Jazz Concert Review

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Music is one of the most powerful resources of expression for me. Through music, my feelings can be transformed from happiness to melancholy. Different feelings and different manifestations can also be induced by resources through music. Music plays an important role in my life by being a lovely factor in individual progress. Music makes me escape from everyday life, through works created within the scope of relaxing, and through music, I can access peace. Music is the most beautiful sound present in my life and is the purest and most delicate art for me. That is why music will always be important in my life because if I have to think, without music I cannot have fun at parties so practically music is one of the things I cannot live without. Most of the time, when I am angry I feel the need to listen to music, or especially when I am happy the music is always present. A good song is one that gives me lyrics that I can feel and murmur every time. Music helps me get rid of melancholy feelings and when I feel alone music is with me. I sing both when I am in a good or bad mood. I don't have any preferences in music, but one of my favorite styles of music is jazz. The first time I listened to jazz was when I was at a restaurant with my boyfriend. There was a live band playing. It was at that time, I discovered my passion and pleasure to listen to jazz. It was a wonderful and pleasant sound of music. I felt very impressed with the music. I will never forget that experience. I have listened to the tracks on the CD Orange Blue Sky and I have enjoyed this CD. I felt great and I understood that jazz is a part of my life.

Stolen Moments - is a jazz type of music. This song starts very slowly with an alto, and tenor and they integrate baritones, saxophones, trumpets, piano, bass, and drums. It is a blues song. When I listened to the song Stolen Moments song makes me feel relaxed and tranquil. I heard a pleasant sound that makes me feel better and more comfortable. This song reminds me of times when I have been peaceful.

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Teach Me Tonight - this song starts with piano and guitar. The song is a ballad that makes people forget their worries and cares. “Teach me tonight” mixes the themes of school and love. This song is peaceful, calm, and cool.

Orange Colored Sky - the song is very popular. This song used instruments such as piano, bass, guitar, trumpet, saxophone, and drums. The timbre is heavy and at the same time light. This is an incredible song with a high tone but calms at the same time. The singer‘s voice is very calming and when I listened to this song it took me to the gloom of melancholy.

Does Anybody Know What Time Is? - Is it a song by a rock band? It is not a very complicated song. The form for this song is free. This song uses instruments such as trumpet, electric guitar, piano, bass, drums, tenor saxophone, and three voices. When I listened to this brilliant song It sounded amazing.

Tea For Two - when I listened to this song, I felt like I was in a movie. It is really different than the other songs on the CD. Instruments are mixed with each other. I felt very impressed with this song. This song has a major tonality and a relative harmonic progression. I felt very relaxed when I listened to this brilliant song.

Dear Ella - this song is very calm and relaxed. When I listened to this song, I felt very peaceful and relaxed. This vocal jazz ensemble transmitted only pleasant feelings and sentiments of love. When I listened to this song I imagined my childhood and I remembered the anniversary celebration of my parents.

Oops - this is the most rhythmic and energetic song. The texture of this song is monophonic. When I listened to this song it reminded me of the feelings of romance and first love.

I listened to this CD with big pleasure and inspiration. These tracks transmitted their passion and excitement to me. I had the big pleasure to listen to these precious and talented singers. I have tremendous gratitude for the director of the vocal jazz ensemble Lapierre. In my opinion, Lapierre is the best and has the ability to promote talented and beautiful things about jazz music. This CD includes many instruments such as saxophone, guitar, banjo, piano, trumpet, and piano. When I listened to these songs, I remembered the first dance with my boyfriend in the restaurant. I love how music can take me back to good times and charming memories. I recommend

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Jazz Concert Review. (2023, April 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/jazz-concert-review/
“Jazz Concert Review.” Edubirdie, 21 Apr. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/jazz-concert-review/
Jazz Concert Review. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/jazz-concert-review/> [Accessed 9 Sept. 2024].
Jazz Concert Review [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Apr 21 [cited 2024 Sept 9]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/jazz-concert-review/

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