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Social Issues

Is Dieting Really Good for Us: Argumentative Essay

Within the food industry, there are many ‘taboo’ and secretive aspects, such as sly marketing, reducing serving size, and much more. One tactic commonly practiced, particularly within the world of dieting is the concept of illusion. These days with social media, and the Internet, unrealistic body proportions and expectations are portrayed, causing many to diet excessively, and do what is wrong for their body. Contrary to popular belief, many diets are ineffective. Though their purpose is to keep people fit,...
2 Pages 904 Words

Grendel and His Fatal Belief

While living alongside different beliefs and ideologies can help one live a fulfilling and successful life, author John Gardener demonstrates that having one belief to live by forces one to make illogical decisions that are ultimately detrimental. In the novel ‘Grendel’, the story retells the ancient text ‘Beowulf’ through the perspective of the monster Grendel. As Grendel grows up clashing with the humans to be eventually slain by Beowulf, his actions throughout the story demonstrates how his trust in the...
2 Pages 902 Words

Globalization in Mexico: Pros and Cons

Over 150 years ago, Charles Dickens (1859) began a book with a line that, strangely, describes modern globalization in Mexico very well. It read as follows: “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times”. Like the conflict between values during the mid-1800’s, people are fighting for globalization with people who oppose this movement just as passionately. Can something be both right and wrong at the same time? Of course! Electricity can cook your dinner, light your...
2 Pages 915 Words

Criminology as a Science: Essay

Within this essay I will be discussing whether criminology is a science and the reasons as to why some individuals' opinions may differ. Criminology can be defined as the study of the creation of laws, laws being broken and with both of these factors in mind it also involves the reactions and behaviors caused by society. Criminology is not only linked to laws that have been broken and criminal behavior, it can also be linked to the variety of behaviors...
2 Pages 928 Words

Costa Rica's Steps to Being a More Sustainable Country

In an ever changing and progressively green society all humans, including Costa Ricans are finally adapting to the constant changes to the social, economic and financial benefits of becoming greener. Although not perfect, Costa Rica is making very notable moves towards becoming a more sustainable country. In San Jose, the capital, the largest issue for Costa Rica is carbon emissions, they are the one of the highest emitters within the Central American nations per capita, just behind Mexico and Brazil...
2 Pages 900 Words

Corruption as a Serious Problem in Spain

This can further be seen as a widespread problem through the fact that between July 2015 and December 2016, nearly 1,500 people in Spain faced trial for corruption, with around 70% being convicted as guilty. Also, over the past 30 years many ‘high-up’ figures in Spain have had to go to trial over corruption, including top business officials, ministers, regional presidents, mayors and even members of the royal family. This would suggest that it something that is deeply rooted in...
2 Pages 906 Words

Conceptualizations in Public Policy

Public policy has been thoroughly debated concept ever since its initial conceptualization in the 1950’s, which was interpreted by Harold Lasswell (Birkland, 2001). Although in a very basic sense, it could be defined as the desires and specific values of a governing body. There have been various visualizations that have been associated with public policy through various political actors, as different perspective approaches could completely alter its whole definition. I will be demonstrating two different conceptualizations of public policy, through...
2 Pages 913 Words

Analysis of Lighting in 'The Shawshank Redemption' and Its Impact on Character and Theme

In this paper, I'm going to analyze one of the scenes in ‘The Shawshank Redemption’, namely the scene (0:34:00 - 0:38:51) where Andy helps Hadley with his tax problem and gets beers in return from him. This scene is shot outdoors unlike the majority of the film, which is shot indoors and makes very good use of natural lighting for highlighting key literary elements in the scene. For example, at the start of the scene, in the initial 15 seconds...
2 Pages 905 Words

‘The Truman Show’ and the 'Reality' of the World

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one in which we are stuck and forced to live with. We have an innate belief, or faith in our world, and our reality. This is evident in ‘The Truman Show’, directed by Peter Weir, where Truman Burbank, the protagonist, is born and raised in a mock reality. He grows up having faith that his world is reality, and never questions it. He grows up in a world where his destiny...
2 Pages 888 Words

Ghosts In Literature and Media: Game of Imagination

To say ghosts do not exist would be ignorant because there have been many sightings of them and have been spotted in multiple countries. This idea is based on the ancient tale of a person’s spirit existing separately from their body and continue until death. A ghost could appear in any form but in the same reincarnation of a person. Ghost could appear at any time but in stories and some cultures they are said to come only when they...
2 Pages 889 Words

Without Precedent: Report about Impact of John Marshall on US Constitution

Without Precedent: Chief Justice John Marshall And His Times educates readers about the life of John Marshall and explains his profound impact on the American Constitution. Marshall was able to establish the Constitution's importance through his ability to form a fair consensus, uphold Constitutional laws, remain dedicated, and accommodate for future dynamics. Forming fair consensus was a significant contribution to the Constitution and Marshall demonstrated this in many cases including: Talbot v. Seeman, Marbury v Madison, and in the impeachment...
2 Pages 890 Words

Benefits and Difficulties in Applying Content Marketing Strategies from Organisational Perspective

Nowadays, it is difficult for companies to establish themselves as more and more businesses are emerging on the market. Especially the tourism industry and hospitality industry face constant changes and new trends (Fleischer, Peleg and Rivlin (Byk), 2011). Companies need to manage and invest in their marketing strategy. Moreover, consumers have a large selection of purchasing services and products. Customers are more interested in creating new products and services to meet their needs (Ind and Coates, 2013). Nevertheless, because of...
2 Pages 921 Words

Little Red Riding Hood: Two Interpretations by Perrault and Hopkinson

The fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” has been around for years, and throughout these years has been twisted into various interpretations. We of course have the “Red Riding Hood” we all have familiarization with, by Charles Perrault, which tells the tale of a young girl sent on a journey to her grandmother's house to deliver a basket but meets a sinister wolf on the way. Perrault’s version takes on a more traditional approach compared to Nalo Hopkinson's more modern...
2 Pages 876 Words

Lessons Taught from the Fate of Caesar and Clemene

The narrator has clearly seen many events and the story of each event is told throughout the novel. The story starts off bearing true faith that it is true, because she has either seen the events unfold or have been told firsthand by the involved characters. The way in which this novel is written gives a reader a more intimate encounter with the unfolding events. In the beginning, we are painted the picture of the South American colony Suriname; where...
2 Pages 925 Words

Modern Abolitionism in US Criminal Justice System: Disproportionate Incarceration of Ethnic Minorities

The primary focus of New Right Criminology (NRC) is on the prevention and control of criminal behavior. This is our current system in which the criminals are to be prevented from breaking the criminal law and punished if they do. With origins in Classical Theory, NRC accepts rational choice theory in which people act rationally.it fails to consider why people may choose to break the law; or the concepts of power and structures in society (Haines, White, & Asquith, 2017)....
2 Pages 922 Words

Analysing Effect of Extra Wheels on Speed of Solar Car

Introduction: This report investigates the effect of wheels on the speed of a solar car. This is achieved by considering the effects of force and energy transformation and what happens if extra wheels are added. Force is the act of pushing or pulling on an object with mass that causes it to change velocity (e.g.: accelerating a car). Force is also a vector which means it has both magnitude and direction. Energy transformation aka energy conversion is the act of...
2 Pages 896 Words

The Chrysalids of Whydham: Prejudice, Superstition and Discrimination Shown by Different Literary Devices

The author uses the influence of storytelling to communicate religious persecution as a key concern to their audience. Wyndham uses religious persecution as the main issue to show how it caused individuals to live in fear and its cruel punishments. John Wyndham wrote the Chrysalids during the 1950s. He displayed speculative fiction to the audience by analyzing world trends and problems to contemplate future problems. John Wyndham served for his country during the war showing patriotism and loyalty for his...
2 Pages 902 Words

English Class Reflection Essay

When I first started this English class, I was not sure how well I would do. When I met my professor, Rebecca Samberg, I gained more confidence because she explained the materials in such a way that helped stimulate my interest. I feared I would struggle through the course but being under the supervision of professor Samberg, it got easier for me. Aiming for a grade A average, I doubted myself when our professor asked us to write an essay...
2 Pages 902 Words

Ophelia Painting: Analysis Essay

Millais paints a drowned Ophelia who is at one with mother nature and the river Unity, central focus, death. Colors: Natural, the contrast of bright colors. Her hands upturned as if she is asking a question The contrast between dark and light Half Submerged she becomes part of nature around her Value: The brightness of the flowers and green-ness creates a tone of peace. Whilst her pale face contrasts with the dark Ophelia is Millais's most popular work. Millais as...
2 Pages 931 Words

Notion of Autonomy and Its Application within Medicine: Analytical Essay

Written by Scott Y.H. Kim, this academic article concentrates on bioethics and the particular ethical philosophies that are prominent within the provision of healthcare. The article was written for the philosophy, psychiatry and psychology journal published by John Hopkins University Press in 2013. Through this article, Kim expands on the notion of autonomy and its application within medicine. The presence of autonomy in healthcare stems from the principlism theory, most famously advocated for by Beauchamp and Childress. This dominant approach...
2 Pages 877 Words

Mona Lisa Smile: Analysis Essay

Today we will be discussing “The changing roles and responsibilities of Women: What can modern women learn from film?” In particular, we will be discussing the historical drama Mona Lisa Smile, directed by Mike Newell and released in 2003. So, let’s get into it… For the listeners who are yet to see the film, Mona Lisa Smile follows its protagonist Kathrine Watson, a 30-year-old UCLA graduate student who pursues her desire to make a difference by teaching art history at...
2 Pages 917 Words

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Maya Lin’s Vietnam Veterans Memorial: Critical Analysis

Mary Shelley uses Victor Frankenstein’s creation as a warning towards classicism and rational thinking; something past the boundaries of societal and cultural norm. Firstly, Shelley shows this through each victim, namely Elizabeth Lavenza and Henry Clerval who both appreciate nature and its sublimity when Victor fails to do so as the novel progresses. Victor narrates this thought, as he states, “The delight of Clerval was proportionally greater than mine….,” and Clerval exclaims, “I could pass my life here...and among these...
2 Pages 879 Words

Marx Vs Tocqueville: Analysis of Democracy in America

Marx vs. Tocqueville: Solution to Alienation and Individualism Both Marx and Tocqueville have theorized about community, as well as the implications of the absence of community. The two sociologists have come up with solutions to gain community in order to avoid the opposite, in Marx’s case: alienation, and in Tocqueville’s case: individualism. When looking at both theorists, an important question arises: which solution would be more effective, in order to gain community? In this paper, I will argue that in...
2 Pages 897 Words

Is Ballet a Sport

Impact of Ballet on Human's Body As the body extends, movements expressing each feeling are shown. Dancing is one of the forms of art that allows a person to express his/her creativeness through his/her body movements. It is something that is free and fun but at the same time powerful. According to the Department of Health & Human Services, State Government of Victoria, Australia (2013), dance is a popular recreational activity that can be done by an individual, partners, and...
2 Pages 929 Words

Human-like Qualities of Vampires in TV Series about Buffy: Analytical Essay

Needless to say, their possession of distinctly human-like qualities makes the vampires in Buffy easier for audiences to relate to, reflecting how vampire characters have become far more sympathetic in postmodern Gothic texts. Additionally, it also reflects a shift in the desires of Gothic writers and directors to make their vampires more relatable for their audiences, which obviously reflects a desire within the audiences themselves to be able to understand vampires on a more profound and emotional level. Another important...
2 Pages 945 Words

Greek Theatre Essay

Greek theatre incorporates a wide variety of performance techniques for example mask work, song, exaggerated physicality, and chorus work. Masks were an extremely prominent feature within Greek theatre as they allowed the large audiences to recognize the emotions of the characters making the entire performance understandable and engaging. The masks were used to distinguish sex, age, and social status they also were made with small microphones within the mask which would amplify the actor’s speech allowing vast audiences to hear...
2 Pages 883 Words

Great Gatsby Color Symbolism Essay

After acquainting myself with several The Great Gatsby essay examples and conducting thorough research, I can confidently assert that the color that someone likes the most, more often than not reveals a lot about their personality. With that in mind, Fitzgerald uses certain colors to show certain characters' true intentions and personalities. In the book The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald pushes the idea of the American Dream, and how practically anyone can achieve their dreams if they work hard enough for...
2 Pages 921 Words

Essay on Neo-impressionism: Critical Analysis of The House of the Deaf Woman and the Belfry at Eragny by Camille Pissarro

Introduction I chose The House of the Deaf Woman and the Belfry at Eragny by Camille Pissarro, which I viewed at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. This museum is filled with a lot of history and culture by different artwork done by diverse artists touching on a wide range of themes in the society. from the entrance, I had this excitement that could not go away especially when I set my eyes on the piece of art of my choice....
2 Pages 924 Words

Essay on My Favourite Hobby Photography

In today's society, it is very hard to find a job after graduating from college. Currently, today’s job market requires a very high degree of expertise and knowledge to be able to obtain a good, well-paying job. In fact, with this mindset, freshmen would usually pick a major with a strong workload and challenging classes. Some of these classes would not help them in their field of study and are basically, in my opinion, a waste of time and extra...
2 Pages 908 Words

Dogs Are Better Than Cats Essay

Introduction You have probably been asked at some point in your life if you are a dog person or a cat person. Some people love both animals. But if you had to live with just one, which one would you choose? There has been an ongoing war between 'dog dog' and 'cat' for decades, perhaps even centuries. Now is the time to tackle just for fun. Let's look at some reasons why dogs might be better than cats. Don't worry,...
2 Pages 940 Words
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