Why I Decided to Go to College: Essay

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The decision to enter college is a serious one for absolutely every student, and I too faced it in my life. After much thought and weighing all the ‘pros’ and ‘cons’, I decided to continue my education. In this essay, I am going to explain the reasons behind my decision.

First of all, I decided to go to college because people with a college degree have a better chance of building a successful career and getting a high-paying job. Jobs currently available to a person without any education in the country include masons, electricians, and massage therapists. No matter how it sounds now, I don't want to be an ordinary simple worker, I intend to realize myself as much as possible in my work, to be successful in it, and accordingly to earn well. I believe that my college education will be a great start for this and will open many 'necessary' doors on my professional path.

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Another motivation for me to go to college was because of the belief that it has the potential to affect and improve the quality of my life. The knowledge gained will allow me to lead a healthy lifestyle, take care of my health, and as a result, be more productive. Since tertiary education provides more knowledge and skills needed to get a high-paying job, having the latter will potentially allow me to live in a safer neighborhood and increase my life expectancy. A higher quality of life would mean that I would be protected from any unnecessary risks such as problems with health, education, theft protection, etc.

Of course, there are those who disagree with my point of view. One of the main criticisms is concerning the high cost of education at college. On average, a student finishes it with at least 30000$ in arrears. Granted, this is a significant amount that will take some time to clear. However, it seems to me that this view completely ignores the benefits that this college education can bring, one of which is a lifetime of earnings that could be almost 100 times this amount paid in fees. As such, this debt is a very small issue. In addition, the high cost of living in college can also serve to positively impact us as students by ensuring we are financially responsible for ourselves. Since we know that we will have to get through college, we start planning for it early so we do not have to pay expensive interest payments, which in turn teaches us financial literacy.

Although a college education does not necessarily give a person all the above advantages, I believe that it greatly improves the possibility of obtaining them. To achieve success in life, it is definitely better for a person to be educated. That is why I decided and am currently continue my studies in college.

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Why I Decided to Go to College: Essay. (2024, January 30). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 21, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-i-decided-to-go-to-college-essay/
“Why I Decided to Go to College: Essay.” Edubirdie, 30 Jan. 2024, edubirdie.com/examples/why-i-decided-to-go-to-college-essay/
Why I Decided to Go to College: Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-i-decided-to-go-to-college-essay/> [Accessed 21 Jan. 2025].
Why I Decided to Go to College: Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Jan 30 [cited 2025 Jan 21]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-i-decided-to-go-to-college-essay/

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