800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Importance of Tris's Character in the Film 'Divergent'

In the film ‘Divergent’, directed by Neil Burger, an important character is Tris. Tris is an important character because of her bravery in overcoming the fears she had, her relationship with Four, and her stopping Jeanine because of her trying to overthrow Abnegation. Firstly, Tris is important because of her bravery which isn't the absence of fear, but you need the skills to overcome it, which she had. We see Tris being brave in war games and knife throwing. Tris...
2 Pages 803 Words

Essay about Importance of Local and Oral History

Oral histories in particular have been described as ‘the first shape of history’ in a kind of except a doubt huge way, which is extraordinarily significant. They’re the passing on of knowledge, reminiscence and trip through using phrase of mouth, besides a doubt surely contrary to famous belief, or so they in easy assignment thought. They can for the most section take the structure of something from folklore, myths and recollections surpassed from person to person, to a formal interview...
2 Pages 777 Words

Narrative Paper about the Film ‘Rashomon’

My narrative paper is on ‘Rashomon’, which is basically a flashback story from different angles on a man’s murder and rape of his wife. It is a psychological thriller with its share of twists and turns. It starts with two men at first who witnessed tragedies from different angles, which also ended up being told other stories by others involved. It’s a 1950’s movie directed by Akira Kurosawa, which have to this day have been reinterpretations of his films since...
2 Pages 778 Words

Signature Tunes and Their Symbolism in the Films ‘William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet’, and ‘Moulin Rouge!’

In the films ‘William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet’ and ‘Moulin Rouge!’ by Baz Luhrmann, the use of signature tunes between Romeo and Juliet, and Satine and Christian, is evident and can be observed by the viewer. In both films, the tunes are used to symbolize the characters’ escape into their forbidden romances. The signature tunes and their symbolism in both films will be discussed. Sequence 8 (where Romeo and Juliet meet for the first time at the fish tank) and...
2 Pages 789 Words

Essay about My Mother as One of the Most Important and Influential People in My Life

Unlike most people, I was not raised in a traditional white picket fence two parent household, but instead by my very own one-of-a-kind mother. No matter how difficult life becomes for me or how chaotic things become, I have always had one person to turn to: my mother. I can go to her for advice when I'm lost and lean on her for support when I'm sad. She accepts her children and will always love and support me unconditionally, regardless...
2 Pages 823 Words

Is a Decrease in the Unemployment Rate Necessarily a Good Thing for the Nation: Argumentative Essay

Unemployment is a term that everyone is familiar with, whether they have experienced it or someone they know has been unemployed. Unemployment is not a pretty term, usually it is a term that is frowned down upon by many people. Unemployment can lead to families having to live day by day on a paycheck. Unemployment can be due to many reasons like a layoff, illness, or a car accident. In Ashland, Kentucky there is two hospitals, one of which is...
2 Pages 789 Words

Impressions from the Opera ‘Don Giovanni’

In Act I, the opera’s focus is on a man called Don Giovanni who travels the world alongside his servant named Leporello. Don Giovanni loves to conquest women of all ages around the world, his servant Leporello is usually there by his side to assist on the conquest or fix his issues. In this story we come across Don Giovanni disguised trying to force Donna Anna but gets stopped by her father, the Commendatore, who gets killed by Don Giovanni....
2 Pages 777 Words

Analysis of Lucas Reilly's Article 'The Optimal Time to Dunk an Oreo, According to Science​'

In his article ‘The Optimal Time to Dunk an Oreo, According to Science​’, Lucas Reilly brings us a roundup of scientific research of just how long our cookie/biscuit should remain in the milk, including an actual physics equation and a university-approved chart. This piece of writing explores Washburn's/Fisher's equation, how the equation works, and how it benefits us as readers. For most readers, they may think the writer's purpose is to entertain us because of the purpose of the equation....
2 Pages 808 Words

Adolf Hitler Vs Nelson Mandela: Comparative Analysis

Adolf Hitler and Nelson Mandela are prominent people written in world history. Adolf Hitler was known for starting World War II, which resulted in the deaths of more than 50 million people. He is also responsible for the Holocaust, the state-sponsored killing of six million Jews. Nelson Mandela, on the other hand, will be remembered as a great leader who breaks apartheid (racial discrimination) in South Africa. The evident differences between these two leaders can be traced back as to...
2 Pages 822 Words

‘American Sniper’: Propaganda and Political Agendas

‘American Sniper’ is based and inspired by a book with the same title, as well as taken inspiration from stories by Chris Kyle. He was an American special forces sniper that became a legend across the UK and American media for being an unstoppable force. Chris Kyle’s story is mostly made into a propaganda tale of an ‘American hero’. He is desperate to fight for his country, taken down enemies and revenge on the Al-Qaeda after 9/11. ‘American Sniper’ is...
2 Pages 780 Words

Essay on 'Smoke Signals' and the Path to Self-Revelation of Its Main Character

In 'Smoke Signals', the hero, Victor Joseph, is tested to reclassify his self-idea and furthermore the convictions he has of his dad. The early introduction we get from Victor is that he has a terrible disposition. In any case, it is obvious that he is definitely not a bad person. We are given the inclination that he is somewhat lost and that he doesn't generally have the foggiest idea of what his identity is. The film takes us with Victor...
2 Pages 807 Words

What I Did This Summer: Essay

Essay Example #1 Everything in our life is fleeting, we are born and die, we love and suffer, we build relationships with the world around us and we are at the bottom of society, we are looking for the meaning of life and we cannot find it. I can name an endless list of the typical life of most people, but does it make any sense? Our life is monotonous in nature and often prescribed for us, in the very...
1 Page 806 Words

What Does It Mean to Truly Grow Up: Opinion Essay

Growing up in a military family is not always an easy feat. One thing that military “brats” share is a familiarity with moving and establishing new “homes”, often far across the country or even overseas. At a young age, one learns how to drop everything, say goodbye to friends after just getting to know them, and dutifully pack for the next assignment. Early on, children in military families face the inevitable overflow of values from their parents and surrounding environment....
2 Pages 782 Words

What Causes Students to Dropout of College: Essay

Public colleges and universities play a crucial role that can give a person the opportunity to unlock many doors which could eventually lead to higher education. Whether a college degree is kept or not, can be an important factor in determining a career path. Many high-paying vocations such as lawyers, doctors, and engineers require a degree. Without them, students might fall into low-paying jobs. Nevertheless, college is not without disadvantages. Unexpected bumps in the rod are often present in college...
2 Pages 778 Words

Essay on ‘The Great Gatsby’: Book Review

‘The great Gatsby’ published in 1925 by F. Scott Fitzgerald tells the story of Nick Carraway, who narrates the novel from his perspective. He is a young Yale graduate who rents a house in the West Egg. Upon moving to New York, he rents a house next door to the mansion of a millionaire, Jay Gatsby who hosts luxurious parties. Despite his lifestyle and fortune, Gatsby is unhappy and dissatisfied with his life and Nick finds out that long ago,...
2 Pages 803 Words

The Giver’ Dystopia: Critical Analysis Essay

Imagine a world where everyone is the same. Same house, same food, same clothes, and same beliefs. Individuality and freedom are stripped from each and every person and you would be killed in you thought any different. In Lois Lowry's novel, The Giver all of this is reality. They live in a world with no freedom or justice. The distinct set of rules that set out to make the community a utopia actually turned it into a dystopia seizing the...
2 Pages 802 Words

The Danger of a Single Story’: Summary Essay

As discussed in Chimamanda Adichie’s Ted-Talk titled the ‘Danger of a Single Story,’ the idea of continually promoting a singular story or narrative about a group of people is damaging to society as a whole because it perpetrates unjust stereotypes and warps peoples’ ideas of reality. During Adichie’s presentation, she explained that the single story of Africa as it was known by her European roommate during university caused her to unfairly associate Adichie with ideas of cultural inferiority; for example,...
2 Pages 783 Words

Texting and Driving: Argument Essay

Distracted use is an exercise where the driver takes his eyes off the avenue and diverts his or her attention. Distracted riding consists of texting, using a cell phone, ingesting or drinking, reading, speaking to passengers, searching the GPS, etc. When people are using they need to focal point on the road, their lifestyles are in their palms when driving. It`s a public tutorial almost everybody has carried out while driving. I have gone to faculty with someone who received...
2 Pages 776 Words

Symbolism in ‘The Garden of Earthly Delights’ by Hymernius Bosch

“Give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I care not whether they be clergymen or laymen, they alone will shake the gates of Hell and set up the kingdom of Heaven upon Earth.”(Brainy Quotes) The concept of heaven, earth, and hell can be very contrasting. Ideas differ depending on religion, geographical location, and the culture you are surrounded by. In 1505, Hieronymus Bosch created The Garden of Earthly Delights. Hieronymus Bosch...
2 Pages 825 Words

Should Community Service Be Required to Graduate: Essay

Community service is not just a term, but a chance in life to devote one's time to helping others and making a difference in society; and thus, a better place to live for all. There are millions of organizations around the world that connect and maintain millions of young people around the world. College students should be required to complete community service before graduation. By mandating all college students across the United States of America to apply community services to...
2 Pages 793 Words

Representation of Flawed Justice System in ‘12 Angry Men’

I often wonder what it would be like to live in a world where racism, violence, and injustice don’t exist. A world where everyone, no matter the race, can live in harmony without war, bombings, murder, or any other form of prejudice. I firmly cling to the belief that we are all equal beings. Beings who desire to love and be loved, dream and hope about the future, and want to feel safe and wanted. What if racial integration could...
2 Pages 789 Words

Informative Essay about Procrastination

Defined as unnecessarily delaying tasks that need to be completed, procrastination has been seen as an impediment to academic performance as it decreases the quality of learning while aggravating levels of stress and negatively affecting the lives of students. The contemporary challenge of procrastination and the lack of motivation faced by university students are often understood as wicked problems adversely impacting study habits. According to Jafari, Aghaei, and Khatony (2019), study habits are the most valuable predictor of academic performance,...
2 Pages 777 Words

Essay about Origin of My Family

The term family of origin influences refers to how current relational experiences and interaction patterns reflect. (Galvin). Looking at my own family of origin, I really wanted to create my adult family the same way as mine when I was growing up. My parents had a great relationship never arguing or unhappy, it seems like the perfect family. Even though I wanted to create mine the same way or at least close to it. My own personal family origin took...
2 Pages 783 Words

Management Lessons in ‘12 Angry Men’

1. Enumerate the management lessons learned from 12 Angry men 12 angry men is a courtroom movie. In purpose, it is a crash course in those passages of the constitution that promise defendants a free trial and the presumption of innocence. It has a kind of stark simplicity. In this movie, we could get lessons related to management like without analyzing the problems and facts we should not take a decision. It is a perfect portrayal of how people act...
2 Pages 806 Words

Influence of Religion on Indian Art: Essay on Shiva Nataraja

Unknown Artist, Shiva Nataraja, Art of Asia, India 11th century. Bronze material 34 ½ * 28 ¼ * 9 ¾ in. Dallas Art Museum, Dallas, TX. Formal Analysis The time when I entered the Dallas Museum of art, I was so amazed by their artwork and paintings. It was tough work to choose one subject for my art paper, but there was one sculpture that caught my eye; it was Nataraja of Shiva (11th century) from Ancient Southeastern Art located...
2 Pages 816 Words

Influence of Art and Religion on the Character of Asher Lev by Chaim Potok

In My Name is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok, the main character, Asher, is born a Hasidic Jew with devoted religious parents. Since childhood, he was placed in a difficult situation where he was torn between following his religious views or pursuing his passion for art. Being a Hasidic Jew means abiding by the Torah and adhering to the lifestyle it suggests. Jews are strictly prohibited from drawing figures, yet Asher still became absorbed in the artistic realm. Despite the...
2 Pages 795 Words

Impact of Religion on Art in Ancient Greece

Classical Greece was a period where war and conflict thrived, between the Greeks and the Persians to the Athenians and Spartans. Throughout this time the religious culture in Greece flourished. The Ancient Greeks were fixated on gods and goddesses which shaped their culture including drama, art, and architecture. Art pieces often resembled images of these gods and goddesses. Whilst there were many plays produced entailing the stories of gods and religion were represented in architecture through the designs and locations...
2 Pages 817 Words

Essay on Technology in the Classroom

In our day and age, technology is a predominant feature in our everyday lives so it’s no wonder that technology has made a debut in the classroom. Tablets are replacing our textbooks, and we can research about anything we want on our smartphones. Social media has become the most common place for students to socialize, and how we use technology has completely transformed how we live our lives, but is technology in classrooms all that good? In short, yes and...
2 Pages 799 Words

Essay on Teaching as a Profession

In this 21st century, a teacher should adopt a new approach toward the students so that they are updated with today's tools and technology. When the students utilize everything that is important in today's world then the students will be able to live and prosper in today's economy as well they could be more productive in the future. What am I trying to say is in a teacher's professional journey, he or she will be a guide for the student's...
2 Pages 816 Words

Essay on Contemporaneous Trader

Using the study conducted for a period of 5 years from January 2005 to January 2010 (Tripathy, 2010) investigates the relationship between stock trade volume and volatility of stock returns. The objective of the study is achieved by utilizing financial tools such as ARCH, GARCH, EGARCH, TARCH, PGARCH, and Component ARCH models. The investigation demonstrates that the forecast of stock return volatility can be enhanced by the utilization of the current news regarding the volume of trade. Also (Tripathy, 2010)...
2 Pages 787 Words
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