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Social Issues

Harvey Weinstein and Sexual Harassment: Informative Essay

Sexual harassment abuse a person’s body or feelings. As it occurs anywhere and anytime by unscrupulous. Sexual harassment is described as a behavior that has the effect of substantially interfering with a person's life. And it can be variably or physical harassment. The harassment can be a person or group of all types of women or men. Furthermore, one of the stories that had been shared online was an Egyptian girl who’s called “Shiama Khalil” who wrote about her first...
2 Pages 950 Words

Is Google an Ethical Company: Argumentative Essay

Introduction Businesses are facing challenges to conform to professional rules including professional conduct, accountability, fairness, and professional integrity. Through observation, it has been reported that companies conforming to rightful ethical practicing are decreasing significantly. Companies are nowadays bypassing transparency and accountability and start focusing on maximizing the shareholders' return by trying to optimize profits at whatever cost attached to the company's daily operations,( McDonald, G.et al, 2010 In the identification and evaluation of ethical dilemma practices in the corporate world,...
2 Pages 924 Words

Is Google a Monopoly: Argumentative Essay

Google, a corporate titan that has existed for approximately 20 years ago, possesses a massive power that sways large parts of the United States economy and society, ranging from political issues to personal shopping habits, from the stock market to the manufacturing of small businesses. With Google’s enormous size and dominance over the users’ database and economies of scale, some governments have raised their concerns and are gearing up for an antitrust investigation of the company. Body: 1. Why google...
2 Pages 925 Words

Persuasive Speech on Foster Care

Attention- Aviana and Alake. (Pause) They were born October 6th, 2017. Aviana enjoys eating goldfish, playing outside, and riding on little toys. Alake enjoys eating eggs, playing with blocks, and playing outside with his twin sister. These kids seem to be your typical toddlers, but they are not. Their lives started completely different than most peoples have. Their dad passed away from a terminal cancer when they were just a month old. Aside from losing one parent, their mom was...
2 Pages 905 Words

Is Deforestation Worth It: Persuasive Essay

“80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation” -- Heather Mill an activist from England. One of the most discussed topics today is global warming, thanks to activists such as Greta Thunberg, a sixteen year old Swedish girl who recently spoke at the UN, and although deforestation is one of the leading causes of global warming we rarely discuss it and when we do it is brushed over largely. Every day we are losing more than 80,000 acres of...
2 Pages 919 Words

Essay on Abraham Lincoln Vs Whig Party

When Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860, seven slave states seceded from the Union to form the Confederate States of America, with four more joinings when the North and South went to war. The nation was soon engulfed in a violent civil war, with Lincoln vowing to protect the Union, uphold the laws of the United States, and put an end to secession. The war lasted more than four years and resulted in the deaths of almost 600,000 Americans....
2 Pages 948 Words

What Is Room 101 in '1984': Critical Essay

Orwell uses the setting to further express the dangers of totalitarian states in 1984. In Winston’s apartment, Orwell explores the feeling of being constantly watched and monitored, without having any privacy. Winston feels a false sense of security in Mr. Charrington’s room, which is shown by how Orwell wants to show the extent of what the Party is willing to go through in order to maintain power. Feelings of fear arise in Room 101 as Orwell explores the control of...
2 Pages 918 Words

Vaccine and Autism Essay

The Effect of MMR Vaccine Causing Autism Claim: Vaccines are safe Research Question: What percentage of autism in children under the age of 10 is caused by MMR (Measles, Measles, and Rubella) vaccines? Rationale: The MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) vaccine is a method created to prevent a person from receiving Measles, Mumps, and Rubella. The vaccine involves a weekend level of a mixture of three viruses, developed by Maurice Hillman. This vaccine in particular was introduced and licenced around...
2 Pages 950 Words

Social Class Discrimination Essay

When a character is no longer dealt with equally due to the fact of their low stage of wealth, this is known as social classification discrimination. Such discrimination prevents the discriminated people or communities from realizing their full potential. It has an extremely giant influence on society and its stage of development. Social class is typically constructed around aspects like power, status, geographical location, education, occupation, and income. The warfare revolves around two extensive players, which are the decreased category...
2 Pages 912 Words

Persuasive Speech on Gun Violence

Gun violence it's one of the biggest problems not only in America but in the whole world. At least 1.7 million children live with unlocked and loaded firearms, which means that 1 out of 3 homes with children own a gun. Firearms are the second leading cause of death in adolescents, after car crashes. There have been multiple incidents that involved firearms that have impacted the world. The United States has been trying to fix these issues. Firearms are a...
2 Pages 892 Words

Infant Euthanasia Essay

Hallopeau-Siemens Syndrome According to studies by Diedrichson et. al (2005) Hallopeau-Siemens Syndrome is a type of a rare skin disease called Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa. This type of skin disease can be inherited, it is severe and described as a disease wherein the skin is forming a blister and organs are also affected. There are many cases where there are infants born with this disease survive because they experience the mild type of dystrophic epidermolysis. A special case of this type...
2 Pages 895 Words

How Are Frankenstein and Prometheus Alike: Compare and Contrast Essay

Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus was written by Mary Shelley, the novel’s subtitle is named “Or, the Modern Prometheus.” The subtitle suggests the first great scientist of Greek mythology who teaches medicine and science, takes fire from Zeus and gives it to humanity, or constructs a human being from clay. Prometheus was said to be the wisest of all the Titans. He stole fire from the Gods of Mount Olympus. For doing that, he was harshly punished by having an...
2 Pages 946 Words

Honesty in Othello: Critical Essay

Throughout the plot of the play, the character Othello reveals himself as an amoral character. His character is interesting from many perspectives since the protagonist develops from being a heroic and moral individual into a cruel and amoral person, who even kills, as the result of Iago´s insidious machinations. Othello can be described as a foil since he shows the same dishonest and cruel behavior as Iago. At the beginning of the play, Othello is represented as moral, since „he...
2 Pages 943 Words

Domestic Impact of World War 1: Analytical Essay

Introduction Technology did have a significant impact during World War I and is proven by the weaponry (the arms race), aviation, and medical technology used during this event. These three points were all very important during the first war and it would be false to say that it had no impact. BP1 – Weapons and the arms race Weaponry had a significant impact on World War I, in particular, the arms race. The arms race is a competition that takes...
2 Pages 912 Words

Cause and Effect Essay on Gun Violence

Weapon-related viciousness is brutality dedicated to the utilization of a firearm. Weapon-related savagery might be viewed as criminal. Criminal savagery incorporates murder, attack with a destructive weapon, and suicide, or endeavored suicide relying upon ward. Non-criminal savagery incorporates mishap or inadvertent damage and demise. Additionally by and large incorporated into weapon brutality measurements are military or para-military exercises. The United States of America is the second largest country in the world. America is home to 334 mass shootings this year...
2 Pages 914 Words

Capital Punishment in Films: 'The Green Mile': Critical Essay

The Green Mile is an American fantasy, mystery, and crime drama adapted from Stephen King's novel [1996] and directed by Frank Darabont in 1999. The stars of the film are Tom Hanks, which appears as Paul Edgecomb, the commanding officer of the death row cellblock at Cold Mountain Penitentiary in Louisiana, and Michael Clarke Duncan in his breakout of a supporting role as John Coffey, an innocent and physical strong looking black man, placed on a death row for a...
2 Pages 937 Words

Black Lives Matter: Essay Thesis Statement

Thesis Statement: To examine what has gone before and the racial discrimination against blacks to assert that the movement was unsuccessful and what we need to take into consideration going forward. Summary: From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation responds to the topic of 'how did we get here?' Taylor clarifies that 'racial separation, authorized by law in the South and custom and public strategy in the North over a great part of the twentieth century, caused aberrations among Blacks and whites...
2 Pages 882 Words

Hamlet' Summary and Analysis Essay

Description While Polonius and Claudius hide and eavesdrop on Hamlet’s interaction with Ophelia in which he vituperates against her, he breaks into his third and most famous soliloquy which is dominated by reason and not emotional agitation. It questions the righteousness of life over death in moral terms, while much emphasis is on the idea of death as an escape from the misfortunes of life—despite him remaining determined to live in the end and see his revenge through. It uncovers...
2 Pages 903 Words

Argumentative Essay against Homelessness

Why does homelessness still exist? Homelessness is a problem present in the majority of countries around the world today, some with worse rates than others. The word 'homelessness' is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as 'the state of having no home'¹ but the idea of homelessness does not have a universally defined definition and can therefore not always be identified correctly. As of a 2021 survey, 274,000 people were acknowledged as homeless² with no permanent place of residence. According to...
2 Pages 881 Words

What Is the Theme of 'A Raisin in the Sun': Critical Essay

The Theme and Character Development in A Raisin in the Sun In Lorraine Hansberry’s “A Raisin in the Sun”, the American Dream is explored through each character among the different generations during the 1950s. At the beginning of the play, we are introduced to the Youngers that live in Chicago’s Southside in a cramped apartment. We are introduced to Mama, Travis, Beneatha, Ruth, and Walter. However, Mama and Walter undergo major character development. The Youngers have different jobs but also...
2 Pages 902 Words

Written Constitution Is Important: Persuasive Essay

The constitution is the basis of every political system, and without it, the state cannot function properly. The Oxford English Dictionary defines a constitution as a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or organization is governed. There are different types of constitutions, however, in this essay, I will focus on the unwritten constitution. The is one of few democracies in the world which does not have a written constitution. This can be seen as...
2 Pages 944 Words

National Chicken Council and World Watch Essay

Every year millions of people sit down and watch the Superbowl and thousands of those people take part in the yearly tradition of messily stuffing their faces with buffalo wings. This is a very popular food ritual similar to eating turkey on Thanksgiving or Ham on Christmas. There are many ways to get this delicious snack, a common way is from most grocery stores where you can purchase a bag of 10-15 frozen wings you can cook at home. A...
2 Pages 930 Words

Essay on My Favourite Food Chicken

Today I will share with you one of my favorite things to make=satay chicken with a delicious peanut sauce. It is incredibly flavourful and simple to make, so let me share with you the recipe. Prepare the Marinade We are going to start by making the marinade for the chicken. In a medium-sized bowl, add a few tablespoons of 'kecap manis' which is an Indonesian sweet-style soy sauce. If you do not already have this, you should be able to...
2 Pages 881 Words

How Did The Idea of Natural Rights Influence The Declaration of Independence: Analytical Essay

Slavery was introduced when Africans arrived in Jamestown in 1619. They were known as indentured servants who would help grow crops such as tobacco. Years later, slavery became one of the most controversial events in the United States. Slavery would cause the separation of the northern and southern states of the country. It would also lead to many abolition movements and to an important war which is the American Civil War. Slavery would soon end with the Emancipation Proclamation written...
2 Pages 926 Words

The Goal of the Declaration of Independence: Informative Essay

The age-old question is, is the American Dream possible? To answer that old sport, it’s complicated. To review, the American Dream is all about money, fame, and power, but it all must make you happy. It could also be defined as just accomplishing all of your goals set in life, while also achieving wealth and happiness. Achieving the American Dream could be possible old sport, given the best circumstances, but for most people, it is out of their reach, and...
2 Pages 884 Words

Argumentative Essay about Bullying and Telling as a Way to Stop It

Bullies are everywhere. Normally at school, they torment their peers by making fun of them, hitting them, and/or taking something from them. But bullies are usually not supported by others, unless they are bullies as well. However, popular kids are almost always supported. So, what happens when a popular kid is the bully? Would people tell because they are bullying someone, or stay quiet because they are popular? It is a tough choice, but the right one should be obvious...
2 Pages 939 Words

Character Development of Bilbo Baggins in J. R. R. Tolkien's 'The Hobbit': Critical Essay

Throughout J. R. R. Tolkien's novel ‘The Hobbit’, Bilbo changes significantly as a protagonist which is quite evident in the novel. There are many strong references from the novel that clearly states how Bilbo Baggins used to live before undertaking his first quest with the 13 dwarves. In the start, before the adventure takes place, we see Bilbo as a little hobbit who lived quite comfortably in his hobbit hole. Bilbo was a typical hobbit who will not usually take...
2 Pages 939 Words

Destructiveness of Power in William Golding's Novel ‘Lord of the Flies’: Critical Essay

In social science and politics, power is the capacity of an individual to influence the conduct of others. The term 'authority' is often used for power that is perceived as legitimate by the social structure. Throughout the novel ‘Lord of the Flies’, William Golding presents how power can be destructive. It discusses that without law and order, humans revert back to savage and primitive ways. This is demonstrated through the main characters in the novel, Jack and Ralph. Ralph gained...
2 Pages 947 Words

Eating Disorder: Personal Narrative Essay

We are often told that ‘looks don't matter’ and that ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’, but sadly, the eyes see what society deems perfect. We hear these sayings over and over, and yet ironically, these very ideas seem to be contradicted by our own society. If we are beautiful no matter our appearance, why does social media promote a certain body type as flawless? If we are beautiful, how come 1-10 young Australians aged 12 to 17...
2 Pages 938 Words

Why Money Can't Buy Happiness: Persuasive Essay

Happiness is a difficult phrase to define. Everyone possesses specific perspectives of happiness from their very own experience. Some human beings would say money can purchase you happiness due to the fact they presume money may want to supply them power, whilst others disagree. From my very own perspective, I personally consider that money may want to no longer purchase eternal pleasure into your life. Money is a simple want in our lives to purchase our everyday necessitates. Having a...
2 Pages 932 Words
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