Critical Reflection Essay Examples

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Linking Theory To Practice

Critical reflection involves a reasoning process which allows us to make an understanding of our own experiences (Smith, 2011). It is acknowledged in previous literature that critical reflection is important regarding education to support professional development and improve

Critical reflection is a reasoning process in order to make ...

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The central focus of this critical reflection will be on my own experiences with gender and identity. I will aim to critically reflect on how my experience interacts with the following aspects such as religion, class, age, and race. While also drawing on my own experience using theorists such as Butler, Steph Lawler, Bell Hooks. I will be addressing the following point- Feminism in a cultural home. We must first understand 'Gender' and 'Sexual identities'. With both Gender and Sexual...
3 Pages 1194 Words
Introduction Draw to the field On an individual level, Liz McGlynn Bellamy writes about her draw to librarianship, as well as her journey of understanding more than just the theory and practical knowledge she was learning in library school, but rather the “underlying purposes propelling” her “to act in the first place” (McGlynn Bellamy, 2015). McGlynn Bellamy also writes that librarianship is more than practical tasks, “it does have theory behind it; our actions have purpose” (McGlynn Bellamy, 2015). This...
4 Pages 1648 Words
Humans are naturally social and interactive beings who fundamentally need social contact. During a certain period of their lives, humans are faced with feelings of isolation due to the lack of social connectedness. The purpose of this paper is to explore the concept of isolation and to understand how the Man in Blue exhibits a clear understanding of this concept. This paper overviews an artist named Francis Bacon who paints his experiences with depression allowing others to envision his struggle...
1 Page 683 Words
When applying at James Cook University for a Bachelor of Secondary Education I had to explain why I wanted to become a teacher. At the time that I submitted my application, my response was “Through school, I was fortunate enough to be exposed to some excellent teachers that were brilliant at what they did, people I aspire to and developed from both academically and personally. The inspiration to become a teacher is the drive that I could be that person...
3 Pages 1430 Words
David Hume’s work, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, questions the principle upon which inductive knowledge is formed. Hume brainstorms on many subjects concerning knowledge in which he appears to attack fake knowledge. The work is divided into twelve sections in which Hume tackles different but correlating aspects of knowledge. He believes that the paper is a correction of his earlier publication. The following article seeks to critique Hume’s argument of skeptical doubts concerning the operations of the understanding discussed in...
2 Pages 1091 Words
Critical Reflection plays a significant role in social work, when practicing social work, it is important to reflect on new but also old experience for present and future learning. In Gardner’s Being Critically Reflective: Engaging in Holistic Practice she writes a section called ‘Theoretical Underpinnings’ which talks about the four theories that both Jan Fook and she ‘use the primary underpinning blocks for critical reflection (Fook and Gardner, 2007). Gardner (2014) also mentions that psychodynamic and narrative approaches are also...
4 Pages 1824 Words
Reflective practice is a process that practitioners undertake to encourage self-development and professional growth (Galea, 2012). To aid reflection, practitioners may use reflection models such as the Discroll Cycle (Discroll, 2007), Gibbs’s Reflective Cycle (Gibbs 1988), Schon’s Model of Reflective Practice (Schon, 1983) and Johns’s Model for Structured Reflection (Johns, 2006). This essay will demonstrate my reflectional skills using Johns’s Model for Structured Reflection (2006) as a guide. I will use my experiences over my placement hours within a year...
5 Pages 2334 Words
This review of the literature has led me to my research question. “Knowing that motivation, growth mindset, and expectations link to success, how can teachers integrate early opportunities for success into units of work to build confidence whilst also encouraging self-reflection? I feel that this question is particularly relevant to my setting as I perceive a lack of resilience and high expectations as a key barrier to success in my pupils. The studies I have considered have allowed me to...
5 Pages 2438 Words
During Current Topics in Marketing, Kristof Bossuyt gave an insightful and inspiring guest lecture about building brands in digital media. During this lecture, Mr. Bossuyt explained four pitfalls for marketing managers creating and transforming their brand in the digital age. These pitfalls included: selecting the right channels, believing in viral fairytales, not starting and continuing the conversation, and seeing digital as an add-on to traditional campaigns and offline content. Even though these pitfalls form applicable guidelines for students when pursuing...
4 Pages 1775 Words
Introduction Communication has been suggested to be a factor in establishing effective relationships between clinicians and patients (Pizzari et al., 2002). Additionally, poor clinician-patient communication may contribute to poor treatment adherence, which in turn can lead to adverse patient health outcomes (Safran et al. 1998; Wilson et al. 2007). Previously in physiotherapy studies, patients who had a positive relationship with their physiotherapists felt more inclined to attend their clinic appointments and complete their rehabilitation activities during these sessions (Pizzari et...
7 Pages 3093 Words
The author intends to explain how the character rejects his mental state and appreciation of mortality. The character of ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ exhibits signs of mental issues through a series of events described by the author. In the short story, the narrator doubts his sanity from the beginning. He says, “…but why will you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses – not destroyed – not dulled them”. From the statement, it is evident that he...
1 Page 669 Words
The practice of marking a wall to record and communicate traces back to the hieroglyphs of Ancient Egypt, though in the modern day, it resembles more so the “tags” of New York that trace all the way back to the 1960’s. Today, these markings are considered street art or graffiti depending on their message. A common misconception within the community is that the terms graffiti and street art may be used interchangeably, however I find that to not necessarily be...
2 Pages 974 Words
Having read and annotated the following article, The Trouble with (the Term) Art, by Carolyn Dean it is safe to say that the main idea of this essay is to address how the term art is not being used when describing object that date back centuries. This mostly has to do with Europeans describing their art as art and non- western artifacts as “primitive” Everything being unearthed is not being considered “art”. They are using a term to exclude these...
2 Pages 761 Words
In the thought-provoking essay "Hip Hop Planet" by James McBride, the author takes readers on a journey to explore the global influence and cultural significance of hip hop. McBride's essay, published in National Geographic in 2007, provides a comprehensive overview of the impact of hip hop as a cultural phenomenon. The essay begins with McBride's personal experience as a musician and journalist, explaining how he initially dismissed hip hop as a passing trend. However, as he delves deeper into the...
1 Page 461 Words
In the previous eras of football, talent, and physicality were the only criteria used to rate a player. But in this current football era, to be an outstanding footballer one requires more than just talent and physicality to flourish. For a footballer to be outstanding in this football era, he or she is required to be good on and off the pitch. He or she has to possess or master several skills in order to be considered outstanding in this...
2 Pages 1053 Words
The topic of contrast has been key to U.S. women's liberation since the commencement of ladies' development in the United States. At the point when Sojourner Truth, a dark lady, strolled into the predominately white Women's Convention in Akron, Ohio in 1851, three years after the main Women's Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, New York, jaws dropped. Not a sound could be heard. The truth was a monumental lady. She stood nearly 6 feet tall and bore the scars of...
3 Pages 1207 Words
From the energetic chants on the sidelines to the intricate stunts and routines, cheerleading has always been more than just a sport to me — it's a passion that ignites my spirit and a community that I cherish deeply. As I envision myself taking on the role of a cheer captain, it's not just the thrill of leading the cheers that excites me, but the opportunity to elevate our team's spirit, unity, and performance to new heights. In this essay,...
2 Pages 695 Words
“Being black in U.S. society means always having to be prepared for antiblack actions by whites – in most places and at many times of the day, week, month, or year. Being black means living with various types of racial discrimination from cradle to grave” (Feagin, 167). Racial discrimination is still happening today and is currently affecting the life chances and life situations of the minorities in the United States that have witnessed discrimination. So, that is when we ask...
3 Pages 1286 Words
In the United States, there are many unjust laws that lead to social inequality. In today's world, wage inequality has grown over the past 30 years, which creates many problems for people. Currently, minimum wage workers don’t make enough money to sustain a comfortable life. In the article ‘Serving in Florida’, the author Barbara Ehrenreich decided to do a research assignment by working a series of low-paying jobs and wanted to see how it felt like working with minimum wage...
1 Page 415 Words
The argument about the existence of a sexual double standard among adolescent teens, both sexually permissive and not, is a widely studied topic in psychology. First, on the side supporting the existence of a double standard, their study used both ethnographic research and survey methods. Using a sample group of teens across the nation, they measured sexual behavior and its consequences on social status quantitatively. Research suggests that popularity in social situations is correlated positively with certain characteristics and prosocial...
2 Pages 1078 Words
The Personal and Professional Skills module is based on skills we have already learned and ones that we can develop in the future. The module has encouraged me to explore and reflect on my own skills and attributes and understand the skills and attributes needed to work in early years setting. There are many aspects of learning that I have gained in the personal and professional skills module. But one aspect I find most interesting is mindsets. Towards learning everyone...
2 Pages 909 Words
J.D. Vance was born in Jackson, KY, the county seat of Breathitt County. His family had to make the choice of whether to stay in the hills and try to make a living or to move north to find work. Vance’s mother, Bev, was in and out of many relationships, and marriages which all crumbled due to her personal instability. She was also addicted to painkillers, so the real stability in his life was provided by his grandparents, known to...
3 Pages 1488 Words
When it comes to comparing and contrasting the Greek and Christian views of the artist, it is understood that they are on different sides of the spectrum. Although there are some similarities between the two, Greek art holds a humanistic view while art from a Christian standpoint showcases man’s expression of God’s beauty. Biblical scripture clearly states the responsibility of artists in creation and how art should and should not be used. Understanding both the Greek and Christian views of...
2 Pages 1061 Words
For this assignment, there are three articles that need to be reviewed no matter what field it is. So, the first article that I chose is Effectiveness of Google Classroom as a Digital Tool in Teaching and Learning: Students’ Perceptions. This article is written by Iliyasu Hussaini, Sawida Ibrahim, Bashir Wali, Ibrahim Libata, and Usman Musa who are from the Faculty of Education, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero. The aim of this study is to evaluate the...
3 Pages 1578 Words
The story enacts the theme of bondage and freedom at its best. Physical bondage is represented through Philip's club foot, economic bondage through his dependence on his uncle, and religious bondage is presented through religious restrictions and compulsions at the vicarage and in the church at Blackstable. Philip's love affair with Mildred represents the bondage of sexual passion. Philip has to struggle hard to break these bondages and be a free man. Finally, he does break them and gets freedom....
2 Pages 929 Words
What are human experiences? Well, people have different definitions of what a human experience is. In my opinion, a human experience is when someone does something that could be good as it could be bad, and by doing something they can learn if they should do it again or if it was a bad idea and not to repeat it again. A human experience also includes mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical characteristics of human life. The two texts that will...
1 Page 499 Words
“Is the manufacture of products that contain micro-beads ethical?” My understanding of ethics after going through my lecture notes and the lecture slides, is that ethics is what’s good for businesses, individuals, society, and the environment. Based on this understanding as well as my own beliefs of pollution, I believe that the production of products that contain microbeads is not ethical. I believe this as these tiny synthetic particles are negatively impacting the environment more each day and will continue...
1 Page 441 Words
The impulse towards realism is generally seen as a dominant feature of Victorian fiction as it was a movement that deviated from idealistic romantic fiction and portrayed real-life events and situations accurately. In this essay, I will analyze how realism is a dominant feature to a certain extent in Charles Dicken's “Great Expectations” and compare it to the minor realism illustrations in the “Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde. Furthermore, I will argue that psychological realism is depicted in...
4 Pages 1853 Words
Before this class, my personal views of literature consisted of my entire school life. Growing up and having the privilege of being able to attend school to obtain an education, I was introduced to the different types of literature at a young age. However, I was not able to fully appreciate it, seeing as how I did not have the capabilities back then to thoroughly analyze and comprehend the texts. English was always my favorite subject in school so writing...
3 Pages 1430 Words
My main objective for this paper is to explore how tattoos can have a big impact on the Samoan tribe. The overreaching inquiries of this research resemble questions posed in a tattoo research project in the Samoan environment: How does a tattoo have such a significant meaning to the people of the Samoan tribe? In what way does it reflect both their faith and culture? Researching these questions will help us better understand the connection of a tattoo to an...
2 Pages 907 Words
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