Willpower essays

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2 Pages 988 Words
At outset, I was more focused on the technical aspects of executive leaders. After reading the article ‘The Focused Leader: How effective executives direct their – and their organizations’ attention’ written by Daniel Goleman, I started to understand how important for leaders to master their attention. According to Goleman (2013), attention plays a fundamental role in leadership skills, such as...
2 Pages 892 Words
For my “I want” challenge, my goal is to get my work done on time and reduce the amount of stress when preparing for each assignment. Ever since I was young, I would habitually let procrastination determine the outcome of my life. In the past, I would have high hopes for improvement by trying different tactics to increase my productivity;...
3 Pages 1454 Words
“When willpower becomes Automatic”. Still remember in the movie, infernal affairs 3, one of the main characters always said, “only things will change people”. The rough of life experienced and tribulations suffered by a person have a great impact on this person. Some people may choose to escape or deprave. However, some people will to be strong and face it....
3 Pages 1369 Words
Since it is closely associated with Mars, Bloodstone naturally boosts its holder’s courage and determination with an abundant amount of masculine and fighting energy. It also stimulates the ground chakra to ground those who are spiritually adrift. Bloodstone gives us the power to get through our failures. It fuels us with determination to keep moving forward despite our mistakes, and...
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