Loneliness essays

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We are more connected than ever before, yet we somehow feel more isolated. We have the ability to reconnect with our high school classmates and talk to our heroes on social media, yet we feel that we have fewer intimate connections than the generations before us. And it’s not just ...

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Loneliness is an inevitable part of lifestyles, which many people war with. It is an emotional response to a lack of companionship and verbal exchange with others, which has a huge effect in a single’s normal conduct. Some impacted individuals can also try to stop their loneliness; others come to be hopeless and bitter. The topic of loneliness is supplied in John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men. The novel Of Mice and Men portrays loneliness as a complicated emotion that...
2 Pages 954 Words
At the beginning of the book Frankenstein, there was some foreshowing on how Victor dislikes ugly people. When Victor decided to create a monster out of dead human and animal parts he didn’t think about how hideous it would be. When he created the monster it was so ugly that he abandoned the monster which made the monster very lonely. The monster became evil after he was abandoned. Dementia and depression are linked to loneliness. Being lonely can get worse...
1 Page 633 Words
Loneliness has gradually become more prevalent today than it has in the past. Loneliness is harmful to have because of the negative health effects, how hard it is to overcome and how loneliness has no boundaries. It is time to become aware of what loneliness can do to an individual, what someone can do to destroy the feelings of loneliness and who can be affected by it. Loneliness has shown to have negative side effects to physical and mental health....
2 Pages 1035 Words
Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, are some of the many means of communication that people have in the twenty-first century. Although these social media platforms make it very easy for people to interact with one another, I make it so that people are close to each other but alone at the same time. If people are talking to each other on social media it does not mean they are not lonely, in fact, social media can make...
3 Pages 1179 Words
Have you or a loved one ever felt all alone in the world? In truth, we all do sometimes, and it isn't always easy to overcome those feelings. When you're going through difficult times and feel there's no one to turn to for support, it's hard to know what to do or where to go. Humans are considered social creatures by nature. People long for connection with others and want to be loved or accepted. It's ok to have these...
2 Pages 1053 Words
How many times in my own experience has this chilling killing feeling of loneliness come to strangle me as well? I can't get away from it no matter what I do. Sundays, or long evenings, can be the loneliest times since everyone is busy with something else. How could I not feel angry, miserable, and forlorn, since options for socialization are limited by a physical disability? Even if someone is not hindered by a disability, he may find himself in...
2 Pages 910 Words
The feeling of loneliness is an inevitable part of life, one of which many people struggle with. “People who are lonely often crave human contact, but their state of mind makes it more difficult to form connections with other people” (Cherry). The feeling of loneliness is hard to overcome, those who have the willpower will eventually make it out of that state of mind becoming a better version of themselves but when you get stuck in that mindset it causes...
3 Pages 1239 Words
The American Dream is spoken about in the Declaration of Independence: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. In the novel Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, the American Dream is shown as dead and unreachable. One of the characters in the novel is Crooks’ and his dream is to have full rights and to be equal to anyone who is white. Crooks' dream was unattainable because he was discriminated against by his race, his disability, and his loneliness. Crooks...
1 Page 616 Words
Many of the characters in Of Mice and Men appear to be “lonely” to an extent, although, the theme of loneliness is extremely noticeable in Crooks, Candy, and Curley's wife. These three characters all can be related together because they are all similar in that they are the same type of lonely, a physical lonely. Objective loneliness refers to the physical state of being alone or socially isolated. Subjective loneliness, on the other hand, refers to the feeling of being...
2 Pages 939 Words
Literature and Sports Essay: “You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.” (Wayne Gretzky). Sports can be seen as an important aspect of people’s culture in life. This is seen in all the novels that we have looked at throughout the course. Two books that have sports as an important part of culture are The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner and Fever Pitch. The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner shows running as a culture in Smiths' life as...
5 Pages 2064 Words
Loneliness is drowning in a sea or being lost in a crowd of people ‘your so-called friends’; it is believing that you are worthless to anyone or anything. Loneliness is misfortune; it’s hardship and heartbreak. Loneliness is terror; there’s no freedom to it. Loneliness is infinite wonder about infinite wondering. Loneliness is an awful paradox. High school, it’s a time of laughter, fun, and of course stress; lots of it. It’s a time you spend with your friends. I have...
2 Pages 968 Words
“Loneliness” harbors a mostly negative connotation: alienation. Because of this connotation, we do not automatically associate one gaining self-respect through loneliness. However, Charlotte Brontë’s masterpiece Jane Eyre disproves this initial thinking through the characterization of the strong-willed protagonist Jane Eyre– isolated her whole life figuratively and literally– and the book chronicles her maturation through adolescence to adulthood. This isolation though compels her to understand her self-worth, her value, an idea foreign to many women in the context of the time...
2 Pages 830 Words
Humans are social animals. Having a relationship with others is one of the most important and enjoyable aspects of the lives of people. Relationships and social interactions have a big role and impact on our psychological well-being and happiness. On the other hand, isolation from other people is sometimes exercised by parents, teachers, and prison officials as a form of punishment to give someone a lesson. Withdrawing oneself around people to have alone time is not a bad thing. Perhaps,...
3 Pages 1564 Words
Attention Grabber: Everyone feels lonely from time to time when we have no one to sit next to at lunch, when we move to a new city, or when nobody has time for us at the weekend. However, over the last few decades, this occasional feeling has become chronic for millions. Introductory Remarks: In the UK, 60% of 18 to 34-year-olds say they often feel lonely. In the US, 46% of the entire population feels lonely regularly. We are living...
2 Pages 1145 Words
Literary works serve to trigger more thinking of several timeless questions by transcending their settings and lending themselves to more generic universal realities and meanings. As such, readers can take away many messages and values from a novel that was written more than a century ago and reflect on our contemporary world, which is the case with Mary Shelley’s thriller novel “Frankenstein”. The novel serves to shed light on the potential dangers of excessive unguided knowledge and probes the influence...
3 Pages 1575 Words
Aging or what we also refer to as getting older is a inevitable journey for almost everyone and this means we will all need some assistance at some point down that road. What happens is we enter a dependency stage towards the end of our life due to the fact that our bodies and mind go through changes that make it harder for us to be alone. There are many persistent myth surrounding aging and one of those is that...
4 Pages 1682 Words
In his book, on becoming human, Vanier mentions the concept of loneliness. He went to different communities and various psychiatric hospitals to look at different cases that would help him understand the true meaning of loneliness. One of these cases is of a child named Eric. Vanier met him in a mental hospital, which was about forty kilometers away from L’arche communities, in the year 1977. This was a small town named Trosly, in France (with whom Vanier spent numerous...
2 Pages 693 Words
Both Virginia Woolf’s Kew Gardens and Katherine Mansfield’s Miss Brill use various techniques in their texts to explore the existential experience of individuals. Kew Gardens is centered around a series of small but significant moments in the magnificent botanical London garden called Kew Gardens. Woolf explores the themes of passion, desire, love, and regret by introducing the reader to four families as they wander around the garden and stop to admire the flowerbed. Aside from the flowerbed, the narration does...
4 Pages 1728 Words
Natasha Matilda Smith shows an exhibition installation in which the gallery presents itself as a sort of meta-space, through the intentional employment of obvious conceptual metaphors connected to the bedroom. The gallery illustrates an artist’s bedroom. A space exists as both a psychological extension and material manifestation of her empirical reality with romance, sexual intimacy, and social anxiety. Her works are conceived and imagined in her bedroom, including short essays, audio-visual components, and romantic portraits. There is also a love-shaped...
2 Pages 1052 Words
‘Cathedral’ is a beautiful and elegant story by Raymond Carver. Despite the simple and gruff prose, the story discusses the complex nature of alienation. It is a story of a man becoming something he was not at the beginning of the narrative. This is also a self-analysis of Carver about the meaning of his own life. Carver was born poor and considered himself to be unrefined and simple. He grew up feeling estranged from the world around him. This is...
1 Page 678 Words
As a wise person once said, shopping is cheaper than a therapist. Is that statement actually truthful though? Every year thousands, maybe even millions, of Americans fall into the dangerous cycle of materialism due to loneliness. Buying unnecessary and trivial products hoping that they will make their life just a little bit better. Later on, they realize the purchase of those items only gives a short, fleeting feeling of satisfaction. As the high they experience from the purchase dies down,...
3 Pages 1231 Words
Mrs. X repeatedly stated when I was interviewing her how she was grateful and lucky for the support she has at home whilst still living on her own and having independence. She said about her neighbors who check in on her, a son and daughter in law who lived nearby and who she sees regularly, as well as two daughters who ring her often. This made me think about patients who may not be as ‘lucky’, who live alone, may...
3 Pages 1526 Words
Loneliness is one of the most horrible feelings in the world. The definition of Loneliness is, the sadness because one has no friends or company.A profound part of what contributes to the feeling of loneliness is a lack of emotional connection with others. Loneliness has the power to cloud one's behavior, and ultimately changing him or her as a person. In “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck, Steinbeck makes his theme of loneliness clear in his story through the...
1 Page 481 Words
A major problem and issue with today's world is loneliness and the many ways it can be cultivated by society. John Steinbeck explores this idea in his historical fiction novel, Of Mice and Men through three different characters that show three different literary elements of loneliness. These characters live on a farm in Soledad and each one is discriminated by others based on their unchangeable characteristics . Steinbeck uses them to show the struggle of being looked down upon by...
2 Pages 889 Words
Written in the mid 1900s, Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger is a classic American text. Salinger tells the story of sixteen-year-old Holden, as he makes his way home after getting expelled from yet another boarding school. Holden, an independent teenager, has an ongoing conversation with the readers as he recounts this story from a mental hospital. Through his recollections, Holden’s personality and character traits shine through. While Holden Caulfield is critical of almost every person he meets, he...
1 Page 686 Words
“An artist is a creature driven by demons. He doesn’t know why they choose him and he’s usually too busy to wonder why.” William Faulkner talks about demons in the previous quotation, specifically the demons of an artist. Artist and/or writers are often faced with the biggest demon of all- isolation. Can isolation and loneliness be reflected among artists pieces of work? In both “A Rose for Emily” written by William Faulkner himself, and in “ The Death of Marat...
5 Pages 2181 Words
The theme of loneliness is addressed throughout The Great Gatsby from the very beginning. The book is able to portray this sense of isolationism through its word choices used to describe certain characters. Even inanimate objects or the weather evokes a sense of sadness. The characters have something about them whether it is the words that they use, their reactions to life, and even the way that they carry themselves that points to their loneliness. Loneliness and sadness in general...
3 Pages 1157 Words
Loneliness in America is a very pressing issue, especially in people 75 or older. This group of people paved the way for the things we have now. Loneliness is slowly taking over our loved ones, and it needs to be put to an end. For many people loneliness can feel like pain in the body and can lead to things like drug use or self-harm. The average person will agree to feeling lonely at some point in their lives. Loneliness...
2 Pages 743 Words
One in every four adolescents (between ages 10 and 19) worldwide suffer mental illnesses such as mood and anxiety disorders. These and many other mental illnesses are strongly associated with suicide; being that one of the leading causes of death in 15 to 19 years old globally. Loneliness is considered one of the main factors leading to adolescent suicide and mental illnesses such as depression and self-harm. It can also cause some risky behaviours such as recreational drug and alcohol...
3 Pages 1256 Words
In the novella, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck shows that loneliness is a recurring theme throughout. Loneliness is defined as sadness due to not having a friend or a companion. Without one, they can suffer with depression and solitude. During the period of time, the Great Depression and the discrimination of African-American People were still present. This was also a huge impact that could have caused the loneliness with the characters. Throughout the novella, many of the characters...
2 Pages 1060 Words
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