Classroom essays

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Essay examples
Essay topics
2 Pages 1099 Words
Introduction Equality, diversity, and inclusion are very important factors that must be considered during any training or learning sessions, also instructors or Trainers must be aware of these concepts to ensure that the knowledge will be transferred well to all Trainees and it is always something fresh to learn; always a possibility to improve our practice. Equality, diversity, and inclusion...
5 Pages 2139 Words
This assessment focuses on a critical reflection on how game-based pedagogy can be used to facilitate High-Quality Teaching and Learning (HQTL). This is an attempt to find out which techniques and approaches work best for the students; mainly Year 2 (Key stage 1) and Year 5 (Key stage 2) as these are the only classes I teach. Quantitative research was...
4 Pages 1889 Words
Over time, research has been conducted both in laboratories and classrooms to investigate how learners learn, which in turn can be considered to establish effective teaching approaches. However, these are variable and can shift as we learn more about theories and research into how learning takes place (Pritchard, 2013). For this assignment, the practitioner observed a child examine how they...
1 Page 562 Words
When choosing the two discipline theorists and their models from this week’s readings, care was taken to ensure that they were from two different approaches in the belief that this would make them easier to contrast, discuss, and therefore, agree or disagree with. This proved not to be the case. Positive and negative aspects from both were relatively easy to...
6 Pages 2651 Words
Our environment speaks to us. The space we live and work in has vibes that affect our functioning as individuals. “Buildings are not simply visual objects. Buildings speak - and on topics which can readily be discerned. They speak of democracy or aristocracy, openness or arrogance, welcome or threat, a sympathy for the future or harkening of the past” (De...
4 Pages 1672 Words
Without a doubt, classroom management is the key to success in any classroom because learning is compromised without it. It plays a part in all of the Teachers’ Standards. Classroom management is a major concern for teachers and is a challenge across all school phases. Training is very important. It involves reflecting on your own approach, trying a new approach...
2 Pages 799 Words
In our day and age, technology is a predominant feature in our everyday lives so it’s no wonder that technology has made a debut in the classroom. Tablets are replacing our textbooks, and we can research about anything we want on our smartphones. Social media has become the most common place for students to socialize, and how we use technology...
4 Pages 1888 Words
Abstract As a student intern in my present classroom, I have been seeing many instances of children having disruptive behaviors such as talking out without turn, having arguments, shouting, running in the class, having tantrums, not focusing on their work, and disturbing other children. It made me wonder whether it could be related to the classroom environment. “The environment “tell”...
1 Page 676 Words
Everyone is different. Some people are apprehensive. Others get comfortable with their surroundings easily. Stereotypes say that women endure more self-absorbed while; men express their thoughts out loud. This doesn’t have to do with gender. It depends on the individual and how they feel with the place, people and topic. In her article, Deborah Tannen observes her classroom and the...
5 Pages 2452 Words
Introduction Rules for classroom conduct are purposefully stated statements that provide students with guiding principles for the types of behaviors that are either mandatory or prohibited. As an instance, it focuses attention on how to be understanding rather than on whether a student is speaking aloud in class. These standards should appeal to the common sense of students while leading...
7 Pages 3094 Words
Abstract Gender is a dynamic concept. Race, class, economic circumstances, age- all of these influences what is considered appropriate for women and men. This study determined the level of gender biases among Education students along learning materials, subject matter, learning evaluation, and teaching evaluation. The descriptive method was employed using quantitative data. This study was conducted at Bukidnon State University,...
4 Pages 1883 Words
Introduction: The integration of the people with disabilities in the classroom is a topic that is being highly addressed in education. Nowadays, more students seem to have disabilities such as, visual, hearing, mental, or other types of incapacities. Therefore, teachers have to be careful when programming or planning a class due to the fact that people with disabilities need more...
5 Pages 2056 Words
Abstract Behavior principals can be used to evaluate the future success of a student in the classroom environment. The types of consequences used, shaping, and antecedents should all be considered when tailoring a plan for a student. Learning in the classroom will be greatly determined by the students’ ability to access executive processing skills. Teachers need to be ever aware...
5 Pages 2256 Words
The question of how best to teach our children is both old and constantly developing. In recent years, technology has changed the world drastically, forcefully altering the way we look at education. Youth culture today is increasingly visual, short attention span, and often less willing to invest significant effort in traditional text-based learning. In addition, recent decades have seen both...
2 Pages 1100 Words
Introduction When English Language Learners or ELL’s are introduced into their new English-speaking classroom they are usually at a disadvantage from the very beginning. They do not know the new language they are being immersed in and they unfortunately do not have the tools they need in order to be successful in that new setting. In most cases, they are...
3 Pages 1272 Words
Growing up people would remember that they’ve had a class where the classroom feels a bit uncomfortable. The idea is that if a student feels uncomfortable within a classroom because they fear the hostility or ridicule the student might receive well they won’t bother engaging. Educators must learning to create a comfortable classroom climate to help improve academic performance within...
2 Pages 1120 Words
This assignment aims to critically discuss learning outside the classroom with a focus upon science, by defining key terms and the benefits and drawbacks of it. Involving a medium-term plan with a cross curricular design and associated with a chosen educational setting; risk assessment will be attached to highlight the risk and precautions of learning outside of the classroom. Overall,...
5 Pages 2091 Words
The spread of corona virus across globe made education come to a standstill the stirring spoon was online teaching and learning. Online learning got a spotlight in corona crisis. The journey from classroom to web room was indeed not planned and anticipated but became a sudden need of the hour. At such times the research; study on wide aspects of...
4 Pages 1766 Words
Introduction to Montessori Classroom Management When people hear of children going to a Montessori school, they wonder if the children are given too much freedom in their own education. They speculate that if the child gets to make their own decisions about their day, rather then choosing to learn, they’d choose to engage in non-academic activities. They would also assume,...
3 Pages 1177 Words
Introduction Education allows students to navigate power systems and decide how to participate as a citizen of the world (Hammond & Jackson, 2015). This learning occurs when students pay attention, feel challenged, and connect to their culture and community (Hammond & Jackson, 2015). As such, teachers must utilize effective classroom management and hold students accountable for their behavior. Culturally responsive...
2 Pages 1044 Words
Within these two articles there are reasons why Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, an adventure novel by Mark Twain, should be allowed in classrooms along with why it shouldn’t be allowed. This novel should be read in high schools for various reasons. The first reason being that this novel will open conversations about racism and help to slowly stop this issue....
8 Pages 3587 Words
Samsung Smart Class The Indian education system to date is to a great extent driven by regular techniques for utilizing course books as instructive material and addresses for conferring information. This prompts substandard learning results at advanced education levels, further reflected in low-talented labor in India. Samsung considers training to be the seed of development and along these lines made...
2 Pages 902 Words
When I first started this English class, I was not sure how well I would do. When I met my professor, Rebecca Samberg, I gained more confidence because she explained the materials in such a way that helped stimulate my interest. I feared I would struggle through the course but being under the supervision of professor Samberg, it got easier...
3 Pages 1178 Words
Should Textbooks be Replaced by Tablets in a Classroom Setting? The average school spends about $50,000 on paper alone. (Should Textbooks be Replaced by Notebook Computers?) All of that money could be spent on something more beneficial. Students’ textbooks should be replaced by tablets and notebook computers. In today’s society, technology is taking over and upgrading nearly every aspect of...
2 Pages 882 Words
Dance class reflection This is the class that had me most nervous because aside from my dance experience when I was a little kid, I had no dance experience. I swim and did a little track and volleyball in high school. I had seen hip-hop, jazz, ballroom, and afro-pop/beat dance but I had never heard of the butoh dance. I...
1 Page 488 Words
Introduction Quantity surveying is one of the most important majors in the civil engineering field, The Quantity Surveyor, also known as a Construction Economist, or Cost Manager, is one of a team of professional advisers to the construction industry. As advisers, they estimate and monitor construction costs, from the feasibility stage of a project through to the completion of the...
6 Pages 2905 Words
Introduction An essential quality for a teacher is to be able to reflect on their practice. This skill is important as it increases and improves the learner’s performance. It is an ability that enables a practitioner to reflect on action to encourage the process of continuous learning. A reflective practitioner needs to ensure that the surrounding environments of the classroom...
5 Pages 2487 Words
Critical Reflection on Learning Developing the proposal on increasing intrinsic motivation in the classroom gave me insight into how ideas are developed and how they would be applicable in a 21st century classroom. This is evident when examining 21st century skills from not only the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) but also the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority...

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