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Social Issues

My Own Entrepreneurial Profile and How It Was Influenced by Oprah Winfrey

In this paper I will reflect on my own entrepreneurial profile and how it was influenced by Oprah Winfrey. Oprah Winfrey, in my opinion, has one of the most incredible modern rags-to-riches stories of all time. As you may know, Oprah Winfrey is the wealthiest African American of the twenty-first century, and with a net worth of over $3 billion, she is possibly the most powerful woman on the planet. Given her difficult childhood, her tremendous accomplishment is all the...
2 Pages 930 Words

My Inspiring Journey to Ancient Place in Ethiopia

The first time I listened to this music was way back in 2011 when I and my grandma was on a journey to an ancient place in Ethiopia. The people who live there are mostly not familiar with modern music instruments. They use their own musical instruments and it very fascinating that these people live in their own way. I found it interesting when I first landed at this place and the music that I heard at the moment. Even...
2 Pages 921 Words

My Grandmother Is My Hero

The word ‘hero’ holds significant meaning to me. A hero can be both a role model or a person who takes a bold step that requires braveness. A hero in more classical terms can also be someone who voluntarily puts their life in danger in order to save the life of another. I believe, however, that everyone has their own definition of a ‘hero’. My definition of a hero is someone who is perceptive, big hearted, and is able to...
2 Pages 883 Words

How Is Non-Conformism Related to Bravery in Emerson's View of Self-Reliance: Essay

Non-conformism represents a complicated concept that refers to an individual's refusal to accept the established beliefs, views, opinions, customs, or values. One of well-known non-conformists is Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), an American philosopher and writer. He is characterized as a transcendentalist because of his views on society and individuals. He believes that all people are good in their nature, but the society they live in is highly corrupted. His focus on non-conformism allows him to promote the concept of self-reliance...
2 Pages 939 Words

Essay on Food Culture of Hawaii

A cultural group that has an inviting array of diverse foods is the Polynesians. From traditional poke bowls and laulau to comfort food, such as luau stew and haupia pie, Hawaiians have dishes for every occasion and family-gathering. Sometimes these traditions are altered because of tourists and celebrities that visit the islands, but locals typically adhere to their roots and customs. The food culture of Hawaii fluctuates from tourists, locals, and celebrities and each appreciate it in a different way....
2 Pages 921 Words

Comparing the Heroic Qualities of Beowulf and Oprah Winfrey

The Anglo-Saxon epic poem ‘Beowulf’ deals with good and evil. Beowulf was a responsible, brave, and a strong person. Beowulf was loyal to all his people and kept his word with the people such as willing to risk his life for them which that’s something many people wouldn’t do. Oprah Winfrey was also a responsible, brave, and a strong person. Oprah Winfrey was one of the richest and very influential women in the United States. In my story I will...
2 Pages 922 Words

Comparing Illinois and Alaska State Standards

In this essay I’m going to compare and contrast the Illinois and Alaska state standards. I found it interesting as I was comparing the standards for the two states, for a fourth-grade level. In Illinois, we must distinguish the responsibilities and powers of government officials at the local, state, and national levels. Alaska must apply economic principles to an actual world situation and economic choices that influence and institutional decisions. Both states identify virtues such as honesty, mutual respect, corporation,...
2 Pages 906 Words

Analysis of the Film ‘The Graduate’

‘The Graduate’ had a pivotal job in supporting the change to another period of filmmaking during the 1960s. This film has taught studio heads that great success could be made if aimed to make hipper films that targeted younger audiences during this era. Mike Nichols plays on the age hole in this film, complementing the adolescent by delineating grown-ups as hypocrites while at the same time adding to Hollywood, a prospect to the new generation of youth. In the film...
2 Pages 946 Words

Essay on Inspiring Person: Oprah Winfrey

The greatest transformations come from the smallest changes, a simple change in your behavior that can change your world and reshape your future. From these words, this little girl, who has fought from birth to survive, has started. Her grandmother helped her to form her ambitious character, who became that woman who inspired many other women to confront violence, injustice and to be confident of themselves. Besides their abilities in achieving their dreams. From a teenager who suffers from addiction,...
2 Pages 937 Words

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Food Additives

In the food and beverage sector, food additives are commonly used in foods to add more savory, as well as to improve it texture and appearance. Some additives can be natural or artificial in another term used of food preservation. Popular flavor enhancer which is MSG regulatory added in Asian cuisine, where as an oxidant is used to keep foods fresh. Although, it is often put in food it can also affect consumers’ health while as at the same time...
2 Pages 901 Words

‘Jurassic Park’: Steven Spielberg's Movie Vs Michael Crichton's Novel

The novel ‘Jurassic Park’ was written by Michael Crichton, and published in 1990. Most people know it as the inspiration for Steven Spielberg’s 1993 film, which has gone on to spawn one of the biggest franchises in film history. While both the book and film follow the same basic plot, the film excludes many scenes and storylines so that the story is more streamlined and is confined to just over two hours. Crichton’s novel, a sci-fi thriller, is much darker...
2 Pages 917 Words

Babies': Child Rearing across Cultures

The movie ‘Babies’, produced by Thomas Balmes (2010), is a documentary that follows the lives of four babies from different parts of the world as they interact with their surroundings for the first year of their existence: Ponijao from Namibia, Mari (Japan), Bayar (Mongolia), and Hattie (America). Although there is no narrative in this movie, the similarities and differences in both the parenting practices and children’s development is apparent. The movie utilizes a naturalistic observation approach, choosing to stand back...
2 Pages 941 Words

Essay on 'A Clockwork Orange': Freedom and Determination

‘A Clockwork Orange’ is a film directed and produced by Stanley Kubrick in 1971 in adaptation of the eponymous novel by Anthony Burgess which was published on 1961. Burgess is agitating about the issue of moral. He feels that integrity comes straightforwardly from inside one’s own feeling/heart; it is smarter to pick the terrible than to be constrained into doing the great. By removing an individual's choice is essentially transforming them into a bit of machine making them the way...
2 Pages 950 Words

What It Means to Be Courageous: Essay

Courage is the mental state in different circumstances, and it showed by physical action. It means how we react to different situations. It is an identity that everyone wants. Courage is not the ability that a person builds in his/herself it is a function of our body. Moreover, courage is the thing that helps people to overcome their fears and achieve their goals. Everyone wants to become more courageous because brave people are always successful and achieve their goals. There...
2 Pages 943 Words

What Is the Theme of ‘Persepolis’: Essay

As long as there is injustice in the world, there will be voices of protest. People who stand up against their oppressors, whether it is apparent or not. For instance, in Marjane Satrapi's Autobiographical Graphic Novel Persepolis (2000), she shows forms of silent protest towards the Iranian regime. Similar themes of protest to Persepolis can be seen in an extract of Maya Angelou’s “Still I Rise” a poem about the hardships of overcoming prejudice. Page 131 of Persepolis shows that...
2 Pages 916 Words

What Does Nursing Mean to You: Opinion Essay

The two primary reasons I want to study nursing are: to improve and save people’s lives and to gain financially from the competitive salary in the nursing profession. Secondary reasons for my decision to pursue nursing include traveling the world, enjoying the respect bestowed upon the nursing profession, and gaining a wide range of healthcare skills. I chose to pursue a nursing degree course at the university level to qualify for registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and...
2 Pages 947 Words

What Does It Mean to Love Your Country: Opinion Essay

Love is a great passion. It is natural that man loves his native country. The same is the case with me, I love Pakistan for the fact that I was born into this aromatic soil and raised on its diversity. I`m a part of this soil, thus it calls me onto it. Pakistan has given me an identity, it`s who I am. It`s my homeland, I will always be known as Pakistani .it has given me everything I have. It`s...
2 Pages 884 Words

What Does It Mean to Grow Up: Opinion Essay

I saw a meme on Facebook a while back, showing kids standing on the beach in the sunset, dancing around in the waves. The caption said, 'Remember when we were young and said we couldn't wait to grow up? What were we thinking?!?' And now that we are old enough to appreciate that meme, let's talk about 'growing up and 'personal growth. First of all, what is 'growing up? Well, according to the dictionary, it is 'the process of maturing...
2 Pages 888 Words

What Does It Mean to Be Human: Opinion Essay

Sociologists, Anthropologists, and Psychologists have all attempted to answer the big question, “What does it mean to be human?”. This essay will be referring to the contributions of Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology and how they helped determine what it means to be human. The Sociology concept of Structural functionalism focuses on how humans are the only known species to have social institutions and classes such as the rich and the poor. The Anthropology concept of primatology and special human characteristics...
2 Pages 919 Words

What Did You Do over Christmas Break: Essay

That the drought is significantly impacting Australian farmers, so movements and activism for greater support are vital. Over this most recent Christmas break, I had the opportunity to spend some time with my family in central Queensland. The Svensson family comes from a long line of graziers and farmers, with this past year being especially hard as my uncle has no choice but to spend his months on highways driving hundreds of head of cattle just to find food. There...
2 Pages 928 Words

What Causes Racism: Essay

Racism by definition is any act or belief that denies the rights and needs or that degrades a specific person of a different race or someone from different geographical origins from others. Racism does lead to someone’s dignity and life being perceived as lower than others. Historically, racism was once left out in the dark before it was fought for openly by Antonio de Montesinos in 1511 when he opposed the Spanish Government for treating the native Americans in tyranny...
2 Pages 903 Words

Was the Civil War Inevitable: Argumentative Essay

The Civil War was a complicated event. However, it’s not surprising that a discussion of the causes of the war would also be complicated. Therefore, this essay will organize the major causes of the Civil War into long-term, short-term, and trigger causes that lead to the outbreak of fighting in 1861. Long-term causes are aspects of US history that help us understand how a future civil war would be possible. The settlements between slave states and free states would determine...
2 Pages 942 Words

Trophies for Everyone: Argumentative Essay

In a world outside the bubble of childhood, real-life challenges enter into people’s paths whether they like it or not. It is something inevitable, and it happens in every single person’s life. For this reason, being prepared of losing helps us face the harsh reality of life. Whenever kids join competitions or contests, most of them spend time and effort preparing for these academic events. However, no matter how much effort and time they all put in, there should only...
2 Pages 943 Words

Treatment of African-Americans in The Help: Movie Analysis

Have you ever sent a loved son on vacation and had him returned to you in a pine box, so horribly battered and water-logged that someone needs to tell you this sickening sight is your son – lynched? – Mamie Bradley, Emmet Till’s mother. Racial injustice has been a prevalent issue for centuries, and in twentieth-century Mississippi, segregation, inequality, and discrimination ran rampant, as represented in Tate Taylor’s The Help. Treatment of African-Americans as disposable objects was a common sentiment...
2 Pages 903 Words

The Yellow Wallpaper’ Symbolism: Critical Analysis Essay

During the late 1800s, women and men were not equal, they lived in a society where women were defined as housewives and were expected to take care of their children and husbands for the rest of their lives. The issue connects with the experience of the narrator in the short story The Yellow Wallpaper, written in 1892 by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, focuses on. Gilman’s main reason for creating this story was to make individuals understand the roles in society during...
2 Pages 948 Words

The Help’: Movie Analysis Essay

The Help adaptation of the novel of the same name was released on large screens in 2011, directed by Tate Taylor. According to IMDb, the film's rating is 8 on a scale of 1 out of 10 (IMDb, n.pag.). The film has incorporated many topics and problems that concern almost all of humanity. Even though this is a rather severe drama, there is enough humor in it, which gives the viewer great pleasure. Every detail of the film was worked...
2 Pages 921 Words

Argumentative Essay on 'The Crucible’

The witch trials were a confusing time for people no one knew who or what to believe. Abigail Williams and Tituba in Arthur Miller's Play, The Crucible is two main important characters who could have done more to end the hysteria in Salem. All of the girls were undressed in the woods which led to people being accused of witchcraft. Hysteria is (Exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion or excitement, especially among a group of people). Abby and Tituba started the hysteria...
2 Pages 883 Words

Essay on ‘The Chrysanthemums’: Short Story Analysis

In Literature, symbols are used in order to produce impact and accomplish additional meaning to the story. In stories there is normally always some symbolic meaning behind the authors writing, this reflects the purpose for writing the piece. In his short story “The Chrysanthemums,” John Steinbeck uses symbols to represent the main character, Elisa Allen, who struggles in living in a ‘man’s world.’ The struggles that Elisa Allen experiences relate to the oppression of women, this is when women were...
2 Pages 881 Words

Thank You Essay

I firmly believe that there is a moment in our lives when we find our soulmate. And I'm not talking about any man, let's be clear. I am talking about that person you met and did not like at all, but that ended up entering your life and becoming inseparable. A person who has been with you at any time when you most need it. That person you can call at any time and you know will be there. The...
2 Pages 888 Words

Teachers Should Be Paid More: Persuasive Essay

Considering the significance of teachers, their merit isn't recognized as high as compared to professional athletes, this value can be seen in the huge salary difference between the two occupations. The importance of teachers that should be considered is their contribution to society, they play a hand in the economic growth of the future, their role as individuals who not only give students a formal education, but the ability how to receive it, and how they have a helping hand...
2 Pages 931 Words
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