Importance of Staying Optimistic

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Whether all of the world’s problems are solved is irrelevant because the only way all of them could be solved is if humans no longer inhabited the Earth. By our very existence, we create problems for the world. We pollute oceans and air, create waste, use the Earth’s resources, and manipulate the environment for our own benefit. Therefore, problems exist because we do. It is key to stay optimistic even when you have no worries in the world because it allows you to be hopeful for the future rather than dwell on the past. Optimism is necessary in everyday life because it allows us to learn from our failures and come up with solutions to succeed.

Personally, I face instances where I must be optimistic almost every day of my life. As a student-athlete it is hard to balance school and sports when you miss numerous days of class due to early dismissals, traveling, and late night practices. For me, a normal weekday consists of a seven-hour school day, two-hour school practice, and then another hour and a half of club practice. Therefore, I have to go through the constant reminder that my hard work will eventually lead to success. Concentrating on the day to work can be exhausting so I try to maintain focus on my long-term goal of becoming a collegiate athlete. Every practice is an opportunity to better myself for the ultimate competition.

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In sports, many experience injuries at some point and with an injury comes time for it to heal. However, once the doctor says you’re good to go and ready to play, you would think everything would be all better, right? Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. Sadly, I have had this forlorn realization several times. As a soccer player, I have had many leg injuries. A couple years back I hurt my MCL and the worst part about it was that the only thing that could heal it was time. When you come back realizing that you are at your worst and have to re-establish everything you’ve previously worked hard for, it is hard to stay positive, but it is key to stay optimistic in order to keep moving forward. Having the ability to continue to strive towards an end goal even when things get hard is vital. I learned that with the correct mindset of positivity and fortitude, those crucial goals can be achieved, as long as you remain hopeful and optimistic. Everyone experiences setbacks from time to time, so optimism always has to be in the back of your mind. Whether it’s the obstacles that sports present or the ones that naturally come with having a disability, negative influences come along, but the ability to see the potential in the future will lift you above the difficult times.

An optimistic mindset has propelled many athletes into being better, whether that may be developing a new skill or even winning a game. Although, one who has optimism could also face results and outcomes that are less than perfect, they are more likely to learn from their defeat and eventually achieve their end goal. For example, I have definitely faced results that have fallen short of my expectations. In the past two years of high school, my teams have managed to experience three championship games and lost each time. It obviously was not results I wanted, but I realized that it is important to stay optimistic now more than ever. Although some people may argue that you are remembered by your last game or performance, what I learned from those experiences could not be measured by a score board. It is essential to remain optimistic because it helps us spot new opportunities, learn from difficult situations, and stay on a path of accomplishment and self-actualization. Rarely does a person achieve their dreams and ambitions without a growth mindset because without it, there is no belief that you can overcome failure. Every road to greatness is paved with losses that serve as the building blocks to accomplishment.

Even when all the world’s problems are solved, hurdles and obstacles are continuously forming. Therefore, there will be times when you fall short of accomplishing what was planned. It’s natural for us to beat ourselves up when we don’t reach our expectations, but it is important to get over it, because there’s nothing you can do once it’s in the past. A saying my team uses is ‘next play’ because the ability to look beyond the frustration that failure brings is extremely crucial to happiness. Ruminating about it wastes the time you could spend living in the moment or preparing for the future.

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Importance of Staying Optimistic. (2022, December 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
“Importance of Staying Optimistic.” Edubirdie, 15 Dec. 2022,
Importance of Staying Optimistic. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 Sept. 2024].
Importance of Staying Optimistic [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Dec 15 [cited 2024 Sept 9]. Available from:

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