Choices essays

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The things people do in everyday life can change the outcome of their future. When someone makes a wrong decision, it tends to follow with a consequence. In Elie’s Night, he had to go through procedures that were tremendously painful, and we cannot comprehend the pain and torture these people had to go through. Elie Wiesel, a holocaust survivor, made choices throughout his life that affected his future. In the novel Night, by Elie Wiesel, Elie makes decisions that have...
3 Pages 1164 Words
Introduction Independence is a fundamental aspect of human nature. From a young age, we yearn for autonomy, freedom, and the ability to make our own decisions. The desire for independence significantly influences the choices we make throughout our lives. In this synthesis essay, we will explore how the pursuit of independence impacts various aspects of our lives, including personal relationships, career decisions, and self-discovery. Independence and Personal Relationships The desire for independence can shape our relationships in profound ways. It...
1 Page 568 Words
Our eating patterns are influenced by numerous contributing factors like our cultural backgrounds and our daily lifestyles. Identifying and understanding the determinants that affect our food choices can impact our diets and our food patterns drastically. There is a variety of components that affect our daily intake of nutrients such as biological, economic, physical, social, psychological, and our attitudes have a contributing factor to our nutrient intake. Overall my diet is in excellent condition and is healthy based off the...
1 Page 602 Words
Toward Happier Choices by Michael Oborn is a quasi-memoir. He jots down a series of thoughts and after-thoughts of his life and former life as a man born in Mormon culture to a man who simply learns to loosen the ties of religion and become a free thinker. His insight and how he brilliantly words out his thoughts and emotions captivated me. He brilliantly repeats the idea that religion or fundamentalist beliefs do not allow you to think for yourself...
1 Page 669 Words
Why does everything Romeo do make you want to smash your head into a table? It’s because of his fatal flaw, his impulsiveness. His flaw makes him solve relatively simple situations in altogether questionable ways. Although his flaw was first revealed when he fought Tybalt, now impulsiveness is quite literally the death of him as he kills himself before the unbeknownst to him alive Juliet. His character sets itself up for dramatic irony and sarcasm. In a word, Romeo is...
1 Page 544 Words
Many factors can affect a person’s lifestyle choices. Below are eight factors which can play a role in a person choosing a healthy lifestyle: 1. Cooking ability/ Food choices/Allergies Good nutrition is a well-known determinant of a healthy lifestyle. There are however, many factors that can play a role in individuals obtaining good nutrition and choosing to include this in their lifestyle. An individual’s cooking ability/skills determine how easily a healthy home-made meal can be cooked. Home-made meals are much...
5 Pages 2315 Words
My childhood wasn’t necessarily the happiest of times. Growing up, my mother suffered a series of heart-related issues; it seemed as though she spent more time at the hospital than at home with her little girl. Being that I was a difficult child to put up with, especially as a single mother, and only made things worse because I refused to stay at home with a babysitter, I often accompanied my mom during her hospital visits. At the time, I...
2 Pages 718 Words
Dreams are the fuel that drives individuals toward their desired goals and aspirations. They provide a sense of purpose and a vision for the future. However, dreams alone are not enough to guarantee success. It requires determination, motivation, perseverance, and learning from mistakes. This essay explores the essential factors for achieving dreams, including staying motivated, setting goals, rewarding oneself, taking breaks, surrounding oneself with positive influences, and embracing mistakes as opportunities for growth. Determination Determination is the unwavering resolve and...
4 Pages 1511 Words
Being a human, everyone has their personalities and properties which people can base on to distinguish a group of people or an individual. There are many factors that affect our characteristics. Value and identity differ from person to person, therefore people should respect and accept it even it is good or bad. According to the writers in chapter one, there are three assumptions which are used to define the word “identity”: “Identity is what we’re born with”, “Identity is shaped...
5 Pages 2234 Words
The concept of free will varies depending on whom you ask. If you were to turn to religion, it would say your free will lies solely in moral decision making; what you choose to have for breakfast is not free will and is already determined. If you were to ask a compatibilist, they would say we do in fact have free will with only some deterministic aspects. If you were to ask a libertarian, they would say you have absolute...
8 Pages 3490 Words
His suicide is his prescribed fate and his punishment for his mistakes in life for which he is responsible. As Achebe wrote in his work Morning Yet on Creation Day the people of Igbo believed that : “…when a man’s misfortune is somehow beyond explanation [it] can only be attributable to an agreement he himself must have entered into, at the beginning, alone with his chi; for there is a fundamental justice in the universe and nothing so terrible can...
5 Pages 2105 Words
Imagine an advanced future society where there is no war and no pain. Where there is no sorrow and hate. No one has a problem with anyone. But at the cost of vital human emotions such as love, happiness, and basic human choice. In The Giver their advanced society does it this way where everyone is assigned to them from a lifelong job even to their life partner. I don’t think that a society as depicted in the book The...
1 Page 477 Words
Have you ever wondered if there was a world that was the same? You couldn’t see a color or hear a sound. How would you feel? I know if I couldn’t see the color I wouldn’t be happy because I couldn’t see the joy in the world. The book where it’s the same is called “The Giver” by Lois Lowry. One of the main characters Jonas learns many things from the Giver. Throughout the book, Jonas goes through many challenges...
2 Pages 782 Words
If you relish a quick outdoor workout, even in the summer, or are a regular gym-goer, you simply can’t escape the scorching temperatures and humidity. And all the summer sweating leaves you thirsty and dehydrated. You might even be addicted to sweet and sugar-laden sports drinks without realising it. It's okay as long as you put in a power-packed workout - you reason with yourself. But do you think that sports drinks are healthy for you? Which is better for...
2 Pages 978 Words
Some people chase happiness, while others choose happiness. The sole purpose of life is to be happy, to enjoy life, and to get to a place where you are not hoping to get to another. If we look at our inner utmost desire we could see all our dreams are not so different. We all share ONE common goal “Happiness” for ourselves and for the people we love. Not long ago the pursuit of happiness was a personal quest, now...
2 Pages 853 Words
My attraction towards the Communication program developed when I noticed the amount of material from the lower communication courses correlated with my day-to-day life. For instance, interpersonal communication can be used to describe the interactions between individuals, and the benefits from the exchange of information were necessary to me, holding multiple positions within my fraternity. Before holding any positions, I had a personal relationship with the previous Head of Community Service, which steadily evolved into a professional relationship as I...
1 Page 430 Words
There will always be so many things running through your mind, but your gut feeling is always something you should listen to. Just by having that one gut feeling it can change your attitude on the output and even change your decision. Most of the time it’s for the better and really how your true self is feeling in that moment. When it comes to your feelings, it helps make decisions easier, and with what they find in that decision...
2 Pages 833 Words
I pressed my face against the glass shielding the ice cream from yearning for people like me as I questioned which flavors to buy. There was vanilla, chocolate, mint, coffee, and, not to mention, all the different toppings available at the next station – which of these would I choose? I turned to my dad and asked for his opinion, to which he simply responded: “I’m treating you, so pick what you want”. Once again, I was burdened with the...
1 Page 642 Words
The degree to which biological and environmental factors have on human behavior is a hotly debated topic. Highly empowered individuals sometimes argue that their state is a result of unfettered choice, while the more downtrodden are likely to attribute their state to poor biology, or society. We would like to believe that we may overcome our undesirable tendencies. While it is apparent that one's nature and nurture certainly fetter's capacity to choose, it is a grievous oversimplification of the issue...
1 Page 653 Words
Happiness is a Choice (Favor) “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” There is no greater feeling in the world than being happy. When something positive happens to a person, he becomes happy. On the other hand, when something negative happens to him, he becomes miserable. This happiness “set-point” can come to a point of equilibrium and be reset. Happiness lies in home life, work life, and health life. These...
7 Pages 3242 Words
Criminology has always appealed to me, due to its complex nature. Crime has been projected and hyperbolized in the media, where it often incites fear and excludes criminals from our society as it often doesn't promote rehabilitation. Consequently, instead of focusing on many rehabilitation methods, the system rushes to punishment. This has shown to be an ineffective method for the majority as statistics reveal that 60% of people are more likely to re-offend. Therefore, this proves we need to put...
1 Page 669 Words
Becoming a first-generation graduate has been one of my most honored privileges. I’ve learned to love the responsibility of being someone who inspires not only my family but others around me. My core biology classes, microbiology, biochemistry, pathogenic microbiology & immunology, bioinformatics, zoology, genetics, and cell biology have all ensured me I made the right choice to become a biology major. A master’s program in biological sciences will place me a step closer to pursuing a career in academic dentistry,...
1 Page 580 Words
A nice calm close to the beach and a forest environment is a place you would only think exists in movies. But somehow I'm in luck because that sounds like the campus of UC Santa Cruz. And it's a realistic school that I can actually attend because the GPA requirement is not 4.0 and up, it's a 3.76. I would love to attend this school because this campus is like a 'zoo' where you can always expect to see deer...
1 Page 565 Words
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-/ I took the one less traveled by,/ And that has made all the difference”. The profound words of Robert Frost make us question ourselves and how we view the world. Are we predisposed to believe that the world exists based on a perpetual cycle of despair and that misery is an inexorable fact of life and destiny, or do we have a choice on how we live our lives and view the...
2 Pages 844 Words
Throughout life, we are given many choices and it is up to us to decide based on our own moral compasses. Sometimes though we are faced with situations that are essentially dual-edged swords and have no favorable outcome. These scenarios are called ethical dilemmas and we as humans encounter them every day from taking credit for others’ work insider knowledge to manipulate trades. We assume that people will make the right ethical choice because societal factors such as whether you...
2 Pages 861 Words
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