that is delivered to us in the form of video games is one of the most favourite ones for individuals. Therefore we have collected the best online football games that come without any costs...
2 Pages 743 Words

Factors Of Accident Contribution

The term accident is commonly accepted as an occurrence involving one or more transportation vehicles in a collision that results in property damage, injury, or death. The term accident also implies a random event that occurs for no apparent reason other than “it just happened” (Lester et al., 2010).\ A road accident is defined as an occurrence on the public or private road due to the negligence or omission by any party concerned (on aspect of road users conduct ,...
2 Pages 728 Words

The Factors That Affect The Enzyme Activity

Enzyme is a protein molecule that takes on a particular shape which enables them to speed up biochemical reactions within the organisms, therefore behaving as a catalyst. It can also be used in industrial and medical contexts. Bread making, cheese making and beer brewing all depend on the activity on enzymes, and enzymes can be inhibited if their environment is too acidic or too basic. The rate of action of an enzyme is highly dependent on many key variables, including...
2 Pages 774 Words

The Possibility Of Habitats On Venus

Venus’ surface is uninhabitable by humans for many reasons. Not only does Venus’ atmosphere contribute to the huge amounts of air pressure, over 90 times that of Earth’s, but the dense, mostly carbon dioxide atmosphere traps a ton of heat. This sends temperatures skyrocketing to around 467 °C, hot enough to melt lead [1]. Together, these factors crushed many probes sent to Venus, including the USSR’s Venera 3, which didn’t even survive long enough to send over a byte of...
2 Pages 771 Words

Gender Equity In Professional Sport

The state of sport in Australia has progressed much faster than many countries around the world. Gender equity is well on its way to being a major factor that influences Australian sport. The current situation with gender equity is that most women’s sport teams are not getting the recognition and/or support they need. To be able to be as successful as male sport teams, the women’s team need equal pay, funding, resources and airtime (includes advertisments and tv shows) Over...
2 Pages 733 Words

English Football During WW2

Football in the UK was affected substantially by World War 2 and British soldiers as a result were positively impacted by the Football War League Cup. Introduction Between the years 1939 and 1945, britain had been under attack and exhausted during World War Two. Cities had been destroyed and burnt to the ground, millions of lives were lost and many horrific events had occurred along the way. The nation wondered and struggled to find a solution to keep the morale...
2 Pages 747 Words

The Peculiarities Of Language In Shafana And Aunt Sarrinah

Language may be the words spoken, gestures, demeanour, visual or image. It is used to transfer the messages within the society. Culture is the understanding of people about the aspects such as traditions, customs and religions. While the identity is a person’s understanding about himself or herself and it is influenced by the culture. In the drama “Shafana and Aunt Sarrinah” written by Alana Valentine, language is used to highlight cultural identity in the aspects as power, conflict and cultural....
2 Pages 740 Words

Ikea's History, Legal Structure And Warranties

HISTORY The thought of owning his own business intrigued young Ingvar Kamprad, for at the age of six, in 1931, Kamprad began selling matches. But this idea/passion quickly grew as Kamprad learnt to bulk buy and resell the matches to earn a larger profit. As he grew older it expanded into selling flower seeds, all sorted cards, decorations and stationery. This passion stuck because in 1943 when Ingvar Kamprad turned 17, was given a gift from his father. This gift...
2 Pages 771 Words

Sociocultural Context Of Cashew Workers

The Portuguese introduced cashew trees to India in the 16th century in hopes to prevent soil erosion. (Lindberg, 2005). It was only until the 20th century the Indian market discovered its commercial value. Today, India is one of the world's largest producers and importers of raw cashew nuts. It is also the largest exporter of processed cashew nuts. The expanding global cashew markets provides an opportunity for the enhancement of small cashew farmer’s livelihood, and increases employment in the processing...
2 Pages 736 Words

Self Reflection On Social Justice Perspective

Social justice perspective has the aim to promote equity and equality while also impeding the nominalisation of marginalisation based on diversity. I identified that social justice issues at the individual level and in their primary form are usually accustomed through the “bandwagon”effect common in young adulthood social/group acceptance. This personal reflection on the social justice perspective in education system will be conveyed in three distinct segments. The first part is a critical reflection on the importance of a social justice...
2 Pages 761 Words

The Majesty Of Chinese Terracotta Warriors

I chose to research the Terracotta Warriors as I feel they open the gateway to many interesting events from Ancient China, including the reign of Emperor Qin, and are an interesting topic to study. The questions I chose seem to be the most logical and straight forward to answer my inquiry question. I expect there to be many resources such as books websites and photos on my artefact but there may be a few incorrectly written or biased secondary sources....
2 Pages 729 Words

Japanese Vs. Australian Dinging Manners

Japanese table manners are far more complex than Australia’s? It is common knowledge that Asian countries have very different ideology’s to Australia and Western countries. But how do us Australians eat compared with how the Japanese eat. While it’s quite common, in Australia, to completely disrespect basic table manners, in Japan it’s extremely frowned upon to be disrespectful at the dinner table. When I visited a very formal Japanese restaurant several weeks ago, the waiter spoke to us in Japanese...
2 Pages 770 Words

The Helicopter Parents Have Evolved

There are good parents, great parents and then there are parents that try too hard to be great and actually end up causing more harm than good. You have all probably heard about helicopter parents. They are essentially ‘hovering’ over their offspring’s every footstep, speech and action. Then there are permissive parents who always makes sure that the children ask them for permission before doing anything. And I mean anything. Let’s take the example of neighbor X down my road....
2 Pages 739 Words

Single Parenting And Finding Role Models In The Church

Introduction In this discussion, we highlighted the following points. First,, single parents, their positives, and negative`s attributes. Second lessons learn from Lydia and Eunice encounters. Third, according (Howitt and Smith) feasible guidelines for single parents and its impact in the lives of a parent and child. Lastly, discover role models for children especially in a church environment. These factors will be later discussed in detail. My Context I agree with (Howitt and Smith) they say, single parenting was not a...
2 Pages 734 Words

Does The Use Of Biofuels Such As Biodiesel And Ethanol Reduce Global Warming?

Since the industrial revolution, we have been using fossil fuels in the form of coal, crude oil, and natural gases to create energy through the process of combustion to be able to generate electricity, run vehicles, cook food, heat our homes and power industry and manufacturing. Fossil fuels are a product of decayed plant and animal matter, which take millions of years for this transformation to take place. However, as we rapidly changed the world with new technologies that became...
2 Pages 745 Words

Viruses: Definition, Activities And Transmission

Infections are minute creatures that exist wherever on earth. They can contaminate creatures, plants, organisms, and even microscopic organisms. Here and there an infection can cause an illness so savage that it is lethal. Other viral contaminations trigger no discernible response. An infection may likewise have one impact on one kind of creature, yet an alternate impact on another. This clarifies how an infection that influences a feline may not influence a canine. Infections fluctuate in multifaceted nature. They comprise...
2 Pages 750 Words

The Formulations Of Categorical Imperative Concept

An analysis of Kantian deontological is the second ethical framework that I apply to discuss this case study. According to Kantian, a proposed action is morally acceptable if when compared to two formulations of the Categorical Imperative, said action it is not prohibited. The first formulation of the Categorical Imperative dictates that everyone should “Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law” (Shaw & Barry, 2016, p.63-65)....
2 Pages 727 Words

History And Rules Of Badminton

History of badminton The name Badminton originates from Badminton House of the Duke of Beaufort in the English district of Gloucestershire. The hereditary bequest is currently better known for chasing and steed preliminaries, it is credited as the formal origin of the racquet sport. Yet, badminton's underlying foundations go back 1000's of years. It was concocted in India by Britishers. Sports played with racquets and a shuttlecock in all likelihood created in old Greece around two thousand years prior but...
2 Pages 758 Words

Too Much Salt Is Bad For You

Have you learned that salt is bad for you if you take too much up to this day? And do you know how much salt a human body needs in a single day for every meal. Mostly, Malaysians do not know how much to take with each meal due to lack of awareness in this matter. The adults often take up more than 6g which is the adult limit. Wherever adults have a healthy body but still need to control...
2 Pages 754 Words

The Significance Of The Flu Vaccination

2018 marked the 100-year anniversary of the influenza pandemic. This global illness infected one-third of the world’s population with the death rate numbering at least 50 million. Unfortunately, at that time science had not yet discovered vaccinations to help prevent viruses and the spread of the same. But what about today? This informative paper will discuss, in particular, the flu vaccine and the impact it can have on the older adult population. History of the Flu At the time of...
2 Pages 745 Words

Gene Editing And Its Ethical Issues

Genes, the very fabric which makes us who we are. What is Gene editing? This technology enables scientists to change or modify the DNA sequences in living organisms. Scientist may have gone to another but questionable level. Should we play as a Supreme Being by choosing our desirable characteristics and even so does this make it right? In this essay we will be discussing the ethical issue revolving around gene editing. Gene editing has been around for quite some time...
2 Pages 736 Words

Existentialism, Memory Theory, Body Theory, And The Soul Theory

Existentialism is a modern philosophical belief, or theory, that is positioned upon the study of existence and of the way human beings find themselves existing in the world. The concept is that humans exist first and then each individual spends a lifetime changing their essence or nature. If you take this into account, then by the philosophical theory of Existentialism alone, you can determine that this object, this mass of cells, is, in fact, a human being. In fact, the...
2 Pages 761 Words

Birth Control: For Or Against?

According to Sel’s study, the form of female “Birth control has been used since ancient times, but effective and safe methods of birth control only became available in the 20th century” (Sel 616). Although female contraceptives are good for young teens and many adults, contraceptives are not always easy for everyone to get ahold of if they don't have good health insurance or funds. Many forms of female birth control can be extremely pricey for a young teen that has...
2 Pages 742 Words

How Does A Lack Of Human Development Contribute To Criminal Behavior?

A criminal’s home can resonate with many different meanings. To understand a criminal, an individual must first understand their lifestyle. The origin of a crime can be nebulous, hence the fundamental importance of the criminal’s upbringing. Criminal tendencies distinctly tie to psychopathic or sociopathic personality traits. Underlying constituents could have triggered criminal behavior, provided that the criminal is not psychologically abnormal. People are not born criminals, a singular occurrence in their life could have guided them to this path. Internal...
2 Pages 747 Words

Grief And Covid-19

The Coronavirus pandemic has brought with it a new reality marked by great loss and grief. With social events such as weddings, meetings, family gatherings, and travelling cancelled or reduced to the minimum in the wake of the virus many people are feeling all alone. This is because individuals are no longer able to meet and socialize for fear of contracting the deadly virus and this is having a toll on them. Being confined at one place can be traumatizing...
2 Pages 742 Words

Building High Performing Teams Through Coaching

We can go writing many pages about the great benefits that any coaching program can bring to organizations. However, we will highlight in this section how coaching the teams can build high performance leading to better results. How often did we hear of competent individuals who cannot perform in teams? Team coaching programs come to put into effect the new belief of: things are better done together. It is through encouraging and enabling the team members to manage their own...
2 Pages 743 Words

Getting Rid Of The Mum Guilt

As a single mother of two, the mom guilt is an all-too-familiar feeling. From managing a clean house, teaching kids about my Ethiopian culture, helping them with their homework regularly and driving them after school while still trying to excel in my career and maintain my sanity at the same time. There are hundreds of mums out there who are also battling with this guilt. We feel guilty that we are not trying hard enough or that we are missing...
2 Pages 747 Words

Introduction To Chemical Kinetics

Chemistry deals with the conversion of substances into new substances through the formation and breakage of chemical bond. This conversion may happen at different speed. Some reaction happens instantaneously whereas some takes millions of years to happen. Reaction rates are of great importance. The feasibility of a chemical reaction particularly a commercial chemical process often depends on the reaction rate if the process is too slow it may not be suitable for commercial exploitation. It also relates, for example, what...
2 Pages 775 Words
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