800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Inoculation Of Plant-Growth Promoting Bacteria

Plants are affected by various factors including abiotic and biotic stresses in nature. Due to the recent climate changes, crop production has seriously dropped. One of the many abiotic factors that contributes to this issue is osmotic shock or osmotic stress in plants, which results from salinity, drought, and low temperature (Upadhyaya et al., 2013). Osmotic adjustment plays a significant role in a plant’s water stress response and biomass development, affecting its respiration, ion uptake, photosynthesis and many other vital...
2 Pages 780 Words

Mitosis In The Roots Of Garlic

Background Information Mitosis is a process that takes place in the nucleus of a dividing cell, involves typically a series of steps consisting of prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase, and results in the formation of two new nuclei each having the same number of chromosomes as the parent nucleus. Mitosis consists of four phases: prophase,metaphase,anaphase and telophase. To plant garlic the process of obtaining roots is required to have a solid foundation. Which is important and can be useful in...
2 Pages 776 Words

Obstacles That Hinders Holden From Growing Up In Catcher In Rye

Not everybody is born with the same opportunities that other people are born with. Some people have more opportunities than other people, some are less fortunate than others. At the end of the day it all matters about the heart and how you see different things. Holden is not born with the best opportunities. Holden failed 4 out of 5 classes excluding English, got kicked out of Pency and likes to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes. He is a lonely...
2 Pages 804 Words

Judaism: Festivals & Celebrations

Introduction Whenever I think of Festivals and Celebrations, I always think of happiness, laughter and most importantly food! After all, what is a celebration without food? My Aunt is Jewish and lives in a suburb of Johannesburg called Sydenham. It’s a Jewish community and when I get the opportunity to visit her I get to learn more about the Jewish cultures and beliefs especially when it comes to their “Festivals & Celebrations”. Like my aunt always says: “you cannot practice...
2 Pages 801 Words

The Aspects Of Ambiguity In Language

Human communication has been studied for many years. It involves both verbal and nonverbal language. Nonverbal language includes touch, gaze, and gestures which humans use unconsciously when communicating. As machines become more advanced, they begin to respond to our verbal commands and are able to move similar to humans. Despite this advancement, there are limitations and boundaries that will need to be put into place. The first feature to focus on would be touch. Touching someone is an intimate act...
2 Pages 823 Words

Hope Vs. Courage

Christopher Reeve once said, “Once You choose hope, Anything is possible.” According to this quote, I believe a considerable lot of us couldn't carry on without the existence of hope within our hearts. For example, Life is unusual, hard and very disreputable now and again. Things leave hand and outside our ability to control everyday but hope enables us to keep the battle on and increases odds of improving our lives. Hope keeps our sights completely watchful for an improved...
2 Pages 796 Words

Why I Became A Personal Trainer

I am a full-time personal trainer at Pure Gym in London, UK. Today, I am going to talk you through my journey from fat to fit. I will be sharing with you what is the thing that excites me as a personal trainer. I will show you how someone with over 25% of body fat can also achieve a picture-perfect and evenly toned physique. Guys, just for your information that chubby boy with 25% body fat was me a couple...
2 Pages 788 Words

Illiteracy Carries Superstition In Medicine By Lu Xun

Lu Xun’s “Medicine” (1919) Presents the lives of ordinary Chinese people in the aftermath of the revolution. The theme of superstition runs strong, throughout the story. Faced with a situation of sheer despair, the central characters, Old Chuan and his wife opt for getting the blood of an executed individual in the belief of its healing power. The opening of the story introduces us to a community where unfounded beliefs play an important role. Old Chuan and his wife have...
2 Pages 783 Words

The Reasons For Mercy Killing Legalization

The word euthanasia (greek term meaning good death) or mercy killing is the act of painless killing of suffering patients to relieve them from the pain they are experiencing. Euthanasia can be carried out either by doing something, such as administering a lethal injection, or by not doing something necessary to keep the person alive. A person who undergoes euthanasia is usually terminally or has a disease that will lead to death within weeks or months Countries that allows euthanasia...
2 Pages 777 Words

Black Box And Kobe Bryant

The sudden death of Kobe Bryant, a basketball player along with his 13 year old daughter, Gianna Bryant and seven others has shocked the world. However it will take months before finishing the investigation of what caused the crash of the helicopter they were riding. An article written by two authors, Ian Duncan and Luz Lazo, just recently (January 29, 2020) posted something on The Washington Post related to this tragedy. Turns out it does not have a black box...
2 Pages 805 Words

Body Checking In Youth Hockey

Body Checking should continue to be banned in youth hockey until the U14 level because it raises too many severe risks to all ages, sexes, and levels. Some more traditional thoughts is that it should be lowered to where it was prior to 2011 at the U12 level. Some even think that it should be implemented younger than that at the U10 level. According to Trisha Korioth, In 2012, the Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) released a position statement that supports...
2 Pages 800 Words

Is Philanthropy The Love For Humanity, As Its Definition In Greek Suggests?

Its etymology describes the motive and ambition to aid and to improve the progress and quality of living of others. In practice, philanthropy builds public good, by granting money to numerous causes and by supporting the less fortunate and unprivileged people. Promulgating philanthropy is a socially desirable initiative. From a utilitarian point of view, there are citizens gratified with getting funds for free. The vital query is the reason for which wealthy individuals would experience the “love for humanity” and...
2 Pages 810 Words

Guide To Understand American Football

There are many women who love sports, which are equal to or more passionate than men, so much so that sports are one of the themes that dominate perfectly. However, others not so much, so sports are not our forte, but that does not mean that we cannot learn. Perhaps all we need is to know what the game consists of, the rules and the basic points that must be taken into account. Among the reasons that could encourage us...
2 Pages 801 Words

Usain Bolt: Life And Career

Usain Bolt the eight time olympic gold medalist, eleven time world champion and the world's fastest sprinter who have been likened as the legendary boxer Muhammad Ali in athletics is the only sprinter to have ever won the Olympic 100m, 200m and 4 x 100m relay gold medals for seven consecutive years, exempting the 2011 false start in the 100m. Usain Bolt is a household name in many countries of the world having beaten much records in a lifetime than...
2 Pages 807 Words

How Can An Introvert Person Build Confidence?

Introvert means shy people, and shy people are usually the most talkative people around the best company. As an introvert, you always think of how you can build more confidence in life. We all are introverts in a few places or phases of our lives. In today's scenario, more and more people are turning toward the motivational speaking. Be it or speaking for others or listening for themselves, motivational speaking and sharing success stories have now become the new trend...
2 Pages 807 Words

The Challenges Of Protestant Reformation

The Protestant Reformation challenged medieval Catholic Christianity in three categories; Sacraments, writings, and causing The Counter-Reformation. Because of authors like John Calvin, free thinkers like the Anabaptists, and historic meetings like the Council of Trent, Catholic Christianity had to adapt to the new world to remain in power. The Protestant Reformation started as an evangelical movement that was concerned with certain church practices including the Sacraments. Huldrych Zwingli, who was a parish priest and former army chaplain, denied the Catholic...
2 Pages 817 Words

Why Are There Supermassive Black Holes In The Centre Of Every Galaxy

Recently, the first event image of asupermassive black hole was taken in the giant elliptical galaxy of M87. This is agargantuan black hole with the mass of 6.5 billion suns and an event horizon widerthan our entire solar system. While the photo confirmed many things such as theappearance of an accretion disk around the black hole, it also confirmed that a supermassive black hole does indeed exist in the center of M87. You mightthink this is an obvious statement but...
2 Pages 820 Words

Money Laundering In White Collar Crimes

White-Collar Crimes are nonviolent crimes that are committed by businessmen and government professionals who commit a criminal act for financial gain, but there is one white-collar crime that would be considered the most dangerous form. Money laundering is the most dangerous form of White-Collar crime there is. When it comes to what would be considered the most dangerous white-collar crimes money laundering would be on top. Money laundering is quite common amongst businessmen, it can have an impact on businesses...
2 Pages 810 Words

Uniform Service Heroes: Police And Firefighters

Both firefighters and the police officers are the professional public servants and every day they are courageous and lay their lives on the line to become our daily superheroes. A law enforcement officer is a police officer who investigates a crime. On the other hand, a firefighter is largely responsible for firefighting or rescuing people. In addition,they face various threats. A firefighter faces the possibility of burning while a police officer may be shot. To prevent this, both professions must...
2 Pages 780 Words

What Will Happen When Covid-19 And The Flu Collide?

Nowadays, we are facing a bad situation because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Many reports stated that covid-19 does not have effects during the summer season but it is totally faded out.and it is also makes suffered lots of people by this disease. As a result, winter is also nearing along with the Covid-19 pandemic. Doctors called this a twindemic. However, it is spoiling our life completely, and we could not know what to control and stop spreading this virus. So,...
2 Pages 789 Words

Personality Factors And Assessment Of Personality

Personality can be defined as a combination of characteristics that form an individual’s own character. In other words, our personality can be seen through how we act, behave, or react in certain situations. In sport, one of the earliest ways of understanding the role of personality was through examining an athlete's personality traits. Some of the first theorists like Eysenck and Cattell argued that traits are predominantly inherited rather than environmentally introduced and that they are relatively stable aspects of...
2 Pages 814 Words

Microorganisms: Definition, Types And Effects

A microorganism is an organism which is microscopic, which means so small that people cannot see them with the naked eye. Most microbes are unicellular and small enough that they require artificial magnification to be seen. However, there are some unicellular microbes that are visible to the naked eye and some multicellular organisms that are microscopic. Microorganisms differ from each other not only in size, but also in structure, habitat, metabolism and many other characteristics. Some microbes, such as viruses,...
2 Pages 802 Words

The History Of Labor Day In The USA

For most of Americans, Labor Day implies grill. To be exact, 62% of individuals take an interest in a cook-out on this occasion, as indicated by the Hearth, Patio and Barbecue Association. In any case, as the name proposes, Labor Day's history notices back to something less scrumptious. While a great part of the strain among work and capital that offered ascend to the American work development is still with us today, much has changed. So while you're celebrating with...
2 Pages 796 Words

The Concepts Of Coaching And Mentoring

Generally there is a misconception about coaching and mentoring; it is assumed these are one and the same and although some similarities maybe present there are also significant differences. However, both are practices that target personal or professional development. Coaching focuses on specific skills, knowledge and development goals by breaking them into tangible tasks to be completed within a specified period of time. It is a non-directive form of development aiming to improve a persons’ job performance with the focus...
2 Pages 815 Words

The Reasons Of East Asian Economic Miracle

Institutions Douglass North (1990) explained that institutions are a set of rules or norms in a society which are there to shape human interaction. Institutions form the incentive structure of a society (North 1994). Rodrik (1997) finds evidence on the significance of institutions to the economic success of the HPAE’s. They had a strong authoritarian government and secure property rights which allowed them to create their institutional framework. Hall and Ahmad (2012) found that institutions matter for economic growth in...
2 Pages 798 Words

Low Proficiency In English Language As The Most Significant Barrier For Foreign Students

Language has profound effects on how a person perceives and process a piece of information. For learning purpose, it is indispensable to have the proper knowledge of the language in which one is pursuing a degree. Association of International Student Assimilation (AISA report, 2014) reported that most of the international students show poor academic results and low proficiency in English language is thought to be the biggest reason of their poor academic performance. It is considered that the international students...
2 Pages 808 Words

Gender Issues In Children Play

Gender issues affect boys and men just as much as it affects girls and women, however, it has been found that boys and men tend to not report their anxieties and depression on this subject. The social construction of masculinity could be one factor of the rise in suicides amongst boys and young men. Not feeling comfortable in expressing their feeling in this heteronormative (the assumption people should be and are heterosexual) society. The notion of a being child is...
2 Pages 776 Words

An Example Of An Absurd In Beckett’s Waiting For Godot

Waiting for Godot is a play composed by Samuel Beckett in French between 1948 and 1949. It first premiered in 1953 in Paris and later, in 1955, in London. The theatre of that time consisted of plays, which mirrored everyday life. They were, above all else, grounded in reality. Beckett’s play, compared to its contemporary theatrical counterparts, was quite detached from any “traditional realism” rules. Realism in the sphere of theatre was a movement which began in the 19th century....
2 Pages 809 Words

The Renaissance Value Of Humanism In Tractate The Prince By Niccolò Machiavelli

As a leader living during the Renaissance, I am focused on the qualities of humanism, individualism and secularism based on Machiavelli’s book. The Prince, written by Niccolò Machiavelli, is a guide for successful monarchial rule. From its origins in 14th-century Florence, the Renaissance spread across Europe adapted to local cultural thinking and conditions. The Renaissance value of humanism greatly influences The Prince because Machiavelli, a humanist himself, targets human nature in portraying the ideal monarchy. Humanists of the Renaissance were...
2 Pages 789 Words

Jon Krakauer's Purpose For Writing Into The Wild

American novelist and mountaineer, Jon Krakauer, in his book, Into The Wild, describes the life and death of Christopher McCandless. Krakauer’s purpose is to explain the exact details of McCandless’s final expedition. Krakauer adopts a sympathetic tone to convey to his readers that Chris is extremely gifted and did not die out of stupidity. Krakauer persuades the reader to develop a view that Chris McCandless was more capable and intelligent than most people believed him to be through the application...
2 Pages 795 Words
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