800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Titanic': Movie Analysis

The movie 'Titanic' depicts this ship, which is considered unsinkable, on its maiden voyage from Southampton, England to New York, USA in 1912. There is a girl on the boat (Rose DeWitt Bucart played by Kate Winslet) and a rich man (Carlton) she has never loved. Despite the engagement, Rose meets a poor young man (Jack, played by Leonardo DiCaprio) and they fall in love. As they fought the Caledonian class and opposition, the Titanic collided with the iceberg and...
2 Pages 808 Words

Schindler's List': Movie Review

The movie ‘Schindler’s List’ is about businessman Oskar Schindler, a German person, who saves around 1 100 polish Jews people. There are many movies about the Second World War, but for me ‘Schindler’s List’ is the most emotional. As it shows the both, how human can be cruel and also very kind. It’s about a man, who took a tremendous risk to save others. The film opens with lighting a candle, illuminating the Hebrew prayers reciting thousands of years of...
2 Pages 818 Words

Optimizing the Optimism' in Achieving Dreams

‘Optimism’. We’ve all heard the word, but do we know what it means? Do we know how to apply it; what to do with it? Some of us are told we have a lot of it, and we take it as a compliment, but do we really know what we are being told we are equipped with? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word ‘optimism’ means “an inclination to put the most favorable construction upon actions and events or to...
2 Pages 805 Words

Night' by Elie Wiesel: Essay

“I turned into A-7713. From that point on, I had no other name”. Elie Wiesel's ‘Night’ is about a youthful Jewish kid and his encounters through the Holocaust in the 1940's. He is isolated from his mom and his sister, also is extradited to Auschwitz, one of Hitler's most discouraging inhumane imprisonments. Wiesel utilizes night as the title as well as an image of time, a world without God, and man's savagery to men. Night is characterized as a period...
2 Pages 812 Words

First Generation College Student Essay

Introduction As a first generation college student, I understand the importance of hard work and dedication. I am the first in my family to attend college, and I'm proud to be blazing the trail for future generations. My parents have encouraged me to take this opportunity to create a better future for myself and to set an example for my siblings. I am eager to learn and to explore new opportunities that will help me to reach my full potential....
2 Pages 811 Words

Ocean Exploration Essay

The underwater environment consists of both biotic and abiotic sounds that closely related to reproduction and survival of marine organisms (Slabbekoorn et al., 2010).Biotic sounds are produced by living, non-human sources such marine mammals, fish and invertebrates, as for odontocetes (toothed whaled, dolphins and porpoises) where the sound generated by high-pressure air being blown over a bone structure called as phonic that enables the animal to recirculate and reuse air without loss toward the ocean (David L & Richard, 2008)....
2 Pages 821 Words

Water Crisis Essay

Contemporarily there are many global issues that are affecting the citizens of the world as a single community; disrupting natural framework and disturbing the social and economic progress. The unavailability or inadequate access to clean water is one of them. It is also termed as water crisis in the global standards. There is scarcity of freshwater due to depleting sources and contamination of clean water. India, a giant nation which is home to approximately 103 billion people is also suffering...
2 Pages 818 Words

Using of Rhetorical Question in Advertisements

Seducing women in the 90s is a current struggle for all men. “How to attract women without even trying!” is an article written by an unknown author and later published in FHM magazine, in November 1994 with the aim to persuade all male readers to buy this book. There are many ways to seduce a woman without seeming as if the man is trying too hard. The use of visual and written features contribute to the persuasion of all single...
2 Pages 823 Words

Understanding Animal Lives is Important in Conservation Efforts

Despite the news of their population decline and the endangerment of their habitats, there are still relentless conservation efforts being made around the world to protect and nurture animal lives. Experts and volunteers behind such efforts have a certain level of knowledge and compassion toward these animals in need. In a recent study, it has been scientifically proven that social learning and understanding of these animals' lives is essential in helping them thrive again. Importance of Social Learning A study...
2 Pages 802 Words

The Role of russia In World War One

For decades, Russia had been a smouldering cauldron of discontent, bubbling over occasionally in strikes, riots, and assassinations. However, it was The Great War which was to be the tipping point for three of the most powerful dynasties the world had ever seen; The Hohenzollerns of Germany, the Hapsburgs of Austria-Hungary, and the topic of this presentation the Romanovs who were the emperors of all the Russia’s. This was the war which brought these great empires to ruin and which...
2 Pages 791 Words

The Importantce of Establishing Awareness of Earthquakes and the EWS as a Precaution

An earthquake is the sudden vibration of the ground caused by movements of the Earth’s crust. These disasters originate from a focus point commonly located underground in a fault zone. A fault is the fracture found inside a tectonic plate where pressure builds up and exceeds causing a release of energy (Seismic Waves) that cause the tremble of an earthquake. Two plates may collide and create friction against each other, the rocks in between push together until they rupture from...
2 Pages 782 Words

The Effect of Agribusiness and Agriculture on the Amazon Rainforest

The amazon rainforest is located in brazil and its area is 5.5 million kmÂČ. The amazon rainforest is a tropical rainforest. The amazon is incredibly important for it contains wildlife and freshwater. destroying the amazon may not have much effect on the amount of oxygen produced because once the oxygen the amazon produce is released it consumes it but cutting it down causes animals to lose their habitats causes many animals to go extinct. The amazon is amazing and should...
2 Pages 779 Words

The Cold War: Russian and American Competition Over Power

Russia and America had competition over power which started the Cold War, both affecting the world socially, politically, and the economy. Both Russia’s and America’s society were affected from their competition of power and advancement in technology. Both nations tried to assert dominance over one another through political means, they showed it through bombs and new technology that was astounding. Most of their economy was now focused on them proving who was more powerful, Russia and America focused their resources...
2 Pages 823 Words

Renewable Energy: Solar Energy As a New Fuel

In now a day the clean form of energy is considered to be the one from renewable technologies as these technologies minimize the environmental impacts and secondary wastes and good for the current and future needs of the economy. As the source of all energies is the sun. light and heat are the primary forms of energy. Environment absorbs the heat and sunlight in multiple ways. Wind energy and biomass are renewable energy flows which are the results of these...
2 Pages 782 Words

Reasons Why Men Avoid Online Dating

There are two main reasons why men avoid online dating. First, is because of their lack of patience, and second is the stigma that it’ll bring them. Simply put, they are afraid of what others will think of them when it gets out that they’ve been relying on online dating to find a girlfriend or lover. Success in online dating depends on your patience. First you have to build a profile that’ll catch the attention of the girls, and second,...
2 Pages 817 Words

How a Lack of Access to Healthy Food May Destroy Your Mind just as Your Body?

It is generally realized that an absence of access to crisp, sound nourishments can add to horrible eating routines and larger amounts of eating regimen related infections. On account of cerebrum wellbeing, we realize that everybody who has a mind is in danger of building up Alzheimer's infection, with the most serious hazard elements being maturing and hereditary qualities. Be that as it may, there is developing proof that other hazard elements may likewise bring about declining mind wellbeing. The...
2 Pages 787 Words

Flint Water Crisis Overview

The people of Flint, MI were forced under disastrous events. Innocent woman, children and innocence were affected by the well known “Flint Water Crisis”. An article by Sara Ganim and Linh Tran back in 2016 states, “ Flint, Michigan, lies about 70 miles from the shores of the largest group of fresh water 
 the Great Lakes. Yet its residents can’t get clean water from their taps 
 the state decided to save money by switching Flint’s water supply from...
2 Pages 816 Words

Effects on Online Dating

The effects on online dating are not the best when you want to find a real and true love. Most of the time people won’t even know if the person they’re talking to is really the person in the pictures they are sending. There are so many effects behind online dating that are not good for you at all. It would be best if the person don’t live so far or if y'all meet up as soon as possible. That...
2 Pages 792 Words

Director Style in The Hunger Games

This essay discusses director, Baz Luhrmann’s director style. In addition, this essay will apply Baz Luhrmann’s unique director style to the 2012 dystopian film, The Hunger Games (which is based off of Suzanne Collins’s novel of the same name), in order to for the film to agree with the criteria of Luhrmann’s Red Curtain Style. Firstly, the cinematographic and directing style seen in The Hunger Games, as it is, is significantly different from that of Baz Luhrmann. Foremost, Luhrmann would...
2 Pages 805 Words

Could the Bomb Have Been Avoided? Essay

The United States atomic bombing of Japan was unnecessary and necessary because of different reasons. The bomb was necessary as it helped end the war a lot faster, and it saved the lives of both American and Japanese soldiers. The bombing was the quickest way to make Japan surrender and end the war. My claim is supported when the article states “Such moral defenses are offered as: the war was shortened and many lives, Japanese as well as American, saved
2 Pages 787 Words

Could Europe be Powered by Renewable Energy? Essay

My research question is ‘Could Europe be powered by renewable energy?’ This science in society question falls in the research area of science that has an effect on the environment. The effects of climate change are quickly escalating due to excess greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere that are trapping in excess heat from the sun. A way to reduce emissions and save our planet would be to would be to change our energy sources and switch to renewable energy sources....
2 Pages 784 Words

Civil War Technology Advancements

Since the beginning of time, technology has been constantly advancing. People are constantly looking for way to improve things. For a country, self-sufficiency and wars can drive technology advancements. People have a competitive nature so countries also have a need for gaining the upper hand to advance in both economic and military points. There is always a need for military production and growth for national security for that competitive nature. Wars are responsible for some of the fastest advancements. For...
2 Pages 795 Words

Cause and Effect of Eating Junk Food

Wherever we go into the supermarket or convenience store, it seems easy to find those mouth-watering food which may not be considered as healthy food. We so called this kind of food as “junk food.” There are lots of reasons for why people getting more and more unhealthy, such as sitting all day long, seldom drinking water or without doing the exercise regularly, and one of them is because of eating too much junk food. We all know that it...
2 Pages 788 Words

Book Review: Different Seasons

In Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption, Andy (an innocent man) is sentenced to a double life sentence. There Andy meets Red, a prisoner who smuggles items from the outside world. As Andy is an amateur geologist he asks Red to get him a rock hammer for shaping rocks he collects in the exercise yard. Sometime later he asks Red for a large picture of Rita Hayworth (a celebrity). After 28 years, Andy disappears from his cell and when guards...
2 Pages 778 Words

Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia

Dementia is considered a general term for impairments in mostly remembering, moving, and thinking that serve as obstacles in a person’s everyday activity. However, the term is also strongly associated with the following problems: reasoning, problem-solving, attention, and communication. Furthermore, dementia is extended to numerous diseases with the most accurately identified symptoms. Overall, dementia outcomes stem from its negative influence on the body parts responsible for the damaged functions. To begin with, the disease tends typically to affect older adults;...
2 Pages 822 Words

The Warriors Ethos': Book Report

The book entitled The Warriors Ethos by author and United States Marine Corps veteran Stephen Pressfield exemplifies true meaning behind a code that we as Marines and warfighters should strive to not only follow but epitomize. If I were to explain the boo using a quote from it i would use,“The Warrior Ethos embodies certain virtues—courage, honor, loyalty, integrity, selflessness and others-”. The book better explains to the reader these virtues using various themes and historical events which in turn...
2 Pages 799 Words

Lord of the Flies': Literary Criticism

‘The lust for power and control brings out the worst in us.’ The longing for power and control can bring out the worst in mankind. The lust for power and control can lead to immense devastation. In William Golding's, Lord of the Flies, Jack’s everlasting desire of control leads to catastrophic impacts. Similarly, in Shakespeare's 'Macbeth', Macbeth’s devastating acts and results of them are sparked by his thirst for power and control. Both texts utilise the transformation of their characters...
2 Pages 780 Words

The 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

The three tectonic boundaries are divergent, convergent, and transform. A divergent boundary is when two tectonic plates move away from each other. If the plates moving away are oceanic, this may cause sea-floor spreading, which is the creation of new sea floor. As a result of how likely this occurs, continental plates tend to be older. Transform boundaries have the ability to create earthquakes. These are when plates slide past each other. Unlike divergent boundaries, convergent plates move towards each...
2 Pages 797 Words

The 2011 Tsunami in Japan: An Essay

In this essay, I am going to talk about the tsunami that happened in Japan in 2011. This work will provide information about where the disaster occurred, why and what consequences it had. Finally, it will be discussed what conclusions were drawn and how we can now reduce the impact of these types of events. Where Did It Occur? A very destructive earthquake occurred 500 kilometers away from the north-eastern shore of Japan. Sendai, Honshu was 130 kilometers from the...
2 Pages 793 Words

The Education System in Great Britain: An Essay

The United Kingdom is a capitalist country with a socialist education system. Children under the age of 18 get access to education for free, this is known as state school (this is considered as a socialist system). But parents are also able to send their child(ren) to private school for a certain amount of money each semester per year. Parents who enroll their children into a private school are often upper-middle class. For a child to receive this education there...
2 Pages 785 Words
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