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Social Issues

Elizabeth Bennet's Personality Transformation in Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice'

Austen’s quote from Persuasion overtly and skilfully encompasses and defends the idea of how women are capable of self-correcting themselves, being perfectly flawed yet finding the strength in learning from their mistakes, achieving personal growth. In her novels she does not make the central heroine to be perfect, rather highlights their flaws and how they overcome it leading to personal growth. She alluds to how the heroines are capable of realising their mistake and correcting it and making decisions for...
2 Pages 891 Words

Positives and Negatives of Big Data

Big data impacts are day life without many even noticing, but what is big. There are many different definitions of big data. Big data holds large amounts of data from different locations, data types and sources. Due to it having a significant amount of date, there is still high velocity. Producing high speed of data, what is all this is being analyzed and soured by great processer and algorithms. Making it excellent for many large corporations to use for marketing,...
2 Pages 884 Words

Diversity in Business Management: Benefits and Possible Reverse Effects

Diversity may come from many perspectives, it can be as observable as gender, age, nationality, religion, or have more complex definitions like personalities and characters of individuals, different backgrounds and cultures, and distinct mindsets. Conventional speaking, diversity is good for boards and businesses. But when it comes to reality, very few boards would see significant changes and positive returns when pursuing diversity. Instead, many even end up with a vicious circle that can't self-correct. In my perspective, failure to adopt...
2 Pages 889 Words

Alfred Hitchcock's ‘Rear Window’ as a Fresh Perspective of Political Issues and Concerns

Paul Richards once said, “The purpose of appropriation is to see the past with fresh eyes” as films today are changing the ethical and political concerns through the adaptation of McCarthyism, voyeurism and gender roles. However, does the reinterpretation and political concerns take away the fundamental themes of the past? To please the modern audience and adding new techniques to stretch out a feature-length film? Welcome, today I am here to present the overall adaptation of Cornell.W. short text ‘It...
2 Pages 876 Words

Wars and the Army as an Integral Part of Roman Society

Wars and the Military was an integral part of Roman society and most of them are the reason Rome became so big. This can be traced to the founding of Rome where the two brothers Romulus and Remus argued and fought over the location of the city, Romulus won the fight and named the city after himself. Armies were initially volunteers but over time soldiers became paid, so the army was a viable career choice for the poor. Wars were...
2 Pages 949 Words

The Arguments that the American Revolution Was Indeed a 'Revolution'

The American Revolution and its Declaration of Independence are a hallmark to the Enlightenment ideals of individual liberty, social equality, and the opposition to government tyranny and despotism. It persisted from 1775 until 1783 between the mercantile British mother country and its 13 colonies in America. Led by the efforts of Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, John Adams, Abigail Adams, Elizabeth Murray, the prominent Sons and Daughters of Liberty, American colonists waged a war that revolutionized politics, economics, and...
2 Pages 880 Words

The Effectiveness of the SARA Model and the Broken Windows Theory in Policing

In 1983, the four-step approach ‘SARA’ was initiated. It served as a “problem-oriented” approach to combat crimes. Community-oriented policing is a way for law enforcement officials and neighborhood leaders to work together for the good of the community, in which it would help identify and find solutions to problems occurring within that community. The first from the acronym ‘SARA’ is scanning. Scanning looks at reoccurring criminal activity, victims involved, common areas where crimes take place, and the kinds of crimes...
2 Pages 892 Words

Bacon's Rebellion and Its Historical Significance

The Bacon Rebellion is a revolt caused by the settlers of Virginia in 1676. It was a war fought by the native against white colonizers. The revolt caused hundreds of dead whites and Native Amricans in Virginia and Maryland. In the process, Virginia’s capital Jamestown was burned down by Nathaniel Bacon and his followers. The leader of the rebellion was Nathaniel Bacon, who ran against governor Willam Berkeley, and was also a colony settler in Virginia, he was considered the...
2 Pages 888 Words

Positives and Negatives of the Gilded Age

Between the 1870s and 1900s, the United States underwent major changes that led to the increase and growth of big businesses. This was a big turning point for the United States. This led to our economy becoming one of the best in the world. Some things that led to this increase in industrialization were technological advances, an abundance of natural resources, population growth, and improved transportation. First of all, this industrialization period, also known as the Gilded Age, had some...
2 Pages 885 Words

Big Game Hunting Should Be Banned

“Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they’re in the game”, - Rodriguez. Poachers, and rich big game hunters, kill millions of animals each year. Trophy hunters alone, kill over 70,000 animals each year. Despite how much money people make for big game hunting, it should be illegal because it doesn’t only control the animal population it destroys it and causes harm to the environment. Many animals have become endangered or extinct because of big...
2 Pages 878 Words

Alice in Wonderland: Hero or Not

Joseph Campbell wrote about the hero monomyth after he discovered that most hero stories have a common pattern and storyline. Joseph Campbell’s hero monomyth is a theory he proposed that heroes follow in a narrative, especially in an adventure novel. His theory states that almost all heroes follow the steps of this patterned journey. ‘Alice in Wonderland’ in its many media forms has been a very popular children’s story ever since it was published in 1865. The story written by...
2 Pages 932 Words

Supply and Demand in Nigerian Higher Education

Much empirical research has been done on the efficacy of the theory of planned behavior with many findings showing that attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control has positive correlation with behavioral intention for supply and demand of higher education. The theory of planned behavior can be used to explain the differences in behavioral intention and actual usage. The theory of planned behavior (Ajzen l99l) explains that 3 types of beliefs (behavioral, normative, and control) influence an individual. Performance of...
2 Pages 909 Words

Drone Use in Law Enforcement

Drones also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), are small flying robots that are remotely controlled through an embedded software system (Chauhan, 2019, p. 117). Drones are a hard technology that is used throughout the word. Drones are cheaper, smaller and stealthier compared to traditional aircrafts that are piloted, thus, there are a popular tool that is used by law enforcement, in America (Bentley, 2018, p. 250). If drones are used properly by law enforcement it can provide benefits to...
2 Pages 909 Words

iPhone Vs Android: Essay

Introduction We live now in era where almost everything comes down with a smart phone, from a common activity such as communication until now, we can even order a cab or taxi from our phone. It almost impossible to see persons not having a smartphone or even use the old-type phone. No wonder, ever since the industrial revolution 4.0 or even the starting point of millennial era now a smartphone becomes a primary need for everyone. The fact is that...
2 Pages 930 Words

Canada and the Indigenous People

The connection between Aboriginal individuals and the Canadian criminal equity framework is broken, and proof is mounting that an extreme change is essential. An October 2012 report by Canada's Office of the Correctional Investigator found that Aboriginal individuals comprise just 4% of the Canadian populace yet 23% of the government jail prisoner populace, and that the number of inhabitants in Aboriginal individuals detained in Canada has expanded by 40% between 2001-2002 and 2010-2011. The report additionally discovered that Aboriginal individuals...
2 Pages 891 Words

The Link Between Democracy and Market Capitalism: How Private Enterprise Harms Democracy

Democracy and market capitalism are two partners, although there are ample to benefits of their relationship yet market capitalism has extraordinary influential impact on the outcomes of country’s democratic status. The voting system in countries make them more democratic and the term market capitalism means private enterprises where monetary entities are people or other ventures. Some people believe that relationship between democracy and market capitalism is mutually fair but I think that there is need to improve that because it...
2 Pages 914 Words

Key Consequences of the Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution was an era that ranged from the 18th century through the 19th. During this process, machines and new contraptions began to emerge, the idea of future modernization and inventiveness was beginning to enter its prime stage. Industrialization affected the globe with its arising pragmatic ideas. It enhanced several aspects such as the restructuring of societies, money, resources, and even opened up ideas of philosophy. People went out of their way to work outside their homes' local environment...
2 Pages 886 Words

Pros and Cons of Using Animals as Characters in Children's Books and Cartoons

Watching live action flicks and cartoons featuring animals can be engrossing for children. Besides the eye-riveting visuals, some of them impart some powerful messages. Better suited for older kids and adults in terms of the takeaway messages, films like the 2017 Netflix offering “Okja” and now the live action flick “Dumbo” give focus to humanity and social issues. Even adults may just gloss over the heavier message that animals should not be held in captivity or used for human enjoyment....
2 Pages 934 Words

Reflection on the Main Features of Romanticism in Literature

When we first started learning about Romanticism after the study of the Enlightenment, I immediately hated the topic. This was because I thought we would have to learn about PDA, emotions, love triangles etc. I instantly connected the word romantism with romance and love. It felt so normal stereotyping the words without thinking. I soon hated romanticism as who would be interested in a cringy subject? But after writing down notes in class and learning from teachers about Romanticism, if...
2 Pages 888 Words

The Progressive Era and the Elimination of the Problems of Industrialization

Because the world developed, the industry in the United States had to change to catch up the development of the world. Thus, the industrialization era appeared and revolutionized the old industrial ways. However, there were many problems occurring in the process of the industrialization. The problem was closely related to the workers during their jobs. Therefore, the progressive era fixed these problems that the industrialization brought and made it better. The first point that was mentioned is that the progressives...
2 Pages 910 Words

Fatality of Conformity Through Complete Submission to External Norms in Franz Kafka's ‘The Metamorphosis’

In ‘The Metamorphosis’, Franz Kafka depicts Gregor Samsa and his acceptance with the the psychological and mental repercussions of an inalterable physical transformation. The local segregation that Gregor faces within his household parallels to the seclusion of the cultural ‘other’, who lies on the outskirts of societal norms. Throughout history, minority groups have been oppressed by dehumanizing stereotypes and stigmas for conditions of religion, race, gender, or sexuality. Gregor throughout his life has been a nuisance to his surroundings; however...
2 Pages 902 Words

Review of Seamus Heaney’s Poem ‘The Thimble’

Seamus Heaney’s poem ‘The Thimble’ discusses the plethora of uses that a thimble has provided to many different societies and cultures over its time of existence. The thimble is a small closed-end cap worn over people fingertips to protect them from needles while sewing. But ‘The Thimble’ argues that every object is an absent center around which every culture develops a different meaning. The wording by Heaney in the beginning of the poem is sexually suggestive. When he talks about...
2 Pages 912 Words

Positive and Negative Effects of Industrialization

Industrialization, like most things, has positive and negative effects. Industrialization has always benefited the wealthy company owners and has disintegrated the workers’ morale. Overall, it has done more worse than good in the pursuit of advancement. Companies have ignored the ethics of human rights, and the repercussions it would have on the earth’s environment. Due to industrialization, not only does the environment suffer as a consequence, but there are people suffering from the rapid urbanization and sweatshops in developing third...
2 Pages 888 Words

Inside World of Fast Food

For my project I observed the people at my job. I work at Taco Bell, so this group of people consisted of people from the ages of 16-40. The observations I made took place during three different days I worked, observing for a total of 24 hours plus. Stress is a major factor that I discovered taking place during the shifts. Mind set and emotion also play a big role in a work environment because you have to learn to...
2 Pages 940 Words

Malala Yousafzai's Character Traits and Personal Ethics

Malala Yousafzai is an advocate for girls’ right to education, where at the age of only 11 years old she decided to speak on behalf of nearly 60 million children around the world who do not have the freedom to go to school. In 2008, Taliban militants enforced strict rules on the population in northwest Pakistan stopping women from shopping, as well as banning television, music and the education of girls. By the end of the year the Taliban had...
2 Pages 915 Words

Nursing College is So Much More Than Just the Degree

Why College and Nursing College is more than just the degree it promises? At a time when student debts are soaring, one would question why anyone would want to join college. Well, I am already here, fully enrolled and ready for what is likely to be the best and most important experience of my life. College is about the connections that you make. You could be studying, in the same class, with the next Bill Gates or you could easily...
2 Pages 909 Words

Why Is Capitalism Good? Essay

Capitalism is a form of economy driven by economic freedom. In this system, private individuals and corporations own capital and independently decide how to use their capital to make profit. They determine which goods to produce, the quantity to produce and try to sell their goods at a profit based on consumer demands. Producers, motivated by making profit, produce new and more desirable goods that address human needs at lower costs. People benefit from capitalism because they have access to...
2 Pages 931 Words

Purified Beta-Galactosidase for the Treatment of Lactose Intolerance

β-galactosidase is a bacterial enzyme. Study of this enzyme allowed researchers to develop operon model and determine the role of the enzyme in regulating gene expression. Besides this historic significance, β-galactosidase also have essential enzymatic functions, including to hydrolyze lactose into glucose and galactose, to synthesize allolactose by transgalactosylation of lactose, and to produce monosaccharides by cleaving allolactose . Ability of β-galactosidase to hydrolyze lactose is vital for energy production. Resulting products of lactose hydrolyzes enter glycolysis and are converted...
2 Pages 886 Words

The Problem of the Materialistic Nature of American Society

As time goes by the American dream is becoming exceedingly materialistic. I believe that the Americans have always been materialistic to a greater or lesser extent, but I’m very sure when I say, that the world has never been as materialistic as these recent years. If we take a look back in time people aspired of having a job that paid well, so they could live in a house in the suburbs and own one or two nice cars. That...
2 Pages 904 Words

Malala Yousafzai: Fresh Face of Youth

From ancient times till today womankind is the pillar behind all minor and major contributions to nearly every positive change around us. However, hardly females were appreciated and gave their deserving position in society. Women were always considered secondary to men in nearly every sphere. Past times had victimized that harshest behavior against feminine, where their development graph was constantly declining. So, to fight against those who dominated women number of voices was raised. Many souls came and went, but...
2 Pages 878 Words
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