Why Do I Matter: Reflective Essay

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What matters to you? It’s one of those riddles a kindergartner is sure they can sincerely answer, and one that adults think they can logically answer. I, however, am a teenager stuck awkwardly between simplicity and logic, and so my dilemma becomes evident. Is it my feelings or my actions that matter? Is it what I do for myself or others that matters? This very question has led me down a path of reflection that I will follow to find what has, does, and will matter to me.

As I trekked through the depths of my heart, mind, and years of life, I found a thread that was common in three fundamental pieces of my life: my family, my faith, and my country. And I realized this very string that sewed my existence together was my education. Socrates defines education as “the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel”. I wholeheartedly agree. What matters most to me is my flame. The thing is, the tinder that other people in my life have piled is what makes my flame truly blaze. The burning passion my English teacher has for reading is an inspiration to me in furthering my comprehension. While every muscle in my body physically burns, my swimming coach lights a candle of determination that has shaped me mentally. My grandfather’s lesson of always having undying faith through times of war has taught me the importance of taking advantage of opportunities and constantly being grateful. Glancing out of the bus window, staring at all the beautiful faces before me, has reminded me of how diverse my country is, which has ignited my sense of duty to Australia.

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My flame is now tall enough to reach the very question I asked at the beginning. Selfishly, this flame matters to me because I matter. I believe the reason I matter is because I will matter. I believe that what I can teach and who I can inspire will change someone’s world. It matters to me because it will matter to someone else. Frankly, through my flame, I have learned that no action or word goes without impact. Through experience, I have learned that it can take very little action to change another person's life. Helping the old woman cross the road, donating money to the poor, or even something as mundane as putting litter in the bin can matter.

So, what does matter to me? I matter. You matter. Everybody matters because they have the potential to matter. Everybody has a flame inside themselves; something that binds all aspects of themselves together. With this flame, you and I can change the world every time we do anything.

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Why Do I Matter: Reflective Essay. (2024, January 30). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-do-i-matter-reflective-essay/
“Why Do I Matter: Reflective Essay.” Edubirdie, 30 Jan. 2024, edubirdie.com/examples/why-do-i-matter-reflective-essay/
Why Do I Matter: Reflective Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-do-i-matter-reflective-essay/> [Accessed 16 Sept. 2024].
Why Do I Matter: Reflective Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Jan 30 [cited 2024 Sept 16]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-do-i-matter-reflective-essay/

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